Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (2024)

When you're dieting down, food is lean & mean, but it doesn't have to be boring or bland. I'm on a mission to prove that! I love to create and tinker with recipes, cleaning them up and tweaking them to meet specific nutrition requirements. On this page you'll find recipes that I'm using in my Figure Competition Prep Diet, as I diet down and lean out. They're tasty, they're fun, and they're sure as heck not boring!

My comp diet is dairy free, sugar free, artificial sweetener free, and clean. These recipes reflect that.

If a recipe is mine, I will state it. If it is someone else's, I will credit it, with a link when possible. If it is based on someone else's recipe, I will make that clear, too. Credit where credit is due. If you post, share, etc any of my recipes or tweaked recipes, please credit me, and a link would be appreciated :-) Thanks!

chelle @

Meals / SnacksDesserts"FREE" Foods/Treats
Chelle's Banana-Doodles - Protein Breakfast CookieQuinoa Cinnamon Porridge/PuddingJello! Glutamine Gelatin
Chelle's Mini Chicken Loaves
Baked SwaiProtein Ice-CreamJello! Tea-Gelatin Recipes
Chelle's Stuffed Poblanos
Oatmeal Protein Pancakes
Fruit Syrup
Protein Zucchini Muffins
Protein Blueberry Muffins

Includes Dairy

Basic Quinoa RecipeFruit Smoothie
Steamer Bag Omelet
Egg Muffins
Clean Taco Salad

Includes Sweetener/Sugar

Sweet Potato Oven Fries
Steamer Bag Veggies - EASY
Clean Microwave PopcornChocolate Mousse Cloud Pie

Protein Banana-Doodles (breakfast cookie) Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (1)

Are You a Victim of Sucky Diet Syndrome? Eat a COOKIE!
Diet got ya down? Low carbs, no sugar, no fun? Then it's time you had a cookie. Heck, have one for breakfast. Or two. Yeah, I'm serious! Life's too short for sucky diets! Now before you dive into a bag of Oreos™, let me explain...

One of the things I love most is creating in the kitchen... sometimes my experiments work and sometimes they flop, but this one (you'll be glad to know) is a keeper - Frosted or Unfrosted! These giant treats look like snicker-doodles when they come out of the oven, and taste like banana bread. High in protein and fiber, with a great balance of carbs & fat, they make a terrific breakfast on the run. If you'd like a quick & easy go-to breakfast cookie that won't bust your diet, give these a whirl... and let me know what you think!

Chelle's Banana-DoodlesFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (2)

Dry Ingredients:
3 scoops vanilla protein powder (*my protein powder's scoop = 1/3 cup)
½ cup sifted coconut flour
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
1 Tablespoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon sea-salt
2 packets Stevia (I used Sweet-Leaf)

Wet ingredients:
4 egg whites (or 1 cup liquid egg whites)
1 cup mashed banana
¼ to ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheet with foil & spray with oil (I used coconut oil)

2. Whisk dry ingredients in a large bowl until well blended.

3. In a medium bowl, beat egg whites until fluffy. Slowly add mashed banana.

4. Stir the egg white/banana mixture into dry ingredients, then add almond milk until moistened all the way through.

5. Separate into 6 balls, and place on foil lined & sprayed baking sheet. Flatten slightly so they look like large cookies.

6. Bake 22-25 minutes or until tops are golden and knife inserted in center comes out clean.

7. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

FROSTINGFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (3)
3 scoops vanilla protein powder (*my protein powder's scoop = 1/3 cup)
2 packets Stevia
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon butter (unsalted), softened
¼ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1. Stir together until mixture resembles frosting. Spread over the six Banana-doodles.

2. Store in airtight container in refrigerator for up to 4 days.

OPTIONS: Add walnuts or ground flax seed. To reduce calories, carbs & sugars, omit banana and replace with 4 Tablespoons (1/4 cup) unsweetened applesauce, and increase cinnamon to 2 Tablespoons.

