Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (2024)

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To make this holiday extra-interesting, we suggest the Campari and cranberry Jell-O shots.


Betty Gold

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (1)

Betty Gold

Betty Gold is the former senior digital food editor at Real Simple.

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Samantha Leffler

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (2)

Samantha Leffler

Samantha is the senior food editor at RealSimple and previously launched the US Weekly food vertical, where she wrote about the intersection of food and pop culture.

Real Simple's Editorial Guidelines

Updated on February 17, 2024

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Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (3)

When it comes to festive fall fruits, cranberries are king: No holiday tablescape is complete without a bowl of cranberry sauce. Unfortunately, cranberry sauce is often relegated to the once-a-year canned variety. We'll show you how easy it is to include a homemade version on this year's Thanksgiving spread with more than one cranberry sauce recipe. Next, let's think outside the bowl and extend our cranberry love to breakfast, co*cktails, and dessert.

But first, a lesson in cranberry appreciation...

Cranberry harvest in North America begins in late September or early October, and lasts through early November, with the fresh-berry season lasting through January. Of course, frozen cranberries, Craisins, cranberry juice, and the ubiquitous canned versions are available year-round. Need more reasons to love cranberry sauce? Health-wise, there are plenty. Cranberries are a nutritional powerhouse rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, prebiotic fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Fun facts: Cranberries are one of only three cultivated fruits native to North America. Native Americans used cranberries for food, medicine, and dyes for clothes and blankets, as well as to cure meat and to draw poison from arrow wounds.

That said, here are 11 crave-worthy cranberry recipes to make this Thanksgiving... or any time!

Can You Freeze Cranberry Sauce That's Homemade or Canned?

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Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (4)

This homemade cranberry sauce is made with both dried and fresh cranberries, which means double the sweet and tart flavor we all know and love the sauce for. Apple chunks create the perfect chutney-like texture, and warm maple syrup rounds out all the flavors.


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Citrus Spice Cranberry Sauce

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (5)


No Thanksgiving table is complete without cranberry sauce, but with a plethora of other dishes to prepare there’s no harm in taking a few shortcuts when you can. While this recipe calls for canned cranberry sauce, you’ll infuse the store-bought stuff with cloves, star anise, and cinnamon, and add some orange segments to the mix. The result is a side that tastes entirely homemade but requires just a few minutes of hands-on work.

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Bourbon-Cranberry Compote

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (6)

This boozy sauce requires just four ingredients and five minutes of hands-on prep. And it's not just for Thanksgiving dinner: Make an extra batch to spread over leftover turkey sandwiches, or to top a bowl of ice cream or yogurt.


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Brussels Sprouts Salad

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (7)

Any make-ahead recipe for Thanksgiving is a true lifesaver, and this flavorful salad is no exception. Inside you’ll find thinly sliced Brussels sprouts, colorful strips of bitter radicchio, toasted pecans, and dried cranberries for a pop of sweetness. Sharp shavings of aged provolone and a tart apple cider vinegar dressing tie the whole dish together.


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Wild Rice and Mushroom Pilaf With Cranberries

This vegan-friendly dish screams fall flavors: tart cranberries, hearty wild rice, and flavorful mushrooms. Swap out dried cranberries for fresh or frozen, and use a mix of mushrooms to add depth of flavor.


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Baked Oatmeal With Cranberries and Almonds

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (9)

Like a casserole-cookie hybrid (and healthier than leftover pie), this make-ahead whole-grain breakfast dish will feed a crowd of leftover Thanksgiving family and friends.


How Long Does Cranberry Sauce Last?

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Cranberry-Lemon Spritz

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (10)

This refreshing, bright co*cktail just might become your Thanksgiving go-to recipe, especially if you love a tall pour but not something over-the-top sweet. Just a spoonful of sugar livens up the tart cranberries and generous pour of lemon juice. This recipe calls for vodka, but swap with a floral gin or even smoky mezcal, which would play nicely off the cranberries.


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Campari and Cranberry Jell-O Shots

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (11)

For these festive shots, mix Campari with cranberry juice and a bit of sugar to balance out the bitterness. The sweet orange zest rim not only looks sparkly and pretty, but the citrus marries nicely with Campari too. These are equally as delicious as a pre-dinner co*cktail as they are a palate cleanser before dessert.


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Cranberry Ricotta Cake

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (12)

This light, buttery cake is studded with jewel-like fresh cranberries, which are tossed in granulated sugar and then sprinkled over the cake batter. As the cake bakes, the sugar crystalizes into a thin, delicious crust. Serve up a big wedge of this sweet-tart delicacy for dessert—or for breakfast.


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Cranberry Cacao Nib Brownies

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (13)

Fresh or frozen cranberries add a delicious tartness to keep these treats from being over-sweet. They also contribute to that moist-and-chewy-in-the-center quality that we love in a brownie, turning this anytime dessert into a Thanksgiving classic.


The Ultimate Thanksgiving Dinner Checklist

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Cranberry-Strawberry Crumb Pie

Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (14)

Use fresh or frozen cranberries to mellow sweet strawberries in this fruity alternative to pumpkin pie. A store-bought crust makes putting this dessert together easy-as-pie. Add a classic crumb topping spiced with cinnamon and ginger, and you've got a treat that's vaguely muffin-y, in all the best ways.


