Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (2024)


Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (1)

Soubise (noun); pron. "soo-beez".
Not to be confused with the classic Sauce Soubise (a combination of Soubise and Bechamel sauce pureed and served with vegetables or eggs.)

Soubise is an utterly delicious dish comprised of copious amounts of sliced onions, a small amount of blanched rice, butter, and seasonings; covered, baked in a 300˚(F) oven, and given an occasional stir now and then. After one hour those onions transform into a delightfully fragrant mass, nearly a puree. To finish the dish a small amount of cream and little grated Gruyere or other Swiss-type cheese is stirred in for enrichment.

I learned this version from Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" years and years ago. The other day the thought of it popped into my mind and I realized I hadn't made it in at least 10 years; it's a perfect dish for a crisp autumn day. I had a lot of yellow onions on hand . . . so why not?!

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (2)

If you are interested in the Le Creuset covered terrine, it is available in White, Red, Flame (Orange), and Cobalt blue ---
Scroll down to the bottom of this post to learn more.

It makes a wonderful side dish for meats, chicken, fish, or as part of a vegetarian meal.

You may find it startling that so few ingredients can make such a flavorful and comforting dish ~

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (3)

Two pounds of onions equal approximately 6 to 7 cups thinly sliced.

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (4)

What it lacks in beauty, it more than compensates with flavor. So good and rich, a little goes a long way. (I could honestly have a small serving of it with a crisp green salad, dressed with vinaigrette and call it a meal.)

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (5)

Because it doesn't look like much after it has cooked down, I transfer it to a warmed serving dish and bring it to the table so each one can serve themselves. This time I sprinkled on a little more grated cheese and placed it under the broiler until melted and bubbly, then added a couple of sprigs of fresh thyme.

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (6)

It might not be beautiful, but it certainly IS delicious!

If you would like a printable copy of the recipe,
click HERE.

~ NOTE ~

The Le Creuset covered Terrine is available here, (with FREE super saver shipping):

Much cuter in person :)

It is available in Red, White, Flame (orange), and Cobalt. I absolutely love mine and use it for all kinds of things besides pate ~ it's perfect for side dishes, as well as small casseroles for 2 or 3.

Foodie Friday!

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (7)


  1. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (8)

    SewconsultOctober 22, 2011 at 2:25 PM

    This looks and sounds so delicious. I am not a big rice fan, but with the onions (LOVE ONIONS) and cheese, I think it could be a regular on our table. I am definitely giving this a try.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN


  2. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (9)

    LindaOctober 22, 2011 at 4:04 PM

    This looks so fabulous I am now sorry that I am making shrimp scampi tonight! I made this once long ago and just forgot...
    I am soooo making this this week!
    But I do not have that cute little baking dish...*sigh*


  3. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (10)

    SoutherncookOctober 22, 2011 at 4:15 PM

    This sounds absolutely DIVINE and I must make it soon and I think it is beautiful. I have the book but have not come across this recipe or maybe I didn't notice. Love the little terrine, where did you get it???? Inquiring minds want to know. {{{SMILEY}}}



  4. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (11)

    Mari @ Once Upon a PlateOctober 22, 2011 at 5:41 PM

    Hi and thank you Beckie, if you give it a try I hope you love it.

    Linda, Wow, I could go for some Shrimp Scampi right now ~ just the perfect meal for a Saturday evening. Yum!

    Hi Carolyn, thank you so much! Oh, and the little porcelain terrine is made by Le Creuset. see below.

    And you've got to know I'm pining for the red version, too. I use them a lot more that I thought I would, perfect for side dishes, or a small casserole for 2. Please let me know if you get one, I'd love to see what you're going to serve in it!

    Thanks for stopping by friends! Have a great week.


  5. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (12)

    Mari @ Once Upon a PlateOctober 22, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    P.S. I edited to add a link if anyone is interested in purchasing the covered terrine/baking dish, it's available in 3 other colors AND FREE shipping!! (This is a great price, too.)


  6. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (13)

    VonOctober 23, 2011 at 5:09 AM

    I think it looks quite beautiful :) or maybe it's your photography :D I've never heard of soubise before, but after reading this, I wouldn't mind having some! I looks very tasty- definitely something I would like (and I love the sound of the onions!!)


  7. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (14)

    La Table De NanaOctober 23, 2011 at 5:29 AM

    I,ve never made this..We are rice lovers..Will have to try..

    Pretty pretty Mary:)


  8. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (15)

    martinealisonOctober 23, 2011 at 6:03 AM

    Une recette de riz très certainement délicieuse... Vos photos encouragent les papilles...
    Gros bisous


  9. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (16)

    UnknownOctober 23, 2011 at 7:54 AM

    Mari -- this looks devine! I also am in love with your blue dishes :)

    Thanks for sharing the best recipes :)



  10. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (17)

    KimOctober 23, 2011 at 4:01 PM

    Ahhhh, Julia, you can't go wrong with the Master :) This looks and sounds really good, something i would love. Thanks for sharing


  11. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (18)

    UnknownOctober 27, 2011 at 8:15 AM

    New to your site from Foody Friday and I will be spending more time here. I love your site! Everything looks so healthy! Can't wait to try this Rice Soubise!


