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Molecular Tools for Detection of Plant Pathogens 13


Are Molecular Tools Solving the Challenges Posed by

Detection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and Viruses?

María M. López*, Pablo Llop, Antonio Olmos, Ester

Marco-Noales, Mariano Cambra and Edson Bertolini

Centro de Protección Vegetal y Biotecnología, Instituto

Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA). Carretera

de Moncada a Náquera km 4.5, 46113 Moncada,

Valencia, Spain

*For correspondence: [emailprotected]


Plant pathogenic bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and

viroids are difficult to control, and preventive measures

are essential to minimize the losses they cause each

year in different crops. In this context, rapid and accurate

methods for detection and diagnosis of these plant

pathogens are required to apply treatments, undertake

agronomic measures or proceed with eradication

practices, particularly for quarantine pathogens. In

recent years, there has been an exponential increase in

the number of protocols based on nucleic-acid tools

being those based on PCR or RT-PCR now routinely

applied worldwide. Nucleic acid extraction is still

necessary in many cases and in practice inhibition

problems are decreasing the theoretical sensitivity of

molecular detection. For these reasons, integrated

protocols that include the use of molecular techniques as

screening methods, followed by confirmation by other

techniques supported by different biological principles

are advisable. Overall, molecular techniques based on

different types of PCR amplification and very especially

on real-time PCR are leading to high throughput, faster

and more accurate detection methods for the most

severe plant pathogens, with important benefits for

agriculture. Other technologies, such as isothermal

amplification, microarrays, etc. have great potential, but

their practical development in plant pathology is still

underway. Despite these advances, there are some

unsolved problems concerning the detection of many

plant pathogens due to their low titre in the plants, their

uneven distribution, the existence of latent infections and

the lack of validated sampling protocols. Research

based on genomic advances and innovative detection

methods as well as better knowledge of the pathogens’

lifecycle, will facilitate their early and accurate detection,

thus improving the sanitary status of cultivated plants in

the near future.


Plant pathogenic bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and

viroids cause harmful, widespread and economically

important diseases in a very broad range of plant

species worldwide (Agrios, 2001; Janse, 2007). Damage

is often sufficient to cause significant yield losses in

cultivated plants (Schaad, 1988; Scortichini, 1995;

Cambra et al., 2006b). The two main effects on

agriculture are decreased production and, in a less direct

way, the need of implementation of expensive

management and control procedures and strategies. In

addition, efficient registered products for the chemical

control of bacteria are lacking and there is no chemical

control available for viruses. Consequently, prevention is

essential to avoid the dissemination of the pathogens

through different vehicles, such as contaminated

propagative plant material, vectors, irrigation water, soil,

etc. (Martín et al., 2000; Janse and Wenneker, 2002;

López et al., 2003; Alvarez, 2004; De Boer et al., 2007).

The prevention measures demand pathogen detection

methods of high sensitivity, specificity and reliability,

because many phytopathogenic bacteria and viruses

can remain latent in “subclinical infections”, and/or in low

numbers, and/or in some special physiological states in

propagative plant material and in other reservoirs (Helias

et al., 2000; Grey and Steck, 2001; Janse et al., 2004;

Biosca et al., 2006; Ordax et al., 2006). Accurate

detection of phytopathogenic organisms is crucial for

virtually all aspects of plant pathology, from basic

research on the biology of pathogens to the control of

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Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 11: 13-46. Online journal at http://www.cimb.org

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the diseases they cause. Moreover, the need for rapid

techniques of high accuracy is especially necessary for

quarantine pathogens, because the risk of the disease

and the spread of the inoculum must be reduced to

nearly zero (López et al., 2003).

Here we present the state of the art of molecular

detection of plant pathogenic bacteria, phytoplasmas,

and viruses. In this review, detection refers to the

presence of a particular target organism in plant tissues,

vectors, plant products, or environmental samples, with

emphasis on symptomless plants, whereas diagnosis is

related to the identification of the nature and cause of a

disease in plants showing symptoms (Shurtleff and

Averre, 1997; Louws et al., 1999; López et al., 2006).

The open question that we will try to answer is left

hanging in the air: Are molecular methods solving the

challenges of the high sensitivity, specificity and

accuracy posed by detection of plant pathogens?

From past to present

Traditionally, the available detection and diagnostic

techniques for plant pathogenic bacteria have been

microscopical observation, isolation, biochemical

characterisation, serology (mainly through

immunofluorescence and Enzyme-Linked

Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) using polyclonal and/or

monoclonal antibodies), bioassays and pathogenicity

tests. Biological indexing, electron microscopy and some

biochemical and staining tests have been used for

testing pathogens of the genus Spiroplasma and

phytoplasmas. For viruses and viroids, biological

indexing (using herbaceous and/or woody indicator

plants), electrophoresis, electron microscopy and ELISA-

based techniques have been the choice.

Standard protocols for detection of plant bacteria

based on isolation and further identification are time-

consuming and not always sensitive and specific

enough. Consequently, they are obviously not suited for

routine analysis of a large number of samples. Other

handicaps are the low reproducibility of identification by

phenotypic traits, frequent lack of phylogenetic

significance and false negatives due to stressed or

injured bacteria, or those in the viable but non culturable

state (VBNC), which escape from isolation. The VBNC

state is a survival strategy in which bacterial cells do not

form visible colonies on non-selective solid medium, but

remain viable according to culture-independent methods

(Oliver, 2005). Detection of cells in particular

physiological states is important, especially for

quarantine organisms, because they can retain

pathogenicity and constitute a hazard for plant health.

On the other hand, commercially available serology-

based kits, which have been developed for the most

economically important pathogens, are not suitable for

analysing latent infections as they usually have relatively

low sensitivity and do not detect low numbers of the

target in asymptomatic tissues.

There are currently many methods, which have

been used to detect and/or characterise specific viral,

viroids or graft-transmissible virus-like associated

pathogens in plant material. The most frequently

employed are biological indexing and serological tests.

Biological assays were developed first and are still in

widespread use, because they are simple, require

minimal knowledge of the pathogen and are polyvalent

(in a single host it is possible to detect most, if not all,

graft-transmissible viral pathogens of some crops).

Furthermore, biological indexing is still the only method

of choice to detect uncharacterized but graft-

transmissible agents. Its sensitivity is considered to be

very high due to the viral multiplication in the host plant

used as indicator. However, some isolates, despite

multiplying in the host, can induce no symptoms, thus

escaping detection and the major limitations are the high

economic cost, the long time (weeks to months) required

to obtain results, and the impossibility of large-scale use.

Accuracy of plant virus detection has greatly improved

due to the development of serological techniques,

especially ELISA (Clark and Adams, 1977). Applying

ELISA to viruses revolutionized diagnosis, making the

analysis of large number of samples feasible, simpler,

and with both low cost and high sensitivity. Although

polyclonal antibodies frequently presented problems of

specificity, the availability of specific monoclonal and

recombinant antibodies solved this problem (Köhler and

Milstein, 1975; Terrada et al., 2000). Nevertheless, the

major limitation of this technique was its low sensitivity

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outside the plants’ vegetative period because the titre of

some viral pathogens is usually very low.

The present

Nucleic acid-based methods are sensitive, specific and

allow genetic relationships to be determined. In plant

pathology, the most frequently used molecular

techniques have been, first, molecular hybridisation and,

afterwards, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Compared to traditional methods, PCR offers several

advantages, because, organisms do not need to be

cultured before their detection, it affords high sensitivity

at least theoretically, enabling a single target molecule to

be detected in a complex mixture, and it is also rapid

and versatile. In fact, the different variants of PCR, have

increased the accuracy of detection and diagnosis, and

opened new insights into our knowledge of the ecology

and population dynamics of many pathogens, providing

a valuable tool for basic and applied studies in plant

pathology. Detection of DNA provides evidence for the

presence/absence of targets, rRNA is an indicator of cell

activity or viability, and m-RNA signals specific activity

and expression of certain metabolic processes

(Chandler and Jarrell, 2005). However, nucleic acids

extraction protocols are usually necessary to obtain a

successful result when processing plant or

environmental samples by molecular methods. This

specific aspect, as well as primer design for PCR, will be

considered below.

Molecular approaches developed over the last ten

years to detect many bacteria, Spiroplasma,

phytoplasmas, viruses, and viroids in plant or

environmental samples (Louws et al., 1999; Alvarez,

2004) can be grouped as follows, according to Bonants

et al. (2005), a) RNA level: RT-PCR, NASBA or

AmpliDet RNA; and b) DNA level: hybridisation, FISH,

and PCR variants (conventional PCR, nested PCR, co-

operative PCR, multiplex PCR, real-time PCR).

