Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (2024)

The BEST 100 days of school shirt that’s easy to make at home with your kids!

Are you looking for a school dress up day idea for the 100th day of school? This 100 days of school shirt with monster eyes is the cutest DIY shirt idea ever! Simple and cheap, this googly eye shirt is easy and fun to make with your kids. Start with any color plain t-shirt (I like to get mine at Michaels or Hobby Lobby), Draw a monster outline with sharpie, add 100 googly eyes and iron on some letters and you’ve got the best DIY 100 Days of school shirt for your kids!

Cheap, Easy and Cute 100th Day of School Shirt for Kids!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (1)

Supplies – Eye Survived 100 Days of School Shirt

  • Plain T-shirt in any color
  • Iron on letters/numbers
  • Googly eyeballs (I used ones with adhesive)
  • Sharpie Markers (red and black)
  • Iron (heat to “wool” setting)
  • Optional – Fabric glue or hot glue gun if your googly eyes do not have adhesive

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (2)

Easy and Affordable Monster Shirt for the 100th Day of School

How To Make The Cutest 100 Days of School Shirt With Googly Eyes

1. Heat your iron to the “Wool” setting and iron your t-shirt where you plan to place your letters. You don’t want wrinkles to get trapped under your letters!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (3)

2. Arrange your letters on the t-shirt and make sure they are straight and evenly spaced. You can even use a level/ruler if you don’t trust your eyes 😜

3. Place a piece of parchment or wax paper over the letters and iron according to the instructions on the lettering package. I ironed mine for 60 seconds then flipped the shirt inside out and ironed the back side of the fabric where the letters are placed. Make sure each letter gets ironed for the same amount to time.

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (4)

4. Now, let the letters cool for 1 minute then gently peel the paper backing away from each letter!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (5)

5. Freehand a monster shape on the front of your t-shirt. I used black sharpie for the outline and the mouth and red for the tongue. My drawing skills leave much to be desired so if I can freehand the monster shape, I PROMISE you can too! Add as many or as few antennas as you like. If you have older kids, drawing the monster might be fun for them to do!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (6)

6. This is where it gets fun! Give your child free reign with the googly eyes. I counted out 100 googly eyes and let my son loose. He put all 100 eyes on. I used the self adhesive sticker kind so I had to help him peel the backing occasionally. If you’re using glue, make sure to use a fabric glue or a hot glue gun to keep those googly eyes stuck tight!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (7)

Easy and Fun DIY Shirt for Boys and Girls!

Eye Survived 100 Days of School!

Get it – “EYE” because of all the googly eyes. Got to love a good pun! Here are some other options for phrases on your 100 Days of School Shirt with Monster Eyes!

  • Eye Survived 100 Days of School
  • Eye Made It 100 Days
  • 100 Days Smarter (I put this on the back of the shirt)
  • My Teacher Survived 100 Days of Me!
  • Happy 100th Day of School
  • 100 Days with my Friends
  • Today is Cool, It’s the 100thDay of School
  • 100 Days of Out of This World Learning
  • All Eyes on Me for 100 Days

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (8)

Helpful Tips

Eye Survived 100 Days of School Shirt

1.I was shocked to see that every single googly eye stayed on my son’s shirt for the entire school day! I expected him to come home with 10 googly eyes instead of 100 😅. The white googly eyes were self adhesive but the colored eyes were not. I used hot glue to attach these eyes and they stayed put all day.

2.You can use any color shirt and any size googly eyes you like! Make this cute DIY shirt uniquely special for your child!

3.I would NOT recommend washing this shirt. The googly eyes will most likely fall off in the washing machine.

4.Make sure to iron both sides of your shirt when applying iron on letters. This will guarantee that your letters stick to your shirt completely! Below are additional instructions for perfecting iron on lettering!

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (9)

Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (10)

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Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (11)

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Easy Homemade 100 Days of School Shirt for Kids (2024)


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