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Of all the rights guaranteed by state constitutions but absent from the federal Bill ofRights, the right to a remedy through open access to the courts may be the mostimportant. The remedy clause, which appears in the constitutions of forty states,usually takes one of two basic forms, but courts have interpreted and applied the

clause in a variety of different and often contradictory ways. In this address, ChiefJustice Phillips traces the development of the remedy guarantee from its inceptionin Magna Carta and explication by co*ke and Blackstone. Many framers of theoriginal state constitutions in colonial America adopted this guarantee as their own,recognizing it as a constraint on both judicial and legislative power. The ChiefJustice examines subsequent judicial interpretations of the remedy clause as apotential check on legislative action limiting tort recoveries, particularly in theemployment, construction, and medical malpractice contexts. Although he offersseveral reasons for caution against too robust a reading of the clause, the ChiefJustice ultimately posits an approach that aims to protect absolute rights throughequal access to justice, while urging state appellate courts to develop a coherentdoctrine of remedies jurisprudence that reflects the continuing importance of theright to a remedy.


The American Bill of Rights, to which United States SupremeCourt Justice William J. Brennan was so devoted, is one of thesupreme achievements of the human spirit. In ten concise paragraphs,it encapsulates most of the basic rights and freedoms that most of theworld now regards as the basis of individual liberty and human dig-nity.1 But Justice Brennan, for one, never forgot that every Americanhad even more protection from government oppression. Ever mindfulof his roots as a state judge (with stints on the New Jersey trial, appel-

* Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Texas. This speech was delivered on February 28,

2002 for the annual Justice William J. Brennan Lecture on State Courts and Social Justiceat New York University School of Law. I want to acknowledge the contributions of my lawclerks, Jennifer Smith (2001-02) and Brandy Matthews (2002-03), in preparing this addressfor delivery and subsequent publication. For all practical purposes, they are co-authors ofthis paper. I particularly appreciate Ms. Smith's research on Blackstone's contribution tothe right to a remedy and her theories about Blackstone's continuing relevance in contem-porary remedies jurisprudence, and Ms. Matthews's research on current applications of theremedy doctrine. All errors and omissions, of course, remain my own.

U.S. Const. amends. I-X.


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late, and supreme court benches), he urged the bench and bar to relyon state bills of rights as well as the federal one.2 He recognized that

[s]tate constitutions, too, are a font of individual liberties, their pro-tections often extending beyond those required by the SupremeCourt's interpretation of federal law. The legal revolution whichhas brought federal law to the fore must not be allowed to inhibitthe independent protective force of state law-for without it, thefull realization of our liberties cannot be guaranteed. 3

Most state bills of rights are longer than the first ten Amend-ments, containing rights and guarantees not found in the Federal Con-stitution. The most widespread and important of these unique stateprovisions is probably the guarantee of a right of access to the courtsto obtain a remedy for injury. It is one of the oldest of Anglo-American rights, rooted in Magna Carta 4 and nourished in the Englishstruggle for individual liberty and conscience rights.5 Today, itexpressly or implicitly appears in forty state constitutions.6

While there are thirty-two different versions7 among the forty

2 William J. Brennan, Jr., State Constitutions and the Protection of Individual Rights,90 Harv. L. Rev. 489, 502 (1977).

3 Id. at 491.4 Chapter 29 of the 1225 version of Magna Carta states:

N[o] freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised of any freehold, orliberties, or free customs, or outlawed, or banished, or in any other waydestroyed, nor will we go upon him, nor send upon him, except by the legaljudgment of his peers or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to noone will we deny, or delay right or justice.

See William F. Swindler, Magna Carta: Legend and Legacy 316-17 (1965).5 See, e.g., A.E. Dick Howard, The Road From Runnymeade: Magna Carta and Con-

stitutionalism in America 6-8 (1968).6 Ala. Const. art. I, § 13; Ariz. Const. art. I1, § 11; Ark. Const. art. II, § 13; Colo.

Const. art. II, § 6; Conn. Const. art. I, § 10; Del. Const. art. I, § 9; Fla. Const. art. I, § 21;Ga. Const. art. I, § 1, para. 12; Idaho Const. art. 1, § 18; Ill. Const. art. I, § 12; Ind. 1, § 12; Kan. Const. Bill of Rights, § 18; Ky. Const. § 14; La. Const. art. I, § 22; Me.Const. art. I, § 19; Md. Const. Decl. of Rights, art. 19; Mass. Const. pt. I, art. 11; Minn.Const. art. 1 § 8; Miss. Const. art. III, § 24; Mo. Const. art. I, § 14; Mont. Const. art. II, § 16;Neb. Const. art. I, § 13; N.H. Const. pt. I, art. 14; N.C. Const. art. I, § 18; N.D. Const. art. I,§ 9; Ohio Const. art. I, § 16; Okla. Const. art. 11, § 6; Or. Const. art. !, § 10; Pa. Const. art. I,§ 11; R.I. Const. art. I, § 5; S.C. Const. art. I, § 9; S.D. Const. art. VI, § 20; Tenn. Const. art.I, § 17; Tex. Const. art. 1, § 13; Utah Const. art. I, § 11; Vt. Const. ch. I, art. 4; Wash. I, § 10; W. Va. Const. art. III, § 17; Wis. Const. art. I, § 9; Wyo. Const. art. I, § 8.

7 Professor Jennifer Friesen has counted 27 state constitutions that require courts to beopen, 36 that require justice to be administered promptly, 27 that require justice to beadministered without purchase or sale, 34 that require justice to be granted completelyand/or without denial, and 11 that require justice to be delivered freely. Additionally, 35states provide a right to a remedy, of which 21 require the remedy to be by due process ordue course of law. 1 Jennifer Friesen, State Constitutional Law: Litigating IndividualRights, Claims, and Defenses app. 6 at 6-65 to 6-67 (3d ed. 2000), adapted from RonaldK.L. Collins, Bills and Declarations of Rights Digest, in The American Bench: Judges ofthe Nation 2511-13 (Sarah Livermore ed., 1985).

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states, there are two major variants. Eleven states use languagedevised in the seventeenth century by Sir Edward co*ke. Their consti-tutions provide something like this:

That every person for every injury done him in his goods, land orperson, ought to have remedy by the course of the law of the landand ought to have justice and right for the injury done to him freelywithout sale, fully without any denial, and speedily without delay,according to the law of the land.8

Twenty-seven states use a more compact form, reading somethinglike this:

That all courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury donehim in his person, property or reputation, shall have remedy by thedue course of the law.9

Today, these traditional words are invoked to challenge proce-dural impediments to judicial access or to block substantive modifica-tions to established causes of action or remedies. In roughly the lastquarter century alone, state supreme courts have relied on the right toa remedy to strike down laws that lack discovery rule exceptions to atime bar on bringing suit,1° allow limitations to run against minorplaintiffs,1 ' or interpose terms of repose on claims against architects,builders, suppliers, and manufacturers.1 2 Courts have struck down

8 This language is a composite of the clauses, cited supra note 6, from the followingstate constitutions: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,Minnesota, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

9 This language is a composite of the clauses, cited supra note 6, from the followingstate constitutions: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho,Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina,North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

10 See, e.g., Kenyon v. Hammer, 688 P.2d 961, 979 (Ariz. 1984) (invalidating absolutelimitations bar on medical malpractice claims three years from date of injury); Heath v.Sears, Roebuck & Co., 464 A.2d 288, 295-96 (N.H. 1983) (invalidating twelve-year absolutestatute of limitations for products-liability claims); Reynolds v. Porter, 760 P.2d 816, 825(Okla. 1988) (invalidating three-year limitations provision without discovery rule in med-ical malpractice suits).

11 See, e.g., Strahler v. St. Luke's Hosp., 706 S.W.2d 7, 11-12 (Mo. 1986) (finding statuteof limitations in medical malpractice case unconstitutional as applied to minors); Momineev. Scherbarth, 503 N.E.2d 717, 722 (Ohio 1986) (same); Sax v. Votteler, 648 S.W.2d 661,667 (Tex. 1983) (same).

12 See, e.g., Jackson v. Mannesmann Demag Corp., 435 So. 2d 725, 728-29 (Ala. 1983)(finding seven-year statute of repose for claims against architects, contractors, and buildersunconstitutional); Overland Constr. Co. v. Sirmons, 369 So. 2d 572, 575 (Fla. 1979) (invali-dating similar twelve-year statute of repose); Perkins v. Northeastern Log Homes, 808S.W.2d 809, 817 (Ky. 1991) (invalidating similar five-year statute); Hanson v. WilliamsCounty, 389 N.W.2d 319, 328 (N.D. 1986) (invalidating ten-year date-of-use statute ofrepose for products-liability claims); Daugaard v. Baltic Coop. Bldg. Supply Ass'n, 349N.W.2d 419, 427 (S.D. 1984) (finding similar six-year statute of repose for claims againstarchitects, contractors, and builders violates open courts provision); Berry v. Beech Air-

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laws that grant sovereign immunity to municipalities for proprietaryfunctions,' 3 permit defamers to retract and avoid liability,' 4 and pre-vent guests from suing automobile drivers for ordinary negligence. 15

In the medical malpractice area, courts have struck down statutes cap-ping noneconomic damages for medical malpractice victims 16 andrequiring medical malpractice claims to be screened by experts beforefiling.17 Finally, courts have used the provision to open judicial pro-ceedings to the public, 18 including juvenile hearings,19 to forbid usingfiling fees for general state revenue, 20 and to proscribe the payment of

craft Corp., 717 P.2d 670, 684-86 (Utah 1985) (invalidating ten-year date-of-use statute ofrepose for products-liability claims); Phillips v. ABC Builders, Inc., 611 P.2d 821, 831(Wyo. 1980) (voiding similar ten-year statute of repose for claims against architects, con-tractors, and builders).

13 See, e.g., Oien v. City of Sioux Falls, 393 N.W.2d 286, 290-91 (S.D. 1986) (findingunconstitutional statutes granting sovereign immunity for municipalities in their proprie-tary capacity of constructing, maintaining, and operating parks); Laney v. Fairview City, 57P.3d 1007, 1027 (Utah 2002) (holding that discretionary function exception to municipali-ties' waiver of sovereign immunity violates state's open courts clause).

14 See, e.g., Boswell v. Phoenix Newspapers, Inc., 730 P.2d 186, 196 (Ariz. 1986)(finding statute limiting defamation damages to special damages when defendant retractedcomments unconstitutional as applied); Madison v. Yunker, 589 P.2d 126, 130-31 (Mont.1978) (finding statute mitigating damages when defendant retracted comments unconstitu-tional as applied).

15 See, e.g., Primes v. Tyler, 331 N.E.2d 723, 729 (Ohio 1975).16 See, e.g., Lucas v. United States, 757 S.W.2d 687, 688-89, 691 (Tex. 1988) (invali-

dating $500,000 cap on paralyzed child's damages).17 See, e.g., State ex rel. Cardinal Glennon Mem'l Hosp. for Children v. Gaertner, 583

S.W.2d 107, 110 (Mo. 1979) (striking down statute requiring claimants to submit to reviewboard as precondition for filing in court); Mattos v. Thompson, 421 A.2d 190, 196 (Pa.1980) (finding statute requiring arbitration in every case where health care providers aredefendants violates open courts provision and right to jury trial by causing oppressivedelay).

18 See, e.g., In re Edens, 226 S.E.2d 5, 9-10 (N.C. 1976) (censuring judge for improperlydeciding criminal case through secret communications with defense counsel); KFGORadio, Inc. v. Rothe, 298 N.W.2d 505, 511 (N.D. 1980) (requiring state to grant mediaaccess to criminal inquiry); Oregonian Publ'g Co. v. O'Leary, 736 P.2d 173, 178 (Or. 1987)(holding that reporter may not be statutorily barred from summary hearing in criminaltrial); Cohen v. Everett City Council, 535 P.2d 801, 803 (Wash. 1975) (holding unconstitu-tional court order sealing records of city council license revocation action); State ex rel.Herald Mail Co. v. Hamilton, 267 S.E.2d 544, 552 (W. Va. 1980) (prohibiting enforcementof closure order in pretrial hearing); see also Jack B. Harrison, How Open is Open? TheDevelopment of the Public Access Doctrine Under State Open Court Provisions, 60 U.Cin. L. Rev. 1307, 1308 (1992) ("The idea of public access to judicial proceedings is rootedin the rich tradition of Anglo-American law."); cf. Louis F. Hubener, Rights of Privacy inOpen Courts-Do They Exist?, 2 Emerging Issues St. Const. L. 189, 191-92 (1989) (arguingthat open court provisions originated as guarantees of legal remedies, not as guarantees ofpublic access to court proceedings).

19 See, e.g., State ex rel. Oregonian Publ'g Co. v. Deiz, 613 P.2d 23, 27 (Or. 1980)(invalidating judicial order closing juvenile proceedings).

20 See, e.g., Crocker v. Finley, 459 N.E.2d 1346, 1351 (11. 1984) (holding that filing feesmay be used only for court costs); Safety Net for Abused Persons v. Segura, 692 So. 2d1038, 1042 (La. 1997) (same); LeCroy v. Hanlon, 713 S.W.2d 335, 342 (Tex. 1986) (same).

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penalties or fines as a condition for challenging them in court. 21

These holdings demonstrate the significance of the remedy guar-antee, but they do not establish the parameters of its application.During the same quarter century, other courts in other jurisdictions(or sometimes even the same courts in the same jurisdiction) haveupheld each of these types of laws against remedies challenges.2 2 As

21 See, e.g., Cent. Appraisal Dist. v. Lall, 924 S.W.2d 686, 692-93 (Tex. 1996) (ruling

that only undisputed portion of tax bill may be required to be prepaid as condition forjudicial review); State v. Flag-Redfern Oil Co., 852 S.W.2d 480, 485 (Tex. 1993) (holdingthat requiring payment of disputed penalties as condition to judicial review was violationof open courts provision); Tex. Ass'n of Bus. v. Tex. Air Control Bd., 852 S.W.2d 440, 450n.17 (Tex. 1993) (same); Jensen v. State Tax Comm'n, 835 P.2d 965, 969 (Utah 1992)(striking down statute requiring payment of delinquent taxes, interest, and penalties beforeseeking review of assessment in cases where taxpayer is unable to comply); see also N. PortBank v. State Dep't of Revenue, 313 So. 2d 683, 687 (Fla. 1975) (reading statute liberallyso as not to violate open courts provision by allowing taxpayer to post bond of lesseramount instead of requiring full payment of taxes into registry of court).

22 For cases upholding statutes of limitations without a discovery rule, see: Owen v.

Wilson, 537 S.W.2d 543, 545-46 (Ark. 1976); Crier v. Whitecloud, 496 So. 2d 305, 310 (La.1986); Hill v. Fitzgerald, 501 A.2d 27, 35 (Md. 1985); Harrison v. Schraeder, 569 S.W.2d822, 827-28 (Tenn. 1978); Diaz v. Westphal, 941 S.W.2d 96, 100-01 (Tex. 1997); Bala v.Maxwell, 909 S.W.2d 889, 893 (Tex. 1995).

For cases upholding limitations running against minors, see: Maine Med. Ctr. v. Cote,577 A.2d 1173, 1176-77 (Me. 1990); Estate of McCarthy v. Montana Second Judicial Dist.Court, 994 P.2d 1090, 1093-95 (Mont. 1999); Dowd v. Rayner, 655 A.2d 679, 683 (R.I.1995).

