27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (2024)

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (1)

A collection of the BEST easy monkey bread recipes!

All the monkey bread recipes you will ever need, and EASY, at that. For all occasions, and for all ‘flavor preferences’. You like fruity stuff? I’ve got monkey bread recipes featuring fruit. Breakfast monkey breads? Got ’em, both sweet AND savory. Like, one of these has bacon and eggs in it!

Want super over-the-top, ultra-decadent, sinful, and ridiculous monkey bread recipes? Ones that have candy bars stuffed into every bite? Or are oozing with caramel and chocolate? Drenched in a peanut butter glaze, and nestled with Reese’s cups? Those are here too.

What about a monkey bread recipe for fall/Thanksgiving or Christmastime? Yes, and yes!!

Even savory… did you know that pretzel monkey bread exists?That is damn genius. Pizza monkey bread is a close second.

I’ve got you covered. I researched and dug around for the BEST and most magical easy monkey bread recipes that you NEED in your life, and here they are.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (2)

Breakfasty monkey bread recipes!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (3)27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (4)

Honey Cinnamon Monkey Bread:Sweet, sticky, short-cut monkey bread made with flaky honey-butter biscuits, and drenched in honey-cinnamon syrup! 10 minute prep! This needs to accompany your morning pot of coffee.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (5)

Slow-Cooker Monkey Bread: A classic! It’s still quick and easy to prep because the dough proofs in the slow-cooker. Everyone needs this staple monkey bread recipe in their arsenal.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (6)

Praline-Pecan Monkey Bread: Stunning. I can’t stop staring at the smothering of syrup on this bread.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (7)

Mimosa Monkey Bread: It’s made with Prosecco! It’s boozy! If there’s a better brunch monkey bread, I don’t know what it could be.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (8)

Bacon Egg & Cheese Monkey Bread: Amazing, right? And drizzled with a sour cream & dijon sauce. So fantastic.

Fruity monkey bread recipes!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (9)

Banana Bread Monkey Bread: Like bananas foster over soft pillows of yummy carbs.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (10)

Lemon Blueberry Pull-Apart Bread recipe: Each soft, squishy piece of dough is rolled in butter and lemon-sugar, then buried with fresh blueberries, and drenched in lemon glaze! There are not enough heart emojis.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (11)

Glazed Lemon Monkey Bread: Lemon lovers – this is for you!!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (12)

Sweet Orange Cinnamon Pull-Apart Bread: You know those insanely delicious orange sweet rolls in a can? I’m not knocking those things, but a homemade version? Hiiiiiii.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (13)

Strawberry Monkey Bread: Well, this takes a little longer to make because the dough is homemade, but it’s still easy, and do you see it? Oh. my. goodness. Those sweet, macerated strawberries are bliss.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (14)

Apple Pecan Monkey Bread: So glazed and sticky, it actually glistens.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (15)

Raspberry Chocolate Chip Monkey Bread: Loadedwith fresh raspberries, and melty chocolate chips.

Dessert recipes for monkey bread!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (16)

Snickers Monkey Bread: The ultimate monkey bread recipes involve filling each piece of dough with a candy bar. This is chocolate, caramel, and peanut heaven!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (17)

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Monkey Bread recipe:With a mini Reese’s cup inside each bite of monkey bread, and drenched in peanut butter glaze, the decadence is unmatched here!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (18)

Rolo Monkey Bread: Talk about ooey-gooey.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (19)

S’mores Monkey Bread: It has chocolate, marshmallows, and graham cracker crumbs, baked right in.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (20)

Chocolate Cherry Monkey Bread: With cherry pie filling and chocolate chunks, I love this classic combo of flavors.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (21)

Chocolate Monkey Bread:Chocolate sinfulness abounds!

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (22)

Nutella and Cream Cheese-Stuffed Monkey Bread recipe: Say no more… the name tells me everything I need to know. And honestly, it had me at ‘Nutella’.


27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (23)

Pumpkin Spice Monkey Bread with Cream Cheese Glaze: There is not one crevice of this monkey bread that isn’t coated in pumpkin spice or glaze. WOW.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (24)

Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Monkey Bread: This is my speed because I want to make as many things as possible in the slow-cooker, and does a person ever really have enough pumpkin recipes? Nope.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (25)

Gingerbread Monkey Bread: Whaaaat? Genius. This is SO happening at Christmastime. I’m anxious to make it now, and it’s June.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (26)

Cranberry Orange Monkey Bread: For the holidays, this is the most perfect flavor duo! What gorgeousnessfor Christmas brunch.