Nutrition information is calculated using
Recipe makes 6 Frosted Banana-doodles.
Each: 249 calories; 26 g protein; 20 g carbohydrates; 7 g fat; 6 g fiber; 7 g sugars

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (4)

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (5)

Chelle's Mini Chicken Loaves Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (6)

I love easily portable food :-) I've seen recipes for mini meat-muffins/loaves all over the internet for years, but have never really found one I like. Then came competition diet, and I really needed something that was easy to make, eat, and didn't knock me off track with carbs. Most recipes include bread crumbs or quinoa, rice or other starchy carb. I needed a solution without those extra carbs... I utilized my free foods to fill out the recipe and add flavor (mushrooms, onion, garlic), then added shredded zucchini and diced pepper for a veggie boost, plus the egg both to hold it all together as well as provide a healthy source of fat. The result was an incredibly tasty mini loaf! The hubby even loves these! Just add a side (quinoa, rice, etc) and a veggie and you've got a full meal for the family (or yourself!).

Chelle's Recipe

2 lbs ground chicken breast
1 cup finely minced crimini (brown) mushrooms
1 cup shredded zucchini (usually this is about 1 medium sized zucchini)
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced pepper (green, yellow, orange, red, whatever!)
2 Tbsp fresh minced garlic
1 whole egg
1/3 cup salsa (try this with different kinds each time!)
2 Tbsp Mrs Dash Southwest Chipotle Seasoning

Spray Muffin Tin or Mini Loaf pan with oil. Preheat Oven to 400 degrees

Mix all ingredients, then divide among 8 muffins or loaves.

Bake 20-30 minutes, draining pan at about 20 minutes. When done, serve immediately, or cool on wire wrack and individually wrap for snacks/meals.

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (7)Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (8)Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (9)

Nutrition data is per mini-loaf:

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Baked Swai Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (11)

This is an awesome alternative to Tilapia, or any other fish. It's a bit denser than tilapia, but still sweet and without a fishy flavor. It absorbs spice flavor, so whatever you use with it, is what you'll get! Plus, it's lower calorie than tilapia, so you can have more food for less calories! NICE!


Filets of Swai
Olive Oil
Fresh minced garlic
Dried dill
Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Defrost Swai.
Line a baking sheet with foil, and spray with olive oil.
Lay out Swai on sheet, spray lightly with olive oil (I use a misto), then sprinkle with dill, Mrs Dash, and evenly divide the fresh garlic.

Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes, checking often in the last 5-10 minutes. Fish will be white, moist and flakey.

Serve immediately, or refrigerate in portion sizes in ziploc baggies. I like to do a day or two's worth at a time.

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (12)

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Shredded Meat / Stuffed Chilies Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (13)

I love a good roasted stuffed chili, but being on competition diet, I can't do the usual cheese, breading, etc. This version is super-simple, but incredibly tasty! The only change I'd make, post competition diet, is to add some feta!


Roasted Chilies (Anaheim, Pasilla, whatever appeals to you!)
Shredded meat of choice
Cheese (optional)

To roast chili peppers...
I had the hubby grill mine... just washed 'em and tossed 'em on the grill, turning often until the skin was bubbly. I allowed them to cool, then cut off the tops, scooped out the seeds and peeled off the charred skin and stored the peppers until I needed them.
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (14)

To cook the meat...
Place your meat in a crockpot with 1-2 cups low-sodium chicken broth and a few sprinkles of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb. Cook on high until meat shreds easily. Remove meat to a plate and using two forks, shred it up. You can store it in an airtight container, with the juices from the crockpot, for up to a week for use as needed.

For each chili...
4 oz shredded meat
2 heaping Tbsp salsa (there are a ton of varieties, so try a different one every time!)
Cheese (optional - feta, sharp cheddar, etc)

Mix the meat & salsa (and cheese if using) together, then gently stuff inside the chili pepper. You can either heat in the oven (350 for about 10-15 minutes) or in the microwave.

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Oatmeal Protein PancakesFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (15)

I've known that you can take the oatmeal protein powder mix (from my regular breakfast) and mix it thinner (more water) for a pancake batter, but I'd never tried it until recently :-) I used vanilla unsweetened almond milk in place of the water and they turned out fantastic. I topped them with my fruit "syrup".

Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

1/2 cup dry oatmeal
2 Tbsp ground flax seed
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Beverly UMP)
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (16)
1 to 1.5 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk

Heat skillet on stove.
Mix ingredients until it reaches a batter consistency (add more almond milk or water if it thickens up too much).

Scoop onto hot skillet (spray with coconut oil first). I use 1/4 cup measuring cup, and get 4 pancakes out of the mix.