For cases upholding statutes of repose for architects, builders, engineers, and/or manu-facturers, see: Zapata v. Burns, 542 A.2d 700, 710-11 (Conn. 1988); Daily v. New BritainMach. Co., 512 A.2d 893, 904-06 (Conn. 1986); Cheswold Volunteer Fire Co. v. Lam-bertson Constr. Co., 489 A.2d 413,417-18 (Del. 1984); Love v. Whirlpool Corp., 449 S.E.2d602, 604 (Ga. 1994); Nelms v. Georgian Manor Condo. Ass'n, 321 S.E.2d 330, 333 (Ga.1984); Olson v. J.A. Freeman Co., 791 P.2d 1285,1296-98 (Idaho 1990); Twin Falls Clinic &Hosp. Bldg. Corp. v. Hamill, 644 P.2d 341, 346 (Idaho 1982); Dague v. Piper AircraftCorp., 418 N.E.2d 207, 213 (Ind. 1981); Beecher v. White, 447 N.E.2d 622, 628 (Ind. Ct.App. 1983); Burmaster v. Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 2, 366 So. 2d 1381, 1387-88 (La.1978); Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. v. Coupard, 499 A.2d 178, 189 (Md. 1985); Klein v.Catalano, 437 N.E.2d 514, 522 (Mass. 1982); Blaske v. Smith & Entzeroth, Inc., 821 S.W.2d822, 833 (Mo. 1991); Reeves v. Ille Elec. Co., 551 P.2d 647, 651 (Mont. 1976); Spilker v.City of Lincoln, 469 N.W.2d 546, 549 (Neb. 1991); Williams v. Kingery Constr. Co., 404N.W.2d 32, 34 (Neb. 1987); Tetterton v. Long Mfg. Co., 332 S.E.2d 67, 72-73 (N.C. 1985);Lamb v. Wedgewood S. Corp., 302 S.E.2d 868, 882-83 (N.C. 1983); St. Paul Fire & MarineIns. Co. v. Getty Oil Co., 782 P.2d 915, 918-21 (Okla. 1989); Sealey v. Hicks, 788 P.2d 435,439 (Or. 1990); Freezer Storage, Inc. v. Armstrong Cork Co., 382 A.2d 715, 720-21 (Pa.1978); Walsh v. Gowing, 494 A.2d 543, 547-48 (R.I. 1985); Jones v. Five Star Eng'g, Inc.,717 S.W.2d 882, 883 (Tenn. 1986); Harmon v. Angus R. Jessup Assocs., 619 S.W.2d 522, 524(Tenn. 1981); Trinity River Auth. v. URS Consultants, Inc., 889 S.W.2d 259, 261-63 (Tex.1994); Craftsman Builder's Supply, Inc. v. Butler Mfg. Co., 974 P.2d 1194, 1201 (Utah1999); 1519-1525 Lakeview Boulevard Condo. Ass'n v. Apartment Sales Corp., 29 P.3d1249, 1255 (Wash. 2001); Worden v. Vill. Homes, 821 P.2d 1291, 1293-95 (Wyo. 1991).

For cases upholding sovereign immunity for proprietary functions, see: Hardin v. Cityof DeValls Bluff, 508 S.W.2d 559, 562-63 (Ark. 1974); Sadler v. New Castle County, 565A.2d 917, 923-24 (Del. 1989); Carroll v. County of York, 437 A.2d 394, 396 (Pa. 1981); City

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one judge has aptly concluded, "In some states, [the right to a remedy]is second only to the due process clause in importance; while in otherstates, it is little more than an interesting historical relic."'23

These disparate results are essentially inexplicable. They cannotbe harmonized by reliance on textual distinctions among the states.There is no correlation between the words of a particular guaranteeand how expansively the courts of that state have applied it.24 Norcan these different outcomes be explained by historical, social, polit-ical, or cultural variations among the states.25 In each section of thecountry, whether the constitution is old or new, the judges elected orappointed, or the political culture traditional or progressive, somestate courts defer unhesitatingly to legislative choices, while others

of Tyler v. Likes, 962 S.W.2d 489, 503 (Tex. 1997); Randall v. Fairmont City Police Dep't,412 S.E.2d 737, 743-45 (W. Va. 1991).

For a case upholding a statute permitting defamers to retract to avoid liability, see:Davidson v. Rogers, 574 P.2d 624, 625 (Or. 1978).

For cases upholding statutes capping noneconomic damages for medical malpracticedamages, see: Univ. of Miami v. Echarte, 618 So. 2d 189, 193-94, 198 (Fla. 1993); Adams v.Children's Mercy Hosp., 832 S.W.2d 898, 905-06 (Mo. 1992).

For cases upholding required screening by experts before filing medical malpracticeclaims, see: Johnson v. St. Vincent Hosp., Inc., 404 N.E.2d 585, 596 (Ind. 1980); Everett v.Goldman, 359 So. 2d 1256, 1268-69 (La. 1978); Irish v. Gimbel, 691 A.2d 664, 672-73 (Me.1997); Linder v. Smith, 629 P.2d 1187, 1190-91 (Mont. 1981); Prendergrast v. Nelson, 256N.W.2d 657, 663-65 (Neb. 1977).

For cases upholding automobile guest statutes, see: Sidle v. Majors, 341 N.E.2d 763,774-75 (Ind. 1976); Henry v. Bauder, 518 P.2d 362, 364 (Kan. 1974); Behrns v. Burke, 229N.W.2d 86, 88 (S.D. 1975).

For a case upholding the closure of judicial proceedings to the public, see: Virmani v.Presbyterian Health Servs. Corp., 515 S.E.2d 675, 693-94 (N.C. 1999).

For cases upholding the closure of juvenile proceedings to the public, see: In re T.R.,556 N.E.2d 439, 450-51, 455 (Ohio 1990); State ex rel. Garden State Newspapers, Inc. v.Hoke, 520 S.E.2d 186, 190-92, 196 (W. Va. 1999).

For a case upholding the use of filing fees to supplement state general revenue, see:Fox v. Hunt, 619 So. 2d 1364, 1367 (Ala. 1993).

For a case upholding the requirement that penalties be paid before being challengedin court, see: Heikes v. Clay County, 526 N.W.2d 253, 255 (S.D. 1995) (holding that staterequirement that tax deficiencies be paid in order to recover property sold for unpaid taxesis not unconstitutional).

23 William C. Koch, Jr., Reopening Tennessee's Open Courts Clause: A HistoricalReconsideration of Article I, Section 17 of the Tennessee Constitution, 27 U. Mem. L. Rev.333, 341 (1997).

24 See John H. Bauman, Remedies Provisions in State Constitutions and the ProperRole of the State Courts, 26 Wake Forest L. Rev. 237, 244 (1991.) ("[B]oth [of the major]variations have been expansively and narrowly interpreted.").

25 Some commentators have proposed that the history or culture of a particular statecan explain differences in interpretations of state constitutional clauses. See, e.g., DavidSchuman, The Right to a Remedy, 65 Temp. L. Rev. 1197, 1220 (1992). This is dubious as ageneral proposition (for a critique, see Paul W. Kahn, Interpretation and Authority inState Constitutionalism, 106 Harv. L. Rev. 1147 (1993)), and seems particularly irrelevantin remedies jurisprudence.

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routinely strike down any statutes that impede access to the courts orimpair recovery under traditional theories.2 6 Finally, these distinc-tions cannot be explained by divergent intentions among the partic-ular framers and ratifiers of the individual state constitutions. In moststates, there is almost no historical record to explain what the framersand ratifiers thought the provision would accomplish.27 More oftenthan not, such provisions were adopted without a word of debate or adissenting vote,28 while in many others there was but a cursory modifi-cation before approval. 29 The occasional nugget in the framers'

26 See Koch, Jr., supra note 23, at 437-39 (describing varying state interpretations of

remedy provision).27 Note, Constitutional Guarantees of a Certain Remedy, 49 Iowa L. Rev. 1202, 1203-

04 (1964) ("[Rlecords of the constitutional conventions which adopted certain-remedyclauses are virtually devoid of any clues as to the intentions of the framers ....").

28 In many states, the right to a remedy is in the constitution, but there is no indicationthat it even was discussed by the framers during the full convention. See, e.g., 14 Collec-tions of the Illinois State Historical Library 866-67 (Clarence W. Alvord ed., 1919);Debates and Proceedings of the Convention Which Assembled at Little Rock, to Form aConstitution for the State of Arkansas 355, 584, 656-57 (Little Rock, J.G. Price 1868),;idno=AHM5156 (last visited Apr. 23,2003); Debates of the Maryland Constitutional Convention of 1867, at 78, 141 (Philip B.Perlman ed., 1923); The Debates, Resolutions, and Other Proceedings, of the Conventionof Delegates, Assembled at Portland on the 11th, and Continued Until the 29th Day ofOctober, 1819, for the Purpose of Forming a Constitution for the State of Maine 1, 7-8, 69,91 (Jeremiah Perley ed., Portland, A. Shirley 1820); Journal of the Constitutional Conven-tion of Connecticut 169-70, 445 (1902); Journal of the Convention for Framing a Constitu-tion of Government for the State of Massachusetts Bay 38, 225 (Boston, Dutton &Wentworth 1832); Journal of the Convention of the People of the State of Indiana toAmend the Constitution 186-88, 571, 579, 868, 872 (Indianapolis, Austin H. Brown 1851);Journal of the Convention of the State of Tennessee 184, 391-92 (Nashville, W. HasellHunt & Co. 1834); Journal of the Public and Secret Proceedings of the Convention of thePeople of Georgia 97, 195, 235, 286, 301 (Milledgeville, Ga., Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes1861), (last visited May 28, 2003); OfficialProceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Alabama, May 21st, 1901, toSeptember 3rd, 1901, at 351, 788, 1730 (1940), (last visited Apr. 23,2003); Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the First Constitutional Conven-tion of North Dakota 357-71, 531-37 (Bismarck, N.D., Tribune 1889); The Oregon Consti-tution and Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of 1857, at 120, 310,343, 468 (Charles Henry Carey ed., 1926); Proceedings of the Constitutional Conventionheld in Denver, December 20, 1875 to Frame a Constitution for the State of Colorado 89,142, 376, 486, 523-24 (1907); The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of1910, at 660, 1238 (John S. Goff ed., n.d.); 2 Report of the Debates and Proceedings of theConvention for the Revision of the Constitution of the State of Indiana 1368, 1389, 2067(photo. reprint 1935) (Indianapolis, A.H. Brown 1850).

29 See, e.g., The Constitutional Convention, 27 August-21 September 1776, in Proceed-

ings of the Assembly of the Lower Counties of Delaware 1770-1776, of the ConstitutionalConvention of 1776, and of the House of Assembly of the Delaware State 1776-1781, at202, 212-13 (Claudia L. Bushman et al. eds., 1986); 4 Debates of the Convention to Amendthe Constitution of Pennsylvania 647, 755 (Harrisburg, Pa., Benjamin Singerly 1873)(striking from remedies clause provision "that no law shall limit the amount of damagesrecoverable, and where an injury caused by negligence or misconduct results in death the

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debates30 or in complementary constitutional provisions31 is definitelythe exception, not the rule.

action shall survive" because already incorporated in constitutional restrictions on legisla-tive branch); Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of Idaho 372-73,2051 (I. W. Hart ed., 1912) (adopting provision after delegates substituted "for" in place of"to").

30 In Louisiana, the 1974 Constitutional Convention rejected this proposed addition tothe state's existing remedies clause: "Neither the state, its political subdivisions, nor anyprivate person shall be immune from suit and liability." From this, the Louisiana SupremeCourt concluded that the framers "did not intend to limit the legislature's ability to restrictcauses of action or to bar the legislature from creating various areas of statutory immunityfrom suit." Crier v. Whitecloud, 496 So. 2d 305, 309-10 (La. 1986).

In Ohio, the right to a remedy was included in the 1802 Constitution. Ohio Const. of1802, art. VIII, § 7, reprinted in The Constitution of 1802 and Acts, and Proposed Amend-ments, in The Constitutions of Ohio 71, 91 (Isaac Franklin Patterson ed., 1912). When itwas omitted from the Bill of Rights Committee's draft at the 1851 convention, delegateRanney moved from the floor to restore it. This exchange then occurred:

MR. RANNEY said he perceived that the [Standing] Committee [on the Pre-amble and the Bill of Rights] had left out of this report a number of articles inthe old bill of rights. He had copied one of them, and would move its adoptionas an additional section ....MR. HITCHco*ck of Geauga, had no objection, to the amendment, if itcould be carried out. Justice should certainly be administered without denialor delay, but delay could not possibly be avoided in the Courts, unless theycould have a gag-law there, as well as in this body. [A laugh.]The section was agreed to.

2 Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision of the Consti-tution of the State of Ohio, 1850-51, at 337 (Columbus, S. Medary 1851), quoted in In reT.R. v. Solove, 556 N.E.2d 439, 447 n.7 (Ohio 1990). For a history of the remedies clause inthe Ohio Constitution, see E.W. Scripps Co. v. Fulton, 125 N.E.2d 896, 905-07 (Ohio Ct.App. 1955) (Hurd, J., concurring) (concluding that open courts clause gives public right ofaccess to courts).

The Committee on the Bill of Rights of the 1868 Mississippi Convention initially rec-ommended this provision: "All persons for injuries suffered in person, reputation, or prop-erty, shall have their remedy by due course of law." Journal of the Proceedings of theConstitutional Convention of the State of Mississippi 84 (Jackson, Miss., E. Stafford 1871).The following week, the Committee recommended the following addition: "All courtsshall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person orreputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and justice administered withoutdenial or delay." Id. at 131. The next week, the Committee proposed another draft, omit-ting any type of remedies provision. Id. at 155-57. Nothing in the record indicates why anyof these actions were taken. The final version of the 1868 Constitution contained no reme-dies clause, although it was present in the 1832 Constitution. Id. at 720-22; Miss. Const. of1832, art. I, § 14, visited May 28, 2003).

See also 2 Debates of the Convention to Amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania,supra note 29, at 734-44.

31 Kentucky's remedies clause was part of the Bill of Rights in its first constitution of1792. Thomas P. Lewis, Jural Rights Under Kentucky's Constitution: Realities Groundedin Myth, 80 Ky. L.J. 953, 953-54 & n.1 (1992). New remedy-related provisions (Sections 54and 241) were added during the Constitutional Convention of 1891. Id. at 953-54. TheKentucky Supreme Court has referred to the three sections collectively as the "opencourts" provisions. Id. at 954.

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An obvious explanation for such disparities is the absence of acorresponding guarantee in the United States Constitution. Not onlydo states lack the benefit of federal interpretation, but they also lackthe intensive scholarship and focused public debate that has helpeddevelop and refine our federal rights. To be sure, more treatises andlaw journals are addressing the right to a remedy than ever before.But like the dog's bark for Sherlock Holmes,32 the real significance iswhat is not there. There are no right-to-a-remedy chairs at any lawschool. No interest groups solicit funds to support a wider acceptanceof their favored interpretation of the provision. I have never located alegal symposium devoted to the guarantee or even a journal articlefollowed by replies or comments. I suspect that no one has ever beentenured at an accredited law school based on remedies research. Thestates cannot even agree on nomenclature: I have found eight dif-ferent names for the guarantee in cases and convention debates. 33

32 See Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of Silver Blaze, The Strand Magazine:An Illustrated Monthly, July-Dec. 1892, at 645, 659, (last visited Apr. 23, 2003).