  12. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (19)

    Campbell KidsOctober 27, 2011 at 3:27 PM

    Actually, it's a lovely dish and looks absolutely delicious! I will most definitely try this recipe and am patting myself on the back that I dropped in for another visit...look at all those great recipes to try! I would love to have some LeCruset...maybe Christmas?! ;-)



  13. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (20)

    RettabugOctober 28, 2011 at 2:51 AM

    What a warm, comforting bowl of deliciousness! I am sending my Vegan sister a link to this post, Mari. She will love this & I know, I will, too. I'd never heard of 'soubise'. I learn SO much from you...thanks!



  14. Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (21)

    UnknownJanuary 21, 2017 at 8:38 PM

    I made this tonight. I was worried when I put it together. Tons of onions and a little bit of rice. I was pleasantly surprised. Everyone loved it! Delicious! Will add to my repertoire of recipes!!


Thank you for your comments, friends ~ they make my day!

Rice Soubise ~ Julia Child's Recipe (2024)


What is Soubise sauce made of? ›

Soubise is a French sauce made with onions cooked in butter that have been puréed with heavy cream and seasonings. The classic version is made with béchamel sauce, rather than just the heavy cream. Other versions are made thickened with pounded cooked rice.

What does soubise taste like? ›

Soubise is a classic French sauce made of a handful of simple ingredients. It is as humble as the sirloin itself, but when it is properly prepared, soubise is velvety and sweet and salty, elevating the sirloin without overpowering the beef.

How to cook rice Julia Child? ›

Julia Child mimes an Asian way: two times the amount of water to rice; mix and bring to a boil, then cover and lower the heat to a whimper for 15 minutes. (In happy cross-cultural accord, both Cordon Bleu and Qin Dynasty finish with “Let stand 10 minutes, covered.”)

What is soubise in English? ›

Meaning of soubise in English

a thick, smooth sauce made of cooked onions, mixed with béchamel (= a sauce made with butter, flour, and milk) or cream: We had the sausages with an apple and onion soubise.

What does Soubise mean in cooking? ›

Soubise sauce is an onion sauce thickened with béchamel sauce, pounded cooked rice, or cream. It is generally served with meats, game, poultry and vegetables. It was formerly often used to coat meat. It is first documented in 1836. It has many variations, the simplest including just onions, butter, and cream.

What is vinegar and sugar called? ›

Gastrique is caramelized sugar, deglazed with vinegar or other sour liquids, used as a sweet and sour flavoring for sauces.

What are the 7 mother sauces? ›

Sauces considered mother sauces. In order (left to right, top to bottom): béchamel, espagnole, tomato, velouté, hollandaise, and mayonnaise.

What are the mother sauces in cooking? ›

The five French mother sauces are: Béchamel, Velouté, Espagnole, Hollandaise, and Tomato.

What is Julia Child's most famous dish? ›

Child's Boeuf Bourguignon recipe was featured in one of the earliest episodes of The French Chef and has become a classic among the many Child enthusiasts at GBH. In fact, GBH News host Henry Santoro concludes there's no better recipe for the dish.

What was Julia Child's favorite recipe? ›

Vichyssoise. Well-known as one of Julia Child's favorite dishes, this chilled leek and potato soup is startling in its simplicity. Aside from the leek, potato, and water, Child's version of the soup calls for barely any additional ingredients.

What was Julia Child's signature dishes? ›

Boeuf Bourguignon

This hearty beef stew from the pages of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" is, hands down, Child's most infamous dish. (Click here for Food.com's rendtition of boeuf bourguignon.)

What is the French name of onions? ›

The French Word for Onion is 'Oignon'

The word begins and ends with a nasal "on" sound, thus the “oi” is pronounced like "on."

What is Suprême sauce made of? ›

Suprême sauce derives from velouté sauce, a “mother sauce” traditionally made from roux (a mixture of butter and flour) and meat stock—in this case, chicken stock or chicken broth. The sauce is reduced with heavy cream or crème fraîche, strained through a fine sieve or strainer, and often finished with lemon juice.

What are the French sauces? ›

They include velouté (blonde sauce), bechamel (white sauce), tomato (red sauce), hollandaise (butter sauce), and espagnole (brown sauce). We turned to Zifchak to learn how each of the five mother sauces are made and how we can use them when cooking at home.

Is hoisin sauce made of? ›

Ingredients. The key ingredient of hoisin sauce is fermented soybean paste. Some hoisin sauce ingredients include starches such as sweet potato, wheat and rice, and water, sugar, soybeans, sesame seeds, white distilled vinegar, salt, garlic, red chili peppers, and sometimes preservatives or coloring agents.

What is bearnaise sauce made of? ›

What Is Béarnaise? Béarnaise is a fat-in-water emulsion—in this case, butter emulsified into a reduction of white wine and vinegar flavored with shallots, tarragon, and chervil, all bound and thickened with egg yolks. It's technically a derivative of hollandaise sauce, one of the five French mother sauces.

What is signature sauce made of? ›

Whisk mayonnaise, honey, barbecue sauce, both mustards, and lemon juice together in a bowl.


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