Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (2024)


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DIY coconut wraps made with raw coconut meat and pureed and dried to make coconut wraps!

Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (1)

I’ve had a blast trying to make raw-grain free wraps the last few days. Thank you Leslie, over at Health By Coconut on Facebookfor the inspiration! Leslie posted on her Facebook page about her raw coconut wraps she purchased recently. After looking for them online, I discovered that they were not available in my area. So I decided to try to make them! These are very easy to make. You do need to have a food processor and dehydrator to make them, though you may be able to use your oven to dehydrate them too. This recipe will make one large coconut wrap or you can make a few small, corn tortilla size wraps!

Raw coconut wraps

  • 2 cups raw coconut meat (only from young coconuts)
  • 1-2 Tbs of raw coconut water
  • 1/2 tsp unrefined salt


Process the coconut meat and sea salt in food processor until it becomes mush. Add raw coconut water until it reaches a spreadable consistency.

Spread coconut batter on dehydrator sheet (or you can use parchment paper). Do not spread too thin or you will end up with holes in your wrap. 1/4 inch thick is about right.

Place in dehydrator at 105 degrees. Check it every few hours. Once it is dry and solid on top, flip it and dehydrate for a few more hours. I left mine in the dehydrator for 8 hours, flipped it, and dried it for another 8 hours (over night). In the morning I had a very pliable wrap, which I used to make this delicious raw crepe!

This crepe is filled with raw yogurt cheese, 1 raw egg yolk, vanilla and stevia. I then topped it with frozen raspberries and raspberry sauce. For the raspberry sauce, I used the whey left over from making the cheese and blended it with a handful of raspberries.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this recipe!


Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (4)

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DIY coconut wraps made with raw coconut meat and pureed and dried to make coconut wraps!

  • Author: The Coconut Wraps


  • 2 cups raw coconut meat (only from young coconuts)
  • 12 Tbs of raw coconut water
  • 1/2 tsp unrefined sea salt


  1. Process the coconut meat and sea salt in food processor until it becomes mush.
  2. Add raw coconut water until it reaches a spreadable consistency.
  3. Spread coconut batter on dehydrator sheet (or you can use parchment paper). Do not spread too thin or you will end up with holes in your wrap. 1/4 inch thick is about right.
  4. Place in dehydrator at 105 degrees. Check it every few hours. Once it is dry and solid on top, flip it and dehydrate for a few more hours. I left mine in the dehydrator for 8 hours, flipped it, and dried it for another 8 hours (overnight).

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Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (8)

About Tiffany Pelkey

Tiffany is the founder of the wellness website Coconut Mama where she spent over a decade creating coconut-inspired recipes and tutorials. Tiffany lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and works as a freelance writer, recipe creator, and photographer. She studies aromatherapy and herbalism and loves to cook plant-based meals. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (9)Alison Breen

    Hi Tiffany, This recipe looks great! I really want to try it soon. I’ve checked out google to find some coconut meat and found a frozen bag of grated coconut meat. Is this the sort of thing I should use? Cheers, Al

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (10)The Coconut Mama

      Yes, just make sure its raw young coconut meat.

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      • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (11)Mirosan

        Is it possible to use coconut four? It’s way cheaper in AU (Vic) than actual coconuts. Can’t wait to try it out. Also have you tried frying the batter like crepes? Might be quicker if just making one or two wraps.

        Many thanks,

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        • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (12)The Coconut Mama

          This recipe would be better to use for crepes and it uses coconut flour: https://thecoconutmama.com/coconut-flour-tortillas/

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          • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (13)dingodreams

            Thank you very much 🙂

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        • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (14)Jess

          How many wraps does this recipe yield? Thanks

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (16)Larry M Ferguson

      Hi COCO NUT MAMA IM FROM NJ AND DIDNT KNOW ABOUT COCONUTS EXCEPT USING COCUNUT FLOUR AND GOYA COCONUT MILK. SO IM CURIOUS I ORDER FROM THE INTERNET young raw coconuts and received a Thai coconut whose meat is white and lumpy not green likes yours where can I get a coconut that has green meat?


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  2. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (17)Stephani Frame

    I see that this blog is pretty old, but I’m hoping you find this comment. I’m not a huge fan of coconut flavors (sorry!), so can you speak to how coconut-y this is when eating it? Also can you substitute water for the coconut water? Thanks so much!

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (18)The Coconut Mama

      These are pretty coconutty. You can sub coconut water for water.

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  3. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (19)Rhonda T

    Would coconut flour work mixed with the coconut water instead of using fresh coconut meat in this recipe?

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  4. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (20)pureobservation

    Pls disregard last comment; having no experience with coconut meat, I thought that what I purchased WAS the meat removed from the coconut. A youtube video enlightened me that this is STILL a coconut that needs to be opened! Sorry to bother you.

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (21)The Coconut Mama

      Haha no worries 🙂

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  5. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (22)pureobservation

    I don’t understand?! i went out and bought a somewhat octogonal-shaped coconut labelled “young coconut”, wrapped in plastic wrap. But when I trued to cut it, it is too tough! Also, it is horribbly, horribly fibrous… a little piece is not even chewable! It tastes bland eith a slight bitter taste, like tree bark. I am totally confused as to how this thing works to make wraps with this when I cannot even chop it small enough to fit in the processor?! help, I don’t know what to do at this point.

