Creative Instagram Notes Ideas in 2023 (2024)

As we get closer to 2023, Instagram is changing. It’s important to make your feed different and exciting so you can show people who you are. That way, people will want to keep looking at it.

Creative Instagram Notes Ideas in 2023 (1)

Enter creative Instagram Notes ideas! These innovative concepts will breathe new life into your posts, captivate your audience, and reflect your unique personality.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore an inspiring collection of Notes ideas that will elevate your Instagram game in 2023 and beyond.

Table of Contents

What are Instagram Notes?

Do you ever want to tell someone about your feelings but don’t want to write a long paper? That’s where Instagram Notes come in handy. These are 60-character messages you can share with your clients’ Close Friends and followers in the IG Inbox to express a particular mood or sentiment.

Note – Instagram Notes are like a short personal update or billboard for your clients, similar to WhatsApp’s text status feature but even shorter due to the character limit.

What’s great is that you have control over who can view your clients’ notes. The notes will be displayed at the top of your clients’ inboxes for 24 hours, similar to Stories. If you were not aware of the Notes feature on Instagram, we have a guide available on how to share notes with others.

How to Use Instagram Notes?

Instagram Notes offer a versatile way for everyone, including small business owners and content creators, to maintain follower engagement. As the feature becomes available in more regions, social media managers can utilize Instagram Notes to elevate their clients’ profiles.

Engage followers by requesting opinions on trending topics, sharing news, adding humor through puns and jokes, or creating emoji-only Notes for decoding. Promote events, discounts, and other offers while directing followers to clients’ Stories.

With endless possibilities, Instagram Notes is the tool to keep your audience captivated and informed.

280+ Creative Instagram Notes Ideas

If you plan to use Instagram’s Notes feature for clients, check out these inspiring ideas for guidance.

Sassy Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. We’re not lost but just taking the scenic route.
  2. If I were an Instagram Note, I’d keep to myself.
  3. The secret sauce to success would take more than 60 characters…
  4. No wonder chickens start their day screaming.
  5. Time to flex my biggest muscle: my brain.
  6. Something’s wrong. *Points to the intern*
  7. We’re not lazy, we’re simply conserving energy.
  8. Rethinking all the decisions that led us here.
  9. Not everything has to have deep meaning—like this Note.
  10. An “I’m late and locked my keys in the car” kind of day.
  11. Say something very smart here.
  12. What do you mean there’s no more coffee?
  13. You are unique, just like everybody else.
  14. No one is really short. They’re just challenged by gravity.
  15. Always make time for coffee.
  16. I’m great at running…to get more donuts.
  17. I always forget things and I can’t remember why
  18. Life is a party but we want to be in bed by nine pm.
  19. I’ll just have one cup—said no coffee drinker ever.
  20. I’m getting this for the baby. It’s me. I’m the baby.
  21. You can’t spell glamorous without US.
  22. Throwing sass around like confetti.
  23. I’m not always sarcastic. Sometimes I’m sleeping.
  24. I’m not bossy; I just have better ideas.
  25. Being sassy is like a superpower, but with more eye rolls.
  26. Too glam to give a damn.
  27. Life is short; make every outfit count.
  28. I speak fluent sarcasm and sass.
  29. My personality is 30% sarcasm, 30% wit, and 40% fabulous.
  30. Just because I’m sassy doesn’t mean I care about your opinion.
  31. Sassy, classy, and a bit smart-assy.
  32. If you can’t handle my sass, you can’t handle my awesomeness.
  33. I’m not great at advice, but can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
  34. I may be a handful, but that’s why you have two hands.
  35. Confidence level: Selfie with no filter.
  36. You say I’m sassy like it’s a bad thing.

Inspirational Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. If you want something, make it happen.
  2. Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll be among the stars.
  3. The best investment is yourself.
  4. Don’t be afraid to stand out. Embrace your uniqueness.
  5. You got this. Storms don’t go on forever.
  6. Be the best version of yourself.
  7. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  8. Start your day with a goal. Live your life with purpose.
  9. Carve your own path.
  10. Tomorrow isn’t promised. You only have today.
  11. You should be your greatest cheerleader.
  12. Speak less and you’ll hear more.
  13. We all fight silent battles. Be kind.
  14. Live for today and you’ll live your best life.
  15. Girl, catch flights, not feelings.
  16. Beauty shines brighter in adversity.
  17. The only way to be awesome is to believe you’re awesome.
  18. Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
  19. You are capable of more than you know. Embrace your potential.
  20. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It’s the courage to continue that counts.
  21. The best time for new beginnings is now!
  22. Believe in yourself, and the world will believe in you too.
  23. Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.
  24. Don’t wait for opportunity; create it!
  25. Every morning is a chance to create something amazing.
  26. Life is a beautiful journey, enjoy every step of the way.
  27. Your only limit is your own imagination.