Technological advances in PCR-based methods

enable fast, accurate detection, quantification and

characterization of plant pathogens and are now being

applied to solve practical problems. For example, the

use of molecular techniques in bacterial taxonomy

allows different taxa of etiologically significant bacteria to

be separated (De Boer et al., 2007). Therefore,

molecular diagnostics can provide the degree of

discrimination needed to detect and monitor plant

diseases, which is not always obtained by other types of


Despite nucleic-acid technology is the only choice

when bacteria or phytoplasma have not been cultured up

to date, DNA-based methods have not yet completely

replaced traditional culture and phenotypic tests in the

most common plant pathogens detection, because the

information from several methods can be

complementary. For this reason, the current trend in the

European Union (EU) and European and Mediterranean

Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) protocols for the

detection of plant pathogens is to combine conventional,

serological and molecular techniques in integrated

approaches (López et al., 2003 and 2005; Alvarez,

2004). The use of polyphasic or integrated approaches

for detection is adviced, especially when the targets are

plant quarantine bacteria or viruses (López and Cambra,

1996; López et al., 2003 and 2005; Alvarez, 2004;

Janse, 2005). As an example, the recently published

new versions of the official EU protocols for Clavibacter

michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Anonymous, 2006a)

and Ralstonia solanacearum (Anonymous, 2006b)

incorporate PCR as screening test in an integrated

protocol, including also serological techniques, isolation

and bioassays, for higher accuracy of the detection of

these quarantine pathogens. This approach, not only

increases our ability to detect plant pathogens but also

can provide new insights into their ecology and

epidemiology (Martin et al., 2000; Alvarez, 2004). For

quarantine bacteria, the isolation and proof of

pathogenicity is required in the EU and EPPO current

protocols. This could be substituted, after appropriate

validation, by real-time PCR based on detection of m-

RNA of selected target genes, which correlates with cell

viability and pathogenicity. The methodology for

selecting and validating a test for routine diagnosis has

also been discussed (Janse, 2005).

From present to future

Molecular methods will be used increasingly in the near

future. However, although better sensitivity and

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specificity could be attained with new molecular

techniques, it will be still necessary to obtain additional

information on some other features of many diseases,

regarding the sources of inoculum and the hidden life of

pathogens in outside-plant reservoirs and vectors.

Furthermore, sampling methodology and sample

processing need to be improved, given the uneven

distribution of most bacteria and viruses in plots,

orchards, and nurseries or inside plants.

Information resulting from detection by improved

molecular methods could be used to optimize disease

control through more rational decisions about the choice

and use of control measures. Besides optimization of

PCR and real-time PCR protocols, the advances in

microarray, microchip or biochip technology will allow to

test simultaneously, the prospect of a wide variety of

pathogenic microorganisms, and the potential of this tool

will open new fields of studies in plant pathology. Since

cultivated plants can be affected by diseases caused by

many types of organisms (nematodes, fungi, bacteria,

phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids), a method able to

detect several pathogens simultaneously would be ideal

for testing plant material, especially for quarantine

pathogens. Protocols based on PCR have already been

developed for the most important pathogens and they

should be optimised soon, looking for multiplex

detection, trying to simplify the RNA or DNA extraction

without decreasing the robustness of the methods.

Analyses for comparison, validation, and standardization

are strictly necessary for molecular methods to be

accepted and widely used in routine diagnosis (Martin et

al., 2000; Alvarez, 2004).

Furthermore, we are at the age of genomics, in

which entire DNA or RNA sequences of organisms and

their genetic mapping are being determined, providing

the data needed to generate microarrays for the

detection and identification of plant pathogens

(Lévesque, 2001). Thus, we are immersed in this

fascinating era, with a fast-developing present and a

hopeful future full of new possibilities. However, whether

current or new molecular methods will be used for

accurate detection of plant pathogens in the future as yet

remains unanswered.

Plant sample preparation: the tricky step

Accuracy of molecular analysis for pathogen detection in

plant material or environmental samples requires

efficient and reproducible methods to access nucleic

acids. The preparation of samples is critical and target

DNA or RNA should be made as available as possible

for applying the different molecular techniques. This

aspect is crucial when detection methods are devised,

and less important for bacterial identification, because

the latter employ cultured isolates and a large amount of

DNA is always available. There are a great many

published methods for preparing the plant tissues, soil,

water or other type of samples before molecular

detection of plant pathogenic bacteria or viruses;

however, they all pursue access the nucleic acid,

avoiding the presence of inhibitory compounds that

compromise the detection systems (Henson and French,

1993; Louws et al., 1999). Target sequences are usually

purified or treated to remove DNA polymerase inhibitors,

such as polysaccharides, phenolic compounds or humic

substances from plants or other substrates ((Minsavage

et al., 1994; Hartung et al., 1996; Wilson, 1997; Munford

et al., 2006). Depending on the material to be analysed

the extraction methods can be quite simple or more

complex. The use of commercial kits, either general or

specifically designed for one type of plant material, has

gained acceptance for extraction, given the ease of use

and avoidance of toxic reagents during the purification

process. Among those: DNeasy and RNeasy Plant

System, Qiagen; Ultra Clean Plant RNA and DNA

isolation kits, MoBio; Easy-DNA-Extraction kit,

Invitrogen; Nucleon plant tissue, Amersham; EaZy

Nucleic Acid Isolation Plant DNA kit, Omega Bio-tek;

Wizard Genomic DNA and SV Total RNA Isolation

System, Promega; Extract-N-Amp Plant PCR kit, Sigma;

Powersoil DNA kit, MoBio; RNA/DNA/Protein Purification

Kit, Norgen; Quickpick Plant DNA, Bio-Nobile; and

others, are applied in different models with success. The

extraction methods from plant material have evolved

from long laboratory protocols developed when PCR

was first used in plant pathology (John, 1992; Pich and

Schubert, 1993) to commercial kits, coupled in some

cases with immunomagnetic separation (Bextine et al.,

2004; Walcott et al., 2006). Nevertheless, simple

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laboratory protocols have also been developed with few

steps and minimal handling, reducing the risk of cross-

contamination, cost and time, with similar results to

those of longer and more expensive protocols (Llop et

al., 1999; López et al., 2006). In addition, several

commercial automated systems allow the extraction and

analysis of nucleic acids from plant and microorganisms

and even equipment performing automatic separation

has also been developed (QIAcube, QIAgen, CA, USA;

DNA extractor, Applied Biosystems, USA; X-Tractor

Gene, Corbett, USA).

Another step in the development of sample-

preparation systems is leading to the integration of

treatment and purification in the so-called LOC devices

(Lab-On-A-Chip). Several methods have been

investigated, such as sonication (Taylor et al., 2001),

heating (Abolmaaty et al., 1998) or electrical devices

(Gascoyne and Vykoukal, 2004), with promising results.

Nevertheless, they are not always effective with all types

of plant material and need to be evaluated for each

combination of pathogen and plant or substrate before

being adopted in routine detection (López et al., 2003).

The latest systems developed employ miniaturized

devices, to achieve the DNA extraction in a microchip

with different approaches such as laser irradiation (Liu et

al., 2007) or capillary electrophoresis (Lin et al., 2007).

They have the advantage of enabling subsequent

detection by real-time PCR (Lee et al., 2006), facilitating

the procedure, with the option of being automated. The

choice of one or another system for nucleic acid

purification relies in practice on the pathogen to be

detected and the nature of the sample, the experience of

the personnel, the number of analyses to be performed

per day, and the type of technique. As there are no

universally validated nucleic-acid extraction protocols for

all kinds of material and plant pathogens, those available

should be compared before selecting one method for


Currently, no standardised protocols are

recommended for detection of plant pathogenic bacteria

in soil samples, because they can be very complex and

DNA yields could be variable, affecting the diagnostic

efficiency. Direct extraction methods of total microbial

DNA from soils and sediments have been reviewed

(Johnston et al., 1999; van Elsas and Smalla, 1999) and

these protocols can be applied for detection of soil borne

plant pathogenic bacteria like Agrobacterium

tumefaciens or R. solanacearum. They can include

lysozyme or another chemical treatment, bead beating

lysis (or freeze-thaw lysis), DNA extraction and

precipitation. In other protocols, the target DNA can be

“fished out” from the lysate by mixed phase hybridisation

with a biotin labelled probe linked to streptavidin coated

magnetic beads (Jacobsen, 1999). Furthermore, soil

samples can also be previously enriched in the target

organism by incubation in solid (Pulawska and

Sobiczewski, 2005) or liquid semi selective-medium,

facilitating the amplification.

Methods to extract DNA from freshwater and

sediments generally share the common feature of cell

concentration on micropore membrane, removing

biological particles from water by prefiltering and

sometimes vacuum filtering using 0.22 - 0.45 µm filters,

centrifugation or use of immunomagnetic beads, and

lysis of the cells on the filters (Bej, 1999; Pickup et al.,

1999); however, this is not always necessary for

detection of some plant bacteria. For example, direct

amplification with or without previous DNA extraction has

been successful in many cases for R. solanacearum

detection in freshwater by Co-PCR (Caruso et al., 2003

and 2005). DNA extraction from other sources as insects

that act as vectors of important bacterial pathogens

(Xylella fastidiosa, sharpshooters; Erwinia amylovora

and E. stewartii, bees; Candidatus Liberibacter spp.,

psyllids), can require specific protocols (Bextine et al.,

2005; Meyer et al., 2007).

Analyses for virus detection by PCR also requires

very often mechanical extract preparation from plant or

insect tissues, or from other origins and this step must

be performed in individual plastic bags to avoid

contamination among samples. Special apparatus have

been designed for example to facilitate the

hom*ogenisation of succulent material into plastic bags

(Bioreba) with a light net (Homex, Bioreba; Stomacher,

AES Laboratoire), or woody material into plastic bags

with heavy net (PlantPrint Diagnostics). Grinding

operation is time consuming and entails risks of

contamination and release of inhibitors of the molecular

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reactions. Then, several attempts have been undertaken

to overcome these problems, such as the use of a

previous immunocapture phase (Wetzel et al., 1992), the

preparation of crude extracts and subsequent dilution in

the same extraction buffer or in special one (Kim et al.,

2006), the immobilisation of viral targets on membranes

by spotting few amounts of plant crude extracts (Olmos

et al., 1996; Osman and Rowhani, 2006), and the

purification of total RNA through commercially available

kits. An interesting method to prepare samples without

extract preparation is the direct printing or squashing of

the sample on membranes (Bertolini et al., 2008). The

use of previously immobilized targets on filter paper,

nitrocellulose, nylon or other materials is advised

because they can be stored for long time before being

used or even mailed, thus allowing their direct

preparation in the field if necessary (Olmos et al., 1996).