33 For cases that refer to "open court" or "open courts," see: Clouse v. State, 16 P.3d757, 769 (Ariz. 2001); Moses v. Diocese of Colo., 863 P.2d 310, 314 n.2 (Colo. 1993);Helman v. State, 784 A.2d 1058, 1070 (Del. 2001); Kirkland v. Blaine County Med. Ctr., 4P.3d 1115, 1119 (Idaho 2000); Boggs v. Tri-State Radiology, Inc., 730 N.E.2d 692, 695 (Ind.2000); Boykins v. Hous. Auth. of Louisville, 842 S.W.2d 527, 529 (Ky. 1992); Crier v.Whitecloud, 496 So. 2d 305, 309 (La. 1986); Maine Med. Ctr. v. Cote, 577 A.2d 1173, 1175(Me. 1990); Adams v. Children's Mercy Hosp., 832 S.W.2d 898, 905 (Mo. 1992); MacPheatv. Schauf, 41 P.3d 895, 898 (Mont. 2002); Givens v. Anchor Packing, Inc., 466 N.W.2d 771,778 (Neb. 1991); Virmani v. Presbyterian Health Servs. Corp., 515 S.E.2d 675, 692 (N.C.1999); Fed. Land Bank of St. Paul v. Ziebarth, 520 N.W.2d 51, 56 (N.D. 1994); Morris v.Savoy, 576 N.E.2d 765, 783 (Ohio 1.991) (Sweeney, J., concurring and dissenting in part);State ex rel. Sports Mgmt. News, Inc. v. Nachtigal, 921 P.2d 1304, 1307 n.6 (Or. 1996);Commonwealth v. Hayes, 414 A.2d 318, 322 (Pa. 1980); Green v. Siegel, Barnett & Schutz,557 N.W.2d 396, 399 (S.D. 1996); Ferguson v. Ram Enters., Inc., 900 S.W.2d 19, 21 (Tenn.1995); Lucas v. United States, 757 S.W.2d 687, 690 (Tex. 1988); Cruz v. Wright, 765 P.2d869, 869 (Utah 1988).

For cases that refer to "access to [the] courts," see: Sigman v. Seafood Ltd. P'ship I,817 P.2d 527, 533 (Colo. 1991); Spencer v. Fla. Dep't of Corr., 823 So. 2d 752, 755 (Fla.2002); Fann v. McGuffy, 534 S.W.2d 770, 776 (Ky. 1975); Whitnell v. Silverman, 686 So. 2d23, 30-31 (La. 1996); Murphy v. Edmonds, 601 A.2d 102, 113 (Md. 1992); Fisher v. StateHighway Comm'n, 948 S.W.2d 607, 611 (Mo. 1997); Kloss v. Edward D. Jones & Co., 54P.3d 1, 8 (Mont. 2002); State ex rel. Tyler v. Douglass County Dist. Court, 580 N.W.2d 95,98 (Neb. 1998); Town of Nottingham v. Newman, 785 A.2d 891, 895 (N.H. 2001); Mayer v.Bristow, 740 N.E.2d 656, 664 (Ohio 2000); Kennedy v. Cumberland Eng'g Co., 471 A.2d195, 197 (R.I. 1984).

For cases that refer to "remed[y]" or "remedies," see: Helman v. State, 784 A.2d1058, 1070 (Del. 2001); McIntosh v. Melroe Co., 729 N.E.2d 972, 975 (Ind. 2000);Mohundro v. Alcorn County, 675 So. 2d 848, 851 (Miss. 1996); Meech v. Hillhaven W., Inc.,776 P.2d 488, 497 (Mont. 1989); Jensen v. Whitlow, 51 P.3d 599, 601 (Or. 2002); Kennedy v.Cumberland Eng'g Co., 471 A.2d 195, 202 (R.I. 1984) (Murray, J., dissenting).

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The American legal community never would have ignored a federalconstitutional right of even remotely comparable importance.

Because the United States Supreme Court is unlikely to recog-nize a remedy guarantee within federal due process,34 it seems that

For a case that refers to the "right to the courts," see: Huff v. State, 549 S.E.2d 370,372 (Ga. 2001).

For cases that refer to "certain remedy," see: Best v. Taylor Mach. Works, 689 N.E.2d1057, 1111 (I11. 1997) (Miller, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part); Fischer v. StateHighway Comm'n, 948 S.W.2d 607, 611 (Mo. 1997).

For cases that refer to "guaranteed remedy," see: In re Abbott, 653 A.2d 1113, 1115(N.H. 1995); Pritchard v. City of Portland, 796 P.2d 1184, 1187 (Or. 1990).

For cases that refer to "right to [a] remedy," see: Baugher v. Beaver Constr. Co., 791So. 2d 932, 934 (Ala. 2000); McAlister v. Schick, 588 N.E.2d 1151, 1157 (Ill. 1992); Appealof Wintle, 781 A.2d 995, 997 (N.H. 2001); Holeton v. Crouse Cartage Co., 748 N.E.2d 1111,1132 (Ohio 2001) (Cook, J., dissenting).

For a case that refers to "remedy by due course of law," see: McIntosh v. Melroe Co.,729 N.E.2d 972, 976 (Ind. 2000).

Some states refer to the right by a mix of these names. Compare Moses v. Diocese ofColo., 863 P.2d 310, 314 (Colo. 1993) ("open courts"), with Sigman v. Seafood Ltd. P'ship1, 817 P.2d 527, 533 (Colo. 1991) ("access to the courts"); McIntosh v. Melroe Co., 729N.E.2d 972, 975-76 (Ind. 2000) ("open courts," "remedies," and "remedy by due course oflaw"), with Boggs v. Tri-State Radiology, Inc., 730 N.E.2d 692, 695 (Ind. 2000) ("opencourts"); Boykins v. Hous. Auth. of Louisville, 842 S.W.2d 527, 529 (Ky. 1992) ("opencourts"), with Fann v. McGuffy, 534 S.W.2d 770, 776 (Ky. 1975) ("access to the courts"); Inre Asbestos Plaintiffs v. Borden, Inc., 630 So. 2d 1310, 1311 (La. 1994) ("open courts"),with Whitnell v. Silverman, 686 So. 2d 23, 30 (La. 1996) ("access to the courts"); Fischer v.State Highway Comm'n, 948 S.W.2d 607, 611 (Mo. 1997) ("access to the courts" and "cer-tain remedy"), with Adams v. Children's Mercy Hosp., 832 S.W.2d 898, 905 (Mo. 1992)("open courts" and "certain remedy"); MacPheat v. Schauf, 41 P.3d 895, 898 (Mont. 2002)("open courts"), with Kloss v. Edward D. Jones & Co., 54 P.3d 1, 8 (Mont. 2002) ("accessto the courts"), and Meech v. Hillhaven W., Inc., 776 P.2d 488, 497 (Mont. 1989)("remedy"); Givens v. Anchor Packing, Inc., 466 N.W.2d 771, 778 (Neb. 1991) ("opencourts"), with State ex rel. Tyler v. Douglass County Dist. Ct., 580 N.W.2d 95, 98 (Neb.1998) ("access to the courts"); Town of Nottingham v. Newman, 785 A.2d 891, 894 (N.H.2001) ("access to the courts"), with In re Abbott, 653 A.2d 1113, 1115 (N.H. 1995) ("guar-anteed remedy"), and Appeal of Wintle, 781 A.2d 995, 997 (N.H. 2001) ("right toremedy"); Morris v. Savoy, 576 N.E.2d 765, 783 (Ohio 1991) (Sweeney, J., concurring inpart and dissenting in part) ("open courts"), with Mayer v. Bristow, 740 N.E.2d 656, 664(Ohio 2000) ("access-to-courts"), and Holeton v. Crouse Cartage Co., 748 N.E.2d 1111,1132 (Ohio 2001) (Cook, J., dissenting) ("right to remedy"); State ex rel. Sports Mgmt.News, Inc. v. Nachtigal, 921 P.2d 1304, 1307 n.6 (Or. 1996) ("open courts"), with Jensen v.Whitlow, 51 P.3d 599, 601 (Or. 2002) ("remedy"), and Pritchard v. City of Portland, 796P.2d 1184, 1187 (Or. 1990) ("guaranteed remedy"); Kennedy v. Cumberland Eng'g Co.,471 A.2d 195, 197 (R.I. 1984) ("access to the courts"), with id. at 202 (Murray, J., dis-senting) ("remedy").

34 See Silver v. Silver, 280 U.S. 117, 122 (1929) ("[TJhe Constitution does not forbid thecreation of new rights, or the abolition of old ones recognized by the common law, to attaina permissible legislative object."); see also Friesen, supra note 7, § 6-1 n.] ("[I]t is unclear,outside the criminal context, to what extent the Federal Constitution requires the states toassure meaningful access to courts to enforce ordinary civil claims.").

Since Silver, the Court has declined several opportunities to incorporate the right to aremedy into the Due Process Clause. For example, in Duke Power Co. v. Carolina Envi-ronmental Group, Inc., 438 U.S. 59 (1978), the Court rejected a federal due process chal-

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state litigants and state courts are on their own. In my view, statecourts should welcome this opportunity. If we are truly worthy of Jus-tice Brennan's confidence in state courts as equal partners in definingbasic rights and responsibilities, then the bench and bar should be ableto make the right to a remedy more than a wild card in the creativelitigator's deck. If we cannot tell precisely why the framers in Texasincluded this clause while those in New York did not, we neverthelesscan discover why English reformers created the guarantee, whyAmerican patriots preserved it, and how its purpose can be fulfilledtoday. Within each jurisdiction, the courts should articulate a suffi-ciently coherent doctrine to allow for the guarantee to be applied con-sistently and predictably. If two states develop divergent doctrines,each state's courts should be able to explain why: Either one state isright and the other wrong, or some legitimate distinction permits bothstates to be right.

If state courts can meet this task, then independent state constitu-tional jurisprudence may well be on solid ground. If, in interpretingother constitutional guarantees, such courts happen to differ with fed-eral precedent about corresponding rights, such divergence is defen-sible and perhaps desirable. But if state courts cannot make any senseout of their most important unique guarantee, then maybe a "lock-step" approach is the most practical, if not the most principled,method of interpreting those rights found in both the United StatesConstitution and state constitutions.


To understand the right to a remedy, most states look first to the

lenge to the Price-Anderson Act, which sets a $560 million cap on liability for privatenuclear power plant accidents. Id. at 64-65. After holding that the provision was rationallyrelated to a legitimate government purpose, id. at 84, the Court turned to the argumentthat the cap "fail[ed] to provide those injured by a nuclear accident with a satisfactory quidpro quo for the common-law rights of recovery which the Act abrogates," id. at 87-88. TheCourt noted that "it is not at all clear that the Due Process Clause in fact requires that alegislatively enacted compensation scheme either duplicate the recovery at common law orprovide a reasonable substitute remedy." Id. at 88. Although the Court cited by footnoteeight cases either directly rejecting or suggesting a rejection of a federal remedies chal-lenge, it did "not resolve" the issue because it concluded that the Act "provide[d] a reason-ably just substitute for the common-law or state tort law remedies it replace[d]." Id.

The Supreme Court passed up another opportunity in Fein v. Permanente MedicalGroup, 474 U.S. 892 (1985). In that case, the Supreme Court declined to review, for wantof a substantial federal question, a state supreme court decision upholding noneconomicdamage caps on medical malpractice awards. Id. at 892-93 (White, J., dissenting fromdenial of certiorari). Justice White dissented, arguing that he would have granted certiorarito consider whether federal due process requires a quid pro quo when a state replaces acommon-law remedy with a compensation statute. Id. at 894-95.

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guarantee's origin and development in England. Judges long havebeen impressed by its pedigree, dating from the Great Charter on thefield at Runnymede in 1215 and confirmed as Chapter 29 of the "finalversion" of Magna Carta in 1225. 35 But the modern significance of theright to a remedy began in 1641, when Sir Edward co*ke's Second Partof the Institutes of the Laws of England was published posthumously. 36

co*ke described Chapter 29 of Magna Carta as a "roote" from which"many fruitfull branches of the law of England have sprung. ' 37 Onesuch branch was the protection of individuals' rights from official actsof oppression, the precursor to modern due process.38 Another was"the rights of subjects in their private relations with one another, '39

where co*ke gave this gloss on Magna Carta:[E]very subject of this realm, for injury done to him in goods, lands,or person, by any other subject, be he ecclesiastical, or temporall,*.. or any other without exception, may take his remedy by the

35 See, e.g., Koch, Jr., supra note 23, at 340 (selecting open courts clause for studybecause of its "rich historical background that can be traced back more than eight centu-ries"). Translated into modern English, Chapter 29 provides:

N[o] freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised of any freehold, orliberties, or free customs, or outlawed, or banished, or in any other waydestroyed, nor will we go upon him, nor send upon him, except by the legaljudgment of his peers or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to noone will we deny, or delay right or justice.

See Swindler, supra note 4, at 316-17. The original Latin text can be found in FaithThompson, The First Century of Magna Carta: Why It Persisted as a Document 111(1925).

The motivations for the original guarantee are actually easier to discern than those ofour own states' framers. The barons had little interest in abstract pronouncements of idealgovernance; they were after specific language to compel particular action. See WilliamSharp McKechnie, Magna Carta: A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John 51-52, 120 (2d ed. 191.4). The barons were displeased because the royal courts, which fastwere displacing local feudal courts as the preferred forum for dispute resolution, operatedon a fee scale, with different charges for particular writs. "The system invited abuse; moreexpensive writs worked faster than cheaper ones, were more potent, and could achieveaccess to a more favorable forum." David Schuman, Oregon's Remedy Guarantee:Article I, Section 10 of the Oregon Constitution, 65 Or. L. Rev. 35, 37 (1986). By elimi-nating these fees, the barons not only alleviated this disparity but also increased thechances that royal courts would recede in importance. If free royal justice were unprofit-able, the barons might increase their "market share" and regain the power and prestige ofoperating successful local courts. See McKechnie, supra, at 80-81, 87-90 (chronicling writsystem's role in "diverting the stream of litigation from the barons' courts to the [royalcourts]" and recognizing Crown's planto overthrow jurisdiction of baronial courts whilealso profiting from rigid writ system).

36 See Hastings Lyon & Herman Block, Edward co*ke: Oracle of the Law 348 (1929).37 Edward co*ke, The Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England 45 (photo.

reprint 1986) (London, W. Clarke & Sons 1817) (1641).38 Id. at 46.39 Smothers v. Gresham Transfer, Inc., 23 P.3d 333, 341 (Or. 2001) (explaining co*ke's

view that second sentence of Magna Carta evolved into guarantee that afforded every sub-ject legal remedy for injury caused by another to goods, land, or other property).

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course of the law, and have justice, and right for the injury done tohim, freely without sale, fully without any deniall, and speedilywithout delay.