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (23)The Coconut Mama

      That’s the outside of the coconut! You have to get past that part to get to the coconut shell. From there you’ll have to break it open (knife and hammer) inside will be the coconut goodness.

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  6. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (24)Yolanda Quimby

    made the wrap, but couldn’t get it off the sheet…will try again,lol!

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  7. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (25)Ginny

    Do you grate the coconut meat before processing?

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  8. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (26)Janet

    These sound delicious but young coconuts costs between $3-$5 so only one wrap would be very expensive. The meat is so good I love just eating it right out of the coconut by itself.

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  9. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (27)cb

    A pizza stone works pretty well to dehydrate if you don’t have a dehydrator!

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (28)Mirosan

      Did you heat it at all or put it in the sun?

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  10. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (29)Diana Gam

    I just came along to this blog. What is the shelf life of the wraps and can you freeze them?


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  11. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (31)Jane Lininger

    Please enroll me.

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  12. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (32)Virginia

    This is the first time I have opened up a young coconut. I got 1.5 cups of water, but only about 3/4 cups of young coconut meat. How many young coconuts are typically required to make this? Just trying to determine how much ones “saves” by making these on my own. The coconut cost $5.

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  13. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (33)Christine

    is there any other way to dehydrate them like in the oven or something

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  14. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (34)blanca

    I’m eager to try this. I am an American living in Ecuador where I can easily buy young coconuts off the nearest street corner but could never find already made coconut wraps. This will be great for me!

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  15. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (35)Kate

    Yum!! Is unsweetened shredded coconut same as coconut meat?

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  16. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (37)Cat Caruso

    Thank you for this!!! I am so excited to try these. NO egg, NO tapioca, NO flax…I’m over- joyed! Can’t wait to try. 🙂 Aloha.

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  17. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (38)Denise Booker

    I live far away from “young coconuts” where can I buy a “young coconut” online?

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  18. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (39)zosia

    Is there any way to make this without a dehydrator? (Oven?)

    Thanks 🙂

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    • Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (40)The Coconut Mama

      You could try the oven at a low temp. I’m not sure if it will work because I’ve never tried it.

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  19. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (41)Heather @ Life, gluten free

    Those look so good. We want to make some of our own, too. Right now we use grain-free raw coconut wraps called Pure Wraps. They are tasty!

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  20. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (42)Annette

    Holy Wow! I love you! You just saved my sanity! You should put out a tip jar or something!

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  21. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (43)Anonymous

    Thanks Tiffany!

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  22. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (44)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    @ Anonymous – That will not work. You need meat from young Thai coconuts. Coconut butter is made with meat from older brown coconuts. It just doesn't work. Btw I have a recipe for homemade coconut butter if your interested in making it yourself – http://thecoconutmama.blogspot.com/2010/07/homemade-coconut-butter.html

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  23. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (45)Anonymous

    I am late to this thread but could someone tell me if it is possible to use Coconut Butter found in a jar at Whole Foods?

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  24. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (46)organic meat winnipg

    It always impress me that you can make recipes that not only probably taste really good but are also really healthy. You are awesome.

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  25. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (47)Frannie

    I've been looking for a raw coconut recipe. I will have to give this a try.

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  26. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (48)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    April – I would love to join your carnival! Sorry I missed it last week =/

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  27. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (49)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    Lauren – Sorry I didn't see your comment until today. I would scrape off any purple/pink color. Normally, if the coconut water is pink or purple, that means its gone bad, but I've never heard of it happening after it's been frozen.

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  28. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (50)April @ The 21st Century Housewife

    Hello again! I was just thinking, you might like to link your delicious tortilla wraps up to Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home on my blog. It's a fun foodie blog hop you might enjoy joining in on 🙂 Hope to see you there!

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  29. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (51)Lauren

    I have a question about coconut water, I was hoping you could help.. So, I opened up 3 green coconuts I bought, and went ahead and got the water out so they wouldn't go bad. I put all the water in a Tupperware container in the freezer, and when I looked today, there is a purple slime on the top and bottom of the water. Do you think it’s still OK to use? Should I scrape off the purple and use that? I wasn’t sure if it was just oxidation or what. Thanks!!

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  30. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (52)Lisa@The Nourishing Homemaker

    How cool! I wonder if these would work for a tortilla in a savory dish. I stink at making tortillas, but might manage them in a dehydrator.

    Your dessert looks wonderful! Yum!

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  31. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (53)The 21st Century Housewife©

    That looks just beautiful – and so good for you too!

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  32. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (54)Tiffany - The Coconut Mama

    Thanks everyone! I hope you all enjoy these 🙂

    Angie- I had to wait a long time for my dehydrator! We ended up buying the smallest one, which was also refurbished! It was a great price! I hope you can get one someday. They're awesome!

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  33. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (55)6512 and growing

    Oh that looks gorgeously wonderful.

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  34. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (56)Diana Bauman

    What a great recipe! I'm going to give this a try as your photos look amazing! Thanks for sharing this on Simple Lives Thursday.

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  35. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (57)My Journey With Candida

    Those look amazing!!!

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  36. Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (58)Angie

    I love this recipe! I just wish I had a food dehydrator. Hopefully I will soon!

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Raw Coconut Wraps Recipe (2024)


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