These systems are simpler and much faster than

extractions, and allow the manipulation of quarantine

viruses without risks (Cambra et al., 1997; Bertolini et

al., 2008). The drawback of techniques that use

immobilised plant targets lies in the small amount of

sample that can be loaded on the support. This

disadvantage could be solved by coupling these easy

sample-preparation methods to a high-sensitivity

detection technique, such as real-time RT-PCR.

In general, when a new PCR protocol or any other

molecular method is developed for pathogen detection

or disease diagnosis, pilot experiments are advisable to

ensure that inhibitory compounds are excluded from the

sample (Louws et al., 1999).

Primers and probes: how to design specific ones

The molecular methods for detection of plant pathogens

are based on the use of specific sequences

(oligonucleotides/probes), and their accuracy is basic for

designing a good protocol. As PCR is the most

frequently used molecular technique to detect bacteria

and viruses, here we will only discuss the design of

primers and probes for its use in the different formats of

this technique. Partial or complete nucleotide sequences

of each DNA or RNA target can be found in the

Nucleotide Sequence Search program located in the

Entrez Browser program provided by the National Center

for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/) (Bethesda, MD,

USA). Conserved regions for each target can be studied

using the similarity search Advanced BLAST 2.2.18, with

the blastn program designed for analysis of nucleotides

(http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi) (Altschul et al.,

1997). Specific nucleotide regions should be selected

and, by using this methodology, appropriate PCR

primers to different DNA or RNA targets can be easily

and properly designed for bacteria and viruses.


Different strategies have been developed to design PCR

primers for specific detection. The DNA sequences from

which the primers are designed for bacteria come from

three main origins: pathogenicity/virulence genes,

ribosomal genes, and plasmid genes. The sequences of

published primers for phytobacteria have been compiled

by various authors (Louws et al., 1999; Schaad et al.,

2001; Alvarez, 2004) but these lists do not include those

most recently published. A recent compilation (Palacio et

al, submitted) reports more than two hundred PCR

protocols for detection and identification of more than 50

bacterial species, 9 subspecies and more than 40

pathovars. The pathogenicity genes used as targets can

be involved in any of the several steps leading to

symptoms development and can be related to virulence

factors (Sato et al., 1997; Coletta-Filho et al., 2006),

virulence or avirulence genes (Haas et al., 1995; Kousik

and Ritchie, 1998), toxin products (Lydon and Patterson,

2001), other factors (Tan-Bian et al., 2003; Schonfeld et

al., 2003), etc. These genes can be situated in plasmids,

as primers from Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens (Ponsonnet

and Nesme, 1994; Haas et al., 1995; Sawada et al.,

1995) or from plasmids of C. michiganensis subsp.

sepedonicus (Schneider et al., 1993), Xanthom*onas

axonopodis pv. citri (Hartung et al., 1993), or Erwinia

amylovora (Bereswill et al., 1992; McManus and Jones,

1995; Llop et al., 2000; De Bellis et al., 2007). They can

also be located in the chromosome and be specific to a

pathogen, or to a group of pathogens, such as the pel

gene of soft-rot diseases caused by pectolytic

subspecies of Pectobacterium (Darrasse et al., 1994;

Louws et al., 1999), or belonging to a cluster of genes

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involved in the virulence system of different bacterial

families (hrp, pth, and vir genes). The utility of PCR

protocols that employ specific primers from known

pathogenicity genes has been demonstrated for a wide

range of bacterial species, although there are also

examples of the need to design new primers for some

strains that lack some previously considered universal

pathogenicity genes (Rivas et al., 2005).

The ribosomal operon has also been employed as a

source of primers in many models. The advantage of this

target is the universality of the ribosomes in all bacteria,

and a size (1,600-2,300 bp), which enables the whole

operon to be sequenced quickly and suitable primers to

be selected. Databases of ribosomal sequences are

available and specific primers can thus be designed for

detection purposes (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/index.jsp).

Genus-specific rDNA sequences of phytobacteria are

now available, and many primers based on those

sequences have been developed to detect many plant

pathogens (Li and De Boer, 1995; Louws et al., 1999;

Walcott and Gitaitis, 2000; Botha et al., 2001; Wang et

al., 2006). The drawback of choosing this region is the

relatively low complexity of the sequences, mainly in

bacteria belonging to the same genus or species. This

can be solved using sequences from the Internal

Transcribed Spacer (ITS), which is more variable in its

nucleotide composition. Then, this strategy employs

primers from conserved regions of the 16S and 23S

ribosomal genes to amplify the ITS region, which can

include several tRNA genes and noncoding regions. In

this case, the identification of bacteria may be based on

the differences in the number and length of the amplified

PCR products (Jensen et al., 1993). Despite this

universality, several primer sets have been developed

for the specific detection of some plant pathogenic

bacteria from the DNA sequence comparison of the ITS

region, as those for C. michiganensis subsp.

sepedonicus (Li and De Boer, 1995), E. amylovora

(Maes et al., 1996) or R. solanacearum (Fegan et al.,

1998), but some of them have shown specificity

problems later (Roselló et al., 2007). The increasing use

of array technology has led to more widespread use of

primers and probes from these regions, because of the

high number that can be spotted onto the chip (Franke-

Whittle et al., 2005), providing higher accuracy and

reliability, but yet without validation in routine testing.

Plasmid DNA is also widely employed in the design

of primers for important bacterial diseases. The plasmid

genes amplified may be associated to pathogenicity, as

indicated above, or be of unknown function. One

problem to be addressed is the stability of the target

plasmids, except in cases where the plasmid chosen

provide special fitness or pathogenicity traits, as in this

event they can be probably more stable (Louws et al.,

1999). In some cases, primers targeting plasmid genes

have not been found useful for the universal detection of

a pathogen, due to the lack of the plasmid in some

strains. As an example, primers have been used from

pEA29 plasmid sequences for sensitive and specific

detection of E. amylovora (Bereswill et al., 1992;

McManus and Jones, 1995), because this plasmid was

considered universal; nevertheless, recently some

strains have been found without it (Llop et al., 2006)

indicating the risk of false negatives. In other cases the

reliability of the sequences seems to be consistent up to

now (Hartung et al., 1993 and 1996; Verdier et al., 1998;

Cubero et al., 2001 and 2005).

Other sources of primers can be anonymous DNA,

obtained through molecular analysis by different

techniques, such as RAPD analyses to design primers

for Pseudomonas corrugata (Catara et al., 2000), Xylella

fastidiosa (Ferreira et al., 2000), X. campestris pv.

phaseoli (Toth et al., 1998), and X. fragariae (Manulis et

al., 1994; Pooler et al., 1996). Besides, REP-PCR has

been employed to obtain primers for X. fragariae (Pooler

et al., 1996), and X. hortorum pv. pelargonii (Sulzinski et

al., 1996). Genomic subtraction, a powerful non-

sequencing approach to find genetic differences

between bacterial strains (Agron et al., 2002) can also

be useful. The ability to identify nearly all major

sequence differences between two closely related

bacteria has been used to design specific probes to

identify several plant pathogens like R. solanacearum

(Cook and Sequeira, 1991; Seal et al., 1992), P.

carotovorum subsp. atrosepticum (Darrasse et al.,

1994), or C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Mills et

al., 1997). However, these primers could show problems

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in long-term routine detection due to the unknown

stability of the target sequences (Louws et al., 1999).

So far the list of primers generated to detect

bacterial pathogens is increasing exponentially and they

can cover several targets of the same pathogen. For

example, there were at least 24 different primer pairs

designed to detect R. solanacearum, or 11 for C.

michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Arahal et al., 2004).

An important feature to take into account is the reliability

of the information available in the sequence databases

from which to perform the design of specific primers for

detection. Arahal et al. (2004) analysed the specificity of

the primers already designed for R. solanacearum and

C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus and they found

that some of these primers showed discrepancies with

the sequences to which they were matching because

sequences are not free of errors, or due to other causes.

On the other hand, variations in the chemistry

composition of the primers can increase important

characteristics related to their specificity (PNAs, Wolffs

et al., 2001; LNAs, Veedu et al., 2007) and sensitivity (5’

AT-rich overhangs “flap primers”, Afonina et al., 2007),

and offer new improvements in the use of the PCR

technologies, from conventional to real-time PCR.

An important drawback in using the PCR technology

for detection of bacteria and viruses in plant material is

the inhibition of amplification due to different

compounds, that could be detected by adding internal

controls. Several strategies have been developed to

desing such primers to confirm that a negative result in a

PCR analysis is a true result and not a failure of the

amplification reaction, and internal controls can be used.

One strategy consists in constructing a plasmid vector

with the same region to be amplified in the analysis, but

with an increase or decrease in the lenght of the

amplicon, to discriminate the two bands to be obtained.

The vector with the internal control is added to all the

tubes of the analysis, along with the sample to be

analysed. The primers will anneal to both targets, giving

bands differing in size. The vector has to be amplified in

all samples, indicating that the PCR reaction has not

been inhibited (Cubero et al, 2002). The negative

samples will certainly be negative if the control band is

present in these reaction tubes. Another system consists

in designing a duplex analysis with two pair of primers,

one targeting the DNA of interest to be detected, and the

other a universal plant gene or a gene from the specific

host, that should be detected simultaneously than the

pathogen (Hyman et al, 2000; Pastrick et al, 2000;

Mansoor et al, 2005; Osman et al, 2007; Ma et al, 2008).

