15 Summer of Fun Slingshot Ride Ideas | Polaris Slingshot (2024)

You’ve waited months for these treasured moments. The weather, the freedom, time away from work, the kids – or just a quick weekend trip. The added hours of daylight mean more adventuring and the open road is calling your name.

The Polaris Slingshot Summer of Fun is about embracing the joy, exhilaration and freedom of long rides on winding empty roads. Or ripping through the city and turning a few curious heads. Truly, this isn’t about the Slingshot. It’s about where the Slingshot can take you. The memories you create, the sunsets you’ll see, and the new friends you’ll make along the way. It’s about feeling the stress of everyday life melt away as the engine roars beneath you.

To kick off the Polaris Slingshot Summer of Fun, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite 15 summer rides, trips, and ideas for your Polaris Slingshot. And for non-owners who want to get in on the action, simply book a test drive at a local participating dealer to enter for a chance to win a free trip to Hana, Hawaii.

Owners, snap a picture of your Slingshot ride and share it on, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #SlingshotSummerFun. It’s that easy! Whether you’re an owner or enthusiastic test driver, here are 15 summer rides you shouldn’t pass up.

1. Fun on the Water

If you’re lucky enough to live near the ocean, lakes, or major rivers, there are few trips out there more relaxing than taking your Slingshot for a ride along the water. Feel the revving engine of your Slingshot as the waters bring your soul the calm you’ve been craving all week long.

2. Sunset Ride

With the added hours that summer brings, you can leave work or your house with plenty of time for an epic sunset ride. Find some country backroads, old county highways, or scenic routes for a couple hours on the road as the blazing sun sets, and your Slingshot blazes across the pavement. Add your favorite tunes, and voila! It’s perfect.

3. City Slicker

You don’t need to live in NYC to get the thrill of a city ride. Hop in your Slingshot and head for the nearest metro to enjoy that almost famous feeling the Slingshot magically provides. Keep your eyes on the road as everyone else’s eyes are glued on you. Get ready to be asked, “What is that thing?”Stop off at your favorite club, stadium, or park and let your Slingshot do the rest.

4. National Park or Monument Ride

Nearly every great state in our country offers a national park, monument or attraction. Your open-air Slingshot is the perfect companion for exploring the natural beauty of your state’s national parks. Recede into the wilderness and get away from it all by scheduling a weekend road trip with your favorite companion to a park, monument, or local attraction.

5. Graffiti Hopping

Just like the street art featured in many metros, your Slingshot is the perfect statement piece. Hop from one street art project to another, and put your vehicle in its natural habitat – an art jungle infused with creative energy.

6. Watch Fireworks from Your co*ckpit

Take your Slingshot for a spin under the showering joy of a local fireworks display? The 4th of July isn’t your only opportunity. Look to your state fair, outdoor events, or even concert listings for some fireworks. Plan an epic ride that ends in watching the night sky explode from the comfort of your very own Slingshot co*ckpit.

7. The Big Game

Baseball season is in full swing, but that’s by no means the only sporting event happening this summer. Your Slingshot offers the most fun you can have on your way to and from the big game. Grab some tickets, fire up your Slingshot and head to the game in greater class and comfort.

8. Ice Cream Stop

Nothing screams summer more than a stop at your favorite local ice cream shop. Grab a buddy, pick your favorite flavor and get on the road. Whether you’re going 6 blocks or 6 miles, the satisfaction of a sunny Slingshot ride that ends in some cold ice cream can’t be beat.

9. Take the Scenic Route

Infrastructure upgrades to our freeways and highways can get you where you need to go in a hurry, but they can’t replace the freewheeling joy experienced on a byway or scenic route. Nearly every state has historic streets, scenic routes, or alternative highways for joyriding. Do some local Internet research, hop in the Slingshot and hit the road for a real historic treat.

10. Hit the Fair or Farmer’s Market

Thinking about hitting your feelgood county fair, art fair, or stopping by the farmer’s market for some fresh produce or flowers? There’s no better way to roll up than in your Polaris Slingshot. Nearly every county, city and state have a fair, farmer’s market or art fair during the summer. Find yours, and roll up in style!

11. Drive-in Movie

Nostalgic, fun, and even more romantic in your Slingshot – heading to a drive-in movie makes for great summer memories. The comfortable and open-air profile of the Slingshot is perfect for watching a blockbuster on the big screen on a cool summer night. And if the movie is no good? You get a fast and furious joyride home at the end of the night.

12. Find Some Twists & Turns

Slingshot owners are quick to admit that hopping in the co*ckpit can make you feel like you’re stepping into a racecar. Mountains, rolling hills, twists and turns are where the Slingshot finds its sweet spot. Get out and enjoy all your local terrain has to offer but be sure to wear a helmet, and always drive safe.

13. Go for a Dinner Date

Summer is all about getting out of the house, changing up your routine and treating yourself to a nice meal once in a while. With room for leftovers and one passenger, your Slingshot can make any dinner date that much more fun.

14. Enjoy a Weekend Picnic

Pack a small picnic bag and hit the road with your favorite friend. With power, acceleration and head-turning looks, your Slingshot can get you to the most scenic picnic spots around in style.

15. Stop by an Orchard, Hobby Farm or Winery

While we might not all live in Napa Valley, every great state can offer an orchard, hobby farm, or other countryside retreat worth visiting. Hop in your Slingshot and head for the country to find that open-road relaxation you’ve been craving, with a nice pitstop at an orchard, hobby farm, or winery.

Have a few Summer of Fun trip ideas of your own? We’d love to hear them. Hop on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, use the hashtag #SlingshotSummerFun and let us know what we missed!

Don’t forget to visit our Summer of Fun page to learn more about our sweepstakes and to stay up to speed on all things Polaris Slingshot.

15 Summer of Fun Slingshot Ride Ideas | Polaris Slingshot (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.