Jamie Oliver's 15-minute beef stroganoff recipe is 'one of his favourite meals' (2024)

Jamie Oliver is well known for whipping up tasty meals, with some of his recipes suitable for an easy but delicious midweek dinner.

The TV chef has a whole series of 15 minutes meals on his YouTube food channel, providing lots of options to keep dinners varied without the need to slave over the hob for hours.

And one popular dish included in the series is Jamie's Beef Stroganoff, with the chef even going so far to say the dish is one of his favourite meals. In his Youtube video, the chef begins: "Beef Stroganoff, I just love it. So, so good. This is actually one of my favourite meals."

So, if you fancy adding the recipe to your dinner choices, here is everything you need to know.



  • 2 small red onions
  • 1 handful of gherkins
  • 1 bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley


  • 300 g mixed mushrooms
  • olive oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 x 200 g quality sirloin steaks , fat removed
  • 1 heaped teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 swig of brandy
  • 4 heaped tablespoons fat-free natural yoghurt
  • 1 swig of semi-skimmed milk

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How to make Jamie Oliver's Beef Stroganoff

The chef then begins to make the tasty recipe, saying: "I'm going to use some pickles. Load in lovely gherkins, and the onions and rattle it through [your food processor]", Jamie says.

The chef says to take the pickling vinegar from the gherkin jar, full of spices and things like mustard seeds, and pour over the gherkin and onion mix. Add a pinch of salt on top and parsley, finely chopping the leaves and stalks. Mix all together with your hands.

Jamie then takes "300g of mushroom, into the pan. You can tear them, quarter them, half them. I like that fact that it's all odds and sods and it all looks different."

Jamie Oliver's 15-minute beef stroganoff recipe is 'one of his favourite meals' (5)

Then add some salt into the pan and toss the mix with the mushrooms before adding two or three cloves of garlic, chopped with the skin on too.

Grab some of the pickle mix, around two thirds, and squeeze out the excess water. Sprinkle the mix into the with the mushrooms.

Jamie then turns to the meat. "I've got two regular 200g sirloins. I'm going to slice the steaks about a centimetre thick". Season the steak with salt, pepper and a heaped teaspoon of paprika.

Remove the mushrooms and pickle mix from the pan and set aside in a bowl.

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"Now go back to the pan with olive oil, a couple of tablespoons. We start distributing the steak. The steak is a prime cut of meat. Prime cuts of meat are there to be fried or grilled."

Turn the steak, searing it, before adding a good swig of brandy to the pan. Flame it to burn away the alcohol.

"As soon as that subsides, we go back in with the mushrooms", Jamie adds, before adding in four heaped tablespoons of butter and a little bit of milk.

The let the pan boil for a short amount of time before serving, adding the remainder of the pickle mix on top.

The dish can be served with rice, Jamie recommends basmati rice. Follow the instructions on the rice packaging to cook.

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Jamie Oliver's 15-minute beef stroganoff recipe is 'one of his favourite meals' (2024)


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