6 Great recipes for baking with kids - The Family Cookbook (2024)

The summer holidays are in full swing and you are probably looking for ideas to keep the kids entertained, this is where these 7 great recipes for baking with kids come to the rescue.

If your children are anything like mine, they will love to help in the kitchen rustling up a sweet treat and then even more when they get to taste test their efforts. The great thing about baking with kids is how simple you can make it, there really is no need to put pressure on yourself to make something that takes hours of effort and lots of ingredients when there are some really simple but tasty recipes out there.

It is also a great way to get kids to work on basic maths skills, hand to eye coordination and reading by encouraging them to follow the instructions and weigh out the ingredients themselves. Both of ours have baked with me in the kitchen from a young age and are comfortable in doing so now. It has set them up to learn more about the cooking basics as they get older.

Our cupboard always has the following basics in stock for being able to whip up a number of dishes throughout the week, these include:

Storecupboard basics

  • Organic Plain White Flour
  • Self-raising flour
  • Baking powder
  • Vanilla extract
  • Cocoa powder
  • Chocolate chips (all types)
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Cranberries

With these items in your cupboard, it only takes fresh items to bring any dish to life.

Here are 6 yummy recipes for baking with kids

Coconut fairy cakes If you want to start with the basics, it doesn’t get much easier than these fairy cakes. You can make them as plain fairy cakes or tweak them as per the recipe for chocolate or coconut fairy cakes. My two love these and the fact they are ready in less than 20 minutes makes them the perfect sweet treat for them. With 5 (or 6 if you tweak the recipe) ingredients, you can rustle these up with minimal effort.

6 Great recipes for baking with kids - The Family Cookbook (1)

White Chocolate Oreo FudgeWe have never tried to make fudge before but this one sounds delicious. It has my favourite things in it, Oreo’s and chocolate! I love the fact it is super simple to make but I bet it packs that sweet treat that everyone looks for when baking. This is going to be one of the recipes we try out in the next week or so.

No added sugar muffins with banana and blueberry If you are trying to encourage your kids to eat a little more fruit then this may be the perfect recipe for you. Like the recipes above, there is minimal ingredients or fuss needed but you end up with a delicious treat at the end. Blueberries are my daughters favourite, so we are going to be giving these ago soon.

Cranberry and white chocolate cookies Ok cookies are always a winner in our house and these are our favourite! The combination of cranberry and white chocolate just can not be beaten and they do not stick around long in our house. If you are a fan of cookies, this recipe is the great basis for your cookies and you can just adjust the flavour combination to suit your tastes. Why not try it out with double chocolate chips or maybe even chocolate orange. Either way, no matter what you make, they won’t stick around long!

6 Great recipes for baking with kids - The Family Cookbook (2)

Gooey Slow Cooker Chocolate Cake RecipeOk this recipe may take a little longer to cook but it still has minimal effort to get it baking and what is more, you can stick it in your slow cooker and walk away! This looks amazing and I am sure served with vanilla ice cream, it will be a winner with everyone.

Easy no-bake mint cheesecake Oh I love a cheesecake and the no-bake cheesecakes are my favourite (we have one coming up on the blog soon). This no-bake mint cheesecake looks amazing and this recipe walks you through it step by step. The hardest thing with this cheesecake seems to be making the kids wait overnight for it to set!

Hopefully, this post will have given you a little inspiration to get back in the kitchen with the kids and bake this summer. It doesn’t need to take up a huge amount of time or ingredients to create a dish that the whole family will enjoy and it gives the kids a chance to create their own masterpiece.

6 Great recipes for baking with kids - The Family Cookbook (3)

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6 Great recipes for baking with kids - The Family Cookbook (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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