Top with (depending on your dietary needs): Natural nut butter, real butter, real maple syrup, fruit "syrup" (see below).

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Chelle's Fruit Syrup Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (17)

I really wanted something "sweet" on my oatmeal protein pancakes, but couldn't do any type of sugar (honey, maple, etc). I realized that since I was eating these post workout (heavy workout), I could do fruit (after a heavy workout, your body needs a hit of simple sugars to help restore glycogen reserves). So I tossed some fruit in a sauce pan and away I went!


Fruit "Syrup"

Fresh fruit of choice (I've done this with 1 cup of blackberries, and another day with a cup of blueberries)
2 Tbsp water
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (18)
1/2 to 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients in a small sauce pan over med-high heat until bubbly. Reduce to low & simmer, stirring often to break down the fruit. Cook until it's reduced to a syrup consistency.

Nutrition Info: This is for the Blueberry version... I'm not sure if the nutrition data changes once you cook down the fruit, but here's the data (see right).


Blueberry - 1 cup blueberries plus 1 tsp vanilla and 2 Tbsp water. Bring to boil, then reduce and simmer, stirring often.

Blackberry - 1 cup blackberries plus 1 tsp vanilla and 2 Tbsp water. Bring to boil, then reduce and simmer, stirring often.

Strawberry-Banana - 3 medium strawberries, diced, plus 1 small banana, sliced. Add 1 tsp vanilla & 2 Tbsp water. Bring to boil, then reduce and simmer, stirring often.

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Chelle's Protein Zucchini Muffins Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (19)

This recipe is a result of my desire for an on-the-go meal replacement. At lunch, I need a lean protein, a starchy carb, and a veggie with a bit of fat. These hit it all, plus - hello, frosting! I had a lot of fun developing these, and while there's no added sugar/sweetener, I think they turned out pretty good :-) As a breakfast, 3 muffins would be about the same as my oatmeal with protein powder/ground flax.

Chelle's Protein Zucchini Muffins
**Blueberry version - see below

1/4 cup dry oatmeal/rolled outs - ground to flour (in a coffee grinder, or just use 1/4 cup oat flour)
1/4 cup coconut flour
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 Tbsp ground flax seed
1/4 tsp sea-salt
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (20)
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
1 Tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
8 drops Capella Apple Pie Flavor (optional)
1 tsp vanilla (pure extract)
1 cup shredded zucchini

Mix together the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients, then blend together with the dry. When nearly blended, add the cup of shredded zucchini and mix together.

Spray a muffin tin with clean oil (I use coconut). Divide the batter into 6 muffin cups. Bake at 350 for about 20-24 minutes. (I start at 15 and check them every 3 minutes until they're just starting to go gold/brown on top - don't over-bake these! You'll end up with a dry nasty rock.) Remove from oven when a knife inserted comes out clean (even if they don't look done). Set on cooling rack.

Mix frosting:

In a small bowl, mix 2 Tbsp vanilla unsweetened almond milk with 1/2 tsp vanilla. If you like, add 4 drops of your favorite Capella flavor drop (I like either Caramel or Apple Pie with these muffins). Slowly add liquid to 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, stirring constantly. When all liquid is incorporated, you can add a few drops of coconut oil to "smooth" out the icing. Divide icing among the six cooled muffins.

Store in airtight container in fridge.

A note about Capella flavor drops... Super easy to use, no sweeteners whatsoever! They're awesome, and there are 59 flavors to choose from! BUT... they are not clean. Research them thoroughly before purchasing.

Nutrition info is per muffin. Recipe makes six full-size muffins, frosted.

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (21)

Blueberry Protein Muffins

1/4 cup dry oatmeal/rolled outs - ground to flour (in a coffee grinder, or just use 1/4 cup oat flour)
1/4 cup coconut flour
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 Tbsp ground flax seed
1/4 tsp sea-salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
1 Tbsp unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
8 drops Capella Caramel Flavor (optional)
1 tsp vanilla (pure extract)
1 cup blueberries (I used fresh)

Mix together the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix the wet ingredients, then blend together with the dry. When nearly blended, add the cup of shredded zucchini and mix together.

