Boosting Kids’ Science Skills with Educational Toys – Plants And Lights (2024)

More and more parents are recognizing the importance of developing their children’s science skills, especially in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The rise of STEM opportunities and the growing demand for STEM professionals in the job market make it essential for kids to develop these skills at an early age. One effective way to do this is through educational toys that engage children in hands-on learning experiences.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of educational toys in promoting scientific literacy and highlight some of the best STEM toys available for different age groups.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Educational toys are a powerful tool for boosting kids’ science skills.
  • Engaging children in hands-on learning experiences helps develop essential STEM skills.
  • STEM toys provide a fun and interactive way for children to develop scientific literacy.
  • Parents can invest in educational toys to ignite their children’s passion for science.
  • Developing science skills at an early age prepares children for future success in STEM careers.

The Rise of STEM Opportunities and Why Science Skills Matter

Over the past decade, the demand for STEM professionals has far outpaced the demand for non-STEM workers. According to a Commerce Department study, STEM job opportunities have grown by 24.4 percent compared to 4.0 percent for non-STEM jobs. Not only are there more job opportunities in STEM fields, but STEM workers also earn higher wages. In 2015, STEM degree holders earned 29 percent more than their non-STEM counterparts.

These statistics highlight the increasing importance of science skills and the need to prepare children for a STEM-dominated workforce. As technology continues to advance and shape the world we live in, science skills have become essential for success in a wide range of careers, not just limited to traditional fields such as engineering and medicine. From data analysis to artificial intelligence, science skills are in high demand across industries.

By fostering a strong foundation in science during early education, children can develop the critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills necessary to thrive in the future job market. It is crucial for parents and educators to prioritize science education and provide children with the tools and opportunities to explore STEM subjects.

Investing in STEM education early on not only sets children up for future career success but also empowers them to contribute to solving complex real-world problems. From tackling climate change to advancing medical research, the impact of STEM professionals on society cannot be overstated. By cultivating a passion for science and nurturing science skills, we can unlock the potential of our future generations and create a brighter future for all.

Why Creative Problem Solving Beats Pure Knowledge in Today’s World

The Expert Opinion on 21st-Century Skills

In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to think critically, solve problems creatively, and adapt to new challenges is more valuable than ever. According to Harvard education expert Tony Wagner, 21st-century employers are looking for individuals who can be “creative problem solvers.” This means that simply acquiring knowledge is not enough; children need to develop essential skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and confidence.

From Play to Problem Solving: Developing Essential Skills

Play, particularly free play, provides children with opportunities to engage in problem-solving activities and develop these skills naturally. Through play, children learn to explore, experiment, take risks, and find new solutions. They learn to think outside the box and approach challenges with a creative mindset. Play also fosters imagination, curiosity, and resilience, all of which are crucial for creative problem-solving.

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21st-Century Skills Developed Through Play

When children engage in play, they not only have fun but also develop a range of 21st-century skills that are highly sought after in today’s job market. Let’s explore how play promotes the development of key skills:

  • Critical Thinking: Play encourages children to analyze situations, make decisions, and evaluate outcomes.
  • Collaboration: Through cooperative play, children learn to work together, listen to others’ ideas, and share responsibilities.
  • Creativity: Play sparks imagination and allows children to express themselves creatively through role-playing, arts and crafts, and storytelling.
  • Communication: Play provides opportunities for children to practice verbal and non-verbal communication with peers.
  • Problem Solving: Play presents challenges and puzzles that require applying logic, problem-solving strategies, and finding innovative solutions.

Table: Key 21st-Century Skills Developed Through Play

Critical ThinkingDeveloping analytical and evaluative skills
CollaborationWorking together, sharing ideas, and responsibilities
CreativityExpressing oneself through imagination and innovation
CommunicationPracticing verbal and non-verbal communication skills
Problem SolvingApplying logic and finding innovative solutions

Introducing Programming with Play: How Robot Turtles Encourage Coding

Robot Turtles is an interactive board game that introduces young children to the fundamentals of programming. Through the use of cards with movement instructions, kids can direct a turtle around the game board to collect jewels. This fun and engaging game not only teaches coding concepts, but also promotes critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills in kids.

By engaging children in a playful and hands-on way, Robot Turtles makes learning programming accessible and enjoyable. It provides a foundation for kids to learn the basic principles of coding while having fun and developing essential skills that will benefit them in various aspects of their lives.

Lego: Harnessing the Power of Simple Blocks for Complex Learning

Lego has been a staple in children’s playrooms for decades, and for good reason. These simple building blocks can be used to create a limitless number of structures, promoting spatial awareness, problem-solving, creativity, and fine motor skills. Research has shown that playing with Lego helps develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving abilities, making it a valuable tool for STEM education. Lego sets also encourage children to think outside the box and use their imagination, fostering a love for learning and innovation.

Gears! Gears! Gears!: Combining Color and Cognition

Gears! Gears! Gears! is an exciting toy set that invites children to explore the world of gears and gears and cognition. This engaging playset consists of brightly colored plastic gears and connectors, providing endless possibilities for building complex structures. Kids can connect the gears with axles and extenders, experimenting with different configurations.