.. [J]ustice must have three qualities; it must be... free; fornothing is more odious than Justice let to sale; full, for justice oughtnot to limp, or be granted piece-meal; and speedily, for delay is akind of denial; and then it is both justice and right.40

Much of this language survives intact as the remedies guarantees ofsome state constitutions.41

During the next century, Sir William Blackstone described theright to a remedy as one of the critical means through which a civilizedsociety served its principal aim-the preservation of an individual'sabsolute rights to life, liberty, and property.42 In his Commentaries onthe Laws of England, first published in Oxford between 1765 and1769, Blackstone divided the rights of persons into two categories. 43

The three absolute rights of personal security, personal liberty, andprivate property existed in a state of nature. 44 Other rights weremerely relative, arising only because men live in society and have rela-tionships with other people.45 Absolute rights could not be protectedsimply by declaratory law; individuals required means of vindicating

40 co*ke, supra note 37, at 55 (portions of quotation translated from Latin by author).41 See supra notes 7-9 and accompanying text.42 According to Blackstone,

[T]he principal aim of society is to protect individuals in the enjoyment ofthose absolute rights, which are vested in them by the immutable laws ofnature; but which could not be preserved in peace without that mutual assis-tance and intercourse, which is gained by the institution of friendly and socialcommunities. Hence it follows, that the first and primary end of human laws isto maintain and regulate these absolute rights of individuals. Such rights as aresocial and relative result from, and are posterior to, the formation of states andsocieties: so that to maintain and regulate these, is clearly a subsequentconsideration.

1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *124. For example, protection from homicide is anabsolute right; an import duty on wool is a relative right. Man's laws either may permit orforbid relative rights without offending natural law. Id. at *42-43.

43 Id. at *123. One good secondary treatise on Blackstone is Blackstone's Commenta-ries on the Law, From the Abridged Edition of Wm. Hardcastle Browne Including a Bio-graphical Sketch, Modern American Notes, Common Law Maxims and a Glossary of LegalTerms (Bernard C. Gavit ed., 1941).

44 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *125,*129. Personal security included the rightto life and limb, and, less importantly, to body (freedom from assault), health, and reputa-tion. Personal liberty encompassed freedom of movement and freedom from imprison-ment without due course of law. Property rights include "the free use, enjoyment, anddisposal of acquisitions, without interference or diminution" except by law. Id. at *130-39.

45 Id. at *123. The four main categories of relative rights, which Blackstone called"rights and duties in private economical relations" and the "great relations in private life,"are the relationships between master and servant, husband and wife, parent and child, andguardian and ward. Id. at *422.

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them.But in vain would these [absolute] rights be declared, ascertained,and protected by the dead letter of the laws, if the constitution hadprovided no other method to secure their actual enjoyment. It hastherefore established certain other auxiliary subordinate rights ofthe subject, which serve principally as outworks or barriers to pro-tect and maintain inviolate the three great and primary rights, ofpersonal security, personal liberty, and private property.46

The right to a remedy was one of the five subordinate rightsthrough which people vindicated their absolute rights, 47 and it encom-passed both the substance of the law and the procedures throughwhich courts applied that law. 48 Once a person was injured, the rightto an "adequate remedy" immediately attached, though judicial pro-cess might be necessary to ascertain the exact parameters of thatright.49 The right to a remedy dictated that common-law courts exer-cise general jurisdiction, being open for all cases involving injury toindividual rights, "[flor it is a settled and invariable principle in thelaws of England, that every right when withheld must have a remedy,and every injury its proper redress. ' 50 Thus when Blackstone quotedco*ke's dictum that justice be granted fully and without delay, he wasconcerned not merely with the physical availability of judicial processbut with the substantive opportunity to assert claims to protect abso-lute rights. 51

Neither co*ke nor Blackstone would have empowered judicialofficers to protect rights against government intrusion. At that time,no one accorded power to the courts to strike down legislative actions,Bonham's Case (whatever it means) notwithstanding. 52 As

46 Id. at *140-41.47 The other four subordinate rights include the constitution, powers, and privileges of

parliament; the limitations of the king's prerogative; the right to petition the king or eitherhouse of parliament for redress of grievances; and the right to bear arms in self-defense.Id. at *141-44.

48 Id. at *142 ("Not only the substantial part, or judicial decisions, of the law, but alsothe formal part, or method of proceeding, cannot be altered but by parliament; for, if oncethose outworks were demolished, there would be an inlet to all manner of innovation inthe body of the law itself.").

49 3 William Blackstone, Commentaries *116.50 Id. at *109.51 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *141 ("Since the law is in England the supreme

arbiter of every man's life, liberty, and property, courts of justice must at all times be opento the subject, and the law be duly administered therein" to satisfy the subordinate right of"applying to the courts of justice for redress of injuries.").

52 Bonham's Case, 77 Eng. Rep. 646,652 (K.B. 1610) (opinion of co*ke, J.) (declaring indicta "that in many cases, the common law will ... controul [sic] Acts of Parliament, andsometimes adjudge them to be utterly void"). See Douglas W. Vick, The Human RightsAct and the British Constitution, 37 Tex. Int'l L.J. 329, 335 n.43 (2002) (dismissing influ-

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Blackstone stated, "[Parliament] being the highest and greatest court,over which none other can have jurisdiction in the kingdom, if by anymeans a misgovernment should any way fall upon it the subjects ofthis kingdom are left without all manner of remedy. ' 53 Blackstoneclearly saw the remedies guarantee only as a check on royal and other"private" abuses of power, not parliamentary excess.

Unlike co*ke and Blackstone, the rebellious American colonistssaw both the Crown and Parliament as oppressors. 54 Parliamentaryinitiatives during the 1760s and 1770s convinced the colonists that theinformal constitution securing English rights against royal infringe-ment was inadequate to protect against all forms of governmentoppression. When independence was declared, some of the newAmerican states began adopting formal written constitutions to struc-ture their new governments and to help secure their most funda-mental rights. As Gordon Wood notes, they recognized that lawsprotecting their basic freedoms must be of "a nature more sacred thanthose which established a turnpike road. '55

By the end of 1776, two states-Delaware and Pennsylvania-had adopted constitutions guaranteeing the right to a remedy.5 6 Four

ence of Bonham's dicta on ability of courts to control acts of Parliament; noting thatco*ke's view "never took hold" and that "co*ke himself seem[ed] to repudiate it" in laterwritings).

53 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *161 (recounting Sir Matthew Hale's observa-tion). Therefore, so long as the English Constitution lasted, the power of Parliamentwould be "absolute and without control." Id. at *162.

54 As one observer notes, "Lord co*ke was a fervent advocate of parliamentarysupremacy, whereas the colonists ended up resisting parliamentary as well as royalauthority." Jonathan M. Hoffman, By the Course of the Law: The Origins of the OpenCourts Clause of State Constitutions, 74 Or. L. Rev. 1279, 1301 (1995) (discussing Britain'sperceived interference with American colonial courts prior to American Revolution, andcomparing colonial grievances over royal abuses with conflict between co*ke and Crown150 years earlier).

55 Gordon S. Wood, Foreword: State Constitution-Making in the American Revolu-tion, 24 Rutgers L.J. 911, 920 (1993) (citing The Crisis, No. XI, 81-87 (New York 1775)).The initial American constitutional initiative was chaotic, not systematic. Some states kepttheir royal charters throughout the Revolution or beyond, id. at 913-14, while others wereunsure about whether or to what extent their constitutions actually constrained legislativebehavior, id. at 921-24. Some states tried to ensure the primacy of the new documents bydeclaring them fundamental (as in the case of Virginia) or partly unchangeable(Delaware), id. at 921, and/or by requiring extraordinary legislative majorities to changethem (as with Delaware and Maryland), id. at 922. Vermont, unsure whether a constitu-tional convention was legal, went so far as to have its legislature reenact its constitution.Id.

56 Section 12 of Delaware's Declaration of Rights and Fundamental Rules, passed Sep-

tember 11, 1776, borrowed language from Lord co*ke to provide[tihat every Freeman for every Injury done him in his Goods, Lands or Person,by any other Person, ought to have Remedy by the due Course of the Law ofthe Land, and ought to have Justice and Right for the Injury done to him freelywithout Sale, fully without any Denial, and speedily without Delay, according

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more states adopted the right before the United States Constitutionwas ratified,57 as did all three new states that joined the Union before1800.58

In the absence of any surviving debate or discussion from theadoption of these provisions, our best opportunity to discover how theearly framers intended to adapt the wisdom of co*ke and Blackstoneto the American experience comes from early judicial interpretationsof the right. If the framers really intended to place a constitutionalshield around the common law, that notion should appear in opinionsapplying the guarante. 59

to the Law of the Land.A Declaration of Rights and Fundamental Rules of the Delaware State, in 2 Sources andDocuments of United States Constitutions 197, 198 (William F. Swindler ed., 1973).

Section 26 of the Plan or Frame of Government for the Commonwealth or State ofPennsylvania provided that "[a]ll courts shall be open, and justice shall be impartiallyadministered without corruption or unnecessary delay." Pa. Const. of 1776, Plan or Frameof Government for the Commonwealth or State of Pennsylvania § 26, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003).

The distinctions between these two provisions form the basic division between reme-dies clauses today. See supra notes 8-9 and accompanying text.

57 Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and North Carolina all followed the Del-aware model, although North Carolina's constitutional provision applied only to personsrestrained of their liberty. Md. Const. of 1776, A Declaration of Rights, art. 17, http:/ (last visited Apr. 20, 2003); Mass.Const. of 1780, Part 1: A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Common-wealth of Massachusetts, art. 11, (last visitedApr. 20, 2003); N.H. Const. of 1784, Part 1: The Bill of Rights, art. 14, in 4 The Federal andState Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of the States, Territories,and Colonies Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America 2455 (photo.reprint 1977) (Francis Newton Thorpe ed., 1909) [hereinafter The Federal and State Con-stitutions]; N.C. Const. of 1776, A Declaration of Rights, art. 13, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003).

58 These states are Kentucky, Tennessee, and Vermont, all of which followed the Penn-sylvania model. Ky. Const. of 1792, art. XII, § 13, reprinted in 3 The Federal and StateConstitutions, supra note 57, at 1264, 1275; Tenn. Const. of 1796, art. XI, § 17, (last visited May 13, 2003); Vt. Const. of 1777, ch. II, § 23, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003).

Delaware itself switched to the Pennsylvania model in 1792, with Article I, Section 9of its new constitution providing:

All courts shall be open; and every man, for an injury done him in his reputa-tion, person, moveable or immoveable possessions, shall have remedy by thedue course of law, and justice administered according to the very right of thecause and the law of the land, without sale, denial, or unreasonable delay orexpense ....

Del. Const. of 1792, art. I, § 9, reprinted in 1 The Federal and State Constitutions, supranote 57, at 568, 569. Today, twenty-seven states use something resembling the originalPennsylvania formulation; only eleven states still adhere to co*ke's language. See Bauman,supra note 24, at 284-88 (providing complete list of remedies provisions in stateconstitutions).

59 Of the eight states that accompanied their ratification of the Federal Constitution

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with suggestions for additional amendments, only three-Virginia, North Carolina, andRhode Island-included a remedies provision. The Virginia Ratification Conventionproposed

[t]hat every freeman ought to find a certain remedy by recourse to the laws forall injuries and wrongs he may receive in his person, property, or character.He ought to obtain right and justice freely without sale, completely andwithout denial, promptly and without delay, and that all establishments or reg-ulations, contravening these rights, are oppressive and unjust.

10 The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution: Ratification of theConstitution by the States: Virginia 1552 (John P. Kaminski & Gaspare J. Saladino eds.,1993) [hereinafter Documentary History]; 18 Documentary History, supra, at 202, 315.

North Carolina submitted proposed amendments identical to Virginia's. CompareRatification of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina, November 21, 1789, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003), with Ratificationof the Constitution by the State of Virginia, June 26, 1788, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003).

Rhode Island's statement of ratification included this proposal: "That every freemanought to obtain right and justice freely and without sale; completely, and without denial;promptly, and without delay; and that all establishments and regulations contraveningthese rights are oppressive and unjust." William R. Staples, Rhode Island in the Conti-nental Congress, with the Journal of the Convention that Adopted the Constitution, 1765-1790, at 652, 676 (Reuben Aldridge Guild ed., Providence, R.I., Providence Press Co.1870), (last visited Apr. 20, 2003).

The Virginia proposals were submitted for ratification in New York, see Letter fromGeorge Mason to John Lamb (June 9, 1788), in 9 Documentary History, supra, at 818, butthe New Yorkers did not include a remedies guarantee in their own proposals. Ratificationof the Constitution by the State of New York, July 26, 1788, (last visited Apr. 20, 2003). Of the six states with a remedies provi-sion in their own constitution, only North Carolina recommended that the Federal Consti-tution follow suit. See Koch, Jr., supra note 23, at 372.

Despite the Virginia recommendation, James Madison, a Congressman from that statewho drafted the Federal Bill of Rights, did not propose a remedies clause for it. Moreover,there is no record that any member of the House of Representatives urged its inclusion.But in the Senate, an amendment to guarantee a remedy for all injuries or wrongs wasoffered and rejected on September 8, 1789. Koch, Jr., supra note 23, at 374-75.

Because of the limited role of federal courts under the new government, the membersof the First Congress were wise to exclude the right to a remedy from the new Constitu-tion. See Hans A. Linde, Without "Due Process": Unconstitutional Law in Oregon, 49Or. L. Rev. 125, 138 n.38 (1970) (arguing that limited role of federal government in mattersof common law justified exclusion of right to remedy, but inclusion of federal due processclause in Bill of Rights "made sense" as way "to secure that the new government wouldexercise its untried powers over life, liberty, and property by due process of law"). Afterall, the Constitution requires only one federal court (the Supreme Court), with Congressempowered-but not required-to create inferior courts. And the Constitution did notintend for federal judges to take the lead in creating or modifying common-law causes ofaction. See Erie R.R. Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 78 (1938) ("Congress has no power todeclare substantive rules of common law applicable in a State whether they be local intheir nature or 'general,' be they commercial law or a part of the law of torts. And noclause in the Constitution purports to confer such a power upon the federal courts.").

For many years, it appeared that the Federal Constitution still might protect the rightto a remedy under the due process clause. For a discussion of that development, see supranote 34.

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The first case I have found that mentions the remedies guaranteeof a state constitution was decided in 1814. Upholding aMassachusetts law that abolished the common-law right of land-owners to sue mill owners for flooding and substituted a paymentsschedule instead, the Supreme Judicial Court reasoned: "If it shouldbe said, that the legislature itself has not the constitutional authorityto deprive a citizen of a remedy for a wrong actually done to him: theanswer is obvious, that they have a right to substitute one process foranother .... ,,60 Early nineteenth-century courts invariably recognizedan adequate substitute as a defense to a remedies attack, 61 even if thesubstituted remedy was "less convenient" or "more tardy anddifficult."


An 1821 case offers the earliest example of an opinion that men-tions the remedies guarantee while striking down a law. The SupremeCourt of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee relied on several federaland state constitutional grounds to invalidate a statute providing atwo-year moratorium on executing on a judgment for debt unless thecreditor agreed to accept the notes of certain banks in satisfaction. 63

The court noted that "[i]n magna charta [the remedies] restriction isupon royal power; in our country it is upon legislative, and all other,power."'64 But based on Sullivan's commentaries on co*ke, the courtread the right to a remedy as protecting only "original and judicialprocess";65 that is, "the mean, whereby we may attain the end," ofjustice, or law.66 Thus, "where the law, operating upon the contractwhen first made, held out to the creditor the promise of immediateexecution after judgment, '67 the new statute, imposing a moratoriumon collection, violated the right to a remedy.

