100th Day of School Preschool Activities (2024)

Preschoolers love celebrations, and celebrating 100 days of learning is a big deal! 100 Days of school is a long time, and preschoolers will definitely be proud to celebrate this big milestone. There are so many unique and hands-on activities to incorporate in your early education classrooms that preschoolers will love. The 100th day of school is a day students will look forward to and remember throughout their educational journey. We’ve included some of our favorites.

One of the most important things to remember when celebrating the 100th day of school is to keep things light, fun, and age-appropriate. Preschoolers are fascinated by the number 100 and are working to understand the concept of numerical value. Now is a great time to teach them a bit more about the number 100. Here is a list of some of our favorite recommendations.

100th Day Decorations

It's not a celebration without a treat bags, crowns, and buntings. This is an easy and no-prep activity that is a sure way to get your preschooler excited for their 100th day of school celebration.
We've created this 100th day of School Party Pack exclusive to our members. Pre-K Printable Club Members: Log in and visit the shop listing to get this pack for free.

Members: Get this in our shop!

100 Snacks

One of the best aspects of celebrating 100 days of school is watching preschooler's knowledge of the number 100 expand as they are immersed in learning all about 100. Watch your preschoolers excitement when you tell them they get to eat 100 snacks. You'll need ten different sets of snacks, we recommend pre-dividing them into paper cups. Pretzels, club crackers, mini marshmallows, popcorn and cereal all make great snacks!

100s Collage

Invite your preschoolers to make individual or group collages with 100 different items. Teachers, this is a great time to clean out some of those extra pieces of fabric and felt you've had stashed away! Create an invitation to create with various materials like buttons, gems, googly eyes, and some of your other favorite craft materials. Preschoolers will create a collage with 100 different items, a great way to encourage counting practice!

10 in 10 Frames

Ten frames are an excellent tool to utilize when teaching preschoolers how to count. Maybe you already use ten frames with your little learners or they could be a new tool you are utilizing. Either way the 100th day of school is an excellent opportunity to work together with your preschoolers to fill the ten frames to 100. If you're interested in diving deeper into ten frames check out this blog post.

Ten Frames from our Pets Activity Pack

100th Day Songs

Get your preschoolers up and moving while learning how to count to 100. By no means do we expect preschoolers to be able to count to 100 but with fun songs and dances they will definitely enjoy the practice.

100 Days of School Kiboomers Song
Count to 100 by 1s Jack Hartman

Count to 100 Silly Song Jack Hartman
Jumping for 100 Seconds Song

Dress Like Your 100

Preschoolers love to dress up so encouraging them to dress like their 100 is a super fun way to celebrate a 100 days of school in your early learning classrooms. You can even create a photo booth or a photo wall to snap some pictures.

Learn to Use an Abacus

This is a perfect opportunity to introduce an abacus to preschoolers. These are great tools for teaching children about counting, grouping, adding, and subtracting

100 Things Scavenger Hunt

Set-up a scavenger hunt for your preschool students and encourage them to find 100 things. You can divide students up in teams or pairs that way not everyone is searching for 100 things. Scavenger hunts are great for our curious learners because they allow preschoolers to practice problem-solving in a tangible way.

100 Years Old Portrait

What will you look like at 100? A great question to ask preschoolers! What does a 100 year old wear? What do they do? This is such a fun way to get preschoolers thinking about different ages and then encourage them to draw a picture of themselves at 100. This will be a great keepsake for parents to hang onto.

100 Dollars

Asking preschoolers life questions is always so much fun, their answers are always so creative and well-thought out. But, it's a great way for teachers to see the world through their students eyes. You can turn this into a dictation drawing activity by asking your preschoolers to tell you what they would buy with 100 dollars and they can draw their answers. The responses are always so fun to read!

100th Day Books

Books are one of the best ways to learn about holidays and celebrations. Read-alouds also teach preschoolers new words while improving their information-processing skills. And there are so many fun books that will not only entertain your preschoolers but teach them more about the number 100! Here is a list of some of our favorites:

The 100th Hats of the Cat in the Hat
100th Day Worries
The Night Before the 100th Day of School
Biscuits 100th Day of School

The 100th day of school is not only a big milestone but a great way to celebrate all of the accomplishments you and your students have made this year. One hundred days of school is a long time full of learning, growing, and making memories! Looking back to the first day of school, I bet you wouldn’t believe how far your little learners have come. Use today to celebrate all of the growth. We hope you have a great time celebrating the 100th day with your students, and we can’t wait to hear what activity was your favorite!

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100th Day of School Preschool Activities (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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