Spray a muffin tin with clean oil (I use coconut). Divide the batter into 6 muffin cups. Bake at 350 for about 20-24 minutes. (I start at 15 and check them every 3 minutes until they're just starting to go gold/brown on top - don't over-bake these! You'll end up with a dry nasty rock.) Remove from oven when a knife inserted comes out clean (even if they don't look done). Set on cooling rack.

Mix frosting:

In a small bowl, mix 2 Tbsp vanilla unsweetened almond milk with 1/2 tsp vanilla. If you like, add 4 drops of your favorite Capella flavor drop (I like Caramel with these muffins). Slowly add liquid to 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, stirring constantly. When all liquid is incorporated, you can add a few drops of coconut oil to "smooth" out the icing. Divide icing among the six cooled muffins.

Store in airtight container in fridge.

A note about Capella flavor drops... Super easy to use, no sweeteners whatsoever! They're awesome, and there are 59 flavors to choose from! BUT... they are not clean. Research them thoroughly before purchasing.

Nutrition info is per muffin. Recipe makes six full-size muffins, frosted.

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Chelle's Quinoa Pudding / Porridge Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (23)

I've been wanting something sweet and creamy, but on a Figure Competition diet, that's a little difficult to come by. Well I pulled it off with this one! A little playing around in the kitchen and I had a quinoa pudding/porridge that even the family loved! Nice! :-)

Chelle's Quinoa Pudding / Porridge

2.5 cups cooked quinoa
2 cups vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1-2 Tbsp ground cinnamon (I used 2 Tbsp)
1/4 tsp sea-salt
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (24)
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use Beverly UMP)

After cooking the quinoa, instead of setting it aside to cool, I added the almond milk, sea salt, cinnamon and stirred. Once incorporated, I sprinkled in the protein powder, a little at a time, adding more almond milk as needed. Once the consistency and flavor I wanted was achieved, I let it cool slightly then separated it into 5 small containers. This is my lunch dessert :-)

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Chelle's Glutamine Gelatin Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (25)

I love jello. Seriously love. While I know that the wiggly-jiggly-yumminess is not for everyone, I absolutely love it. And I figured out how to make it without sweetener! I can't use fruit juice & I'm doing my darndest to avoid artificial sweeteners... So what does that leave me? Well, my crazy-craving for jello lead me to a couple different varieties.. the first is made with Glutamine. That's right. Glutamine Select (with BCAA's) from Beverly International, to be exact. This delightful (and naturally flavored) powder mixes with water - you sip it before, during, after workout/cardio, or during the day to help with cravings. It's black cherry flavored. And it makes yummy jello :-) The second variety is made with tea!

Chelle's Glutamine Gelatin

1 packet unflavored gelatin
3 scoops Beverly Glutamine Select
2 Cups Water
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (26)

Mix the glutamine in the water, until dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of the mixture to a bowl. Bring the other 1.5 cups to a boil (watch it, if it boils over you'll have a mess on your hands).

Sprinkle the gelatin over the half cup liquidand allow to sit for one minute. Pour the boiling 1.5 cups liquid in and stir for 5 minutes. Cover and refrigerate until set.

Each half cup serving has 30 calories, 7 g protein. That's it. Awesome!!

Click on the image to the right to learn about the Glutamine supplement I take.

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Chelle's Tea Gelatin

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (27)
Searching for more flavors for my gelatin experiments, I picked up several varieties of flavored tea... So far each has been fabulous! Remember, this is an unsweetened gelatin... don't be expecting your childhood jello to make an appearance here. What this is, is light and refreshing, and it tastes just like the tea you make it with.


tea bags - any flavor
1 packet unflavored gelatin
2 Cups Water

Boil 2 cups water. Add tea bags and allow to steep to desired strength.
Remove 1/2 cup of tea and chill. Set remaining 1.5 cup tea aside.
Once cold, pour the half cup into a bowl and put the 1.5 cup tea into a pan and bring to a boil.

Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold half cup liquidand allow to sit for one minute. Add the boiling 1.5 cups liquid in and stir for 5 minutes. Cover and refrigerate until set.

Each half cup serving has 30 calories, 7 g protein. That's it. Awesome!!
Appearance: Tea gets "cloudy", and so does gelatin made with tea. No worries if your jello looks cloudy.

