Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (2024)

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (1)

4.99 from 146 votes

Prep Time : 45 minutes minutes

Cook Time : 5 minutes minutes

Make delicious fresh gluten free pasta with our easy homemade gluten free pasta recipe. All you need is simple ingredients and a little time.

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Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (2)

Learn how to make fresh homemade gluten free pasta with the simplest gf pantry ingredients, without a pasta maker or any special equipment (unless you want to use it!). Serve it with all your favorite pasta dishes!

Making gluten free homemade pasta is a labor of love. But it's a simple process. All it takes is the right recipe—and a little time. Find out exactly how to do it! I promise you it's worth the effort.

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (3)

Why bother making gluten free pasta? What makes it so special?

It is, indeed, a fair question. Why would anyone make fresh pasta when dried pasta can be had atevery grocery store—even when you're gluten free?

Fresh pasta is just really, really special. There are a couple varieties of fresh gluten free pasta that you can buy, mostly at Whole Foods. I admit, I'm sometimes tempted to try just one package.

But at over $15 for 9 ounces, it just isn't happening.

The first time I shared arecipe for homemade gluten free pasta here on the blog was in 2009. I was concerned that I was creating unrealistic expectations for my children.

It was one of the first times that my son made the connection between scratch cooking and, well, cooking not-from-scratch. He was 5 at the time.

My kids see me boiling store-bought dried pasta all the time. No biggie. But when they first saw me make fresh pasta, my son started thinking. When he finished his dinner of homemade ravioli, he asked, “Hey, Mom, wouldn't it be cool if you made your own water?”

My son, now full grown, doesn't wonder if I'll be making my own water next. Or water into wine.

Instead, he asks, “why would you do that, when you can just buy it?” Ah, the blessings of having children… Oh, and if you love the idea of making fresh pasta but just can't swing it right now, here are 8 excellent brands of gluten free dried pastato try.

What's the best gluten free flour for pasta?

For this recipe you need a high quality all purpose gluten free flour blend. My choice of gluten free flour is Better Batter for this particular recipe, as it has the right blend of finely ground rice flour and starches. Cup4Cup is another good alternative. Or you can make your own all purpose gf flour mix with my easy guide.

Do you need a pasta machine to make gluten free pasta?

You don't need a pasta machine to make this gluten free pasta recipe, although I do have one.

Sometimes, I use it, and sometimes I don't. But with the holidays approaching,if you're feeling ambitious, you should know how to make it.

You don't need any sort of crank pasta machine to make this fresh gf pasta. You can run it through a hand crank machine, and I can show you how in our recipe for gluten free egg noodles pasta.

It's super easy, if you have the machine, but please don't run out and get one just because you think you must have it to make fresh pasta.

Oh, in case you've ever wondered how to take that pasta and shape it intofresh gluten free tortellini

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (4)

Tips for the making homemade gluten free pasta

Gluten free pasta recipes don't have to be daunting or difficult. You can whip up a batch of gluten free pasta dough in no time. It's not difficult. But I do have few tips for you that'll help make your own pasta better than regular pasta every time.

What if gluten free dough is too wet?

If you've followed the recipe closely, the pasta dough shouldn't be too wet. But if it is, you need to work in a little more gluten free flour, just a sprinkle at a time, until the dough is firm enough to work.

Can you make gluten free pasta vegan?

To get the real, authentic gluten free pasta taste and texture, I really do think you need eggs. Having said that, I've seen folks have success with a flax egg or a chia egg, but the pasta won't look quite so pretty, and I think the texture may change a little, too. Other egg substitutes for vegan gluten free fresh pasta include aquafaba and non-dairy yogurt.

How do you store fresh gluten free pasta?

You can store the dough, wrapped tightly, in the refrigerator for up to three days before you roll and cook it. You can also freeze it for up to three months.

It's also possible to dry the raw pasta by running it through your pasta roller or rolling and cutting it into fairly thin noodles, forming it into loose “nests”, and setting it in your dehydrator on a low temperature for 12 to 24 hours. Then store the dried nests in an airtight container.

Do I have to use xanthan gum?

Yes, for this recipe, you do need to use xanthan gum in your gluten free pasta dough. Xanthan gum helps with binding and texture. It mimics gluten without causing sensitivity in most people. However, if you need to avoid it, you can try using an equal amount of konjac powder instead, like I did in this recipe for gluten free biscuits without xanthan gum.

