Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (2024)

VEGETABLE BROTH made with carrot tops! This easy homemade recipe uses carrot greens to make a healthy vegetarian broth! Carrot leaves provide amazing health benefits so they’re great to cook with!

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (1)

Ok, so you just picked your beautiful garden carrots! They are gorgeous! You grab the scissors and chop off the leafy carrot tops. And then it hits you – are you seriously just going to compost the carrot greens?

No way!

With gardening, you put so much love and energy into every single plant. Every single carrot has been nurtured. Every single carrot has been planted, one seed at a time. So with me, it breaks my heart to try not to use every bit and piece of that vegetable!

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (2)

What to do with carrot tops?

That’s how this recipe started for me. I was cutting off my carrot leaves and it hit me that I had to find a useful way to use them in the kitchen. And no, I don’t mean some weird stir fry that tastes bitter. I mean, a seriously good recipe that will become used every garden season in your kitchen. So here it is….

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth! Print this recipe out and add it to your recipe box!

Can you eat carrot greens?

Yes, carrot leaves are completely edible. Not only are they edible, but some European markets actually sell them! Carrot tops can be bitter in taste, so that’s where the confusion comes from. But long story short, you can eat them!

Ingredients for Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth

This soup broth recipe is so easy, I can almost 100% guarantee that you have all the ingredients!

First up, you’ll need carrot tops. Any amount of carrot tops can work, and I will help you with the math to show you how much broth you can make with it (see that below).

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (3)

Besides carrot tops, you’ll need water, salt and bay leaves. See, I told you you had all the ingredients!

The first step is cleaning your carrot tops. Most likely your leaves have dirt all over them, and we really don’t want to cook that in our broth. You can clean it in the sink, but I like to easily clean my greens in my salad spinner. The salad spinner is great (it’s my must have Summer tool!) and cleans all our vegetables so quickly!

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (4)

Carrot Greens Vegetable Broth Recipe

Add the carrot tops to a large pot along with water, salt and bay leaves.

This recipe is 1:1, that means 1 cup of water to 1 ounce carrot tops. So if you have 8 ounces carrot tops, add 8 cups of water. If you have 2 ounces carrot tops, add 2 cups of water. Get it?
Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (5)

Bring the water and carrot tops to a boil and then cover with a lid and let simmer for 1 hour.
Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (6)

After an hour, you’ll see how much they have broken down.
Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (7)

And do you see that beautiful broth underneath? Yup, that’s delicious vegetable broth waiting for you!
Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (8)

The amount of vegetable broth this makes depends on how many cups of water you start with. In general, during the simmering process you will lose 1/2 – 1 cup of water. So for example, for the 8 cups of water I used , this made 7 cups of vegetable broth.

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (9)

Once the broth is made you can use immediately in a recipe, or save it for later on. If you’re saving it, I recommend freezing it in freezer bags. When you want to use it, just take it out of the freezer and defrost it.

Looking for more broth ideas? Make Vegetable Broth with Broccoli Leaves!

Recipes Using Vegetable Broth

Here’s some of my favorite recipes that can useCarrot Tops Vegetable Broth!

Vegetarian Collard Greens

Stuffed Pepper Casserole (substitute the beef broth with this!)

Cheesy Vegetable Soup

Cauliflower Pot Pie

Roma Tomato Soup

Kielbasa and Cabbage (substitute the chicken broth with this!)

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (10)

Carrot Peel Use Recipes

Want to go one additional step with the carrot love? If you have carrots that are freshly peeled, you can add the peels to your broth too!

I hope you all enjoy this Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth! Happy gardening and happy cooking!

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Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (11)

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (12)

4.86 from 7 reviews

Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth


VEGETABLE BROTH made with carrot tops! This easy homemade recipe uses carrot greens to make a healthy vegetarian broth! Carrot leaves provide amazing health benefits so they're great to cook with!

By: Pamela Reed

Cook Time: 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes

Total Time 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes

serves 7 cups


  • 8 cups water
  • 8 ounces carrot tops cleaned
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 bay leaves


  • Add water, carrot tops, salt and bay leaves to a large pot. Bring to a boil.

  • Once boiling, cover with a lid and turn to low. Simmer for 1 hour.

  • Pour the broth through a colander, catching the liquid broth in a bowl below. Discard (or compost) the carrot tops.

  • You can use the vegetable broth immediately or freeze for later use. This broth is great in any recipe that calls for vegetable broth!


This is a 1:1 ratio recipe. For example, I'm using 8 cups of water to 8 ounces of carrot tops. If you have 4 ounces of carrot tops, use 4 cups of water.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 5kcal

Course: Soup

Keyword: carrot greens, carrot tops, vegetable broth

Vegetarian Fall, Summer

Did you make this?I love seeing what you’ve made! Tag me on Instagram at @BrooklynFarmGirl and don’t forget to leave a comment & rating below.

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Carrot Tops Vegetable Broth - A Easy Carrot Greens Recipe! (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.