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Chelle's Protein Powder / Ziploc Ice Cream Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (28)

Back in junior-high, we made ziploc ice-cream... where you put ice and salt in a big bag, and your ice cream ingredients in a smaller bag, then the small bag goes in the big bag (sealed of course), and you shake... voila! ice cream! Jamie Eason gave me the idea to use protein powder and almond milk to make this not only healthier, but competition-diet-friendly! I played around with it until I came up with the exact texture I like :-)

**I recently picked up a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker, and it works fabulously with all the recipes below! I just pour in the ingredients, turn it on and 20 minutes later I have ice-cream!Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (29)


Put ice in a large ziploc (about half full), add 1/2 cup table salt (don't waste your sea-salt for this, use the crappy iodized stuff). The salt makes the ice colder (just like in an ice cream maker).

1 cup unsweetened almond milk (I used vanilla unsweetened)
1.5 scoop protein powder (I've used both vanilla & chocolate, either works great)
OPTIONAL: 1-2 Tbsp of coconut butter (BUTTER, not oil - coconut butter is the ground flesh of the coconut - it is NOT solid oil)Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (30)

After blending, pour the mixture into a smaller ziploc, seal, then place the bag inside the larger bag. Seal. Wearing oven mitts (Thanks for that tip too, Jamie Eason!), shake the bag vigorously until the inner bag is frozen... you can do "soft-serve" or "hard"... whatever you like. It takes about 5 minutes for the ice cream to go "hard".

Variations... Use any nut/seed butter in place of the coconut butter. Add cinnamon! Add a sweetener (honey, agave, maple) if your diet allows for it. Omit the nut/seed butter... put in whatever you want! You can even add fruit to your blender, if your diet allows! You can also adjust the amount of protein powder and almond milk to best suit your dietary needs.

DREAMSICLE (orange/vanilla): 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 tsp vanilla extract (pure), 1/4 tsp orange extract, 1 cup almond milk (vanilla, unsweetened). Blend together, then pour into baggie and prepare as above.
Calories: 182; protein: 21 g; carbs: 7g; fat: 7g; sodium: 350 mg; sugars 2g; fiber 2g.

CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTERFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (31)
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk
1 Tbsp natural peanut butter.
Blend well, then pour into sandwich size ziploc and prepare as above.

1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk
1/4 tsp mint extract
Blend well, then pour into sandwich size ziploc and prepare as above.

1 scoop chocolate or vanilla protein powder
1 cup unsweetened almond milk - vanilla or chocolate
1 tsp decaf instant coffee crystals.
Blend well, then pour into sandwich size ziploc and prepare as above.

1 cup frozen strawberries (can use fresh)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1/2 tsp vanilla (optional)
Blend well, then pour into sandwich size ziploc and prepare as above.
NOTE... The outside of your ice cream bag will be very salty... wipe it down and then dump your ice cream into a bowl. Oh.. and, um... don't try to reuse the bags. Lol. It doesn't work. You'll just end up covered in very, very cold salty water.

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Basic Quinoa Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (32)

Quinoa is a fabulous, high protein "grain". It's actually a seed. Always rinse your quinoa. Even if the box says pre-rinsed. There is a bitter coating on the seeds, and you don't want a taste of that, lol! Preparing quinoa is easy - no worries! For every cup of quinoa, use 2 cups liquid. You'll know it's done when the liquid is mostly absorbed and the germ pops out - in other words, it'll look like the grains sprouted little tails :-) You can change up the flavor & look easily... use different flavored broths instead of water, use seasonings (love me my Mrs Dash!), add a can of diced or crushed tomatoes, green chilies, black beans... whatever! There are multiple colored varieties, too... I love to mix 1/3 cup of white, 1/3 cup of red, 1/3 cup of black all together. It's pretty!

Cooking quinoa:

1. For every one cup of quinoa, bring two cups of water to a boil (just like rice). If you prefer a more al dente texture, then use just 1.5 cups of water.

2.Cover when boiling and reduce to a simmer. Cook for 12-15 minutes, or until the germ separates from the seed. The cooked germ looks like a tiny curl. See right-side photograph above comparing cooked quinoa to uncooked quinoa (left side).

3.Let stand for about 3 minutes to become fully fluffy.