The goal of Gears! Gears! Gears! is to configure a structure in a way that allows all the gears to turn in unison without jamming. This requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills as children navigate through various gear arrangements to achieve smooth movement. As they engage in hands-on play, children also enhance their fine motor skills, improving dexterity and coordination.

One of the remarkable features of Gears! Gears! Gears! is its vibrant color palette. The colorful gears stimulate visual perception and cognitive development, capturing children’s attention and encouraging exploration. Through the combination of bright colors and dynamic movement, children’s cognitive skills are engaged, promoting spatial awareness and logical thinking.

By playing with Gears! Gears! Gears!, children are not only having fun but also developing important cognitive skills. This educational toy provides an interactive and stimulating learning experience that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Whether they are beginners or experienced builders, kids can enjoy the endless possibilities and immersive learning opportunities that Gears! Gears! Gears! offers.

Boosting Kids’ Science Skills with Educational Toys – Plants And Lights (1)

How Osmo Coding Jam Teaches Programming Through Music

Osmo Coding Jam is an innovative and interactive game that merges the worlds of coding and music, providing a unique learning experience for kids. Through the use of physical coding blocks, children can create musical compositions by arranging sequences and patterns. The game’s app transforms these blocks into animated music, allowing kids to explore the exciting realm of programming through the language of music. This creative and musical coding experience stimulates critical thinking, spatial reasoning, and computational logic skills in young learners.

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Osmo Coding Jam offers a refreshing approach to introducing programming concepts to children. By using music as a medium of expression, kids can engage in a fun and immersive learning process. This interactive game not only cultivates an understanding of programming principles but also encourages creativity and self-expression. Children are empowered to compose their own musical pieces while simultaneously developing important cognitive skills.

The integration of music and coding in Osmo Coding Jam provides children with a multisensory experience that enhances their learning. By combining the auditory and visual elements of music with the logical and problem-solving aspects of coding, kids can develop a more comprehensive understanding of both disciplines. This unique combination ignites their imagination and fosters a love for both music and programming.

Osmo Coding Jam is designed specifically for young children, making it an ideal tool for introducing programming concepts to beginners. By offering a playful and engaging introduction to coding, it motivates kids to explore further and develop a deeper interest in STEM subjects. Through this engaging and innovative approach, Osmo Coding Jam sets the stage for future success in programming and technology careers.

The use of educational technology, such as Osmo Coding Jam, not only equips children with essential programming skills but also instills in them a passion for creativity and problem-solving. This game opens up a world of possibilities for young learners, providing them with a solid foundation in coding while fostering their artistic and musical talents. Osmo Coding Jam truly exemplifies the power of play and creativity in shaping the learning experiences of children today.

Lego Boost and the Interactive Experience of Learning to Code

Lego Boost is a robotics kit that brings the exciting world of coding to life through hands-on play. With Lego Boost, children can build and animate their own robots using Lego blocks, while also learning basic programming skills. This interactive learning experience combines the mechanical activity of building Lego creations with the programming activity of bringing them to life.

By engaging in the process of building and coding their robots, children develop a range of important skills, including problem-solving, logical reasoning, and computational thinking. They learn how to give instructions to their robots using a connected app, enabling their creations to perform various tasks and complete challenges. This not only teaches them the basics of coding, but also encourages creativity and innovation as they find new ways to make their robots move, react, and interact with the world around them.

One of the unique features of Lego Boost is its ability to combine the physical and digital worlds. Children can see the immediate results of their coding as their robots come to life and perform actions in the real world. This hands-on experience helps them understand the cause-and-effect relationship between their code and the physical movements of their robots.

Moreover, Lego Boost provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn coding concepts. As they complete challenges and experiment with different programming instructions, they develop a deeper understanding of logical sequencing, loops, and variables. They are encouraged to think critically and find creative solutions to problems, fostering a growth mindset and building their confidence as they overcome coding challenges.

By combining the timeless appeal of Lego with the modern world of coding, Lego Boost offers children a unique and interactive learning experience. It not only introduces them to the fundamentals of coding, but also nurtures their problem-solving abilities, logical reasoning skills, and computational thinking. Through hands-on play, children can unleash their creativity, explore new possibilities, and develop the skills needed for success in the digital age.

Benefits of Lego Boost
Engages children in hands-on learning experiences
Teaches basic coding skills
Promotes problem-solving and logical reasoning
Fosters creativity and innovation
Combines physical and digital learning
Develops critical thinking and computational thinking

LittleBits: Magnetizing Young Minds Toward Engineering

LittleBits is a modular electronics platform that utilizes color-coded, magnetic circuits to engage kids in the world of engineering. With LittleBits, children can easily snap together different modules to create a wide range of electronic inventions while learning about circuitry and engineering principles.

This open-ended and hands-on approach to electronics fosters creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills in young minds. By experimenting with LittleBits, children are empowered to explore the exciting world of engineering and develop a curiosity for STEM subjects.