I can't guarantee it'll work here, though, as I've only used xanthan gum. So if you try it, let me know if it works!

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (5)


Can you freeze gluten free pasta?

Yes, you can freeze raw pasta dough, even if you're on a gluten free diet. Wrap the unshaped dough tightly in a freezer-safe wrap like Glad Press n Seal, and freeze for up to three months. Let it thaw fully before you try to roll it.

Can you add flavor to gluten free pasta?

Yes, absolutely! This recipe already has a little salt in the dough, and you can add other flavorings if you want, but the easiest and best way to create flavorful pasta is to make beautiful, colorful pasta dishes.

Why did my pasta break?

When you're making pasta, whether you're using gf flour or conventional flour, and the dough forms but breaks, it could be for a few different reasons.
The most likely is that you haven't conditioned your dough enough. Pasta dough needs to be kneaded, rolled, and folded multiple times before it's ready to be rolled thin and cut.
It can also happen if the dough isn't hydrated enough. Perhaps the eggs you used were a little smaller than normal, for example (hence I recommend weighing the eggs out of their shells).

How long does gluten free pasta stay fresh?

Once cooked and refrigerated, gluten free pasta lasts up to three days. The dough, if tightly wrapped, can also last three to five days in the fridge.

What happens if you overcook gluten free pasta?

Don't! You'll ruin all your hard work! Cooking time is crucial for gluten free pasta. If you overcook it, even by a minute or two, it'll go gummy, sticky, or mushy. You cook this pasta for only a couple of minutes, until it's al dente.

How to make homemade fresh gluten free pasta, step by step

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (6)

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Homemade Gluten Free Pasta Recipe

Make delicious fresh gluten free pasta with our easy homemade gluten free pasta recipe. All you need is simple ingredients and a little time.

Course: Dinner, Dough

Cuisine: Italian

Prep Time: 45 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Yield: 1.5 pounds fresh pasta

Author: Nicole Hunn


  • Food processor, fitted with the steel blade


  • 2 cups (280 g) all purpose gluten free flour blend (I like Better Batter here; click through for details) plus more for dusting
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum omit if your blend already contains it
  • 5 tablespoons (45 g) Expandex modified tapioca starch (or replace with an equal amount of tapioca starch/flour) (See Recipe Notes)
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 (100 g (weighed out of shell)) eggs at room temperature, beaten
  • 2 (50 g) egg yolks at room temperature, beaten
  • 1 tablespoon (14 g) extra virgin olive oil
  • cup (2.67 fluid ounces) warm water plus more, as necessary


  • In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade, or a large bowl, place the flour, xanthan gum, Expandex (or tapioca starch/flour), salt, olive oil, eggs and egg yolks, and pulse until combined.

  • If not using a food processor, whisk together the dry ingredients before adding the oil, eggs and egg yolks, and mix to combine well. Add 1/3 cup water, and process (or mix) until moistened.

  • With the food processor on, remove the hopper and add more water very slowly until the dough clumps to one side of the food processor.

  • In a bowl, add water about 1 teaspoonful at a time, mixing constantly until the dough holds together well. If the dough feels stiff, add more water until pliable.

  • Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and divide it into 4 parts. Work with one part at a time and cover the others with plastic wrap to maintain moisture.

  • Knead the dough until smooth and roll into a rectangle. Divide the dough in half, and roll each half into a rectangle about 1/4-inch thick.

  • Trim the edges, dust the rolled-out dough lightly, and feed each piece through a pasta machine if using.

  • I don’t like to roll the dough any thinner than the “5” setting on my machine, or it begins to tear. Otherwise, simply roll each piece as close to 1/8-inch thick as possible, as evenly as possible.

  • Cut into shapes using the pasta machine or a sharp knife.

  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Place the fresh pasta in the water and cook, stirring to prevent the dough from clumping, for about 2 minutes or until it reaches an al-dente texture.

  • Toss with sauce and serve immediately.


About Expandex modified tapioca starch.

For information on where to find Expandex, please see the Resources page.

For information on how to replace Expandex with Ultratex 3, readily available in most countries outside the United States, in the gluten free bread recipes in GFOAS Bakes Bread, scroll to #6 in Resources.

I have not yet tested Ultratex 3 in this recipe, but I would recommend trying 15 grams Ultratex 3 in place of Expandex, and adding another 30 grams of Better Batter to the recipe. Ultratex 3 is at least 3 times as strong as Expandex.

