Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (2024)

by Jenny 20 Comments




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There's is just something about a mason jar full of lemonade that gets me so excited! I can't think of anything that shouts SUMMER more than lemonade. I can remember hauling a table and chairs with the neighborhood kids, to the end of the street in the dead of the afternoon heat, to sell our lemonade. I'm pretty sure we charged a quarter a cup. With this lemonade recipe we could have easily charged a dollar. Even back then!

Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (1)

I never truly understood the importance of fresh squeezed lemon juice until I became an adult and started using it in my cooking. Those fresh squeezed lemons definitely put this recipe over the top because you get just a little bit of the pulp, which I'm not a fan of in orange juice, but I loved it in this lemonade recipe. This is by far my favorite juicer because you don't have to have mega strength in your hands because you can simply push down.

Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (2)

One of my favorite things to have in the fridge during the Summer is simple syrup. It adds the perfect amount of sweetness to just about any drink. We used it in our Strawberry Punch for Joe's Graduation Party a couple of years ago and it was out of this world. The key is to make sure that the sugar is all fully dissolved. In order to know this, you'll want to smell the sugar being cooked. It's a sweet smell that is just noticeable without putting your nose down to the pot. We don't want you to burn your nose!

Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (3)

In order to serve up the perfect glass of lemonade, you need the perfect pitcher. This one is great because it's 84 oz and you can honestly never have enough lemonade, right?! And of course lemonade is always that much better when it's served in a mason jar. These are the mason jar cups that you see in the pictures. They are also perfect for smoothies. I like them because they have handles and it's easier for my girls to hold onto them, which is also why you'll want to be sure to get the tops for them. It'll be as if you getto drink a cup full of paradise. Giggle!

Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (4)

Lemonade Recipe

This is the BEST Lemonade Recipe that you'll ever taste.

5 from 3 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes minutes


  • 3 lemons squeezed with pulp
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 cup lemon juice


For more amazing drink recipes do check out this Passion Fruit Margarita and this delicious Lavender Lemonade.




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Reader Interactions


  1. Carol

    Love lemonade! Quick question though: I know the first 1/2 cup of lemon juice is from fresh squeezed lemons, is the 1 cup of juice listed as the last ingredient from bottled lemon juice? Thanks so much!


  2. Ellen

    A friend taught me to add coconut flavoring to my lemonade. No one ever knows what the hidden flavor is. It's amazing!


    • Ellen Langworthy

      It's the little bottle of flavoring next to the vanilla in the baking Isle. Start with a teaspoon. I add enough until I like it 😉


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  6. Irene

    That looks so good!
    Would it also be possible to substitute the Realemon juice with juice from squeezed lemons?

    Thanks a lot


  7. Nilsa Brady

    Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (5)
    It really is the best lemonade I ever made...
    Thank you...


  8. Nilsa Brady

    Just made this lemonade and IT IS the best!!!!!!!!!


  9. Laurie

    Thanks for linking up to the Tip Me Tuesday linky party! {knuckle bumps} Did you know that I can "lend" your blog posts my Google page rank for better search engine traffic? {fabulous} If you upload at least 2 images, 2 steps, and blog post URL into your Tip Junkie craft room, you'll be in business! {wink} ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}


  10. Rachel Kathyg @ onlinesisterhood

    Yummy! Pinning to try your version....looks so refreshing and pretty:) Stopping by from Showstopper Saturday. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.


  11. Lisa

    I agree that lemonade is the perfect summer drink! Pinned to try your recipe this summer. 🙂


  12. Cheryl

    I’m swinging by from Cast Party Wednesday to check out your YUMMY looking post and invite you to my link party, The Yuck Stops Here. This week’s party is open until Sunday at 8pm ET and can be found at http://mommasangelbaby.com/?p=2463 and next week’s party starts on Tuesday at 8pm ET and can be found at http://mommasangelbaby.com/?p=2474. I hope to see you there! HUGS


  13. Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life

    I absolutely love lemonade! I am pinning this...I'll definitely try making it.


  14. Sinea Pies

    Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (6)
    Sounds delicious! I love lemonade.



  1. […] and beverages. Our Lavender Lemonade is definitely the ultimate relaxing beverage. We took our Best EVER Lemonade Recipe and gave it a twist and turned it into Lavender Lemonade that tastes and smells […]


  2. […] about the combination of sweet and tart. A large part of my love stems from myobsession with my lemonade. I would literally drink it all day long with every meal. I even stepped it up a notch last […]


  3. […] Lemonade Recipe from The NY Melrose […]


  4. […] The Best Lemonade Recipe Ever- The NY Melrose Family […]


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Lemonade Recipe: The Best Refreshing Lemonade Recipe (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.