How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (2024)

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Posted - June 6, 2024

How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (1)

By Carol Bryant, Professional Pet Blogger

Indoor cats may not have the luxury of roaming freely outdoors, but they can lead happy and healthy lives with proper care and attention. Although June is Adopt a Cat Month, Pet King Brands celebrates keeping cats in tip-top shape all year round. As a cat parent, you play a crucial role in providing mental stimulation to ensure your indoor cat thrives in their environment. In this article, we’ll dive into tips and tricks that will make your cat feel like the king or queen of the castle in no time!

The Importance of Regular Cat Grooming

Frequent grooming activities like brushing, bathing, shaving, and trimming nails offer a variety of advantages. These include maintaining a healthy coat, removing odors and tangled fur, and minimizing hairballs. Moreover, grooming sessions allow you to inspect your cat for fleas, ticks, lumps, skin issues, and other potential health concerns that might not be obvious otherwise.

Pro Tip: If you bathe your cat at home, use a mild, veterinarian-recommended shampoo like Zymox Advanced Enzymatic Oatmeal Cat & Dog Shampoois hypoallergenic, pH balanced, and ideal for dry, itchy, or irritated skin. It is gentle and won’t sting or strip the coat.

Check Your Cat’s Skin Regularly

Several cat breeds are known for a predisposition to skin problems. Get ahead of any issues by closely inspecting your cat’s skin and coat once or twice a week. Like their canine counterparts, cats can suffer from environmental and food allergies, health conditions, parasites, hot spots, and more.

Pro Tip: One of the best times to check a cat’s skin, coat, and body is when you are casually petting them.

Monitor Your Cat’s Weight

Long-time cat mom Lisa Gaertner of northern New Jersey says it’s critical to keep a close eye on your cat’s weight. She also checks the color and consistency of bowel movements in the litterbox every day.

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, as little as two pounds above the ideal body weight can put your cat at risk of developing some serious medical condition.

Pro Tip: Consider the Petivity Smart Litter Box to monitor your cat’s weight, litterbox habits, and more. The app helps pet parents know when a veterinary visit is in order.

Keep Your Cat Mentally Stimulated

Cats may become sad, frustrated, or bored, when left to themselves without interaction. Give your indoor kitty the ultimate playground with a cat aerobic center, complete with climbing, hiding, and playtime adventures. Include a cat tower with a scratching post to keep them occupied. Stock up on self-play toys and novel items to keep them entertained while you’re away.

“Keep them stimulated with different toys or even boxes,” advises Gaertner. “Pay attention to them, play with them, and talk to them.”

Pro Tip: Always socialize and satisfy your cat emotionally by playing and engaging with them. Cats may act aloof, but they really do love and need their humans.

Maintain Health Checkups and Preventative CareHow To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (2)

Never skip veterinary visits for your cats. Regular checkups are critical for vaccinations, overall assessment, dental checkups, and to address any health concerns or behavioral issues.

Reward your cat and encourage positive behavior. If your cat freaks out at the sight of a veterinary office, it will take time to train them otherwise. The American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends placing catnip, toys, or treats into the carrier when it’s time for a trip to the veterinarian’s office.

Pro Tip: Choose the right kind of carrier for your cat. Cat parents often choose a carrier with two exit points—top and front—and latches that allow the top to be removed. Consider using feline pheromone products for calming comfort.

Keep the Litterbox Clean

Keeping the litterbox clean and fresh will make your cat less likely to leave you unexpected “gifts” in the bathroom or other spots in the house.

Pro Tip: Litter-Robot automates the scooping chore, making it easy to remove it. Like other models, it controls odor and is self-cleaning. While a bit pricey, it pays for itself in time saved.

Provide A Proper Diet

The best diet for your cat is the one that works for their individual needs. Cats are notoriously fussy, so finding the food they enjoy may take some time.

Pro Tip: Feed your cat according to their life stage—from kitten to adult to senior. Consider the cat’s overall health, dental issues, and whether dry or wet food is better.

Keep a first aid kit for your cat on hand and ensure it contains items like the ZYMOX Ear Cleanser, an Ear Solution with 0.5% Hydrocortisone, and Topical Cream with 0.5% Hydrocortisone.ZYMOXfor Cats & Kittens can be used to helpHow To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (3) with the following:

  • Hot spots, wounds, cuts, abrasions, irritations
  • Skin allergies
  • Ringworm
  • Body fold irritations
  • Inflamed or itchy ears
  • Dirty ears

Don’t forget to visit your local shelter or contact a rescue group for help finding your next feline family member.

About the Author

How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (4)

Gayle King introduced Carol Bryant as a “dog lover of the highest order” when she and her co*cker Spaniel, Dexter, appeared on Oprah Radio. Carol is well-known in the pet industry, having appeared on television, radio shows, and podcasts, as well as in articles from CNN and Yahoo to Dogster and She is the founder of the award-winning blog and is the Immediate Past President of the Dog Writers Association of America.

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How To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Health: A Comprehensive Guide - Zymox (2024)


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