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Boosting Kids’ Science Skills with Educational Toys – Plants And Lights (2)

Building Computer Confidence: How the Kano Kit Prepares Kids for Tech Careers

The Kano Kit is a revolutionary computer building kit designed to empower kids and prepare them for future tech careers. With the Kano Kit, children can assemble their own small computers and embark on a journey of learning and exploration.

Through step-by-step challenges, the Kano Kit introduces kids to real coding and programming languages such as Python and JavaScript. As they progress, children gain hands-on experience with hardware components, developing a deep understanding of how computers work.

One of the key benefits of the Kano Kit is the confidence it instills in children when it comes to computers and technology. By engaging in coding and computer building activities, kids develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity skills, all of which are essential for success in the technology-driven world.

Moreover, the Kano Kit prepares kids for future tech careers by introducing them to coding concepts and providing them with a solid foundation in computer science. By exploring the world of coding and computer building, children not only enhance their technical skills but also develop the ability to adapt to new technologies and solve complex problems.

By investing in the Kano Kit, parents can provide their children with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital age. The Kano Kit builds computer confidence, ignites a passion for technology, and prepares kids for exciting tech careers.

Promoting Scientific Literacy With Educational Toys

Educational Toys as a Medium for Early STEM Education

Educational toys play a crucial role in promoting scientific literacy and early STEM education. These toys provide children with hands-on learning experiences that help develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Through interactive play, children can explore scientific concepts and make connections between theoretical knowledge and practical applications.

How Educational Toys Blend Real-World Concepts with Play

Educational toys integrate play and learning, creating a fun and engaging environment for children to develop a love for science. These toys bridge the gap between abstract concepts and real-world applications by providing tangible, hands-on experiences. By engaging with educational toys, children can gain a deeper understanding of scientific principles while having fun.

Educational Toys Benefits:Benefits of Playing with Educational Toys:
1. Promote scientific literacy1. Enhance problem-solving skills
2. Develop essential STEM skills2. Foster critical thinking abilities
3. Encourage creativity and innovation3. Cultivate collaboration skills
4. Create a love for science4. Support hands-on learning experiences


Educational toys are a valuable resource for boosting kids’ science skills and preparing them for success in a STEM-dominated world. By providing opportunities for play and hands-on learning, these toys enable children to develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

Whether children are programming robots, building with blocks, or exploring circuits, educational toys offer an interactive and engaging way to nurture scientific literacy and ignite their passion for STEM subjects. These toys create a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, allowing children to make meaningful connections and understand real-world concepts.

Investing in educational toys not only enhances children’s scientific literacy but also empowers them to excel in future science and technology careers. By unlocking their potential at a young age, parents can set their children on a path towards a bright future filled with opportunities in the ever-growing fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

Alternative Suggestions


For young physicists, toys that explain the principles of mechanics, energy, and motion can be particularly engaging. TheStunt Planes Launcheris an excellent example, as it introduces children to aerodynamics and the science of flight4.Additionally, construction and building sets that allow for the creation of structures and machines can provide hands-on experience with physical laws and engineering principles. These toys not only demonstrate the basics of physics but also encourage problem-solving and creativity1.


In the realm of biology, educational toys can range from simple puzzles depicting the human body to more complex lab kits for older children. For infants and toddlers, sensory toys that involve textures, colors, and shapes can lay the groundwork for future biological learning6.Older children might enjoySpike the Fine Motor Hedgehog, which helps develop fine motor skills while subtly introducing concepts of animal biology2.Additionally, X-ray-themed puzzles and realistic animal figurines can teach children about anatomy and the diversity of life on Earth2.


Chemistry sets have long been a staple in the world of educational toys, offering a hands-on way to learn about chemical reactions, compounds, and the periodic table. Thehand2mind Kickoff to Chemistry Science Lab Kitis a modern example, providing safe and engaging experiments that introduce key chemistry concepts3.These kits often come with detailed instructions and everything needed to conduct experiments, making them a great way to foster a love for chemistry while ensuring safety and understanding.


For children fascinated by the stars, planets, and the vastness of space, there are numerous astronomy-themed toys that can fuel their curiosity. Telescopes, like theRefractor Telescope, allow kids to explore the night sky and observe celestial events4.Planetariums and star projectors can bring the cosmos into the bedroom, offering a visual and interactive way to learn about constellations, planets, and space exploration4.Educational toys that feature NASA imagery or replicate space missions can also inspire future astronomers and astronauts4.When selecting educational toys, it’s important to consider the child’s age, interests, and the educational value of the toy. Toys that encourage exploration, experimentation, and creativity can provide lasting educational benefits, fostering a love of learning and curiosity about the world15.Whether it’s building a simple circuit, observing backyard wildlife, mixing safe chemicals, or gazing at the stars, educational toys can make the vast and complex world of science accessible and exciting for children of all ages.

Space Toys

Boosting Kids’ Science Skills with Educational Toys – Plants And Lights (2024)


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