27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (2024)

Are you a room mom or a classroom helper at your children's school? If the classroom door is still plain and boring, it's time to get creative and help decorate for Valentine's Day. There's no need to scour Pinterest for ideas. I've got you covered with 27 creative classroom door decorations for Valentine's Day.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (1)

RELATED: Teacher Appreciation Door Ideas Part 1, Teacher Appreciation Door Ideas Part 2, Best Classroom Door Ideas for Halloween, Totally Cool Back-to-School Door Decorating Ideas

I searched my school and the internet to find these fantastic ideas for you. Parents are so creative! Since most of these ideas were simply photos uploaded to Pinterest with no credit given, I can't give credit to most of the images. I've given credit where possible. I think you'll recognize which photos were taken by me. Ready for the first idea? Here we go!

Classroom DoorDecorations from the Heart

These next ideas all relate to hearts. If you can cut out a heart, you can probably manage these ideas.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (2)

I love this idea for making a fake box of SweetHearts! So cute! I suppose if you didn't have the time to create a giant box from scratch, you could cover several cereal boxes and have more than one box on the door.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (3)

If the box idea is too daunting, skip the box, and try this idea instead! "We're a bunch of SweetHearts"

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (4)

I love this unique idea with an old fashioned "Boom Box." Who remembers those? I do!!! Our Hearts Beat for ____. Fill in the teacher's name or grade.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (5)

The real string is my favorite part on these paper heart balloons. "Love is in the air!"

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (6)

Or, try this version of the same idea. Each student can design their own balloon to float away in the cotton ball clouds.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (7)

I love this idea because the ice skating bear makes this door idea work well through January and February.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (8)

Need a super simple and quick idea? You can't beat this one. Just cut out Xs, Os, and hearts on the school die cut machine for a speedy hugs and kisses door with high impact.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (9)

Here's another simple idea with paper hearts and bold block letters.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (10)

Turn hearts into fish, seaweed, and bubbles for this unique Love fish idea.

Clever Classroom Door Decorations

If you're more into door ideas with clever sayings, these next classroom doors might be right up your alley.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (11)

If you're into Twitter, you'll love this fun idea. "Our class is something to tweet about!"

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (12)

Or, use birds for this adorable "Tweethearts" classroom door decorations idea from Life in First Grade.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (13)

Ahh -- the mustache craze. So much fun! Here's the simple version. "I mustache you . . . "

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (14)

And, for those of you with a little bit more time to plan ahead and take pictures . . . isn't this adorable?

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (15)

This "toad-a-ly awesome bulletin board could easily be adapted to any classroom door.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (16)

"Owl" love you forever. Enough said.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (17)

These love bugs make a great classroom art project that easily transfers to a fun classroom door. Check out my love bugs Valentine craft, here.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (18)

I love the class pictures peeking out from the love notes on this adorable door. "Sending Love Your Way!"

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (19)

If your child's teacher is a coffee lover, he or she will love this "Love you Latte" idea.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (20)

This clever puzzle idea is perfect for decorating door of the speech teacher. "We go together like letters and sounds." It would work for a reading specialist, too.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (21)

I love this idea for the librarian's door. "Books are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (22)

This clever "time for learning" idea combines what the kids are learning in math with a fun Valentine classroom door idea.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (23)

Love this play on words with a lamb: Will "ewe" be my Valentine? (I remember that idea from when I was a kid!)

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (24)

I love that this "Bee Mine" idea is so simple and cute! You could make the bees as detailed or as simple as you'd like.

Classroom Door Decorating Ideas with Character

Are you into movie characters? Here are two of my favorites that adapt easily to fun classroom door decorations: Minions and Olaf!

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (25)

Substitute any grade or teacher for an easy "One in a Minon" door idea. (You know I how much I love Minions. Check out another Minions door idea here, and don't miss my Minion birthday party ideas.)

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (26)

Another character favorite for me --- Olaf! Love is an Open Door! (Now you're going to be singing that song all day! Sorry.) If your child is Olaf obsessed, be sure to check out these Olaf classroom valentine ideas: Valentine, you're worth melting for & Sending you a warm hug, Valentine.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (27)

If the above door challenges your craft skills, skip papering the door and go for snow and hearts instead of grass and flowers. It's just as cute with a little bit less work.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (28)

I love this Olaf idea from Sew Crafty Mommy, too. "Olaf" this class! So clever.

RELATED: Frozen Party ideas

There you have it. Twenty-seven brilliant ideas to save you time. Good luck with your door decorating. I'd love to hear which door you choose and how it turns out!

Thanks for stopping by today. Be sure to check out more fun ideas by clicking on the images below.

Click on the images below to visit the posts.

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (32)

27 Creative Classroom Door Decorations for Valentine's Day (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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