In reviewing statutes, nineteenth-century courts often applied theremedies clause interchangeably with federal and state impairment ofobligation of contracts clauses, federal and state due process or due

60 Stowell v. Flagg, 11 Mass. (9 Tyng) 364, 365 (1814).61 See, e.g., Von Baumbach v. Bade, 9 Wis. 559, 577-78 (1859) ("All the authorities

agree that it is within the power of the legislature to repeal, amend, change, or modify thelaws governing proceedings in courts ... so that they leave the parties a substantial remedy

62 Bronson v. Kinzie, 42 U.S. (1 How.) 311, 316 (1843) (observing that state may alterremedy so long as "the alteration does not impair the obligation of the contract").

63 Townsend v. Townsend, 7 Tenn. (Peck) 1 (1821).64 Id. at 14.65 Id. at 15.66 Id.67 Id.

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course guarantees, and federal and state prohibitions against ex postfacto or retroactive laws. 68 Debtor protection laws were struck downin this scattershot manner on several occasions before the Civil War,with the opinions not articulating the extent to which the remediesclause contributed to the end results.69

The first case to strike down a government action solely on thebasis of the remedies clause again came from Tennessee, in 1835.70The action condemned was not a law, but a justice-of-the-peace courtrule requiring all motions for new trial to be made on the first Sat-urday after trial. Because "[i]t is the business of the courts to be open,where right and justice shall be administered[,]" the rule had to yieldto the constitution. 7' Later, several state courts voided laws that taxedaccess to the courts in one way or another beyond what was needed tosupport the judicial machinery. 72

68 See, e.g., Riggs, Peabody & Co. v. Martin, 5 Ark. 506, 508 (1844); Commercial Bank

of Natchez v. Chambers, 16 Miss. (8 S. & M.) 9, 46-47 (1847); Townsend, 7 Tenn. (Peck) at14-16; Von Baumbach v. Bade, 9 Wis. 559, 577 (1859).

69 When reading early cases with a modern eye, it is often difficult to find the preciseauthority on which a court purports to act. Unlike today's courts, which generally resolvecases on a single ground and which dismiss as dicta any statement not directly necessary tothat holding, courts in the 1800s routinely struck down laws on every applicable groundand without any indication that only one of the alternative holdings was law. See, e.g.,Davis v. Pierse, 7 Minn. 13 (1862) (striking down stay law suspending judicial privileges ofthose aiding Confederacy during Civil War under five constitutional provisions, includingremedies clause, contracts clause, prohibition on ex post facto laws, privileges and immuni-ties clause and guarantee of grand jury in criminal matters); see also Chambers, 16 Miss. at46-47.

In other cases of that period, the court would fail to identify any particular authorityfor a judicial outcome. As late as 1871, the chief justice of Wisconsin said in what mayhave been a remedies case:

I care very little whether it is placed on those fundamental principles of lawand justice which, in our form of government it has been held no legislativebody can override, even though not prohibited by the written constitution, orupon the provisions of the constitution itself, some of which clearly forbid theenactment of such laws.

Durkee v. City of Janesville, 28 Wis. 464, 467 (1871); see also Judith S. Kaye, Foreward:The Common Law and State Constitutional Law as Full Partners in the Protection of Indi-vidual Rights, 23 Rutgers L.J. 727, 730-32 (1992) (observing that common law and constitu-tional law often embody same principles, and commenting that "the mere fact that acommon law right received constitutional recognition did not signify that it was therebyextinguished as a common law right").

70 Pawley v. McGimpsey, 15 Tenn. (7 Yer.) 502 (1835).71 Id. at 504.72 Thus, while early decisions upheld a five-dollar tax on losing litigants, Harrison,

Pepper & Co. v. Willis, 54 Tenn. (7 Heisk.) 35, 45-47 (1871) (finding that tax does notviolate "letter or spirit" of open courts clause), and a three-dollar fee to obtain a jury trial,Adams v. Corriston, 7 Minn. 456, 461 (1862) ("The constitution does not guarantee to thecitizen the right to litigate without expense, but simply protects him from the imposition ofsuch terms as unreasonably and injuriously interfere with his right to a remedy. ... ),other courts struck down statutes mandating "fees" that seemed intended to fund the gen-

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The first case I have found that struck down a non-revenuestatute primarily on the basis of the remedies clause did not comeuntil 1862, when the Supreme Court of Minnesota struck down a lawdenying access to the courts of the state to anyone "aiding the Rebel-lion."' 73 After expounding their support for the Union cause, the jus-tices observed that "in the end all must regard as matter of pride andgratulation, that in this state no one, not even the worst of felons, canbe denied the right to simple justice. '74

Yet even these modest holdings were not without controversy.When the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 1859, relying in part on theremedies clause, even considered striking down a law giving a mort-gagor six months to answer a foreclosure complaint, one justice wrotea vigorous concurrence, characterizing as "extraordinary" the court'sposition that

the remedy is under the control of the state; and, so long as its legis-lation only alters or impairs it, to what the judiciary deems a reason-able extent, then it is not within the constitutional prohibition; butwhen it does so to an unreasonable extent, then it is.... [T]his is...but a judicial discretion to revise legislation; and in my judgment,there is no authority for it in the constitution. 75

And in 1861, the Kentucky Supreme Court concluded:The terms and import of this provision show that it relates alto-

gether to the judicial department ... which is to administer justice"by due course of law," and not to the legislative department, bywhich such "due course" may be prescribed.

Any other construction would make it inconsistent with otherclauses of the constitution, and, in fact, render it practically

eral treasury, see Flood v. State ex rel. Homeland Co., 117 So. 385, 387 (Fla. 1928)(describing ten-dollar docket fee collected for public law library as tax, and thus "repug-nant" to state's open court clause); State ex rel. Davidson v. Gorman, 41 N.W. 948, 949(Minn. 1889) (finding statute that required payment based on value of decedent's estatebefore beginning probate proceedings more like taxation than fee and thus unconstitu-tional as "hav[ing] no proximate relation to the ... expenses of the court, nor to the natureor extent of the services which may become necessary in the proceedings"). At least onecourt struck down a law requiring a tax or assessment to be paid before it could be chal-lenged in court. Weller v. City of St. Paul, 5 Minn. 95, 101 (1860) (construing "unconscion-able and unjust" tax payment requirement as potentially "amount[ing] to an entire denialof justice"); see also Wilson v. McKenna, 52 I11. 43, 48-49 (1869) (striking down revenuelaw that required party to show he paid all taxes due on land before challenging tax title setup against him); Bennet v. Davis, 37 A. 864, 865 (Me. 1897) (striking down statute thatrequired party to pay amount claimed against him, including costs and interest, beforebeginning his defense).

73 Davis v. Pierse, 7 Minn. 13, 20 (1862) ("[T]he legislature cannot, directly or indirectly.. . deprive [a citizen] of his constitutional right to commence, maintain or defend anyaction or other judicial proceeding.").

74 Id. at 23.75 Von Baumbach v. Bade, 9 Wis. 559, 589 (Paine, J., concurring).

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Not until after the Civil War was there any reported opiniondealing with a remedies clause challenge to a statute limiting a tortclaim. In 1875, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld a law pro-viding those who worked on or near a railroad with the same limitedright to sue the railroad as that enjoyed by the railroad's employees.77

The court concluded that no fundamental right had been "cut off orstruck down" because the doctrine of respondeat superior "is only anoffspring of law."'78 Since the servant still could be sued for negli-gence, and the injured party still could recover from someone, the lawwas constitutional. 79 But the same year, the Pennsylvania SupremeCourt affirmed a judgment striking down a statute that limited arailway's damages to $3000 for personal injury.80 While the courtcited the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1874, it is not clear whether itrelied solely on the remedies clause or a provision providing for nolimitation of damages. 8' Five years later the Supreme Court of Penn-sylvania explained:

[W]e are not convinced that Railroad v. Cook should be overruled.Its authority is in conservation of the reserved right to every man,that for an injury done him in his person, he shall have a remedy bydue course of law. The people have withheld power from the legis-lature and the courts to deprive them of that remedy, or to circum-scribe it so that a jury can only give a pitiful fraction of the damagesustained. Nothing less than the full amount of pecuniary damagewhich a man suffers from an injury to him in his lands, goods orperson, fills the measure secured to him in the Declaration ofRights. 82

Finally, in 1887, a federal district judge in Oregon alluded to theremedies clause as grounds for invalidating a tort statute.8 3 The plain-tiff sued a county for injuries sustained while crossing a defectivebridge in a horse-drawn buggy.84 While the case was pending, theOregon Legislature passed a statute limiting suits against counties tocontract actions and repealing authorization to sue "'for an injury...arising from some act or omission' of any county. '' 85 The court stated

76 Johnson v. Higgins, 60 Ky. (3 Met.) 566, 570-71 (1862).77 Kirby v. Pa. R.R. Co., 76 Pa. 506, 508 (1815).78 Id. at 509.79 Id.80 Cent. Ry. of N.J. v. Cook, I Weekly Notes of Cases 319 (Pa. 1875).81 Id.82 Thirteenth & Fifteenth St. Passenger Ry. v. Boudrou, 92 Pa. 475. 481-82 (1880).83 Eastman v. County of Clackamas, 32 F. 24 (D. Or. 1887).84 Id. at 25-26.85 Id. at 30-31.

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that in its judgment, the statute was invalid because "the legislaturecannot, in the face of [the remedies clause], deny to any one a remedyby due course of law for an injury arising from the wrongful act oromission of a county .... 1186 However, the court concluded it was"content to rest the decision of this case on the conclusion that theamendment .. does not and was not intended to affect the plaintiff'sright of action" because it was passed after the action commencedand, as a rule of construction, had to be interpreted as applying tofuture actions.87

Not until 1901 did a court rely squarely on the right to a remedyto strike down a statute providing tort remedies. In Mattson v.Astoria,88 a municipal ordinance completely eliminated all remediesfor persons injured by a defective public street.89 The OregonSupreme Court held that

[t]he constitutional provision guarantying [sic] to every person aremedy by due course of law for injury done him in person or prop-erty .. was intended to preserve the common-law right of actionfor injury to person or property, and while the legislature maychange the remedy or form of procedure, attach conditions prece-dent to its exercise, and perhaps abolish old and substitute new rem-edies, it cannot deny a remedy entirely. 90

Thus, the full import of the remedies clause was not realized untilthe same decade when the United States Supreme Court used sub-stantive due process to "enact Mr. Herbert Spencer's Social Statics" inLochner.91 Yet state courts were unwilling to apply the remediesclause aggressively to strike down emerging workers' compensationsystems. All states eventually adopted these plans, and they were gen-erally upheld by the courts, although in some instances constitutionalamendments were necessary to satisfy or overcome judicialobjections.


86 Id. at 32.87 Id. But see Templeton v. Linn County, 29 P. 795, 796 (Or. 1892) (refusing to strike

down same statute based on remedies guarantee).88 65 P. 1066 (Or. 1901).89 Id. at 1066-67.90 Id. at 1067 (citations omitted).91 Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45, 75 (1905) (Holmes, J., dissenting); see Herbert

Spencer, The Man Versus the State 27 (Liberty Classics 1981) (1884) (stating that man'sliberty "is to be measured, not by the nature of the government machinery he lives under... but by the relative paucity of the restraints it imposes on him").

92 99 C.J.S. Workman's Compensation §§ 36-40 (2000). Decisions to uphold the stat-utes frequently were based on the fact that the employee or employer, or both, had theability to opt out of the scheme. See, e.g., Shade v. Ash Grove Lime & Portland CementCo., 144 P. 249, 250 (Kan. 1914) (holding that because compensation system rests on con-sent of employer and employee, all remedies under common and statutory law remainintact); Matheson v. Minneapolis St. Ry. Co., 148 N.W. 71, 76 (Minn. 1914) (same); Shea v.

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While inconsistent with some modern views of the right to aremedy, these early cases were surprisingly consistent withBlackstone's view. In most early American cases, the courts werewilling to supply a remedy for every right, whether created bycommon law or statute. But they were not bound to preserve anyparticular remedy or procedure for vindicating the right. As long asthe new law preserved the injured person's ability to vindicate his orher rights in court or provided an adequate substitute remedy, theright to a remedy was not violated. The courts also allowed legisla-tures to limit remedies derived from relative law, such as respondeatsuperior, in part because the injured person retained the right toobtain a judicial remedy against the individual who caused the injury,that is, the individual who violated the injured person's absolute rightto personal security.


Most state courts also upheld legislative repeal of the so-called"heart-balm actions" in the mid-twentieth century, but their reasonsfor doing so added still new variations to the doctrine.93 For example,in Pennington v. Stewart, the Indiana Supreme Court held that theaffections of the plaintiff's wife were not property rights. 94 It furtherheld that because marriage and divorce were controlled by the legisla-ture, and a cause of action for alienation of affections was an incidentof marriage, it was also within the purview of the legislature to alter oreliminate the cause of action. 95 Furthermore, in Haskins v. Bias, theOhio Court of Appeals held that these causes of actions were nolonger considered "properly recognizable at law" and had beenseverely criticized "because of their peculiar susceptibility to abuseand the changing attitude toward the status of women. ' 96 Thus, theremedies clause did not apply because it protected only "wrongs thatare recognized by law."'97 One commentator, criticizing the heart-balm decisions, observed: "The fact that the legislature's decision was

North-Butte Mining Co., 179 P. 499, 503 (Mont. 1919) (same); Evanhoff v. State Indus.Accident Comm'n, 154 P. 106, 111 (Or. 1915) (same); Scott v. Nashville Bridge Co., 223S.W. 844, 852 (Tenn. 1920) (finding no deprivation because act is optional and notcompulsory).

93 See Rotwein v. Gersten, 36 So. 2d 419 (Fla. 1948) (upholding legislature's repeal ofactions for alienation of affection). But see Heck v. Schupp, 68 N.E.2d 464 (11. 1946)(striking down repeal of alienation of affections remedy).

94 10 N.E.2d 619, 621 (Ind. 1937).95 Id.96 441 N.E.2d 842, 844 (Ohio Ct. App. 1981).97 Id.