Funny Instagram Notes ideas

  1. Friday is still four days away.
  2. Zero days since someone in our office sang “Let It Go”
  3. We’re not growing older; we’re evolving.
  4. Naysayers can keep naying while we be slaying.
  5. I prefer not to think of them as mistakes but as memories.
  6. Hang out? I’ll ask my mom. She said, “No.”
  7. Talk to us after we’ve had our coffee.
  8. We like romantic walks…to the fridge.
  9. The Earth’s rotation really makes our day.
  10. In a goofy mood.
  11. Don’t cry. Have an extra french fry.
  12. Instagram Notes not found.
  13. Why does the banana wear a tie? It isn’t a-peel-ing enough.
  14. We have notes on our Instagram but not in our wallets.
  15. Insert your best Dad joke here.
  16. True love is talking to you even when we’re hungry.
  17. We see you sliding into our DMs.
  18. Full circle moment: MSN Messenger to Instagram Notes
  19. Always on the go…for food.
  20. Why walk on a treadmill when you can walk to get food?
  21. Stressed, spelled backward, is Desserts.
  22. Our social media manager is out. You’re stuck with me.
  23. Thank you to the inventor of the spork.
  24. Every day is Pizza Day if you buy pizzas daily.

Popular Movies and Shows Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. “Sweet Davy Jones! What the heck is going on?” — SpongeBob SquarePants
  2. “Is butter a carb?” — Mean Girls
  3. “Parkour!.” — The Office
  4. “As you wish.” — The Princess Bride
  5. “I understand nothing.” — The Office
  6. “Could I be wearing any more clothes?” — Friends
  7. “We were on a break!” — Friends
  8. “Ew, David.” — Schitt’s Creek
  9. “You can’t handle the truth!” — A Few Good Men
  10. “A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.” — Game of Thrones
  11. “Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” — Friends
  12. “My life is an inconvenience.” — Schitt’s Creek
  13. “Love that journey for me.” — Schitt’s Creek
  14. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” — Dirty Dancing
  15. “A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.” — Game of Thrones
  16. “Swoon. I’ll catch you.” — The English Patient
  17. “You’re in black and white. Like a living Instagram filter.” — Wednesday
  18. “In a world of chaos, there’s always room for a little ‘Friends’ therapy 🛋️”
  19. “May the force be with you on this fine day 🌌 #StarWars”
  20. “Keep your head up, darling or your crown might slip 👑 #TheCrown”
  21. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good ⚡ #HarryPotter”
  22. “‘Game of Thrones’ taught us that not all heroes wear capes, some just drink wine 🍷”
  23. “Life is like ‘Stranger Things,’ sometimes upside down, but always an adventure 🚲”
  24. “Just a ‘Breaking Bad’ fan trying to make good choices in life 🔬”
  25. “Channeling my inner ‘Schitt’s Creek’ today: fabulous and unapologetically me 🌟”
  26. “When life gives you lemons, channel your inner Don Draper and make an Old Fashioned 🥃 #MadMen”
  27. “In the wise words of Michael Scott, ‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky’ 📋 #TheOffice”

Emojis Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. Calling in 🤒. Our favorite TV character died.
  2. 📖 them and 😭
  3. 💡 moment!
  4. Never give up, never ⚐.
  5. It’s not always 🌈 and 🦋
  6. Bombastic 👀
  7. “It’s like ten thousand 🥄🥄 when all you need is a🗡.”
  8. We could all use a trip to the 🏖 right now.
  9. The only scream we want is 🍦.
  10. Turn that 🙁 upside down.
  11. We say this with 🧡, but the answer isn’t always 👽.
  12. The only way to make it through this meeting is more 🌮.
  13. 🏃ing to Friday.
  14. 🐄🐄 go “Moo” while 🐟 go “•°•°~.”
  15. “You give 🧡 a bad name.”
  16. The new product is out! Take your 📷 with it.
  17. It’s 🍕 party time!
  18. There should be 🎂 for every occasion.
  19. We’ll have your orders ready in a 🗲.
  20. Sliding into your DMs as smoothly as 🧈.
  21. You got this. It’s like riding a 🚲.
  22. New 📱, who this?
  23. What’s better than a 🐕? More 🐕
  24. The 🌞 is out but we’re all stuck in the office.
  25. Dreaming of sun, sand, and a vacation to remember!🏖️✈️
  26. Music is life, and I’m dancing through it one beat at a time💃
  27. Bookworms unite! Nothing beats a good read and a warm cup of coffee📚
  28. Embrace the beauty of nature and let it brighten your day🌺
  29. ✨ Never stop reaching for the stars – they’re closer than you think!💫
  30. 🍕 Foodies, rejoice! Let’s celebrate our love for all things delicious🍔
  31. Fitness goals: better, stronger, faster. Keep pushing yourself!🏋️‍♂️
  32. Embracing the digital world and taking our dreams to new heights🚀
  33. Our furry friends bring joy and happiness into our lives every day🐶🐱
  34. Spread love, positivity, and a little bit of magic wherever you go🌈🦄