This recipe was originally posted on the blog in 2009. In 2016, recipe tweaked, photos and video all new. In 2022, text resources added.

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (7)

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (8)

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Homemade Gluten Free Pasta Recipe

Make delicious fresh gluten free pasta with our easy homemade gluten free pasta recipe. All you need is simple ingredients and a little time.

Course: Dinner, Dough

Cuisine: Italian

Prep Time: 45 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Yield: 1.5 pounds fresh pasta

Author: Nicole Hunn


  • Food processor, fitted with the steel blade


  • 2 cups (280 g) all purpose gluten free flour blend (I like Better Batter here; click through for details) plus more for dusting
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum omit if your blend already contains it
  • 5 tablespoons (45 g) Expandex modified tapioca starch (or replace with an equal amount of tapioca starch/flour) (See Recipe Notes)
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 (100 g (weighed out of shell)) eggs at room temperature, beaten
  • 2 (50 g) egg yolks at room temperature, beaten
  • 1 tablespoon (14 g) extra virgin olive oil
  • cup (2.67 fluid ounces) warm water plus more, as necessary


  • In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the steel blade, or a large bowl, place the flour, xanthan gum, Expandex (or tapioca starch/flour), salt, olive oil, eggs and egg yolks, and pulse until combined.

  • If not using a food processor, whisk together the dry ingredients before adding the oil, eggs and egg yolks, and mix to combine well. Add 1/3 cup water, and process (or mix) until moistened.

  • With the food processor on, remove the hopper and add more water very slowly until the dough clumps to one side of the food processor.

  • In a bowl, add water about 1 teaspoonful at a time, mixing constantly until the dough holds together well. If the dough feels stiff, add more water until pliable.

  • Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and divide it into 4 parts. Work with one part at a time and cover the others with plastic wrap to maintain moisture.

  • Knead the dough until smooth and roll into a rectangle. Divide the dough in half, and roll each half into a rectangle about 1/4-inch thick.

  • Trim the edges, dust the rolled-out dough lightly, and feed each piece through a pasta machine if using.

  • I don’t like to roll the dough any thinner than the “5” setting on my machine, or it begins to tear. Otherwise, simply roll each piece as close to 1/8-inch thick as possible, as evenly as possible.

  • Cut into shapes using the pasta machine or a sharp knife.

  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a rolling boil. Place the fresh pasta in the water and cook, stirring to prevent the dough from clumping, for about 2 minutes or until it reaches an al-dente texture.

  • Toss with sauce and serve immediately.


About Expandex modified tapioca starch.

For information on where to find Expandex, please see the Resources page.

For information on how to replace Expandex with Ultratex 3, readily available in most countries outside the United States, in the gluten free bread recipes in GFOAS Bakes Bread, scroll to #6 in Resources.

I have not yet tested Ultratex 3 in this recipe, but I would recommend trying 15 grams Ultratex 3 in place of Expandex, and adding another 30 grams of Better Batter to the recipe. Ultratex 3 is at least 3 times as strong as Expandex.

This recipe was originally posted on the blog in 2009. In 2016, recipe tweaked, photos and video all new. In 2022, text resources added.

Gluten Free Pasta Recipe: great gluten free recipes that actually work (2024)


What's the trick to cooking gluten-free pasta? ›

The secret to firm pasta starts with an ice-water bath. This halts the cooking process immediately, so the pasta doesn't continue to cook in the colander. Trust me; this works on all brands of gluten free pasta.

How do you make gluten-free pasta taste better? ›

On its own, gluten-free pasta is really pretty tasteless. It needs seasoning, in the form of salt, just like regular pasta. After the water comes to a boil, add enough salt to make the water taste like the ocean (about 1/4 cup for a large pot of water), before adding the pasta.

What is the best flour for pasta? ›

300 g Tipo “00” Flour: this fine milled, soft wheat Italian flour creates light and tender pasta with just the right bite. Tipo 00 is the best flour for pasta making. Try Molino Grassi or Caputo pasta flour. Substitute with King Arthur all purpose flour for similar results.

Why does gluten-free pasta fall apart? ›

If cooked properly, it turns out perfectly al dente and is even good cold in a pasta salad. Gluten-free pasta in general is tricky and one minute overcooked will produce a mushy pasta that splits and falls apart.

