Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (2024)

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (1)

02/01/202303/06/2024 Bettina Zabel

Animals, For Kids, For the Family, Homeschool, Seasonal, Winter Season

It seems almost every year, someone mentions how ridiculous Groundhog Day is but I personally like it. Groundhog Day may seem like a crazy holiday to celebrate and trust me we don’t go crazy, I mean it is a day about a rodent predicting the weather, but I like to have fun with my family, and any time I can squeeze a little of that in, I try.

A Reason to Celebrate

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (2)I think groundhogs are cute and there is something about the ritual, the hoping that spring will come quicker. It is a little “holiday” that can be celebrated and that can brighten a grey winter day, without the isles of Walmart being filled with junk for it, unlike almost every other holiday. It is OK to take something silly and have fun just for fun’s sake.

Not to mention, that my husband and I always watch Groundhog Day, one of our favorites, because who doesn’t like Bill Murray or a movie about a senseless jerk who finds his way, and it’s funny.

So, to you naysayers, try having a little fun, for the fun of it… and I hope that some of what we do, again nothing elaborate, will inspire you!

Here is a little Groundhog Day fun for kids of all ages… and adults too!

A Grubby Snack

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (3)Our family ALWAYS makes Groundhog Grub! As groundhogs forage the dirt for grubs, we make sweets that match!

The kids love helping in the kitchen and as we eat these cookies (with the worms) ONLY on Groundhog Day. This makes them special. We really enjoy them… plus they are super easy!

These cookies might not look like award-winning treats, but they are tasty and are no-bake cookie options that are super easy to adapt to various diets and allergies!

Check out my recipe for them and links to dye-free and organic gummy worms here!

Read a Fun Story

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (4)My kids really like the book Grumpy Groundhog, so we read it every year, in fact, it is a book that sits out all year and while not a timeless piece of literature, it is quite cute. Below is a video of me reading it with my kiddos!

This book is a book that the kids still quote, there’s a line in this book that says, “It’s Groundhog Day, please come out”. My kids all said that to me this year… out of the blue on Groundhog Day… with a smile. My oldest son will be 16… and the fact that he will still do this brings joy to me!

Believe it or not, there are several Groundhog books to choose from, even a few about Groundhog Day. You can always head to search the latest list here on Amazon!

More Groundhog Fun

In the day of the internet, my kids want to see videos of whatever subject we are discussing, this video is a quick little intro to groundhogs, at only a couple of minutes, and it has a bit about the holiday too.

After watching the video, have some fun drawing!

Time to Learn About Groundhogs!

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (5)So, as a homeschool mom, I am always trying to find or add some learning to everything. Groundhog Day is a great way to learn more about mammals, weather and seasons, and even geography!

I created a printable packet available for instant download from Etsy! It includes a lesson and several activities (including access to an online private game, crossword, writing prompts, craft, and more!),

It is an inexpensive way to add some extra fun at home, in the classroom, or during your homeschooling day! All sales help our Little Library!

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (6)

Head over to Etsy and grab a FUN Groundhog Day printable!


As I mentioned above, the one thing that my husband and I do without fail, and maybe the kids will too as they get older, is watch the movie Groundhog Day, which on any day is an awesome movie, but this day gives us an excuse to sit and watch it, of course enjoyingsome Groundhog Grub, we managed to hide from the kiddos!

And that’s that! I hope you have an awesome Groundhog Day! Don’t forget to check out these 9 Fun Facts About Groundhog Day… and here is hoping for an early Spring!

BEM + Fam 🙂

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (7)

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Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (8)

Groundhog Day For Kids - Blue Eyed Mama's Blog - Family Recipes, Crafts, and Homeschool Ideas (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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