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not controversial does not make it constitutional if it denies funda-mental rights."'98

Widely divergent outcomes resulted from challenges to thevarious statutes of repose passed in the 1960s and 1970s to help archi-tects, engineers, builders, and others in the. construction field.Because these statutes cut off certain claims before they even arose,they were in tension with the established remedies doctrine in manystates. Most of these statutes were upheld against remedies attacks,99

though a significant minority were struck down.100

Numerous remedies challenges were brought against laws passedin the 1970s and 1980s regulating medical malpractice suits. Again,while many of these laws were struck down in whole or in part onequal protection,10 jury trial,102 privileges and immunities, 0 3 due pro-

98 Bauman, supra note 24, at 278.

99 See, e.g., Carter v. Hartenstein, 455 S.W.2d 918, 921 (Ark. 1970); Yarbro v. HiltonHotels Corp., 655 P.2d 822, 827 (Colo. 1982); Zapata v. Burns, 542 A.2d 700, 711 (Conn.1988); Cheswold Volunteer Fire Co. v. Lambertson Constr. Co., 489 A.2d 413, 417-18 (Del.1984); Twin Falls Clinic & Hosp. Bldg. Corp. v. Hamill, 644 P.2d 341, 346 (Idaho 1982);Beecher v. White, 447 N.E.2d 622, 628 (Ind. Ct. App. 1983); Burmaster v. GravityDrainage Dist. No. 2, 366 So. 2d 1381, 1387-88 (La. 1978); Whiting-Turner Contracting Co.v. Coupard, 499 A.2d 178, 188-89 (Md. 1985); Klein v. Catalano, 437 N.E.2d 514, 522(Mass. 1982); Anderson v. Fred Wagner & Roy Anderson, Jr., Inc., 402 So. 2d 320, 324(Miss. 1981); Blaske v. Smith & Entzeroth, Inc., 821 S.W.2d 822, 832-33 (Mo. 1991); Reevesv. Ille Elec. Co., 551 P.2d 647, 650-52 (Mont. 1976); Lamb v. Wedgewood S. Corp., 302S.E.2d 868, 880-83 (N.C. 1983); Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge 1785 v. Cavaness, 563 P.2d143, 146-48 (Okla. 1977) (rejecting right to remedy claim, but holding that statute is never-theless unconstitutional violation of federal equal protection provision); Josephs v. Burns,491 P.2d 203, 207 (Or. 1971), abrogated by Smothers v. Gresham Transfer, Inc., 23 P.3d333, 356 (Or. 2001); Freezer Storage, Inc. v. Armstrong Cork Co., 382 A.2d 715, 720-21 (Pa.1978); Walsh v. Gowing, 494 A.2d 543, 547-48 (R.I. 1985); Harmon v. Angus R. JessupAssocs., Inc., 619 S.W.2d 522, 524 (Tenn. 1981); Trinity River Auth. v. URS Consultants,Inc., 889 S.W.2d 259, 261-63 (Tex. 1994).

100 See, e.g., Jackson v. Mannesmann Demag Corp., 435 So. 2d 725, 727-28 (Ala. 1983);

Overland Constr. Co. v. Sirmons, 369 So. 2d 572, 575 (Fla. 1979); Perkins v. N.E. LogHomes, 808 S.W.2d 809, 817 (Ky. 1991); Saylor v. Hall, 497 S.W.2d 218, 225 (Ky. 1973);Brennaman v. R.M.I. Co., 639 N.E.2d 425, 430 (Ohio 1994) (overruling Sedar v. KnowltonConstr. Co., 551 N.E.2d 938, 947 (Ohio 1990)); Daugaard v. Baltic Coop. Bldg. SupplyAss'n, 349 N.W.2d 419, 424 (S.D. 1984); Horton v. Goldminer's Daughter, 785 P.2d 1087,1096 (Utah 1989); Kallas Millwork Corp. v. Square D Co., 225 N.W.2d 454, 460 (Wis.1975); Phillips v. ABC Builders, Inc., 611 P.2d 821, 831 (Wyo. 1980).

101 See, e.g., Austin v. Litvak, 682 P.2d 41 (Colo. 1984) (holding that three-year statuteof repose for medical malpractice actions violates state equal protection guarantee as toone class of claims, but not as to others); Shessel v. Stroup, 316 S.E.2d 155 (Ga. 1984)(holding that medical malpractice statute of limitations of two years violates equal protec-tion); Farley v. Engelken, 740 P.2d 1.058 (Kan. 1987) (ruling that abrogation of collateralsource rule violates state equal protection); Wentling v. Med. Anesthesia Servs., 701 P.2d939 (Kan. 1985) (ruling that abrogation of collateral source rule violates state and federalequal protection); Coffey v. Bresnahan, 506 A.2d 310 (N.H. 1986) (finding two-year statuteof limitations for tort plaintiffs in survival actions violates equal protection when other tortplaintiffs could recover for six years); Carson v. Maurer, 424 A.2d 825 (N.H. 1980) (holding

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cess, 104 and separation of powers grounds, 10 5 as well as on the right toa remedy,106 state courts also have upheld a number of statutes against

virtually all features of malpractice act unconstitutional); Arneson v. Olson, 270 N.W.2d125 (N.D. 1978) (finding that $300,000 cap on damages violates state equal protection);Schwan v. Riverside Methodist Hosp., 452 N.E.2d 1337 (Ohio 1983) (holding that one-yearstatute of limitations as applied to minors over ten years of age violates equal protectionbecause it lacks rational basis); Duren v. Suburban Cmty. Hosp., 482 N.E.2d 1358 (OhioCt. Com. PI. 1985) (holding $200,000 damage cap violates equal protection); Graley v.Satayatham, 343 N.E.2d 832 (Ohio Ct. Com. P1. 1976) (finding that modification of collat-eral source rule violates equal protection); Boucher v. Sayeed, 459 A.2d 87 (R.I. 1983)(holding that pretrial screening panel violates equal protection); Baptist Hosp. of S.E. Tex.,Inc. v. Baber, 672 S.W.2d 296 (Tex. App. 1984) (ruling that $500,000 damage cap violatesequal protection).

102 See, e.g., Boyd v. Bulala, 647 F. Supp. 781 (W.D. Va. 1986) (holding damage capviolates right to jury trial found in state constitution); Simon v. St. Elizabeth Med. Ctr., 355N.E.2d 903 (Ohio Ct. Com. P1. 1976) (concluding that admission of review panel findings attrial violates right to jury trial and equal protection); Heller v. Frankston, 475 A.2d 1291(Pa. 1984) (holding limitation on awards for attorneys' fees unconstitutional violation ofright to jury trial); Mattos v. Thompson, 421 A.2d 190 (Pa. 1980) (ruling delay in pretrialarbitration requirement violates right to trial by jury).

103 See, e.g., Eastin v. Broomfield, 570 P.2d 744 (Ariz. 1977) (finding requirement that

party not prevailing before panel post $2000 bond before proceeding to trial violated stateprivileges and immunities clause).

104 See, e.g., Aldana v. Holub, 381 So. 2d 231 (Fla. 1980) (holding review panel process

violates federal and state due process rights); Flippin v. Jarrell, 270 S.E.2d 482 (N.C. 1980)(finding statute of limitations in medical malpractice action violated mother's due processrights by providing unreasonable time to file claim after discovery of injury); Arneson, 270N.W.2d 125 (invalidating cumulative effect of provisions in medical malpractice statute onsubstantive due process grounds); Gaines v. Preterm-Cleveland, Inc., 514 N.E.2d 709 (Ohio1987) (holding statute of repose unconstitutionally applied to medical malpractice victimwho discovered injury during period of repose but had unreasonably short amount of timeto file suit).

105 See, e.g., Bernier v. Burris, 497 N.E.2d 763 (111. 1986) (ruling that pretrial screening

panels made up of circuit judge, attorney, and health-care professional violate separationof powers under state constitution); Wright v. Cent. Du Page Hosp. Ass'n, 347 N.E.2d 736(I11. 1976) (same); Arneson, 270 N.W.2d at 131-32 (holding that legislative attempt torestrict joinder and doctrine of res ipsa loquitur in medical negligence cases violates exclu-sive authority of state supreme court to establish rules of procedure and evidence).

106 See, e.g., Smith v. Dep't. of Ins., 507 So. 2d 1080 (Fla. 1987) (finding $450,000

damage cap violates right of access to courts); Strahler v. St. Luke's Hosp., 706 S.W.2d 7(Mo. 1986) (holding statute of limitations applicable to minors violates right of access tocourts); State ex rel. Cardinal Glennon Mem'l Hosp. for Children v. Gaertner, 583 S.W.2d107 (Mo. 1979) (ruling that statutorily required pretrial panel review violates right ofaccess to courts by imposing delay before jurisdiction is obtained); Jiron v. Mahlab, 659P.2d 311 (N.M. 1983) (finding review panel's undue delay as applied to plaintiffs violatestheir right of access to courts); Hardy v. VerMeulen, 512 N.E.2d 626 (Ohio 1987) (holdingstatute of limitations abolishing discovery rule violates constitutional provision grantingright to remedy); Neagle v. Nelson, 685 S.W.2d 11 (Tex. 1985) (holding statute of limita-tions violates right of access to courts as applied to plaintiff who discovered negligenceafter period was up); Nelson v. Krusen, 678 S.W.2d 918 (Tex. 1984) (declaring that statuteof limitations cutting off cause of action before discovery of injury is unconstitutionalunder open courts provision); Sax v. Votteler, 648 S.W.2d 661 (Tex. 1983) (concluding thattwo-year statute of limitations for minors over age six violates open courts provision).

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all such attacks.10 7

Now, remedies challenges are being leveled against recent "tortreform" laws. Taking advantage of new state constitutional law trea-tises, law review articles, and increased interstate dialogue betweenstate appellate justices, contemporary remedies opinions are oftenlonger and more thoughtful, but as yet they are no more consistentthan before. Indeed, current variations among and even within statesare truly confounding. Justice Hans Linde noted that his ownSupreme Court of Oregon "has written many individually tenable butinconsistent opinions" about the remedies guarantee, 10 8 while formerJustice Zimmerman of the Utah Supreme Court called upon thebench and bar to develop new approaches to find "understandablestandards that are practically capable of predictableapplication." 19

107 See, e.g., Fein v. Permanente Med. Group, 695 P.2d 665 (Cal. 1985) (holding cap onnoneconomic damages and modification of collateral source rule constitutional); Lacy v.Green, 428 A.2d 1171 (Del. Super. Ct. 1981) (finding statute providing for medical reviewboard does not deny constitutional protections of right to trial by jury, equal protection,separation of powers, access to court, or due process); Attorney Gen. v. Johnson, 385 A.2d57 (Md. 1978) (ruling that medical review panel requirement does not violate separation ofpowers, right to jury trial, or equal protection); State ex rel. Strykowski v. Wilkie, 261N.W.2d 434 (Wis. 1978) (same); Comiskey v. Arlen, 390 N.Y.S.2d 122 (App. Div. 1976)(holding that statute allowing for admission of medical malpractice panel's recommenda-tion at subsequent trial does not violate right to jury trial, due process, or equal protec-tion), aff'd, 43 N.Y.2d 696 (1977); see also Riciiard C. Turkington, ConstitutionalLimitations on Tort Reform: Have the State Courts Placed Insurmountable Obstacles inthe Path of Legislative Responses to the Perceived Liability Insurance Crisis?, 32 Viii. L.Rev. 1299, 1317-19 n.52 (1987) (listing states that have held medical malpractice actsunconstitutional and states that have ruled favorably on constitutionality of such acts).

108 Hale v. Port of Portland, 783 P.2d 506, 518 (Or. 1989) (Linde, J., concurring); see alsoMartin B. Margulies, Connecticut's Misunderstood Remedy Clause, 14 Q.L.R. 217 (1994)(advocating for standard of review approach to remedy clause analysis); Lewis, supra note31, at 955, 985 (concluding that Kentucky's jural rights doctrine is based on misconceptionof constitutional history and should be abandoned).

109 Lyon v. Burton, 5 P.3d 616, 641 (Utah 2000) (Zimmerman, J., concurring). JusticeZimmerman criticized the seminal case of Berry v. Beech Aircraft Corp., 717 P.2d 670(Utah 1985), as "subject to manipulation," "lead[ing] to absurd results," and distorting thecourt's relationship with the Utah Legislature by "bestow[ing] upon [the Utah SupremeCourt] the unfettered right to second-guess the legislature." Craftsman Builder's Supply,Inc. v. Butler Mfg. Co., 974 P.2d 1194, 1224, 1228 (Utah 1999) (Zimmerman, J., concur-ring). Zimmerman advocates a procedural approach to interpreting the clause. Id. at 1238.He argues that

[blecause the open courts provision does not place substantive limitations onthe legislature, the legislature may eliminate a cause of action, narrow the fac-tual circ*mstances that will give rise to any particular cause of action, or limitthe remedies available for a legal injury. Of course, the power of the legisla-ture to make such changes in the law is limited by other constitutional provi-sions .... Furthermore, the legislature is also constrained in that it cannotmake modifications affecting vested rights. That is, once the right to an actionvests, the legislature is not free to thereafter eliminate the cause of action.

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Some scholars, wading through this morass, have attempted toclassify or systematize the various approaches. 110 Many of their dis-tinctions are instructive, though I do not find any compelling. At best,the disarray may be organized into certain rubrics that recur fromstate to state.

A. Quid Pro Quo

First, all states apparently recognize the doctrine of a substituteremedy, or quid pro quo, to justify legislative change. But some stateshold that the substitute need only benefit society as a whole,' 1 whileothers require that it benefit the individual plaintiff. 112 And whenthey require an individual benefit, courts differ on how closely thenew remedy must replicate the one it replaced. 113

Even more disparity occurs when the statute does not provide aquid pro quo. Some courts hold that such laws invariably must bestruck down.' 14 Many take something of a "due process" approach-that is, the courts will uphold the legislative choice if it bears a rational

Id. He further states that "[t]he procedural protection afforded by article I, section 11 isnot empty. I conclude that it prohibits both the courts and the legislature from closing thedoors of the courts to any person who has a legal right to vindicate." Id.

110 See, e.g., I Friesen, supra note 7, § 6-2(c); Francis E. McGovern, The Variety, Policy

and Constitutionality of Product Liability Statutes of Repose, 30 Am. U. L. Rev. 579, 616(1981); Schuman, supra note 25, at 1205-17; Patrick E. Sullivan, Note, Medical MalpracticeStatute of Repose: An Unconstitutional Denial of Access to the Courts, 63 Neb. L. Rev.150, 170-77 (1983); Janice Sue Wang, Note, State Constitutional Remedy Provisions andArticle 1, Section 10 of the Washington State Constitution: The Possibility of Greater Judi-cial Protection of Established Tort Causes of Action and Remedies, 64 Wash. L. Rev. 203,208-11 (1989).

111 See Lemuz v. Feiser, 933 P.2d 134, 150 (Kan. 1997) (finding risk management andminimum insurance requirements that benefit public are adequate quid pro quo for abro-gating cause of action against hospital for corporate negligence).

112 See Estabrook v. Am. Hoist & Derrick, Inc., 498 A.2d 741, 746-48 (N.H. 1985)

(holding that amendment to workers' compensation act giving immunity to negligentfellow employees is unconstitutional because it does not provide adequate quid pro quo),overruled by Young v. Prevue Prods., Inc., 534 A.2d 714, 717 (N.H. 1987) (declining toapply narrow quid pro quo requirement used in Estabrook).

113 See Schuman, supra note 25, at 1210-12 (discussing Estabrook). Compare Tex.

Workers' Comp. Comm'n v. Garcia, 893 S.W.2d 504, 521 (Tex. 1995) (comparing amendedstatute to common-law remedy, and not previous statute, when considering open courtchallenge), with Bair v. Peck, 811 P.2d 1176, 1191 (Kan. 1991) (holding that if comprehen-sive remedial legislation that originally preserved common-law remedy is amended toabrogate that remedy, change is constitutional if "the substitute remedy would have beensufficient if the modification had been part of the original act").

114 Smothers v. Gresham Transfer, Inc., 23 P.3d 333, 356 (Or. 2001) (ruling that legisla-ture must provide substitute remedial process when it abolishes any pre-1857 common-lawright).