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Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipes (2024)


How do you take the bitterness out of homemade cranberry sauce? ›

Add A Splash Of Vinegar

While citrus is a natural pairing for cranberry sauce, bright, savory vinegars like sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and apple cider vinegar play well with the bitter-tart berries. Start with a little, then add more gradually. It's easy to overdo it when in comes to bold vinegars.

How do I thicken my homemade cranberry sauce? ›

Try reducing the sauce down even further so more of the liquid cooks off and the mixture thickens. If that doesn't work, add a thickener like gelatin, pectin or a cornstarch slurry (cornstarch whisked into juice or water). Let the sauce cool before refrigerating to completely set.

How to improve cranberry sauce? ›

Adding a teaspoon or two of fresh lemon or orange zest, a tablespoon of chopped candied peel, or even a splash of juice to your canned sauce will brighten flavors and bring in some homemade flavor.

What are the two types of cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberry sauce can be served either as a gooey liquid or as a solid jelly. The jellied version is solid enough to retain the shape of the container in which it's placed whereas the sauce version is much more fluid. The difference between the fluid sauce and the jelly versions comes down to pectin.

How to reduce tartness in cranberry sauce? ›

"Instead, start by stirring in one tablespoon maple syrup and one teaspoon of a sweet drink like apple juice, orange juice, or fruity white or red wine. Add more to taste. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt (in small amounts, it intensifies sweetness)."

How do you make homemade sauce less bitter? ›

Add Some Baking Soda

If your tomato sauce is too acidic and verging on bitter, turn to baking soda, not sugar. Yes, sugar might make the sauce taste better, but good old baking soda is an alkaline that will help balance the excess acid. A little pinch should do the trick.

Why is my homemade cranberry sauce watery? ›

Mistake #2: Your Cranberry Sauce Is Too Runny

You may have added too much liquid to the cranberries. In addition to pectin, cranberries contain water, which means you only need to add a splash of liquid to get the cooking going. Add too much and you'll be stirring at the stove much longer than expected.

What if I add too much water to cranberry sauce? ›

What to do if the cranberry sauce is too thin or loose. If you inadvertently added too much water, simply bring the cranberry sauce back to the stove top and bring it to a low boil, cooking it down just a bit to help thicken it up.

How to tell when cranberry sauce is done? ›

Pull the sauce off the stove once you hear or see the first few cranberries burst. You want some of them to burst but others to remain whole for the best texture. The sauce can be made up to 1 week in advance; keep refrigerated, and do not add the nuts until Thanksgiving Day, a few hours before serving.

Why is my cranberry sauce upside down? ›

But why? Ocean Spray says this is to get the cranberry sauce out in one intact piece. “The rounded part of the can that looks like the bottom has an air bubble in it,” Ocean Spray's representative explains. The bubble is there so you can “break the seal the sauce makes with the can.”

What does eating cranberry sauce do for you? ›

Packed with antioxidants

The anthocyanins found in cranberries may have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. They may also: Protect against liver disease. Lower blood pressure.

Why is cranberry sauce so expensive? ›

But that's not the case for prepared cranberry sauces, where prices are up. Lochner pointed out that processors set those prices, not growers, and that there are higher input costs unrelated to berries — like “processing the fruit and getting it to market.” Ocean Spray isn't immune either.

What is the difference between cranberry sauce and jellied cranberry sauce? ›

The major variation you're likely to come across is "whole berry" versus "jellied." The only difference between them is that the jellied sauce is cooked until the berries have completely broken down. They both slide out of the can as a wobbly red cylinder.

What's healthier homemade or store bought cranberry sauce? ›

Nutritional Facts Face-Off

The homemade cranberry sauce has nearly half the calories, carbohydrates, and sugars compared to the store brand. It also has more fiber as well as potassium!

Is cranberry sauce supposed to be sweet or sour? ›

Cranberry sauce is supposed to be a balance of sweet and tart. The sauce acts as a cleansing port in a tumultuous storm of fat and salt, but the effect is lost if the sauce is too sweet. Luckily, there is a very easy way to fix an over-sugared homemade sauce: You just need a little citric acid.

How do you counteract bitterness in sauce? ›

Sweetness: From sugar, honey, fruits or otherwise, sweetness will counteract bitter and sour flavours. It can also be used to cut down the heat of a particularly spicy meal. Saltiness: Salt plays two very important roles in flavouring a dish.

Why is my cranberry bitter? ›

Cranberries are generally considered safe whether they are cooked or raw. However, because of their notoriously bitter, sharp taste, most people prefer not to eat them raw or unsweetened. This bitterness is due to the high tannin content of cranberries.

Why does my homemade sauce taste bitter? ›

A few things can cause tomato sauces to become bitter: Overcooked spices. Both basil and oregano can become bitter with long simmers. Add them near the end of the process.

How do you make cranberry juice less bitter? ›

Pineapple juice: pineapple juice is a great way to naturally sweeten this cranberry juice recipe, so you can add less additional sweetener. Plus, the combination tastes delicious. Apple juice: freshly squeezed apple juice is another way to naturally sweeten the cranberry juice.


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