One of the genes most widely used for internal control is

the cytochrome oxidase (COX) (Li et al., 2006) which is

universal in plant cells.


Primers and probes design is also critical to the success

in amplifying RNA targets by conventional reverse

transcription (RT)-PCR (see below). The size of the

amplified product should be as small as possible to

ensure good efficiency of the reaction and high

sensitivity (Singh and Singh, 1997). Primers with a broad

range of specificity must be designed from highly

conserved genome sequences. Primers for amplification

of genomic sequences from many members of a virus

group have been described for Potyvirus (Gibbs and

Mackenzie, 1997), luteoviruses (Robertson et al., 1991)

and geminiviruses (Mehta et al., 1994). Degenerate

primers must be used for universal detection of RNA

targets belonging to a group, although this may severely

affect the overall sensitivity of PCR and require specific

optimization on a case-by-case basis, including the

balancing of the concentrations of the two primers.

In nested PCR, four primers are used in two

amplification rounds and co-operational PCR is based

on the simultaneous annealing of three or four primers to

the same target using one amplification round only.

Internal and external primers must be compatible as in

nested-PCR, but in addition, they must be designed as

close as possible to facilitate the formation of the largest

amplicon, which is the major product of amplification. In

real-time PCR, as well as for isothermal amplifications

the selection of small fragments for amplification is

recommended. For this purpose, software packages with

different primer and probe design are available

(PrimerExpress, Applied Biosystems; LightCycler Probe

Design, Roche; PrimerExplorer, Eiken Chemical Co.;

RNAfold Viena Package, http://rna.tbi.univie.ac.at/cgi-


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Although DNA and RNA sequences in public

databases are enriching our knowledge of plant

associated bacteria and viruses, it is unlikely that all of

them will be sequenced soon. Thus, it is not possible to

check in silico the true specificity of the probes and

primers employed against all possible sequences of

plant microbiota. Only a careful analysis in practice can

provide data about the practical accuracy of each


Available nucleic-acid based techniques: which one

to choose?

The most frequently utilised molecular techniques for

detection of bacteria and viruses are discussed below

and at the end, their most important features are

summarised in Table 1.

Molecular hybridisation

Molecular hybridisation-based assays were first utilised

in plant pathology to detect Potato spindle tuber viroid

(Owens and Diener, 1981) and adapted to virus

detection (Hull, 1993). However, certain problems

associated with the use of radioactive probes, relatively

low sensitivity and complexity of these techniques and

the development of amplification-based assays have

minimized new improvements and applications.

Today, the most common molecular hybridization

format for the detection of viruses is non-isotopic dot-blot

hybridization using digoxigenin-labelled probes. This

technique has been employed for Apple mosaic virus

(ApMV), Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Prune

dwarf virus (PDV), PPV, and Apple chlorotic leaf spot

virus (ACLSV) (Pallás et al., 1998). Furthermore,

multiple RNA riboprobes or polyprobes have been used

to detect different viruses (Ivars et al., 2004; Herranz, et

al., 2005) and they can be associated with tissue printed

or squashed material in addition to the spotted extracts.

The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and other

parameters of these hybridization techniques, for routine

analyses of large numbers of samples, has not been

reported or compared with other serological or

molecular-based detection techniques. For these

reasons, they are not yet included in officially validated

EU protocols.

Molecular hybridisation can also be applied to the

specific detection of amplicons generated after

amplification techniques based on PCR, thereby

increasing their sensitivity and specificity levels (Bertolini

et al., 2001) and reducing time when a flow-through

system is used (Olmos et al., 2007a).

Fluorescence in situ hybridisation

Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) combines

microscopical observation of bacteria and the specificity

of hybridisation (Wullings et al., 1998; Volkhard et al.,

2000) and is dependent on the hybridisation of DNA

probes to species-specific regions of bacterial

ribosomes. In theory, FISH can detect single cells but in

practice, the detection level is near 103 cells/ml of plant

extract. There is a high affinity and selectivity of DNA-

probes because FISH takes place under very stringent

hybridisation conditions, where a difference of one

nucleotide in a 15-20 oligonucleotide probe is sufficient

for discrimination. This technique has been included in

official diagnostic protocols in the EU (Directive

2006/63/CE for R. solanacearum) and recommended in

the EPPO protocol for the same pathogen (EPPO,

2004). In practice, FISH can reach a relatively low

sensitivity levels in some cases, even though has been

employed in some recent works (Ercolini et al., 2006).

Conventional PCR and RT-PCR

PCR was developed over 30 years ago, and its use in

the diagnosis of plant diseases has become very

common in laboratory practice. Its advantages (speed,

sensitivity, specificity) are far more important than its

drawbacks (risk of contamination, sensitivity to inhibitors,

complexity, cost), and several modifications to solve

these problems have been performed with success. In

general, PCR, with all its variants, is currently a basic

tool in diagnosis, alone or preferentially in combination

with other techniques.

As for any target, PCR efficiency for detection of

bacteria and viruses is based on the primer specificity

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22 López et al.


discussed above. Its efficiency is also related to many

parameters such as polymerase type, buffer composition

and stability, purity and concentration of dNTPs, cycling

parameters as well as the characteristics of the starting

template (López et al, 2006). In addition, as above

indicated, the quality of the nucleic acid to be amplified is

critical. Because PCR can achieve a relatively high

sensitivity (1 – 103 cells/ml of plant extract) and good

specificity, it is used for routine bacterial detection,

although it has been hampered in some cases by a lack

of robustness (van der Wolf et al., 2001). However, PCR

protocols have been developed for the most important

plant pathogenic bacteria (Henson and French, 1993;

Louws et al., 1999; López et al., 2003; Alvarez, 2004;

Palacio et al., submitted).

RT-PCR is the “gold standard” molecular method

used for the detection of plant viruses due to its high

sensitivity and specificity. As the majority of them are

RNA viruses, an initial step of reverse transcription that

converts single strand RNA to cDNA is necessary for

PCR-based molecular amplification. When PCR or RT-

PCR is applied routinely for detection purposes, the

sensitivity usually afforded tends to be similar to ELISA

or hybridisation techniques (Olmos et al., 2005).

Nested PCR

Sensitivity and specificity problems associated with

conventional PCR and RT-PCR can be reduced by using

nested PCR-based methods, based on two consecutive

rounds of amplification (Simmonds et al., 1990; Porter-

Jordan et al., 1990). Usually, the products of the first

amplification are transferred to another tube before the

nested PCR is carried out using one or two internal

primers (heminested or nested amplification

respectively). The potential of nested-PCR in plant

pathology has been already reported (Roberts, 1996;

Olmos et al., 1997 and 1999), and there are many

published examples of its application to bacteria and

viruses detection in plants (Pradhanang et al., 2000;

Palacio et al., submitted). Sensitivity is increased by two

orders of magnitude reaching about 102 bacterial

cells/ml of extract. However, the two rounds of

amplification in different tubes also increase the risk of

contamination, especially when the method is used on

routine in a large scale. To prevent this problem, some

authors proposed single-tube nested-PCR protocols for

the bacteria E. amylovora (Llop et al., 2000), for

Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Bertolini et al.,

2003), and some viruses (Yourno, 1992). The majority of

the nested-PCR protocols developed recently focus on

phytoplasmas detection, due to the urgent need to

increase the sensitivity of the available protocols

(Samuitiene and Navalinskiene, 2006; Khan et al.,


One limitation of the nested PCR approach

concerns the need to accurately establish the ratio

between external and internal primers and the use of

limiting amounts of external primers to avoid interference

during the second amplification. A simple device based

on the use of a compartmentalised Eppendorf tube,

which enables RT reaction and nested PCR to be

carried out in a single tube and in one-manipulation, has

also been described for detection of Citrus tristeza virus

(CTV) and PPV (Olmos et al., 1999 and 2003). Coupling

nested-PCR variants with squashed or printed samples

on paper membranes has allowed the detection of RNA

targets from several viruses in plant material and in

individual insect vectors (Cambra et al., 2006a; Moreno

et al., 2007).

Co-operational PCR

A new PCR concept, based on the simultaneous action

of four or three primers, has also been developed

(Olmos et al., 2002). This technique named Co-

operational amplification (Co-PCR) can be performed

easily in a simple reaction increasing the sensitivity level

and using ten times less reagent than in conventional

PCR. The technique was first developed and used

successfully for the detection of plant RNA viruses, such

as CTV, PPV, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Cherry

leaf roll virus (CLRV) and Strawberry latent ringspot

virus (SLRSV) (Olmos et al., 2002) and then for the

bacterium R. solanacearum in water (Caruso et al.,

2003) and in Pelargonium spp. cuttings (Marco-Noales

et al., 2008). There are also some protocols for

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phytoplasmas as “Ca Phytoplasma mali”, “Ca

Phytoplasma prunorum” and “Ca Phytoplasma pyri”

(Bertolini et al., 2007). Co-PCR requires only one

reaction, minimizing manipulation and reducing risk of

contamination. However, the small volume of reagents

could increase susceptibility to inhibitors, requiring a

previous RNA extraction to reach a good sensitivity in

detection (Olmos et al., 2002). Coupled with colorimetric

detection, the sensitivity observed in virus detection is at

least 1000 times higher than that achieved with RT-PCR

and is similar to that of nested RT-PCR, which implies in

the case of bacteria a detection level of about 1-10

cells/ml of extract.

