Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)

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If there's one thing that's been an absolute game-changer for lockdown lunchtimes, it's my easy yeast free 'cheat' bagel recipe.

I love a gluten free bagel but finding yeast to have a go at making my own has just been impossible during lockdown.

But after the success of my gluten free doughballs recipe, I suddenly had a thought.

What if I tried to shape this simple, 2-ingredient yoghurt dough recipe in the form of a bagel?

And you know what? It absolutely worked!

Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (1)

The easiest yeast free bagel recipe

Sure, this gluten free bagel recipe isn't exactly the same as a 'normal' gluten free bagel, which is traditionally a bread dough.

In fact, if you want to try making 'proper' bagels, you can follow my gluten free bagels recipe here.

But these yeast free bagels still taste absolutely amazing.

You'll never believe they're just made from natural yoghurt and self-raising gluten free flour!

Add to this my super quick and easy seeded topping and you're on to an absolute winner!

The best bit? You only needtwo ingredients to make the dough and it's so easy to form into a bagel shape and bake!

Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2)

My 'Everything' gluten free bagel seasoning

To make this gluten free bagel recipe extra special, I topped them with a super special 'Everything' mix.

This is based off the famous American Everything Bagel. I've never been able to try it but damn this topping really takes these to the next level!

Once you've shaped these gluten free bagels you simply brush them with egg and sprinkle with a mixture of:

  • Poppy seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt

And if you have it you can also add onion powder - though I didn't have any in my cupboards!

Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (3)

Topping these gluten free bagels

These gluten free bagels are definitely best eaten fresh from the oven - even better if they're still warm.

My favourite topping is just plain and simple cream cheese; I don't think you can beat a classic!

I also love these bagels topped with some smoked salmon, or with mashed avocado on top.

If you omit the garlic seasoning from the top, you could also try them with chocolate spread for a sweet treat!

Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (4)

My yeast free 'cheat' bagel recipe

This gluten free bagel recipe makes enough for four bagels, as I think they're best eaten fresh so make them in small batches.

However you can freeze them so if you want to increase the amount you could do so - just make sure you allow about 50g of flour and 50g of yoghurt per bagel.

If you make this recipe and love it, please do let me know bytagging me on my Instagramor using#theglutenfreeblogger. I love seeing your bakes!

And please do leave a review to let others know you loved it too! It would mean the world to me.

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Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (5)

Yield: 4

Cheat's Gluten Free Bagels (Yeast Free)

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

This easy gluten free bagel recipe is a simple, two-ingredient base with no yeast necessary. No rise with a DIY Everything Bagel topping! Recipe makes four bagels.


  • 200g natural yoghurt
  • 200g self-raising gluten free flour (I use FREEE by Doves Farm)

For the topping:

  • 1 medium egg (beaten)
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp poppy seeds
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp garlic granules


    1. Preheat the oven to 200'C/ 180'C fan/ Gas 6. Line a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper and set to one side.
    2. Add the gluten free flour and yoghurt to a large mixing bowl. Use a spoon or spatula to start to mix the ingredients together - as it thickens into a dough, use your hands to bring it all together into a dough.
    3. Split the mixture into four pieces (weighing around 100g each) and shape into a ball in your hand. Flatten the ball slightly and use your thumb to shape a hole in the middle.
    4. Place the four bagels on a baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg. In a small bowl mix the seasoning together, then sprinkle generously over the top of each bagel.
    5. Bake for 20-22 minutes until golden on top. Cool on a wire rack before cutting in half and topping.


  • This recipe is based on using FREEE by Doves Farm self-raising gluten free flour. If your flour mix doesn't contain xanthan gum you'll need to add around ¼ tsp of this to the bagel mixture too.
  • If you only have plain gluten free flour you will need to add 2 tsp of gluten free baking powder per 100g of flour to create self-raising flour.
  • If the dough is sticky to handle coat your hands with a little extra flour before shaping the dough.
  • These gluten free bagels can be frozen once cooked. For best results, freshen in the oven one defrosted before eating.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 bagel

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 237Total Fat: 3gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 44mgSodium: 343mgCarbohydrates: 42gFiber: 2gSugar: 4gProtein: 9g

Need some more gluten free baking inspiration?

If you want to have a go at some of the other gluten free baking recipes on the blog, why not give some of these a try? They’re perfect for baking away all of your troubles.

  • Easy gluten free bake-at-home bread recipe
  • My gluten free cherry bakewells
  • Gluten free fairy cakes recipe (with egg free option)
  • Basic gluten free triple chocolate brownies

If you do make this recipe please let me know! I’d love to see your photos using #theglutenfreeblogger,share them inmy Facebook groupor tag me onInstagram.

And if you have any recipe suggestions, please let me know in the comments what you’d like to see next!

Oh – anddon’t forget to sign up for my e-newsletterwhere you’ll know about all my latest posts and competitions first!

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Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (6)
Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (7)
Easy gluten free bagel recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)


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