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Yogurt Smoothie Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (33)

Smoothies are a fantastic choice to get a quick, nutritious meal or snack - BUT... check the labels (or nutritional info) on popular smoothies and you might be surprised... TONS of added sugar, even HFCS & other junk! All you need to make a winning smoothie is a good plain Greek Yogurt and fruit. That's all! Choose your Greek yogurt wisely - they're not all the same. I use Chobani (either 0%, 2% or 4% depending on what I need). It isn't as bitter as other yogurts, and it's lower in sugar & higher in protein.

Recipe Makes 1 serving

• 1 cup plain Chobani greek yogurt
• 1-2 cups fruit (fresh or frozen)

Blend until smooth.

There are no added sugars, so the only sugar you'll get in this is naturally occurring sugar from the yogurt and fruit. If you're watching your sugars, only use one cup of fruit. If it's not a problem, or you're enjoying a treat, go for the 2 cups. You can use either fresh or frozen fruit, or a combination of both.

For summer, you can also mix this up then pour into popsicle molds and freeze. Little bit of awesomeness, right there :-)

Here are some sample combinations of fruit that my kids LOVE:

Banana, Strawberries, Peaches
Banana, Strawberries
Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries
Pineapple, Banana

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Chocolate Mousse Cloud PieFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (34)

If you love dark chocolate - you absolutely MUST try this! It's super easy to put together, and it is incredible!! This is soooo unbelievably good! When I made it, I nearly stopped before folding in the egg whites because the fudgey mixture was beyond words... I'm glad though, that I finished, because the mousse pie is a gift from the gods! It's that good! Though, next time, I might make a batch of just the fudgey part along with the pie :-)

The recipe calls for a crust - I made it without. The nutrition information below reflects the recipe without the crust.


Recipe Makes 16 servings (see nutrition data below)


1 2/3 cups dark chocolate chips 73% cacao (I used 1.5 cups of 78% dark)
6 eggs, separated
1 tablespoon agave nectar
¼ teaspoon celtic sea salt

• In a small pot, melt chocolate over very low heat; remove from heat
• In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks with agave for 1 minute with a hand blender
• In a large bowl, beat egg whites with a handheld blender until stiff peaks form
• Stir egg yolk mixture into pot of warm chocolate
• Mix chocolate and yolks until combined; mixture will be slightly thickened, shiny and beautiful
• Stir salt into chocolate mixture
• Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture
• (OPTIONAL) Transfer mousse into cooled Pie Crust (page 79 The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook)
• Refrigerate for 3 hours
• Serve

Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (35)
Click here to view all the nutritional information.

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Steamer Bag Omelet:
This is a super easy breakfast!

My Recipe...

1 Steamer Bag (either Ziploc or Glad)
Egg-Whites (I use 1 cup of All Whites or egg beaters, but you can use 4 regular eggs, too)
1/2 cup to a full cup of chopped veggies: zucchini, red pepper, yellow squash, mushrooms... whatever you like.
Chopped chicken, beef, or other cooked protein (you can use something like an Applegate Farms sausage if there's room in your diet)
1/4 to 1/2 cup rinsed black beans
1 cup baby spinach
1 tblsp reduced fat feta

Add egg product and chopped veggies to steamer bag (and meat if using). Microwave for 4 minutes. Let stand 1 minute. If still runny, nuke for another minute or two.

Put spinach on plate. Dump omelet out of bag on top of the spinach. Top with black beans and microwave for 30 seconds to a minute... just long enough to heat up the beans. The spinach will have wilted nicely from the heat of the omelet. Sprinkle salsa and feta over the top and enjoy!

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Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (41)

Egg Muffins

This recipe is super easy to put together, and can be made ahead for weekly breakfasts. I bake them up on Sunday. My best friend, and the world's greatest personal trainer, Tab, taught me how to make these... you can easily vary the ingredients to suit your tastes & needs.

The Recipe. (makes 36)

Egg Beaters - 32 oz carton (or use egg whites only)
1.25 lb ground turkey extra lean (one package), browned & seasoned (I use Mrs Dash, Garlic & Herb or Fiesta Lime) in 1 Tblsp of Coconut oil.