Multiplex PCR

The simultaneous detection of two or more DNA or/and

RNA targets can be afforded by duplex or multiplex PCR

in a single reaction with several specific primers included

in the PCR co*cktail. Multiplex PCR is very useful in plant

pathology because different bacteria or viruses

frequently infect a single crop or host. This methodology

has demonstrated to be a valuable tool for detection and

identification purposes (López et al, 2006). There are

several examples of simultaneous detection of viruses

(Olmos et al., 2007b) and also bacteria and fungi at the

same time (Atallah and Stevenson, 2006). Nevertheless,

there are still very few examples in which more than

three plant viruses are amplified in a single PCR-based

assay, probably due to the technical difficulties of a

reaction involving so many compatible primers. Two

successful examples are the simultaneous detection of

the six major characterised viruses affecting olive trees:

CMV, CLRV, SLRSV, Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Olive

latent virus-1 and Olive latent virus-2 (Bertolini et al.,

2001) and the simultaneous detection of nine grapevine

viruses (ArMV, grapevine fanleaf virus, grapevine virus

A, grapevine virus B, rupestris stem pitting-associated

virus, grapevine fleck virus, grapevine leafroll-associated

virus-1, -2 and -3) (Gambino and Grinbaudo, 2006).

The design of a multiplex RT-PCR is based on the

use of compatible primers specific to different targets,

which must be evaluated theoretically in silico and

empirically tested in vitro. It is worth noting that the use

of general and common primers to amplify different

targets, such as those based on 16SrRNA gene

sequence, is not appropriate because the targets are

competing and the reaction will be displaced to the most

abundant target, making detection of the less abundant

ones more difficult.

Multiplex nested PCR

Multiplex nested RT-PCR method in a single tube,

combines the advantages of the multiplex PCR with the

sensitivity and reliability of the nested PCR, saving time

and reagent costs because two reactions are

sequentially performed using a single reaction co*cktail.

In addition, it enables simultaneous detection of RNA

and DNA targets. The accurate design of compatible

primers is necessary to avoid hairpins and primer-dimer

formation. Although there are some examples in which

multiplex nested PCR has been used for detection of

phytoplasmas, fungi and viruses (Clair et al., 2003;

Stuckenbrock and Rosendahl, 2005; Dovas and Katis,

2003), only in one case was this technology performed

in a single tube for specific detection of CMV, CLRV,

SLRSV, ArMV, and the bacterium P. savastanoi pv.

savastanoi in olive plant material using 20 compatible

primers (Bertolini et al., 2003). The sensitivity achieved

for the bacterium P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi by

multiplex nested RT-PCR (1 cell/ml) was similar to the

sensitivity achieved by applying the monospecific nested

PCR, which was demonstrated to be 100-fold more

sensitive than conventional PCR (Bertolini et al., 2003).

The authors coupled the multiplex nested RT-PCR with

colorimetric detection increasing sensitivity and

facilitating the interpretation of results.

Real-time PCR

Conventional PCR has demonstrated its sensitivity and

specificity under optimized and controlled conditions.

However, it does not provide information about the

amount of the pathogen in the sample, and users must

employ agarose gel electrophoresis, hybridisation or

colorimetric detection as the endpoint analysis. On the

contrary, real-time PCR allows the monitoring of the

reaction while it is in course, thus avoiding the need to

manipulate amplicons that implies high risk of

contamination. At the same time the method requires

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24 López et al.


fewer reagents and less time, and also allows additional

studies to be performed during detection (quantification

of original target population, detection of several variants

of a pathogen or point mutations in a gene). Among the

different variants of PCR, real-time PCR represents a

quantum leap and is a tool that has proven

indispensable in a wide range of molecular biology

protocols. In the detection field, this high throughput

technique has improved the systems in use, achieving

very accurate speed, specificity and reliability, with many

protocols having been developed in the last years. Real-

time PCR exemplifies an advance that overcomes the

principal drawbacks of conventional PCR (risk of cross-

contamination, no quantification of the sample) and

increases the possibilities of analyses (multiplex,

quantitative PCR), due to the use of modified primers,

different labels primers in combination with probes, etc.

with a high sensitivity. The basis of conventional PCR

and the majority of the primers designed for detection

can be adapted to the peculiarities of real time PCR,

adding another important reason for such transfer.

When setting up a real-time PCR protocol for

detection, it is necessary to adapt it to the specific

conditions of the detection system and instrumentation,

and to the characteristics of the concentration of

reagents and cycling, which differ to those of

conventional PCR. Among them, the most important are

primer design, reaction components and conditions. In

contrast to standard PCR, which allows amplification

products of several hundred bases without

compromising the sensitivity and specificity of the

diagnosis, real-time PCR works better with small

amplicons (from 50-200 bp). Another difference is the

MgCl2 concentration, usually higher than in conventional

PCR, as well as the primers and dNTPs concentration.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to employ an asymetric

primer concentration to obtain the best results, in sharp

contrast to standard PCR, which requires equimolar

concentration of primers. Because the amplified product

is generally quite small, it allows shorter cycling

conditions, and thus faster analysis of the samples using

0.2 ml tubes included in plates or capillary tubes.

The advances made in the chemistries of primers

and probes mean that new approaches using real-time

protocols have been established, with different

characteristics depending on the target and assay

requirements (quantification, discrimination between

closely related subspecies, SNPs, etc). Thus, the primer

design and probe type, must first be evaluated in terms

of the features required for the assay in order to choose

the best ones to fit our specific requirements. In addition

to the most widely employed chemistries (SYBRGreen,

TaqMan, Scorpion, Molecular Beacons), other new are

recently available (Amplifluor; Locked Nucleid Acid

(LNA) Probes, Sigma Proligo; Cycling Probe Technology

(CPT), Takara; Light Upon eXtension (Lux) Fluorogenic

Primers, Invitrogen Corporation; Plexor Technology,

Promega), currently reaching at least twenty different

chemicals (Lukhtanov et al., 2007; Gasparic et al., 2008;

[http://www.gene-quantification.info]). Among the most

widely used TaqMan probes (Heid et al., 1996) are

oligonucleotides that are longer than the primers (20-30

bases) and contain a fluorescent dye and a quencher.

They are extensively applied to pathogen detection and

are designed to anneal to an internal region of a PCR

product. Fluorescence occurs when the polymerase

replicates a template on which a TaqMan probe is bound

and the 5’ exonuclease activity cleaves the probe

(Varma-Basil et al., 2004). They have been proposed for

detection of C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus

(Schaad et al., 1999; van Beckhoven et al., 2002), R.

solanacearum (Weller et al., 2000; Ozakman and

Schaad, 2003), E. amylovora (Salm and Geider, 2004),

Ca. Liberibacter asiaticum (Liao et al., 2004; Li et al.,

2006), Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii (Qi et al.,

2003), X. fastidiosa (Schaad and Frederick, 2002;

Bextine et al., 2005), and X. fragariae (Weller et al.,

2007) among others (WenJun et al., 2007).

Real-time technology is also being used in multiplex

format for the detection and characterization of several

bacteria (Weller et al., 2000; Berg et al., 2006; Abriouel

et al., 2007) and viruses (Korimbocus et al., 2002;

Beuret, 2004; Mumford et al., 2004; Varga and James,

2005; Agindotan et al., 2007; Kogovsek et al., 2008).

However, in practice it is difficult to optimise the

multiplex reaction, and when the ratio between different

targets is very different, the reaction is displaced to the

most abundant if the same primers are used. The

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detection of D and M types of PPV with an artificial mix

of RNA transcripts was only possible in samples when

the ratio between both types did not exceed 1:1,000

(Capote et al., 2006).

Currently, real-time PCR is taking the place of

conventional PCR in detection, with an increasing

number of protocols shifting from conventional to real-

time and more and more laboratories are using this

technique routinely. Moreover, the prospects that this

technology offers is leading to faster and more accurate

detection assays. The identification of a quarantine

pathogen in imported material or in field samples may

cause problems, especially for perishable commodities

because the time it takes to send the sample to a

specialized laboratory, means a delay in taking suitable

measures. This can be solved with portable real-time

PCR instruments (R.A.P.I.D. system, Idaho Technology;

Smart Cycler, Cepheid), which allow rapid on-site

diagnosis. These portable systems were first developed

to face the threat of bioterrorism with microbial

pathogens for human and crop biosecurity (Schaad and

Frederick, 2002), but their use has spread to other

diagnostic issues (Hollomon, 2003; Levin, 2004;

Mavrodieva et al., 2004) and their efficiency in detecting

plant pathogens has been evaluated in different


Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification (NASBA)

NASBA is an isothermal amplification method that can

be used to detect RNA targets. The reaction requires the

use of three enzymes, AMV-RT for reverse transcription

and to obtain double stranded cDNA, RNase H to

hydrolize the RNA fragment of the hybrid molecule DNA-

RNA and T7 RNA polymerase to produce a large

amount of anti-sense, single strand RNA transcripts

corresponding to the original RNA target. It can be

achieved by using two specific primers, one of them

including at 5’ end the T7 promoter, NTPs and also

dNTPs. The entire NASBA process is performed at 41ºC

for 60 min and the typical level of amplification is at least

a factor of 109. The detection of NASBA products can be

assessed by chemi-luminescent or colorimetric detection

using an internal specific probe digoxigenin labelled or in

a real-time assay using molecular beacons (Amplidet

RNA) (van Beckhoven et al., 2002; van der Wolf, 2004).

