Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (2024)

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This homemade face moisturizer can be as effective and luxurious as store-bought products but at a fraction of the price! If that isn’t enough incentive to give this recipe a try, there’s more. This DIY face moisturizer comes together in just 3 simple steps!

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (1)

If you use facial moisturizer on a regular basis, you know just how expensive these products can be.

If you don’t use facial moisturizer on a regular basis you don’t know what you’re missing.

Seriously, there’s a reason people (typically women) are willing to all but empty their wallets in order to obtain a tiny jar of cream. Luckily, I’m here to tell you that you can keep your money in your wallet and still get all the benefits of moisturizer. Say hello to DIY face moisturizer!

Homemade moisturizer can be just as effective as what you’ve been buying at the store, minus the shocking price tag! 😉 Plus, this is an all-natural face moisturizer DIY recipe. That means there are no chemicals and additives. Nope, it’s all ingredients you can pronounce!

In fact, I’d go so far as to say this is the best all-natural face moisturizer. It comes together in 3 easy steps and only contains 5 good-for-your-skin ingredients. The ingredients in this DIY moisturizer are:

  • Coconut oil, which makes this a great homemade moisturizer for dry skin! It moisturizes and softens, plus has excellent anti-aging properties.
  • Almond oil, which contains antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Cocoa butter, which delivers more moisture and antioxidants making this a great homemade face moisturizer for aging skin!
  • Frankincense essential oil, which promotes regeneration of healthy cells and is another ingredient that makes this a fantastic homemade face moisturizer for aging skin.
  • Lavender essential oil, which fights acne, reduces redness, and soothes skin. In addition, lavender gives this homemade moisturizer a nice scent.

See why I think this is the best all-natural face moisturizer? And if you still aren’t fully convinced, I think you will be once you see how to make face moisturizer in this recipe. It’s so easy! Seriously, in just 3 steps (one of which is adding the product to a Mason jar) you’ll have a spa worthy facial treatment.

Want more beauty tips and recipes like this recipe for homemade face moisturizer? If so, you can explore other homemade beauty products on this site including:

  • Homemade Conditioner for Natural Hair
  • DIY Face Scrub for Acne
  • DIY Hair Growth Spray
  • DIY Microdermabrasion Paste

So, ready to learn how to make face moisturizer? Let’s get to it!

Ingredients for Homemade Face Moisturizer

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (2)

½ cup coconut oil
2 tsp. almond oil
1 Tbsp. cocoa butter
5 drops frankincense essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
Mason jar (4 oz)

Directions for Homemade Face Moisturizer

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (3)

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (4)

1. Place all ingredients for the DIY face moisturizer, including the lavender essential oil, in the bowl of your stand mixer.

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (5)

2. Whip on high for 4-5 minutes until the homemade moisturizer is a light and fluffy consistency.

Tip: Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl occasionally to get all of the ingredients of this DIY moisturizer worked in.

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (6)

3. Transfer your freshly made best all-natural face moisturizer to a small jar with a tight fitting lid.

Using the Homemade Face Moisturizer

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (7)

Using this all-natural face moisturizer DIY recipe is just as easy as making it!

1. Before using this DIY moisturizer, wash your face.

Bonus: Try this homemade face wash for acne recipe.

2. Pat your face dry or allow it to air dry.

3. With clean fingers, scoop out a small amount of this homemade moisturizer for dry skin.

4. Apply to your face or other dry areas of your body (such as your elbows).

This DIY face moisturizer can be used daily.

Note: When left in very warm temperatures (like those in your bathroom) this homemade face moisturizer may soften to the point of nearly melting. Consider storing this all-natural face moisturizer DIY recipe someplace cooler or even in the refrigerator; it could be refreshing to the skin, especially in the summer.

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (8)

Homemade Face Moisturizer

Active Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

Is your face feeling dry? Give your skin a big boost of hydration with this homemade face moisturizer. This DIY face moisturizer requires only 5 ingredients: coconut oil, almond oil, cocoa butter and two essential oils (Frankincense and Lavender) and a few minutes to whip up. This homemade moisturizer recipe contains no harmful chemicals but is effective at moisturizing your skin to help with anti-aging and dry skin.


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 2 tsp. almond oil
  • 1 Tbsp. cocoa butter
  • 5 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil


  • Mason jar (4 oz)


    1. Place all ingredients for the DIY face moisturizer, including the lavender essential oil, in the bowl of your stand mixer.
    2. Whip on high for 4-5 minutes until the homemade moisturizer is a light and fluffy consistency. Tip: Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl occasionally to get all of the ingredients of this DIY moisturizer worked in.
    3. Transfer your freshly made best all-natural face moisturizer to a small jar with a tight fitting lid.

    Use after each time you wash your face to moisturize.


When left in very warm temperatures (like those in your bathroom) this homemade face moisturizer may soften to nearly melting. You can consider storing it in the refrigerator; it could be refreshing to the skin especially in the summer.

Homemade Face Moisturizer Recipe - Freebie Finding Mom (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.