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or perhaps a reasonable relationship to a legitimate or permissible leg-islative goal. 115 But still other opinions, borrowing federal equal pro-tection terminology, require something akin to strict scrutiny indeciding whether to permit the legislative restriction.11 6 A few deci-sions have required "an overpowering public necessity" to uphold arestriction without a substitute remedy.' 17 Finally, some opinions usedifferent standards of scrutiny based on the nature of the right beinginfringed.118

In evaluating the restriction, some opinions look only at the legis-lative purpose in changing the law, while others "balance" the plain-tiff's loss of a remedy against the general benefit to society. 1 9 Thestandards articulated by courts for conducting this balance typicallyprovide little guidance to constrain the judges' personalpreferences.120

115 Thus, West Virginia courts will uphold a law whose purpose is "to eliminate or curtaila clear social or economic problem, and the alteration or repeal of the existing cause ofaction or remedy is a reasonable method of achieving such purpose." Lewis v. CanaanValley Resorts, Inc., 408 S.E.2d 634, 645 (W. Va. 1991). See also Haney v. Int'l HarvesterCo., 201 N.W.2d 140, 146 (Minn. 1972) (stating that no substitute remedy is needed ifabolition is in pursuit of "permissible legislative objective"); Green v. Siegel, Barnett &Schutz, 557 N.W.2d 396, 404-05 (S.D. 1996) (deferring to legislature's reasonable decisionto run statute of limitations from date of breach of duty rather than date of discovery);Berry v. Beech Aircraft Corp., 717 P.2d 670, 680 (Utah 1985) (requiring substantially equalalternative benefit unless "there is a clear social or economic evil to be eliminated and theelimination of an existing legal remedy is not an arbitrary or unreasonable means forachieving the objective").

116 See Kenyon v. Hammer, 688 P.2d 961, 975 (Ariz. 1984) (applying strict scrutiny equalprotection analysis because state constitutional guarantee prohibiting abrogation of rightto recover damages makes right to remedy fundamental); White v. State, 661 P.2d 1272,1274-75 (Mont. 1983) (using similar analysis with respect to state's "speedy remedy" provi-sion), overruled by Meech v. Hillhaven W., Inc., 776 P.2d 488 (Mont. 1989) (holding thatMontana constitution does not guarantee fundamental right to full redress).

117 See Psychiatric Assocs. v. Siegel, 610 So. 2d 419, 424 (Fla. 1992) (requiring finding ofoverpowering necessity and no alternative means to meet necessity to justify legislature'sabrogation of court access). But see Agency for Health Care Admin. v. Associated Indus.of Fla., Inc., 678 So. 2d 1239, 1253 (Fla. 1996) (clarifying that lesser standard applies whenlegislature abolishes affirmative defenses).

118 See Murphy v. Edmonds, 601 A.2d 102, 113-14 (Md. 1992) (requiring quid pro quowhen statute abrogates recovery for violation of fundamental rights, but perhaps not whenother common-law rights are abrogated).

119 See Strahler v. St. Luke's Hosp., 706 S.W.2d 7, 11-12 (Mo. 1986) (striking down med-ical malpractice statute of repose because cost to injured minors outweighs societal good).

120 As I said in my dissent in Lucas v. United States:With all due respect, these approaches [in the court's other three opinions] allsuffer from a common vice: [T]hey require this court to strike a delicate bal-ance between important competing interests without any standards for evalu-ating the relative importance of those interests. This unfettered discretionleaves us with little other than our personal predilections on which to rely inreaching our decision. One justice therefore finds the cap to be "reasonable,"the other justices condemn the caps as "unfair and unreasonable" or "unrea-

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B. Application to Common Law Only

Second, regardless of the standard employed, most decisions holdthat the remedies clause only impedes legislatures from altering oramending a common-law remedy, not a statutorily-created one.t 21

Some opinions hold that the common-law remedy must be "well-established." 122 That can mean merely that the remedy is older thanthe statute allegedly impairing it,123 or that the remedy was settledwhen the constitution was adopted. 124 But all these distinctionsassume that the bench and bar can tell whether today's cause of actionis the same as or different than one from a century or two ago, a taskthat sometimes confounds even legal historians.125

Some authorities reject all these distinctions as artificial. 126 Theysee the guarantee as encompassing both statutory and common-lawprovisions, with importance rather than age or pedigree being theprincipal inquiry. For example, one justice would apply the remediesprovision to protect a statute, a judicial holding, or even a custom thatis "engrained into the fabric of the law [so] as to acquire fundamentaland basic status. '127

sonable and arbitrary."757 S.W.2d 687, 717 (Tex. 1988) (citations omitted).

121 See, e.g., Olson v. Ford Motor Co., 558 N.W.2d 491, 497 (Minn. 1997) (explainingthat "Remedies Clause does not guarantee redress for every wrong, but instead enjoins thelegislature from eliminating those remedies that have vested at common law without alegitimate legislative purpose") (emphasis in original); Moreno v. Sterling Drug, Inc., 787S.W.2d 348, 355 (Tex. 1990) (stating that litigant must show that "well-recognized common-law cause of action ... is being restricted"). But see Kluger v. White, 281 So. 2d 1, 4 (Fla.1973) (holding that remedy is protected if provided by statute passed prior to effective dateof constitution or created by common law at any time).

122 See, e.g., Trinity River Auth. v. URS Consultants, Inc., 889 S.W.2d 259, 261 (Tex.1994).

123 See, e.g., Olson, 558 N.W.2d at 497 (concluding seat belt gag rule not violation whereit predates crashworthiness doctrine it supposedly impaired); Trinity River Auth., 889S.W.2d at 263 (finding statute of repose constitutional because common law had not recog-nized discovery rule at time statute was passed).

124 Stein v. Katz, 567 A.2d 1183, 1186 (Conn. 1989) (denying attempt to strike downdental repose statute because plaintiff died before trial and negligence claims abated atdeath under common law when constitution was adopted in 1818).

125 Schuman, supra note 25, at 1209-10 (comparing Saylor v. Hall, 497 S.W.2d 218 (Ky.1973), which held that cause of action was protected as developed over time, with Carneyv. Moody, 646 S.W.2d 40 (Ky. 1982), which held that cause of action was protected only ifexisting when Kentucky constitution was adopted).

126 See Neher v. Chartier, 879 P.2d 156, 161 (Or. 1994) (recognizing abandonment ofdistinction between statutory and common-law claim); Schuman, supra note 25, at 1217("To distinguish between common-law and legislative causes of action is to elevate formover substance.").

127 Lankford v. Sullivan, Long & Hagerty, 416 So. 2d 996, 1007 (Ala. 1982) (Jones, J.,concurring).

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C. Delay or Denial of Access

Third, some opinions limit only statutes that delay or deny accessto the courts, not those that deny or restrict substantive relief. 128

Thus, in medical malpractice cases, the Missouri Supreme Court hasstruck down pre-suit screening panels but upheld statutes limiting lia-bility.' 29 Others protect only against retroactive changes in the law.Thus, the legislature can change or abolish any cause of action, but theremedies clause protects the claims of those individuals whose causesof action had accrued at or before the time of the change.13o1 Andsome decisions hold that the remedy clause is not violated by the com-plete abolition of a remedy if the legislature has left a plaintiff a sim-ilar remedy against other defendants. 131

D. No Restriction on Legislation

Finally, a significant number of opinions hold that the remediesguarantee does not constrain any substantive legislation. Forexample, in North Carolina, "the remedy constitutionally guaranteedmust be one that is legally cognizable. The legislature has the powerto define the circ*mstances under which a remedy is legally cogni-

128 See Commonwealth v. Werner, 280 S.W.2d 214 (Ky. 1955) (invalidating statute thatdeferred jury trials for two years in highway condemnation proceedings); Johnson v.Higgins, 60 Ky. (3 Met.) 566 (1861) (holding that remedies clause does not apply to courts'jurisdiction); Pinnick v. Cleary, 271 N.E.2d 592, 600 (Mass. 1971) (finding remedies clausepreserves procedural but not substantive rights). Professor Schuman concludes that "his-tory more logically supports a 'substantive/procedural' distinction than a 'legislative/judicial' one." Schuman, supra note 25, at 1203.

129 Adams v. Children's Mercy Hosp., 832 S.W.2d 898 (Mo. 1992) (finding statutory capon damages constitutional); Harrell v. Total Health Care, Inc., 781 S.W.2d 58 (Mo. 1989)(holding that immunity statute exempting health services corporations from certain liabili-ties is constitutional); State ex rel. Cardinal Glennon Mem'l Hosp. for Children v.Gaertner, 583 S.W.2d 107 (Mo. 1979) (invalidating as unconstitutional statute requiringperson with malpractice claim to refer claim to Review Board before filing court action).

130 See Pickett v. Matthews, 192 So. 261, 264 (Ala. 1939) ("Undoubtedly the right to theremedy must remain and cannot be curtailed after the injury has occurred and right ofaction vested, regardless of the source of the duty which was breached, provided itremained in existence when the breach occurred."); Harrison v. Schrader, 569 S.W.2d 822,827 (Tenn. 1978) (noting that guarantee only applies to "such injuries as constitute viola-tions of established law of which the courts can properly take cognizance") (citationsomitted). Justice Shores criticizes this approach as providing no more protection than thatalready provided by the ex post facto prohibition. Fireman's Fund Am. Ins. Co. v.Coleman, 394 So. 2d 334, 351 (Ala. 1981) (Shores, J., concurring).131 See Sartori v. Harnischfeger Corp., 432 N.W.2d 448, 454 (Minn. 1988) (upholding

statute of repose for manufacturers, designers, and contractors of improvement to realproperty because suit still available against landowner and worker's compensation benefitsstill available for injured employees); Noonan v. City of Portland, 88 P.2d 808, 821 (Or.1938) (concluding that remedy clause not violated because, though city is immune, suit stillavailable against negligent officials and abutting property owner), overruled by Smothersv. Gresham Transfer, Inc., 23 P.3d 333, 353 (Or. 2001).

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zable and those under which it is not."'1 32 Other courts have reachedthe same result by describing the guarantee as merely a general prin-ciple, not a constitutional standard.133


In surveying this morass, it is certainly tempting to give the reme-dies guarantee a narrow or constricted scope. Among the reasons thatsuggest caution to me are these:

First, the paucity of historical information may make us uncom-fortable with our ability to interpret and develop the clause. 134 Somejurists and scholars have suggested that constitutional texts without anextensive historical record, because they have never engenderedbroad interest or public debate, do not deserve to be interpreted inthe same fashion as the "great ordinances of the Constitution."' 135

132 Lamb v. Wedgewood S. Corp., 302 S.E.2d 868, 882 (N.C. 1983); see also Crier v.

Whitecloud, 496 So. 2d 305, 309-10 (La. 1986) (holding that state constitution does notlimit legislature's ability to restrict causes of action or to create areas of immunity fromsuit).

133 In Idaho, the remedies clause "merely admonishes the Idaho courts to dispense jus-tice and to secure citizens the rights and remedies afforded by the legislature or by thecommon law." Hawley v. Green, 788 P.2d 1321, 1.324 (Idaho 1990). See also O'Quinn v.Walt Disney Prods., Inc., 493 P.2d 344, 346 (Colo. 1972) (explaining that remedies clause"simply provides that if a right does accrue under the law, the courts will be available toeffectuate such right"); Langevin v. City of Biddeford, 481 A.2d 495, 497 n.2 (Me. 1984)(noting that remedies clause does not create fundamental right, but rather establishes gen-eral principle); Black v. Solmitz, 409 A.2d 634, 635 (Me. 1979) (describing remedies clauseas general principle that every wrong requires remedy); Ruth A. Mickelsen, The Use andInterpretation of Article I, Section Eight of the Minnesota Constitution 1861-1984, 10 Wm.Mitchell L. Rev. 667, 675-80 (1984) (discussing nineteenth- and early-twentieth-centuryMinnesota cases). In Garing v. Fraser, 76 Me. 37, 41-42 (1884), the Court explained:

To be sure, it is a general rule of the common law and it has been substantiallyengrafted into ... our constitution .... But the law has more than one idea.And this principle however sound must be understood with such qualificationsand limitations as other principles of law equally sound and important imposeupon it.

134 See generally L. Harold Levinson, Interpreting State Constitutions by Resort to theRecord, 6 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 567 (1978) (suggesting that clear, well-assembled record isuseful aid to establish "collective intent" in interpretation of constitutional provisions).

135 Springer v. Philippine Islands, 277 U.S. 189, 209 (1928) (Holmes, J., dissenting);

Vreeland v. Byrne, 370 A.2d 825, 831-32 (N.J. 1977); see also James Gray Pope, AnApproach to State Constitutional Interpretation, 24 Rutgers L.J. 985, 986-87 (1993) (sug-gesting different interpretive treatment for "vital" constitutional provisions and minorones).

However ancient its origin, the right to a remedy simply was not one of the core free-doms for which the revolution was waged. The eighteen volumes thus far published of thecomprehensive The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution includeonly two letters from one anonymous pamphleteer that discuss the guarantee at all. AnAdditional Number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republican; Leading to a

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Second, it is difficult to put parameters on the scope of judicialreview in a remedies challenge. For example, if Congress is to makeno law respecting the establishment of religion, then a court can test alaw against a judicially-fashioned standard of what constitutes estab-lishment. But the essence of lawmaking is the fixing of rights andresponsibilities and the creation of remedies when they are breached.Logically, any change in any law that may be enforced through a civilaction could violate the remedies guarantee. But no one contendsthat the law can or should be frozen or that only judges are legitimateagents of change. Thus, the remedies clause is clearly in tension withthe separation of powers doctrine that is the genius of the Americansystem. For example, forty-two states have constitutional or statutoryreception clauses providing that the common law shall control unlessand until changed by statutory law. 136 The remedies guarantee mustbe harmonized with the legislature's undoubted right to make broadpolicy.137 As one justice has queried: "How do courts supply content

Fair Examination of the System of Government, Proposed by the Late Convention; and toSeveral Essential and Necessary Alterations in It; and Calculated to Illustrate and Supportthe Principles and Positions Laid Down in the Preceding Letters, 17 Documentary History,supra note 59, at 265, 347. The pamphlet appeared sometime before May 2, 1788, when itspublication was announced in the New York Journal and New York Packet. Id.

One letter mentioned that "having free recourse to the laws" was a "natural andunalienable" right "of which even the people cannot deprive individuals." Letter VI (Dec.25, 1787), in id. at 268, 273-74. A second letter argued for the explicit protection of theright to a remedy in the Federal Constitution. While "by long custom, by magna charta,bills of rights &c.," the people had become "entitled to obtain right and justice freely andwithout delay" in the state courts, the federal courts were new and had no such tradition.Letter XVI (Jan. 20, 1788), in id. at 342, 347-48.

136 Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Tort Reform Past, Present andFuture: Solving Old Problems and Dealing with the "New Style" Litigation, 27 Win.Mitchell L. Rev. 237, 252 & n.87 (2000).