NASBA-beacon assay yields results in less than 1 h

(Robert and Kerst, 2001), and offer the advantages that

no contaminating DNA is amplified, is performed at 41ºC

without the need of a thermal-cycler, and requires only

60 minutes reaction affording high levels of sensitivity,

superior in some cases to real-time PCR (Scuderi et al,


This technology has been applied for detecting plant

viruses such as Apple stem pitting virus (Klerks et al.,

2001), PPV (Olmos et al., 2007a), Potato virus Y, ArMV

and the bacteria C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus

and R. solanacearum (Szemes and Schoen, 2003). The

sensitivity of this method has proven similar to that

obtained by real-time RT-PCR when applied to PPV

detection (Olmos et al., 2007a).

Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)

Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is

another type of isothermal amplification that it is being

increasingly used in the diagnostic field offering

sensitivity and economic costs (Notomi et al., 2000). The

method requires a set of four specifically designed

primers that recognize six distinct sequences of the

target and a DNA polymerase with strand displacement

activity. The amplification products are stem-loop DNA

structures with several inverted repeats of the target and

cauliflower-like structures with multiple loops, yielding

>500 !g/ml. The LAMP reaction was enhanced by the

addition of loop primers (Nagamine et al., 2002),

reducing time and increasing sensitivity. The

amplification takes place at 60-65ºC for 60 min. Although

it was initially developed for DNA it can be adapted to

amplify RNA (RT-LAMP) (f*ckuta et al., 2003). The

method has only been applied to the detection of some

plant viruses such as PPV, with a sensitivity level similar

to that obtained by real-time PCR (Varga and James,


Microarray technology

Since the development of microarray technology for

gene expression studies (Schena et al., 1995), new

approaches are extending their application to the

detection of pathogens. Microarrays are generally

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26 López et al.


composed of thousands of specific probes spotted onto

a solid surface (usually nylon or glass). Each probe is

complementary to a specific DNA sequence (genes, ITS,

ribosomal DNA) and hybridisation with the labelled

complementary sequence provides a signal that can be

detected and analysed. Although there is great potential

for microarray technology in the diagnosis of plant

diseases, the practical development of this application is

still in progress. For example, following the methodology

utilised for genetic analysis (Brown and Botstein, 1999)

large numbers of DNA probes used in two-dimensional

arrays have allowed thousands of hybridisation reactions

to be analysed at the same time (Hadidi et al., 2004).

Until now, the microarray technology focuses its use in

multiplex format of similar or very different pathogens,

taking advantage of the number of probes that can be

employed in one chip (Bonants et al., 2002; Schoen et

al., 2002 and 2003; Fessehaie et al., 2003; Franke-

Whittle et al., 2005; Bonants et al., 2005; Boonham et

al., 2007; van Doorn et al., 2007; Pasquini et al., 2008).

With the availability of genomic sequences of

pathogens and the rapid development of microarray

technology, as well as a renewed emphasis on detection

and characterization of quarantine pathogens, there is a

rush in the European Union to set up this technology and

apply it to detection. Several international projects have

developed diagnostic microarrays for plant pathogens,

but the final results are still under evaluation

(http://www.cost853.ch/agendaWaedi02.htm, COST

ACTION 853; http://diagchip.co.uk/index.cfm, Diagchip


The probes can be prepared in at least three basic

formats: a) PCR fragments arrayed on nylon

membranes, hybridised against cDNA samples

radioactively labelled, called macroarrays (Richmond et

al., 1999); b) PCR products spotted onto glass slides

and DNA labelled with fluorescent dyes (Richmond et

al., 1999; Zimmer et al., 2000; Wei et al., 2001); and c)

oligonucleotides of different length (from 18 to 70 bp)

arrayed and hybridised with the same type of labelled

DNA material (Lockhart et al., 1996; Loy et al., 2002 and

2005; Fessehaie et al., 2003; Peplies et al., 2003). For

bacterial detection, the material spotted until now is

almost universally oligonucleotides targeting the 16S-

23S rDNA genes (Crocetti et al., 2000; Loy et al., 2002;

Fessehaie et al., 2003; Peplies et al., 2003; Loy et al.,

2005; Franke-Whittle et al., 2005). The microarrays are

analysed either by scanning or by a direct imaging

system. Another type of microarray under development

is called the nanochip (Sosnowski et al., 1997; Nanogen,

Inc., San Diego, CA 92121, USA) based on an

electronically addressable electrode array that provides

direct electric field control over the transport of charged

molecules to selected microlocations and concentration

over an immobilized substrate. A particular feature of

this system is that biotinylated immobilised molecules

can be either oligo capture probes or amplified PCR

samples. Hybridisation is detected and analysed by

fluorescent oligo probes. By regulating the electric-field

strength, hybridisation stringency can be adjusted for

hom*ologous interactions. Nano chips have shown high

specificity and accuracy to diagnose bacterial and viral

pathogens affecting potato, due to their ability to

discriminate single nucleotide changes (Ruiz-García et

al., 2004).

The potential of microarray technology in the

detection and diagnosis of plant diseases is very high,

due to the multiplex capabilities of the system. Moreover,

it can be coupled with other systems, i.e. to perform

nucleic-acid extraction on the chip (Liu et al., 2007),

achieve PCR reactions and their detection on the same

device (van Doorn et al., 2007) or even mix all the

systems in one (Lee et al., 2006), providing the

possibility of automation that can be of great importance

and utility. This possibility, with the coupling with

previous steps of the analyses (extraction, PCR,

detection) promises a wider use in future protocols

(Bonants et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2006; Boonham et al.,

2007; van Doorn et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2007).

Furthermore, new developments, like the labelling of

total bacterial RNA (François et al., 2003), the direct

detection of DNA or RNA without previous PCR

amplification (Call et al., 2003), or multiplex detection

based on padlock probe technology (pUMA) (Bonants et

al., 2005), may make this technique simpler.

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Molecular Tools for Detection of Plant Pathogens 27


Table 1. Comparison of sensitivity, specificity, feasibility, rapidness and cost of different techniques in detection of plant pathogenic bacteria and viruses

Technique Sensitivitya



Rapidness Cost

Molecular hybridisation +d ++++ ++ + +++

FISH ++ ++ +++ + ++

Conventional PCR +++ ++++ +++ +++ +++

Nested PCR in a single tube ++++ ++++ +++ ++ +++

Cooperational-PCR e ++++ ++++ +++ +++ +++

Multiplex PCR +++ ++++ +++ +++ +++++

Multiplex nested PCR ++++ ++++ ++ +++ ++++

Real-time PCR f +++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ +++

NASBA g +++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++

LAMP ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++

Microarrays + +++++ + ++ + a Sensitivity: probability of detecting true positives. b Specificity: probability of detecting true negatives.

c Feasibility: practicability in routine analysis, execution and interpretation. d The number of + symbols indicates how methods rate regarding each considered criterion, from acceptable (+) to optimum (+++++). e Coupled with hybridisation and colorimetric detection. f Using TaqMan probes.

g Using Molecular Beacons probes.

Optimization of molecular techniques in routine

analysis: relevant issues

Molecular techniques like PCR or RT-PCR, despite their

advantages have not been yet widely adopted for routine

screening protocols in diagnostic laboratories in many

countries (Schaad et al., 2003; Alvarez, 2004) for

pathogens detection. One of the reasons is that the low

titre of the majority of pathogens in plants outside the

vegetative period or in symptomless propagative

material with latent infections, and the frequent uneven

distribution in the host tissues, make them difficult to

detect accurately. This fact is especially relevant in the

case of fruit trees, grapevines, and other woody plants

that exhibit winter dormancy, or in seeds, insect vectors,

water and soil, that usually contain low amounts of the

target pathogens. Besides, the size of the sample to be

analysed is an important unsolved question and

molecular methods prescribe very small-volume

samples, hampering accurate detection. Sampling

protocols must be improved including concentration of

the targets or previous enrichment of the pathogen, to

reach realistic orders of scale. According to Alvarez

(2004), conclusions drawn from very sensitive methods

that require only microliters of sample, often

misrepresent the real situation. Furthermore, the way in

which samples are collected and handled is also very

important, so care should be taken to avoid

contamination among samples, to ensure that it is both

appropriate and suitable for molecular testing and

specifically, for PCR amplification.

Very often, when conventional PCR or RT-PCR is

applied routinely for detection purposes, the sensitivity

afforded is often lower than expected due to potential

inhibitors of transcriptases and/or polymerases. In this

context, the possibility of adding new anti-inhibitors

compounds in the amplification co*cktail to avoid the

need of DNA or RNA purification requires more

investigation. As indicated above, the presence of

different components as well as specific RT-PCR

conditions may inhibit the reverse transcription and

amplification. Amplification success can also depend on

the growth stage, physiological condition or type of plant

tissue assayed (Maes et al., 1996). These problems can

be solved by testing different preparation methods of the

samples or by inclusion of compounds that reduce

inhibition and/or by simple dilution of the samples.

Sensitivity is dependent on the specific

characteristics of the detection technique and on

sampling protocols and sample preparation whereas, the

main factors that determine specificity in PCR-based

methods are primer selection and amplification

conditions. In any event, more in-depth knowledge of the

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28 López et al.


genome of pathogenic bacteria and viruses will certainly

enable more primers to be developed that target known

pathogenicity and virulence genes (Louws et al., 1999).