What to avoid when cooking gluten-free? ›

Grains not allowed
  • Wheat.
  • Barley.
  • Rye.
  • Triticale — a cross between wheat and rye.
  • Oats, in some cases.

Do gluten-free recipes need more liquid? ›

Gluten-free flours absorb more liquid.

You might notice a different ratio of ingredients in gluten-free recipes. Gluten-free flours often contain fine starches, so they absorb more liquid than conventional flour. To address this, gluten-free recipes usually call for more liquid and produce looser batters.

How do you keep gluten-free pasta from clumping? ›

Because of the starch, gluten-free pasta noodles tend to cling together. Add a glug of olive oil to the water and make sure to run a spoon through it to redistribute every 30 seconds during the first few minutes of cooking. Once the pasta has begun to plump you don't have to worry about it as much.

How do you make gluten-free pasta less mushy? ›

Starch, as we all know, can get sticky if it absorbs too much water — and now we see why cooking gluten-free pasta in a large pot of boiling water might present some problems! This is why adding a little olive oil to the pot after the water boils but before you add the pasta will help.

How do you make gluten-free pasta not fall apart? ›

Perhaps some tips are in order to help you improve:
  1. Measure your water. ...
  2. Make sure water is at a rolling boil prior to adding pasta. ...
  3. Salt and oil your water prior to adding pasta. ...
  4. The time of cooking is largely dependent on the shape and thickness of the pasta. ...
  5. Pasta is easy to mess up.
Aug 28, 2019

Why do we not rinse pasta after cooking? ›

No, in almost every case, you should not rinse pasta after it's cooked. It's true that rinsing noodles or pasta after cooking halts the cooking process. “This is also known as shocking,” Tiess says. But rinsing also removes the starch water after the noodles are strained, which is what helps adhere sauce to noodles.

What is the healthiest flour for homemade pasta? ›

Semolina flour is good for pasta because it's a hard variety of wheat and has a high protein content. Both of these properties give more structure to pasta which provides that elusive 'al dente' quality to fresh pastas.

Can 00 pizza flour be used for pasta? ›

In Italy, flour is graded by a number system from tipo 2 (brown flour with bran removed) to '000' (superfine white flour the texture of cornflour). The popular '00' flour is roughly in the middle of these grades, and is typically used for pizza bases and homemade pastas.

Why can't you reheat gluten-free pasta? ›

Unfortunately, it is not advisable to reheat gluten-free pasta because it is made of corn and rice, both of which break down more quickly and easily than wheat. As a result, gluten-free pasta tends to become mushy and tasteless when cooked a second time.

Why is my gluten-free pasta gummy? ›

Gluten-free pasta has a tendency to get gummy, mushy, or stick together if it's cooked for too long or too short. It's more finicky than regular pasta that way.

Is gluten-free pasta still bad for you? ›

While it is a better option for those with wheat intolerances, gluten-free pasta is not necessarily any more or less healthy than other pasta types. In fact, the nutrient profiles remain very similar! The only thing that changes is the ingredient list. Gluten-free means low-carb.

How to cook gluten-free pasta without it falling apart? ›

Because of the starch, gluten-free pasta noodles tend to cling together. Add a glug of olive oil to the water and make sure to run a spoon through it to redistribute every 30 seconds during the first few minutes of cooking. Once the pasta has begun to plump you don't have to worry about it as much.

How to cook gluten-free pasta without sticking? ›

Add a little olive oil to the pot.

Salty water is one of the keys to good pasta, gluten-free or not. Then, once the water starts boiling and before adding the pasta, pour a little olive oil into the pot to help keep the noodles from sticking together.

How to make gluten-free pasta not fall apart? ›

Perhaps some tips are in order to help you improve:
  1. Measure your water. ...
  2. Make sure water is at a rolling boil prior to adding pasta. ...
  3. Salt and oil your water prior to adding pasta. ...
  4. The time of cooking is largely dependent on the shape and thickness of the pasta. ...
  5. Pasta is easy to mess up.
Aug 28, 2019

Is gluten-free pasta harder to cook? ›

This couldn't be further from the truth! Gluten free pasta can be cooked just as easily as wheat pasta. Thanks to our unique blend of corn and rice, there's no risk of mushy pasta. The only difference is that the whole grain rice pasta may take a bit longer to cook as the grain must be broken down.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.