Cool Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. #datenight
  2. Got any Notes ideas?
  3. Everything is a blur. I lost my glasses.
  4. Wanna talk?
  5. Selfie Sunday.
  6. Adventure awaits!
  7. RN Instagram notes.
  8. Save the last dance for me.
  9. Nobody’s got time for that.
  10. #Cheatday
  11. Bring it on.
  12. Feeling meh.
  13. #Movienight
  14. Is anybody still awake?
  15. Here’s a new note.
  16. My secret worry? That my own biggest crush reads this.
  17. Matching your vibe.
  18. 50% sweet. 50% savage.
  19. I never know what to say here.
  20. Life happens, tacos help.
  21. Life recently.
  22. She’s born to slay. Yaaas Queen!
  23. Want to exchange notes?
  24. Party time!
  25. Go for it!
  26. Let’s celebrate!
  27. Good mood. Sky High.
  28. Chill night.
  29. Lost in thought.
  30. Blessed mess inhale sky.
  31. Going live at 10 pm tonight.
  32. Be your own sunshine.
  33. Self-love.
  34. Chillin’ and vibin’.
  35. Want to catch up?
  36. Core memory.
  37. Check out our crazy behind-the-scenes.
  38. Rain check?
  39. Ask me anything.
  40. What a busy day.
  41. Stressed but still blessed
  42. Main character moment
  43. Zzz…
  44. Living my best life.
  45. Here comes Monday.
  46. Slayin’ and stayin’ awesome.
  47. Give me a very funny joke.
  48. Insert extremely smart advice here.
  49. Can’t unsee
  50. Useless notes.
  51. Netflix suggestions?
  52. You have beautiful eyes.
  53. What’s new?
  54. Post-yoga happiness.
  55. You rang?
  56. Make a note of this.
  57. Penny for your thoughts?
  58. Own less, live more.
  59. Typical me on a Friday night.
  60. Who’s awake at three am?
  61. Insert a random thought here.
  62. Passing the vibe check.
  63. Choose your battles.
  64. Off to Paris.
  65. Feeling rundown lately.
  66. Spring season!
  67. No sleep ‘til the last episode.
  68. #squadgoals
  69. Currently binge-watching.
  70. Dance like no one’s watching!
  71. Currently on power-saving mode.
  72. Nothing but me and my mac and cheese.
  73. Celebrating me just because.
  74. It’s Becky, the intern, the person posting notes.
  75. You can never have too many books.
  76. You were born to slay!
  77. Vibe check!
  78. Just me.
  79. All the cute things I see, including you.
  80. #Unbothered
  81. What’s for dinner?
  82. Anybody up for pizza?
  83. Just a vibe.
  84. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.
  85. Better an oops than an oh no!
  86. Wild and free work.
  87. You are beautiful in every single way.
  88. No misery, just madness.
  89. We love love!
  90. Out here reading people’s Instagram Notes.
  91. Bustin’ out the pumpkin spice early.
  92. You’re invited. It’s not a secret.
  93. Just another day at the office.
  94. Get our latest offers!
  95. Tropical state of mind.

Engaging Instagram Notes Ideas

  1. Who is your inspiration?
  2. What is the newest song you love?
  3. Share your favorite unique food combination – let’s see who has the most intriguing taste buds!
  4. What’s your hidden talent?
  5. What’s your favorite childhood video game and why? Let’s reminisce about the good old days!
  6. What concert would you like to go to?
  7. What’s your dream vacation?
  8. If you could make one wish for the world, what would it be? Share your thoughts and let’s dream together!
  9. What’s number one on your bucket list?
  10. What’s your funniest Dad joke?
  11. Share a photo of your latest artistic creation or DIY project – let’s inspire each other!
  12. What’s your biggest flex?
  13. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
  14. What’s your unpopular opinion?
  15. Movie night! Share your all-time favorite film and why it’s special to you.
  16. What expensive item do you regret buying?
  17. What’s the best place to visit?
  18. What are your cool best wins?
  19. Share a photo of a hidden gem in your city – let’s discover the beauty around us together!
  20. What’s your favorite cuisine?
  21. If you could have a dance-off with any celebrity, who would you choose and what song would you dance to?
  22. Who is your favorite person?
  23. What single word best describes you?
  24. What are the top five green flags you look for?
  25. Got any Instagram poll questions?
  26. If you could explore any planet, which one would you choose and why? Let’s discuss!
  27. What’s your go-to karaoke song?
  28. What superhero powers do you want to have?
  29. What’s unique about your pet?
  30. What’s the last book you read that truly made an impact on you? Let’s exchange recommendations!
  31. What hair colors suits you best?
  32. Who are your top three celebrity crushes?
  33. What’s your ideal date?
  34. Skittles or M&Ms?
  35. What’s your current favorite binge-worthy tv show?
  36. What’s one life hack everyone should know?
  37. If your life was a movie, what would be the title?
  38. What’s a life lesson you learned recently that you’d like to share with others?

Recommended – One word Captions, Baddie Captions, Photo dump Captions.

Boost Engagements with our Best Instagram Notes ideas

Bam! You now have over 280 Instagram Notes Ideas to elevate your clients’ social media presence.

Remember, there’s no secret formula for instant Instagram triumph.

Continuously experiment with fresh Instagram notes ideas and interactive tactics.

Explore diverse and entertaining Instagram Notes concepts until you discover the perfect blend for your clients and their audience.

Creative Instagram Notes Ideas in 2023 (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.