Optional Add-In's:
1 sweet potato, baked (I microwave for 3 min), skin removed and diced.
2 small peppers, diced.
1 green onion, chopped
1 cup chopped mushrooms (I use crimini)
1/4 cup baby spinach (chiffanade)
1 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 cup 2% cheddar cheese, shredded (to sprinkle over top, if your diet allows)

Preheat oven to 350°
Grease (I use coconut oil spray) muffin tins. (Or use muffin liners).
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. And fill muffin tins 3/4 full. Sprinkle with cheddar if desired.
Bake for 10-15 minutes, until knife comes out clean. Allow to cool. Muffins will "deflate" as they cool.
Place muffins in baggies and toss in fridge. To reheat, microwave for 30 seconds (1 min. for 4 muffins).

Serving Size: 2-4 (each muffin contains less than 1 egg and about 100 calories).

Substitutions... Tab's original recipe used Eggs & Canadian Bacon. You can add or remove veggies, or meats or seasonings as you like. You can add more Egg Beaters if you prefer a more egg-y muffin.

Here's the nutritional data, as closely as I can figure it. This is per muffin. Obviously this will change depending on what you put in your egg muffins. You can run the numbers yourself, easily, at It's Free!
Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (42)

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Clean Microwave PopcornFun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (43)

Some competitors have more wiggle room with carbs than I do... I don't have room for this in my diet, but you might...

The gals on the Tosca Reno Clean Eating forum turned me onto this terrific way to make popcorn. My whole family (except Bill who doesn't like popcorn) LOVES the movie theatre style so-bad-for-you popcorn. This has replaced it! The kids love this, Bill even enjoys it! It's my favorite late night gotta-have-something treat! Worried about the fat in the coconut oil? Don't! It's good for you!

The Recipe...

1/3 cup popcorn kernels (check the label, the only ingredient should be corn)
2 Tbsp melted coconut oil
Sea Salt (I use Fleur de sel for this since it's got a really delicate flakey texture, very subtle)
Any other seasoning of choice (Mrs Dash, Pepper, or if you want to do kettle-corn, you can add some sucanat to the salt)
Brown paper lunch bag

Put the popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag. Fold the top over once or twice. Place in the microwave and nuke just until you hear the popping slow (don't wait for it to stop, it'll scorch - yuck!).
Put the 2 Tbsp coconut oil in a big bowl and microwave for 15-20 seconds to liquefy the coconut oil. Now dump in the popcorn, sprinkle your sea salt & any other seasoning, and toss well. Uber yum!

Variations! After adding the coconut (or olive oil, if you prefer... you can even use real butter)
Vanilla protein powder - add a scoop to your popped kernels
Sucanat (Sugar Cane Natural) and Cinnamon
Sucanat (Sugar Cane Natural) and Sea-Salt
Mrs Dash - Any Flavor

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Steamer Bag Veggies - Super Easy! Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (44)
I love my Ziploc Steamer Bags! They're a big part of my Sunday Food Prep, and make my life sooo much easier! It's a snap to whip up a serving (or 4, or more!) of fresh veggies. If you're making enough for more than just you, simply increase the amounts and add to the bag.

Here are several I do...

Steamed Snow Peas & Tomatoes... Makes 1 serving

1/2 to 1 cup snow peas
1/2 cup - 3/4 cup cherry tomatoes
1 tsp coconut oil
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb

Clean veggies & toss them in the steamer bag. Add 1 tsp coconut oil and a dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb. Seal the bag.

When you're ready to enjoy, microwave on high for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. Allow to rest for one minute (don't open the bag), then dump onto a plate or into a bowl! It's that easy!

Steamed Broccoli
... Makes 1 serving

1 to 2 cups fresh broccoli florets
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb (or any other flavor)

Microwave on high according to the package directions. Let rest one minute (don't open the bag). Open bag & dump onto a plate. Done! Squirt some fresh lemon juice over the veggies for added flavor.

Steamed Cauliflower
... Makes 1 serving

1 to 2 cups fresh caulflower florets
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb (or any other flavor)

Microwave on high according to the package directions. Let rest one minute (don't open the bag). Open bag & dump onto a plate. Done! Squirt some fresh lemon juice over the veggies for added flavor.

Steamed Zucchini & Yellow Squash
... Makes 1 serving

1 small zucchini - sliced to desired thickness (I do 1/4")
1 small yellow sqush - sliced to desired thickness (I do 1/4")
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb (or any other flavor)

Microwave on high according to the package directions. Let rest one minute (don't open the bag). Open bag & dump onto a plate. Done! Squirt some fresh lemon juice over the veggies for added flavor.

