20+ Fun Ideas To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work (2024)

best valentine's day work ideas for the office

this article will feature 20+ team building ideas for valentine’s day, including games, gift ideas, fun workshops, icebreakers, and more!

Taking the time to show your team that their efforts and hard work are seen and recognized and deserve to be celebrated and rewarded will boost and improve employee engagement. This Valentine’s Day, you have the opportunity to connect and bond with your team and celebrate this super fun holiday! These efforts will result in result in a better working environment and happier employees in the long term.

We hope this list serves as inspiration. Whether you send your team a sweet Valentine, host an interactive session, or play a game together, Valentine’s Day is a great excuse and an opportunity for some good old employee appreciation.

  1. Show your appreciation

1. Team Appreciation Bulletin

Show your team how much you appreciate them, and give them the tools to share this sentiment with one another!

  • Recognize your team: Give your team a shout-out on social media and let your audience know how much they mean to you; this will be great to see for your team! For a personalized message, you could design a Kudoboard where your employees could share their memories and highlights with different team members. You can even give your team prompts like ‘someone who will lend a hand’ or ‘someone who cheers me up’; a personalized compliment is always best!

  • Team Appreciation: For some peer-to-peer recognition, Nectar is an awesome employee recognition program. It is guided by core organizational values and allows employees to reward other employees for their hard work and efforts. There are different forms of recognition, including awards and rewards, and you can even streamline it into your current platforms, such as Slack or Teams. It is a game-changer when it comes to employee appreciation!

20+ Fun Ideas To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work (1)

2. Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Send your team a Valentine’s Day gift to celebrate this love-filled holiday!

20+ Fun Ideas To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work (2)

3. Charity Team Building

Share the love, and give back this Valentine’s Day with some charity team building. Bringing your team together to support your community will help foster a sense of teamwork while helping those who will appreciate a little extra love!

  • Veterans And Seniors: Show our service members and veterans your appreciation by supporting Valentine's For Veteransor join the Cupid Crewand send love to older Americans who may be more at risk of isolation this Valentine's Day.

  • Foster Children: Ask your team to work together for an organization like Together We Rise, which supports and helps children in foster care. Your team can decorate ‘sweet cases’ for foster children to carry their belongings, decorate birthday boxes or STEM boxes, or even build bikes and skateboards!

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1. Cookie Decorating: Invite your team to a fun and sweet Valentine’s Day experience: cookie decorating! Send them all-inclusive kits with plain cookies, icing, and icing dye. An experienced instructor will show your team basic techniques like outlining and flooding, and show them how to recreate fun and accessible Valentine’s Day designs. To elevate this experience, you can even hold a contest for the most creative design!

2. Chocolate Truffle Making: Nothing says Valentine’s Day like chocolate, so send your team a fun chocolate-making experience right to their door! Your team can learn how to make rich and decadent chocolate truffles with premium Valhrona chocolate and make delicious flavor-combo truffles like sea salt caramel mocha and dark chocolate raspberry. These treats are as simple as they are yummy!

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3. Hot Chocolate Bomb Making: Your team can learn how to make an impressive treat like a hot chocolate bomb! They will learn how to assemble, fill and decorate their chocolate bomb, and then, they get to enjoy it! They can add all their favorite hot cocoa toppings like cocoa powder, sprinkles, and marshmallows!

3. Valentine’s Day Arts & Crafts

1. Candle Making: Candle making may sound intimidating, but it’s far from it! Send your team an all-inclusive kit with all the tools and ingredients necessary, like premium soy wax and essential oils, to assemble their candles. They will learn a new craft and have a beautiful end product they can enjoy at home!

2. Card Decorating: Valentine’s Day is all about sharing love, and what better way than a handmade card? In this card decorating class, your team will learn how to create a homemade card and practice various calligraphy techniques, fonts, and writing styles. Then, they will assemble and decorate their card, and it is ready to be given to a loved one!

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3. Origami: Origami is an ancient practice and remains an impressive craft and skill today. Origami may seem daunting, but the right instructor will make it accessible for anyone; no experience is needed! In this origami class, your team will learn to make Valentine’s Day-themed origami models like flowers, hearts, and even a bouquet of flowers!


1. Movie Night: To celebrate Valentine’s Day, wrap up the workday early and invite your team to a watch party! Send out a poll and let your team choose what movie they would like to watch, and everyone can join Teleparty. You can choose a 90’s classic like 10 Things I Hate About You, a 2000s rom-com like 13 Going On 30, or a modern classic like Crazy Rich Asians. Be wise about your choice, and gauge an appropriate movie menu for your team!

To add to the movie-theatre experience, send your team a delightful movie snack box or an international snack box with unique and yummy treats.

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2. Cooking Class: Celebrate Valentine’s Day and give your teams a unique gift: a cooking class. Send your teams to faraway lands (virtually) and invite experts to share their knowledge and expertise with your employees. They can learn how to make delicious homemade pasta and/or tiramisu with authentic Italian instructors or make an impressive dessert like mi-cuit au chocolate with a classic French-trained chef. What a perfect Valentine’s Day menu!

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3. Happy Hour

Mixology: Invite your team to a fun mixology session where they will learn how to stir, shake and pour delicious mocktails and co*cktails! Your team will receive a fun co*cktail-making and the ingredients needed to make three tasty Valentine’s Day-themed drinks. Then, they can share their knowledge with their loved ones!

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Wine Tasting Class: Treat your team to a unique Valentine’s Day experience: a wine tasting! Choose from our wide range of experiences including a classic wine tasting, a charcuterie board making experience, a wine and craft session, or even a chocolate and wine pairing experience. There is something for everyone!


Use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity for colleagues to bond, connect, and build memories. A fun Valentine’s Day icebreaker game can help your teams unwind, relax from a hectic week, and focus on team building!

  • Speed Dating: Play a round of Speed Dating (minus the dating) and help your teams build relationships with some fun get-to-know-you questions. You can work on rounds, starting with professional questions about college, careers, and jobs, and work their way up to fun and funny questions and then end with some deeper questions.

  • Trivia: Find out who among is full of love knowledge with a fun game of Valentine’s Day Trivia and Valentine’s Day Movie Trivia! Your team can work together and compete against each other to earn bragging rights and possibly a fun prize if you can arrange it.

  • This Or That: Valentine’s Day This Or That questions are a quick and easy way to kick off any meeting, corporate event, or Valentine’s Day team building session. Invite your team to play this fun game, and encourage justifications for their opinions, especially on controversial topics like candy and movies. So fun!

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6. VALENTINE’S DAy wellness experiences

The big focus around Valentine’s Day is our love towards others, but what about ourselves? Remind your team about the importance of self-care and looking after your own well-being with a virtual wellness experience.

  • Virtual Yoga and Meditation: Invite your team to unwind with a relaxing yoga or meditation experience. These classes will encourage your team to prioritize their well-being and give them the tools to practice mindfulness. Yoga and meditation are ancient practices that continue to be used today for their many benefits and can work great as a team building experience to help teams connect and bond.

  • Self-Care Subscription Box: Help your team on their self-care journey with a fun gift like a calm box full of curated mindfulness items for stress relief, a slumber box to help your team with their sleep hygiene and nighttime routine, or an energy-boosting aromatherapy gift box.

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KraftyLab is a leadingteam building events company providing corporate team building activitiesacross the US & Canada. Our focus is on providing fun and engaging activities and games wherever your team may be!

for more team building ideas check out our blog

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20+ Fun Ideas To Celebrate Valentine's Day At Work (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.