Due to the nature of conventional, nested, or

multiplex PCR, practical questions regarding the high

level of sensitivity (up to 1 target per reaction) and the

amplification of an enormous number of copies of the

target sequence should be taken into account (Louws et

al., 1999). False positives can arise from contamination

during sample collection or sample processing and/or

from the sequential contamination of consecutive PCR

runs from a few molecules of PCR-generated fragments,

being the first amplification cycle critical. False positives

can also result not only from cross-amplification of

nontarget DNA, but from exogenous DNA from one

positive sample to another, from cell/cultures or

aerosols, or from contaminating DNA originating from

carry-over of previous experiments (Louws et al., 1999;

van der Wolf et al., 2001), as indicated since this

technique was first developed (Kwok and Higuchi, 1989).

Although, these risks decrease on using real-time PCR,

the use of PCR-based assays for routine analysis in

plant pathology requires numerous negative controls, in

addition to non-contaminant sampling and sample

preparation methods.

Another potential problem with PCR amplification in

routine use is the amplification of products other than

those predicted, like single-stranded DNA (Valentine et

al., 1992) or mis-priming or amplification of primer

artefacts (“primer dimerization”). This background

amplification can not only confuse test results, but it can

interfere with amplification of predicted products by

consuming reaction reagents (Henson and French,

1993). Procedures like “hot start” (Chou et al., 1992) or

“heat-soaked” (Ruano et al., 1992) were designed to

eliminate or reduce background because they ensure

initiation of reactions at denaturation temperature.

False negatives in standard PCR protocols can be

attributed to several causes, like the presence of

compounds that inhibit the polymerases, degradation of

the DNA target sequence, or reagent problems (Louws

et al., 1999). Then, it is convenient to include one or

several positive controls as extra samples and internal

PCR controls as co-amplification of host DNA or other

strategies. In any routine use of a PCR protocol, external

quality assurance schemes should be applied to

contribute to increasing the accuracy of the final result,

but to our knowledge there are no freely-available

approved guidelines for plant pathologists.

A frequent criticism of PCR results is that DNA from

dead or VBNC cells may be amplified and provide a

positive result of low biological relevance. This is

especially relevant when analysing quarantine

organisms, where the positive result of the analysis

implies strict eradication measures. Enrichment or BIO-

PCR (Schaad et al., 1995 and 2003; López et al., 1997)

can circumvent this problem, as it involves a previous

enrichment step in liquid or solid medium, favouring

detection of living cells harvested from the media prior to

PCR amplification. However, neither the standard PCR

protocols nor BIO-PCR can differentiate among dead

and VBNC cells (Roszak and Colwell, 1987). Risk of

plant disease caused by VBNC cells is still controversial,

but as an example there are in vitro studies of the ability

of VBNC cells of E. amylovora to regain culturability and

pathogenicity even after nine months in such a state

(Ordax et al., 2006). This justifies the use of molecular

techniques for screening plant samples, although the

isolation of pathogenic bacteria in pure culture and

demonstration of their pathogenicity is currently required.

In plant pathology, no decision has been taken for

reliance on any single molecular test in most of the

protocols developed by different organizations, despite

the great sensitivity, specificity and reliability of PCR.

Furthermore, in many laboratories, especially in

developing countries, the relatively expensive reagents,

equipment, and skilled personnel makes it difficult for

molecular techniques to be implemented as routine

procedures. Nevertheless, regardless of the practical

application of these methods in plant health services,

published protocols indicate an increasing development

of DNA based reports for diagnostic purposes as well as

for etiological and epidemiological studies. The number

of laboratories of plant protection services equipped with

thermocyclers has increased exponentially in the last

five years.

Despite some drawbacks, PCR and mainly real-time

PCR may fulfil most criteria considered for effective

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Molecular Tools for Detection of Plant Pathogens 29


detection methods: they are sensitive, specific enough,

rapid, and suitable for high throughput screening, and

will be the most widely used by plant pathologists in the

near future, especially when direct methods of sample

preparation (without the need of nucleic acid purification)

will be validated. Besides, isothermal amplifications

could also be the method of choice for some specific


Regardless of the slow development of microarray

technology for plant pathogen detection, especially due

to its low current sensitivity, it shows potential features

that make it a very promising tool. Also, coupling it with

other molecular systems, like the multiplex-PCR (Call et

al., 2001; Panicker et al., 2004) increases the system’s

detection and diagnostic potential. Nevertheless, this

technique is still far from being used for routine detection

of plant pathogens given the need for a previous

amplification reaction, the low level of sensitivity

achieved, and the high cost of the reagents and

equipment. It is likely that microarrays will follow a path

similar to that of PCR, which spent several years as a

research tool before being routinely utilised in plant

pathogens diagnosis (López et al., 2003).

Selection of diagnostic methods and validation of

protocols: what have we learned?

Molecular techniques for plant pathogen detection are

developing rapidly and constantly. However, there are

still significant drawbacks to include these tests, due to

the lack of appropriate studies and validated methods

establishing their reliability and reproducibility for routine

analysis. In fact, in plant pathology there is insufficient

knowledge and information to demonstrate that

adequate risk assessment is afforded by many

amplification or PCR-based methods, which detracts

from confidence in their results.

Sensitivity, specificity and beyond

Detection and diagnostic tests may be interpreted as a

function of several parameters that increase the

information about the sanitary status of a plant,

strengthen or lessen the probability of infection. Because

there is no perfect method, false positive and/or false

negative results can be obtained. Consequently, it is

necessary to estimate the operational capacity of each

technique or method to minimize uncertainty and

improve the interpretation of results. In general, the

methods of detection and diagnosis are used to classify

plants depending on the presence or absence of one

specific pathogen or several. The results of the analyses

enable a conclusion to be drawn and facilitate effective

decision making. Analyses of diagnostic data can be

performed with 2x2 contingency tables, enabling

indicators of the operational capacity of each technique

to be calculated based on test results versus sanitary

status. Sensitivity and specificity can be calculated

according to Altman and Bland (1994a). Sensitivity is

defined as the proportion of true positive of infected

plants that the technique or method identifies. The

methods affording highest sensitivity must be used to

discard the presence of a pathogen supplying an

accurate diagnosis of healthy plants, because they give

an accurate indication of the pathogen-free status.

Specificity is defined as the proportion of true negative

(of healthy plants) that the method identifies, supplying

an accurate estimation of the real positives. Both

indicators constitute one approach to evaluating the

diagnostic ability of the test. The highest specific

methods can be used to confirm the presence of a

pathogen offering an accurate diagnosis of true infected


However, sensitivity and specificity do not answer

the question that is always of concern to technicians in

the diagnostic service or laboratory. This question is:

“what is the probability that the plant is infected if the test

result is positive, or not infected if the result is negative?”

These concepts constitute the predictive values of the

method. Predictive values target data according to the

results of the analyses. Positive and negative predictive

values are usually estimated according to Altman and

Bland (1994b). A positive predictive value is the

proportion of plants with positive results given by the

method, correctly diagnosed or really infected. A

negative predictive value is the proportion of plants with

negative results according to the method, which are

correctly diagnosed and are really healthy. However,

predictive values vary with prevalence and are not

appropriate to evaluate the capacity of a method.

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30 López et al.


Sensitivity and specificity do not include false

positive and false negative rates to calculate their values

and predictive values depend on the prevalence of

disease. Do parameters free of these influences exist?

Likelihood ratios are not influenced by prevalence and

they can be calculated on the basis of sensitivity and

specificity, which are stable for each method. The

positive likelihood ratio will be applied in the event that

the technique diagnoses a sample as positive and the

negative likelihood ratio will be applied if the technique

diagnoses a sample as negative and all of them give the

likelihood of having disease. Likelihood ratios can be

calculated according to Deeks and Altman (2004): the

positive likelihood ratio is the proportion of true positives

that are correctly identified by the technique (sensitivity),

divided by the proportion of false positive results the

method gives (1-specificity). The negative likelihood ratio

is the proportion of false negatives given by the method

(1-sensitivity), divided by the proportion of true negatives

correctly identified by the technique (specificity).

Likelihood ratios are useful in assessing the potential

utility of a test and those >10 or <0.1 generate large

changes in post-test probability whilst likelihood ratios

ranging from 0.5 to 2 have little effect (Sackett et al.

2000). The likelihood that a result correctly indicates the

sanitary state of a plant is the post-test probability of

infection or disease. Pre-test probability of disease can

be compared with the estimated later probability of

disease using the information provided by a diagnostic

test. The difference between the former probability and

the latter probability is an effective way to evaluate the

efficiency of a diagnostic method. Post-test probability

can be calculated using likelihood ratios of the method

and pre-test probability is the estimated prevalence of

the disease. Bayes’ theorem is used to translate the

information given by the likelihood ratios into a

probability of disease. Bayes’ theorem states that the

pre-test odds of disease multiplied by the likelihood ratio

yields the post-test odds of disease. In addition,

likelihood ratios of several methods can be sequentially

combined (Neves et al., 2004). Thus, this evidence-

based approach modifies the previous criterion obtained

only by sensitivity and specificity.

Inter-laboratory validation of molecular methods and


The inter-laboratory evaluations of new detection or

diagnostic methods provide essential information on test

repeatability and reproducibility, ease of implementation,

use and interpretation, giving an indication of the

robustness in routine analyses of large numbers of

samples. A standard protocol must subsequently be

established and optimized based on results.