Steamed Corn on the Cobb... Makes 1 serving

1 Ear of Corn
1 tsp coconut oil or butter (clean)

Clean and trim one ear of corn and place in bag. Add coconut oil or butter. Seal. Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes. Allow to rest for one minute (don't open the bag). Check for doneness and either serve or return to microwave for additional time. Corn is done when you pierce a kernel with a sharp knife and it "bursts" or squirts.

Steamed Artichoke... Makes 1 serving

1 Artichoke

Clean and trim and place in bag. Seal. Microwave on high for 3-5 minutes. Allow to rest for one minute (don't open the bag). Check for doneness and either serve or return to microwave for additional time. Artichoke is done when inner leaves pull away (open) easily when prodded by a fork.

Steamed Asparagus... Makes 1 serving

1 handful of asparagus spears
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb (or any other flavor)

Clean and trim and place in bag. Add Mrs. Dash. Seal. Microwave on high per instructions on bag. Allow to rest for one minute (don't open the bag). Check for doneness and either serve or return to microwave for additional time. Squirt some fresh lemon juice over the veggies for added flavor.

Steamed Stuffed Portabello Mushroom
... Makes 1 serving

1 Large Portabello Mushroom cap
2 Tbsp pico de gallo or salsa (Pico de gallo is just chopped tomato, onion, jalepeno, cilantro and a squirt of lemon juice)
1 tsp reduced fat feta cheese
4-6 baby spinach leaves

Clean and trim the mushroom cap. Place spinach leaves as the bottom layer inside the cap. Top with pico de gallo, then feta. Place in bag and seal. Microwave on high for 2 1/2 minutes. Allow to rest for one minute (don't open the bag). Serve!

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Tomato & Cucumber Salad Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (45)
This is super easy to whip together, and it's fantastic! I needed some extra veggies one morning for my cooler, and this was the result.

My Recipe... Makes 1 serving

1 Roma tomato
1 Persian Cucumber (the little gourmet ones)
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tbsp olive oil
Dash of sea-salt
Dash of Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb

Chop the tomato & cucumber, place in a small bowl and drizzle the oils over them. Sprinkle with Sea-Salt & Mrs Dash. Toss.

That's it! Super Easy!

Nutrition per serving: 147 calories, 1 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat (7 g saturated - this is the coconut oil and it's GOOD sat. fat), 0 mg cholesterol, 1 g fiber, 120 mg sodium. You can reduce or eliminate the oil depending on your diet needs.

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Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet Stafford (46)

Sweet Potato Oven Fries

The Eat Clean Diet for Family & Kids by Tosca Reno has a recipe for clean sweet potato fries (pg272). It's wonderful!


2 large size sweet potatoes, skin on, well scrubbed (I used one yam and one sweet potato, so my fries were orange and white)
1.25 Tbsp Olive oil
4 cloves garlic, passed through a garlic press
1/2 tsp sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 Tbsp dried oregano, crumbled
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped

Preheat oven to 450F/232C. Cut the potatoes into finger-like wedges. Place them in a bowl and toss with the rest of the ingredients.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place the sweet potato wedges on the sheet so the pieces remain separate from each other.

Bake for 30 minutes or until wedges develop a golden color.

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Clean Taco Salad

If you've room in your diet for dairy, you can use cottage cheese or greek yogurt in place of sour cream and get a protein boost, too!

My Recipe...

1 lb ground beef or bison or 97-99% lean turkey (to reduce fat further, after cooking, rinse meat in a sieve/colander with warm water, then return to pan, add more seasoning, and re-heat)
Mrs Dash Fiesta Lime or Southwest Chipotle seasoning to taste (I use a lot)
(optional)1 Can low-sodium black beans, rinsed well
Bag of Salad or shredded romaine, green leaf, etc.
Shredded Cabbage
Chopped Kale
Chopped onion (optional)

Brown ground meat & season. After draining (and rinsing to remove fat), add black beans (if using), stir together and reheat. Serve over bed of lettuce/veggies. Top with Taco Sauce, Sriracha, Salsa, etc.

OPTIONAL: If you have dietary room for it, add a can of Glen Muir Fire Roasted Crushed Tomatoes with Chilis (or Jalepeno) to the ground beef.

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Fun Recipes for Figure Competitors, figure competition diet 
Stafford (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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