137 Note, supra note 27, at 1205 & n.18. See also Lucas v. Bishop, 273 S.W.2d 397, 399(Ark. 1954) (holding that remedies clause does not allow court to transgress division ofpowers to create means of redress for injury); Cason v. Baskin, 20 So. 2d 243, 250 (Fla.1944) (en banc) ("The words 'for any injury ... [he] shall have remedy, by due course oflaw' do not mean that strictly legislative power is delegated to the courts."); Simons v.Kidd, 38 N.W.2d 883, 886 (S.D. 1949) (concluding that remedies clause does not allowjudicial usurpation of legislative powers). In 1989, the Montana Supreme Court overruledthree decisions less than ten years old to hold:

Montana's remedy clause seeks to guarantee equal access to courts to obtainremedies for injuries as provided by governing law. It does not, however,impart a definition of what the law considers a remedy or full legal redress.Nor does it empower this Court to exclude the legislature from defining whatare legal injuries.

Meech v. Hillhaven W., Inc., 776 P.2d 488, 507 (Mont. 1989) (overruling Pfost v. State, 713P.2d 495 (Mont. 1985); White v. State, 661 P.2d 1272 (Mont. 1983); and Corrigan v. Janney,626 P.2d 838 (Mont. 1981), all of which had held that Montana Constitution guarantees allpersons judicial remedy for every injury). But see State ex rel. Watkins v. Fernandez, 143So. 638, 641 (Fla. 1932) ("In a changing world marked by the ebb and flow of social and

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to the provision without overstepping their traditional role and legis-lating themselves?" 138

Third, our view of the common law is quite different from that ofthe founders two centuries ago. Their guides were co*ke and Black-stone, for whom the common law was not simply the creation ofhuman judges. Rather, it was a pre-existing body of truth, in part or inwhole divinely inspired,139 that was merely "discovered" by judges.Thus, "[c]ases were mere evidence of the law as opposed to com-prising the law itself. ' 140 Today, we regard the common law asdynamic, not static. We see judicial opinions not as "mere evidence ofthe law's content,' ' 141 but as the law itself. Is this mutable, temporary,and very obviously human law as worthy of constitutional protectionas a "brooding omnipresence in the sky?"' 42

Fourth, the scope and function of the common law have changedrather dramatically since most states adopted their remedies provi-sions. In 1776, and well into the nineteenth century, most law wasjudge-made, not statutory. 143 Christopher Columbus Langdell, afterall, felt able to teach the "science" of law exclusively through the"case method. 1 44 But as codified law increased, more rights and rem-edies were created legislatively, not judicially.1 45 From wrongfuldeath acts, to private antitrust actions, to the Uniform CommercialCode, to consumer protection statutes, it is legislatures, not courts,

economic shifts, new conditions constantly arise which make it necessary, that no right bewithout a remedy, to extend the old and tried remedies. It is the function of courts to dothis." (emphasis added)).

138 Fireman's Fund Am. Ins. Co. v. Coleman, 394 So. 2d 334, 351 (Ala. 1981) (Shores, J.,concurring).

139 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *39-41.140 Christian F. Southwick, Note, Unprecedented: The Eighth Circuit Repaves Antiquas

Vias with a New Constitutional Doctrine, 21 Rev. Litig. 191, 246 (2002). Blackstone wrotein reaction to legal changes wrought by the incipient Industrial Revolution. As Southwickconcluded, "Blackstone saw the inadequacies of the common law as arising from altera-tions to its original form. For him, the study of history might make it possible to bring suchdeviations back into congruence with the common law's initial perfect state." Id. (citingDaniel J. Boorstin, The Mysterious Science of Law 27, 68 (1941)).

141 Id. at 253.142 S. Pac. Co. v. Jensen, 244 U.S. 205, 222 (1917) (Holmes, J., dissenting).143 See Kaye, supra note 69, at 728, 730-32 (discussing state common-law and constitu-

tional rights during colonial period); John M. Walker, Jr., Judicial Tendencies in StatutoryConstruction: Differing Views on the Role of the Judge, 58 Ann. Surv. Am. L. 203, 207-09(2001).

144 See, e.g., Arthur E. Sutherland, The Law at Harvard 167-76 (1967) (relating historyof Langdell's years as dean of Harvard Law School). Cf. Grant Gilmore, The Ages ofAmerican Law 42 (1977) ("Langdell seems to have been an essentially stupid man who,early in his life, hit on one great idea to which, thereafter, he clung with all the tenacity ofgenius.").

145 See, e.g., Judith S. Kaye, State Courts at the Dawn of a New Century: Common LawCourts Reading Statutes and Constitutions, 70 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1, 8-9 (1995).

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who are now the prime creators of new rights and remedies. Can statecourts in good conscience say to their legislatures, "Well, sure, you'vecreated all these causes of action for all these wrongs, but you can'ttouch this right because some judge recognized it in England a fewhundred years ago?" Isn't that ignoring the beam in the judicial eyewhile obsessing on the mote in the legislative one? Moreover, if early-nineteenth-century state courts did not accord constitutional protec-tion to common-law remedies when they were much more pervasivethan they are now, why should modern courts strain to protect suchremedies?

Fifth, and finally, the aggressive use of the remedies guaranteecreates the danger of a "see-saw" battle between judges and legisla-tors. 146 Already, legislatures in at least two states have sent constitu-tional amendments to the voters to overrule remedy decisions by theirstate supreme court. 147 Moreover, the continued judicial rejection ofpopularly supported legislative changes risks "federalizing" more law,as proponents of reform will turn to Congress to provide nationalsolutions to problems traditionally left to the states. One example isthe ongoing attempt to federalize the law of products liability.14 8 I do

146 Schwartz et al., supra note 136, at 240.147 Fireman's Fund Am. Ins. Co. v. Coleman, 394 So. 2d 334, 352 (Ala. 1981) (Shores, J.,

concurring) (noting that legislature amended Article IV, Section 82 of Alabama Constitu-tion to authorize adoption of arbitration statutes). Constitutional Initiative No. 30,approved by the electorate Nov. 4, 1986, would have amended the Montana ConstitutionArticle II section 16 to read as follows:

(1) Courts of justice shall be open to every person, and speedy remedyafforded for injury of person, property, or character. Right and justice shall beadministered without sale, denial, or delay.(2) No person shall be deprived of legal redress for injury incurred in employ-ment for which another person may be liable except as to fellow employeesand his immediate employer who hired him if such immediate employer pro-vides coverage under the Workmen's Compensation Laws of this state.(3) This section shall not be construed as a limitation upon the authority of thelegislature to enact statutes establishing, limiting, modifying, or abolishingremedies, claims for relief, damages, or allocations of responsibility for dam-ages in any civil proceeding; except that any express dollar limits on compensa-tory damages for actual economic loss for bodily injury must be approved by a2/3 vote of each house of the legislature.

State ex rel. Mont. Citizens for the Pres. of Citizens' Rights v. Waltermire, 738 P.2d 1255,1257 (Mont. 1987). The amendment failed, however, because of defects in presentation tothe electors. Id. at 1264.

148 See, e.g., Health Act of 2003, S. 607, 108th Cong. § 8(c) (2003) (regulating claimsagainst manufacturers of medical products); Personal Responsibility in Food ConsumptionAct, H.R. 339, 108th Cong. (2003) (precluding lawsuits against manufacturers, distributors,and sellers of food or nonalcoholic beverage products unless product is in violation ofstatutory or regulatory requirements); Asbestos Compensation Act of 2003, H.R. 1114,108th Cong. (2003) (regulating claims arising out of asbestos-related injuries); Small Busi-ness Liability Reform Act of 2001, S. 865, 107th Cong. § 204 (2001) (limiting liability ofproduct sellers); see also Marcia Coyle, In Washington, Old Fights Are New Again:

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not say that courts should disregard the law for prudential concerns.But as a Texan, I do offer for guidance Congressman David Crockett'smotto: "Be sure you are right, then go ahead.' 49



Mindful of such considerations, many scholars have devised newapproaches to rein in the remedies clause. For instance, one professorwould allow the legislature to abolish a cause of action entirely,because that is substantive, but not to place limitations or restrictionsthat could be deemed procedural on the same cause of action. 150 Butthat reasoning has the perverse effect of encouraging the legislature tomake wholesale changes in common-law principles when a meretweak could satisfy the perceived need for change. Another commen-tator suggests that "[ain open courts clause analysis consistent withthe origins of the provision should focus not on whether the legisla-ture has abolished a 'remedy' but on whether the challenged actioncompromises the judiciary as an independent branch of govern-ment. ' 151 This may be close to right, but it needs more explication tobe useful. Some of my colleagues feel compromised whenever thelegislature is sitting, while for others only a reduction in judicial paywould meet that standard! Finally, one scholar's proposal that a courtmay authorize a remedy only when the legislature has created a rightwithout a remedy152 presumably would relegate the clause to the farbackwater of useable law.

Given all these problems, is the remedies guarantee merely con-stitutional detritus, like a Rhode Islander's fundamental right togather seaweed on the beach? 153 Not at all. Certainly, remedies juris-prudence has much to offer in enhancing access to justice. The bestyears of the clause may lie ahead. As one scholar has noted, "the

Onlookers Recall '90s Tort Reform Effort, Nat'l L.J., Nov. 18, 2002, at Al (describingpolitical battles in Congress to limit personal injury and products-liability lawsuits).

149 David Crockett, A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett of the State of Tennessee13 n.1 (James A. Shackford & Stanley J. Folmsbee eds., The Univ. of Tenn. Press 1973)(1834).

150 Bauman, supra note 24, at 240.151 Hoffman, supra note 54, at 1316. Schuman agreed with this approach in his early

work but rejected it later. Compare Schuman, supra note 35, at 67-68 (reading remedyguarantee as directed to those who apply law, not to those who make it), with Schuman,supra note 25, at 1222 (rejecting judicial/legislative function distinction in favor of proce-dural/substantive one).

152 John H. Bauman, Note, Implied Causes of Action in the State Courts, 30 Stan. L.Rev. 1243, 1254-56 (1978).

153 See R.I. Const. art. I, § 17.

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state declarations embody a much broader concept of access thandoes the [F]irst [A]mendment as interpreted by the SupremeCourt."' 154 In an era when "there is far too much law for those whocan afford it and far too little for those who cannot," in Derek Bok'sfelicitous phrase, 155 the remedies clause may impose some level ofresponsibility on courts to see that all citizens secure the promise ofequal justice under the law. 156 When one sees legislatures willing tocreate new courts only if they will produce a positive revenue streamfrom fines and fees, the guarantee may help preserve an independentand coequal judiciary. 157 And when our nation's highest court refusesto let cameras broadcast its proceedings and allows near-contempora-neous audio broadcasts only if the presidency is perceived to be atstake or affirmative action is at issue, 158 the open courts guaranteemight be read to ensure meaningful public access to state court pro-ceedings in an era of tiny courtrooms but global interconnectivity.

As to whether and to what extent the right to a remedy shouldpreserve substantive rights from legislative encroachment, I must con-fess continued irresolution. But let me offer one hypothesis, or rathera provisional hypothetical, of how a close reading of history mightsupport a definite, but limited, role for the guarantee in curbing legis-lative excess. Consider again Blackstone's hierarchy of rights, whichprobably was familiar to the framers of our eighteenth- and nine-teenth-century constitutions. 159 Blackstone considered the primaryabsolute rights-personal security, personal liberty, and property-to

154 1 Friesen, supra note 7, § 6-7(b); see also Federated Publ'ns, Inc. v. Kurtz, 615 P.2d440, 445-47 (Wash. 1980) (applying open courts provision to pretrial proceedings by bal-ancing public's right to access and criminal defendant's right to fair trial).

155 Derek Bok, Report to the Board of Overseers (Apr. 21, 1983), in Quotationary 43(Leonard Roy Frank ed., 1999).

156 See 1 Friesen, supra note 7, § 6-7(a) (discussing state court decisions that struckdown rules creating financial barriers to seeking remedies); see also Griffin Indus., Inc. v.Thirteenth Ct. of App., 934 S.W.2d 349, 354 (Tex. 1996) ("If a lawyer is unable or unwillingto pay out-of-pocket costs, an indigent's right to access to the courts would be at an end.").But see Doe v. State, 579 A.2d 37, 46-47 (Conn. 1990) (holding that open courts provisiondoes not require state to pay indigents' attorney's fees in civil cases); Smith v. Dep't ofHealth and Rehabilitative Servs., 573 So. 2d 320, 322-24 (Fla. 1991) (finding statutory, butnot constitutional right to free transcripts for indigents). For an extreme view, see JudithAnne Bass, Note, Article I, Section 21: Access to Courts in Florida, 5 Fla. St. U. L. Rev.871 (1977) (calling for changes to Florida's open courts provision to provide constitutionalright to access for indigents).

157 Bauman, supra note 24, at 248-50.158 Anne Gearan, High Court OK's Audio of Arguments, AP Online, Dec. 9, 2000, 2000

WL 30320503; Dahlia Lithwick, Frank Admissions: The Supreme Court Finally Talks Seri-ously About Race, Slate Supreme Court Dispatches, Apr. 1, 2003, at

159 Suzanne L. Abram, Note, Problems of Contemporaneous Construction in State Con-stitutional Interpretation, 38 Brandeis L.J. 613, 613-14 (2000).

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be protected by the subordinate absolute rights, such as the right to aremedy. 60 Many causes of action that legislatures typically havesought to restrict, including loss of consortium, alienation of affec-tions, or respondeat superior, would to Blackstone surely be mere rel-ative rights that could be altered or abolished. 161 Moreover, evenabsolute rights could be protected through administrative schemes oralternate dispute resolution mechanisms, so long as these proceduresadequately protected claimants' remedies. Furthermore, many ele-ments of damages that have raised legislative skepticism, such asmental anguish or hedonic loss, would not be protected by Blackstonebecause freedom from psychological torment was not regarded as anabsolute right. Punitive damages and other elements which do notredress an injury would also be outside the scope of the Blackstonianremedy.

But if a legislature, perhaps buckling to inordinate pressure froma well-organized and highly vocal special-interest group, sought todeny all recovery for a well-recognized action that did implicate abso-lute rights, the remedy guarantee would come into play. Under thisapproach, medical lobbyists would be checked if they convinced astate to abolish all medical malpractice claims, railroad interests couldnot succeed in eliminating all crossing claims, and retail groups couldnot end all slip-and-fall claims. As the Supreme Court of Maine hasconcluded, the remedies guarantee forbids legislative limitations "sounreasonable as to deny meaningful access to the judicial process.' 162

Thus, consistent with both the ancient notions of Blackstone and themodern realities of legislative and judicial roles, a right to a remedyalong these lines could be a narrow but potent protection for basicrights.


Given the continuing importance of remedies law, I submit thatstate courts have an urgent responsibility to develop a coherent, rea-sonable doctrine for resolving these cases. Closer attention to the his-tory and purpose of the clause may help state courts meet thischallenge. While this address does not purport to provide finalanswers, it hopefully has provoked further productive thought.

160 1 William Blackstone, Commentaries *140-41.161 Professor Friesen claims it is arguable that wrongful death and other such causes of

action are not injury to "person, property, or reputation." 1 Friesen, supra note 7, § 6-2(c)n.30. In support, she cites Kilminster v. Day Management Corp., 919 P.2d 474, 479 (Or.1996) (holding that remedies clause is not violated, as claimants had no cause of actionunder statutory or common law).

162 Me. Med. Ctr. v. Cote, 577 A.2d 1173, 1176 (Me. 1990).

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