Repeatability refers to within-laboratory agreement

between replicate observations of the same test

performed by the same observer under similar

conditions. Reproducibility refers to between-laboratory

agreement. Repeatability and reproducibility can be

estimated through the calculation of Cohen's kappa

coefficients (Cohen, 1960), which measure the

agreement of a classification between repetitions. The

Kappa index is calculated dividing the subtraction of

(observed coincidence - expected coincidence) by the

subtraction of (1 - expected coincidence). This kappa

coefficient represents to what extent the agreement is

better than what would be the result of chance alone. To

interpret the kappa value, the following guidelines are

used: 0.00 to 0.20: no agreement; 0.21 to 0.40: weak

agreement; 0.41 to 0.60: moderate agreement; 0.61 to

0.80: strong agreement; and 0.81 to 1.00, almost perfect

agreement (Landis and Koch, 1977).

Plotting post-test probability against pre-test

probability, the effect of the test result can be described

by two curves, one for a positive result and the other for

a negative one according to Lamb, (2007). The vertical

distance between a point on the line shows the post-test

probability and the equity line indicates the size of the

difference between pre-test and post-test probabilities as

well as the direction of the decision making. After post-

test probability is determined, decision analysis can be

performed deciding whether the probability is high

enough to confirm diagnosis, sufficiently low to exclude

diagnosis, or intermediate in which case a further

diagnostic method is required. Thus, a graph of the post-

test probabilities can illustrate the discriminatory power

of applying a single method, two, or several methods

(Olmos et al., 2008). Pre-test probability or prevalence

modifies the interpretation of a diagnostic result because

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Molecular Tools for Detection of Plant Pathogens 31


post-test probability varies. After post-test probability has

been estimated, the next step is to decide if it confirms

or rejects diagnosis or an additional diagnostic method is

necessary (Aldington et al., 2006).

Olmos et al. (2008), reported how an evidence-

based approach modified the previous criteria obtained

only by sensitivity and specificity, to use RT-PCR (the

most sensitive method) as screening test for PPV

diagnosis during the dormant period and DASI-ELISA

using monoclonal antibodies (the most specific method)

as a confirmation test. For instance, the probability of a

negative result in wintertime by DASI-ELISA given a

prevalence value ranging from 0.01 to 0.1%, confirmed

in practice PPV-free status of a tree in springtime, with

similar post-test probability to that afforded by RT-PCR.

A positive result by DASI-ELISA in wintertime provided a

much higher post-test value than RT-PCR. Thus, the

information given by the evidence-based approach

indicated that DASI-ELISA should be used as a

screening test at very low levels of PPV incidence (0.01-

0.1) not requiring confirmation by RT-PCR. In the case

of prevalence level ranging from 0.5 to 10% post-test

probability of negative results by DASI-ELISA was a little

higher than RT-PCR. This information suggests that in

general DASI-ELISA using specific monoclonal

antibodies could be used as a screening test in

wintertime surveys. If a more accurate PPV status of a

tree was required, RT-PCR for negative results should

be performed. However, a positive result by DASI-ELISA

gives a much higher post-test probability of PPV

infection, not requiring confirmation by RT-PCR. The last

scenario is that one with PPV prevalences ranging from

25 to 90%. The evidence-based approach would

suggest that RT-PCR should be used as a screening

test due to its lower post-test probability of negative

results. When test accuracy is a priority, in the cases

where DASI-ELISA and PCR give discordant results, a

third complementary test such as NASBA-FH could be

very helpful because it improves diagnostic accuracy

and consequently improves the assessment of the

sanitary status of a plant.

Selection of a diagnosis method

The selection of appropriate diagnostic methods should

involve some critical appraisals focusing on the objective

pursued: i) eradication, certification of mother plants,

sanitation or quarantine programs or ii) large surveys to

evaluate incidence, or screening tests for surveillance of

the spreading of a disease. In the first cases, the need to

use the most sensitive method should be stressed,

accepting the risk of false positives. For this reason

evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of the techniques

to select the most sensitive is the main requirement. It

would enable the presence of the pathogen to be

discarded most effectively because it affords the most

accurate diagnosis of healthy plants with high

confidence when the target pathogen is not detected.

However, in the case of large-scale surveys or screening

tests for surveillance, the selection of one, two or several

methods should be based on an evidence-based

approach, evaluation of cost per analysis, calculation of

post-test probability of disease and consideration of

different scenarios with different prevalence.

Currently, real-time PCR provides the highest levels

of sensitivity on the diagnostic scene, opening up new

detection possibilities and is becoming the new gold

standard for the molecular detection of plant pathogens.

However, it is worth highlighting the need to perform a

careful analysis of each real-time PCR approach to

evaluate false positive and false negative rates not

afforded by sensitivity and specificity parameters. In the

past, only sensitivity and specificity have been used to

evaluate methods in plant pathology, obviating evidence

based approaches such as those performed in diagnosis

of human and animal diseases. For this reason, the

application of likelihood ratios to evaluate diagnostic

tests is a must in present and future diagnosis, to

achieve adequate risk assessment of the methods.

Plotting pre-test and post-test probabilities, coupling

likelihood ratios of methods will offer a correct direction

in decision making. Thus, post-test probability will

support the evaluation of results and the risk

management associated with the use of the methods. In

addition, interlaboratory evaluation applying kappa index

will enable detailed and reliable protocols to be

developed for routine testing. A transfer of these

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32 López et al.


concepts to plant pathogens diagnosis in order to

achieve better risk management of the techniques is one

of the main challenges for the near future. Knowledge of

how a molecular method performs in routine analysis will

permit its adequate integration into diagnostic schemes,

correct interpretation of results and the design of optimal

risk management strategies, facilitating decision-making.

Concluding remarks

Advantages of nucleic-acid based technology in the

sensitive, specific and rapid diagnostic are provided by

conventional PCR, its variants and more recently, real-

time PCR. The optimised protocols should be simple and

robust enough so that reliable and reproducible results

can be obtained. Furthermore, appropriate sampling

protocols and systems as well as sample preparation

need to be developed and carefully studied and

evaluated for each combination of pathogen, plant

material, molecular technique and protocol.

Developing detection methods is both an art and a

never-ending story, and the concept of accurate

detection of plant pathogenic bacteria and viruses, is

moving from conventional methods to molecular

techniques, included in integrated approaches (Alvarez,

2004; López et al., 2005). PCR and especially real-time

PCR are the methods of choice for rapid and accurate

diagnosis of plant pathogenic bacteria but conventional

serological methods, such as immunofluorescence, are

still widely used and ELISA is the most frequently

applied method for virus detection. Consequently, trying

to answer the question: “Are nucleic-acid tools solving

the challenges posed by specific and sensitive detection

of plant pathogenic bacteria and viruses?” we could

answer yes, when a rapid analysis of a reduced number

of samples is performed and the protocols have been

suitably optimised and also when the presence of false

positives is not crucial because the main goal is the

quality of the negatives. However, for quarantine

pathogens or in critical cases of export-import,

experience advises the use of more than one technique,

based on different biological principles, to avoid the risk

of false positives and false negatives. Besides, the use

of real-time PCR for routine analysis could still be too

expensive for most laboratories.

With the recent access to complete genome

sequences, and the microarray possibilities, the function

of gene products of most plant pathogens will soon be

determined and their role in bacterial cells or viruses

understood. This will lead to the discovery of new

targets, in the field of diagnosis and hopefully innovative

methods. Development of RNA microarrays, which

enable gene expression measurements of thousand of

genes from plant pathogens will provide data for

selecting new markers for diagnosis. However, the

success of the practical use of this method will depend

on the pathogen diversity, the functional significance of

the selected genes in the disease progression and their

expression at the different steps in the host/pathogen


The future will bring more novel tools to detect plant

bacteria and viruses, probably based on the new

sequences available and because novel and improved

reagents, linkers and molecular technologies are

expected. However, only some of these will be accepted

by phytopathologists, bearing in mind not only the quality

of test results, but also their sensitivity and specificity,

selecting the best cost-effective diagnostic strategies

(López et al., 2006). The main objectives are multiplex

real-time quantitative analyses or in situ immediate

detection of microorganisms in their natural environment

without culturing or enrichment. The new qualitative and

quantitative detection data generated should provide a

more complete picture of the life cycle of each plant

pathogen. Consequently, more appropriate sampling

methodologies and systems will be set up for efficient

detection of latent infections and pathogen reservoirs

(López et al., 2003). The development of protocols with

higher and well-balanced sensitivity, and specificity for

detection of plant pathogens, will have a positive effect

on the sanitary status of the cultivated plants, reducing

the long distance spreading of new or emergent

pathogens in a globalised world. This should drastically

reduce the need for pesticide treatments, increase the

protection of ecosystems and enhance the quality of

food and the environment, not only in developed

countries. The accuracy of new detection protocols

based on molecular methods will lie behind the

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Molecular Tools for Detection of Plant Pathogens 33


availability of plants free of a wide range of pathogens in

a near future.


The authors are grateful to all the colleagues at IVIA who

contributed to the development and comparison of

different diagnostic techniques and to grants from

Subdirección General de Agricultura Integrada y

Sanidad Vegetal as Spanish Reference Laboratories of

Bacteriology and Virology of woody species. This work

was supported through projects AGL 2000-0394-P4-04,

RTA2003-099, AGL 2004-07799-C03-02, RTA 2004-

109, RTA2005-00190 and AGL2005-01546 financed by

the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,

GV05/214 financed by Generalidad Valenciana and the

Cost Actions 853, 864 and 873. Dr. E. Bertolini is

recipient of a Juan de la Cierva contract from Ministerio

de Educación y Ciencia of Spain and Dr. Pablo Llop and

Dr. E. Marco-Noales from the Ministerio de Educación y

Ciencia of Spain (Programa INIA/CC.AA, co-funded by

European Social Fund, ESF).


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.