27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (27)

Pretzel Monkey Bread with Honey Mustard Dip: I’m losing my mind over this recipe! You guys know I have a serious soft spot for all thingspretzel. Isn’t this brilliant?

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (28)

Savory Monkey Bread: One of the prettiest recipes of the bunch! Look at all the different colors.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (29)

Garlic Parmesan Monkey Bread: Cannot go wrong here. Garlic and Parmesan belong together, and they belong together with bread.

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (30)

Pizza Monkey Bread: It’s made to tear & share, but you won’t want to.

What’s your favorite? Which ones do you have to make right.this.second? How about all of them! I seriously can’t choose, but I’m so happy to have this ultimate list of easy monkey bread recipes!

You may also like:

CranberryOrange Walnut Sweet Rolls

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (31)

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Pancakes

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (32)

Giant Pumpkin Caramel Pecan SkilletCinnamon Roll

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (33)

Easy Pumpkin Pecan Pull-Apart Bread

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (34)

Homemade Soft Pretzels Recipe

27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (35)

Related Recipes

  • Candy Bar Monkey Bread
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Monkey Bread Recipe (Easy)
  • Apple Pie Monkey Bread
27 Absurdly Easy Monkey Bread Recipes For All Occasions! - The Gold Lining Girl (2024)


What American president made monkey bread popular by serving the dessert at the White House during Christmas? ›

During the 1980s, Nancy Reagan popularized serving monkey bread during Christmas by making it a staple of the Reagan White House Christmas.

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Fazekas traced the dessert back to the 1880s, claiming that it was Hungarian immigrants who introduced it to the United States. Fazekas named Hungarian Jewish bakers as the heroes of the story. In the middle of the twentieth century, it was they who made aranygaluska popular with American society.

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Homemade Monkey Bread Dough

Nothing compares to the flavor of homemade and you'll be surprised how quickly the dough comes together. You can even get started on the dough the night before! This is a rich dough, which means that it's prepared with fat like milk, butter, and eggs.

Is monkey bread a southern thing? ›

to get right. Chef Thomas nailed it on the first try for.

What's another name for monkey bread? ›

Because of how long the dish has been around, it has many names. You may even know some. Common alternatives are Hungarian coffee cake, Christmas delights, and sticky bread.

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Dating back to the 1880s in Hungarian literature, Hungarian immigrants brought this dish with them when they immigrated to America and began introducing it into the country's food landscape when Hungarian and Hungarian Jewish bakeries began selling it in the mid-twentieth century.

What fruit is called monkey bread? ›

Baobab is a fruit grown in Africa. Pronounced as “bau-bab,” this fruit grows on trees that can be over 1,000 years old. A baobab tree may also be called a monkey bread tree, Ethiopian sour gourd, cream of tartar tree and even upside-down tree.

What is another name for the monkey bread tree? ›

Common names for the baobab include monkey-bread tree, upside-down tree, and cream of tartar tree.

What can I use instead of a bundt pan for monkey bread? ›

While most monkey bread recipes are typically made in a bundt pan, this recipe instructs you to make the monkey bread in a loaf pan. You get a smaller batch of monkey bread, perfect for serving 4 to 6 people! The best part?

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Eating Jewish: Aranygaluska, or "Hungarian monkey bread"

Which president started the tradition of a yearly tree lighting ceremony at the White House? ›

The National Christmas Tree Lighting first began in 1923 under President Calvin Coolidge. The tree is decorated every year with thousands of lights and unique decorations.

Where does the president eat in the White House? ›

The President's Dining Room is a dining room located in the northwest corner of the second floor of the White House. It is located directly above the Family Dining Room on the State Floor and looks out upon the North Lawn.

What is the meaning of monkey bread? ›

/ˈmʌŋ.ki ˌbred/ a sweet food made from small balls of bread dough (= a mixture made of flour and water) that have been covered in butter and baked together: Monkey bread is easy to separate once it is cooked. lenazap/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.