The Scranton Truth from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

Is Your Better Half the Better Saver? Then, the better plan of household economy is to have her keep an interest account here and to turn over all your money to her, except what you require for actual expenses. County Savings Bank COURTHOUSE SQUARE. BURNS IS WILLING TO MEET JOHNSON London, Dec. Burns, heavyweight champion of the world, declared last night that as soon returned to America he would fight the famous negro heavyweight, Jack Johnson, for the title the American won when he battered Gunner Moir into insensibility at the National Sporting club Monday night. Burns was asked the question point blank.

course, I will," he replied inclaim the heavyweight of the world, and I will TO CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS NOW IS THE TIME TO SELEOT YOUR PRESENTS. We are showing a full and new line of Men's Hats and Furnishings for the Holidays. Come in and look them over at the only exclusive Men's Furnishings Store in West Scranton. JAMES JONES LOOK FOR THE J. J.

SIGN. SHOPPERS WEST SCRANTON. Workers Was Held In St. David's Hall Last Night. BOARD OF TRADE TO MEET.

ture towards getting non-union mine workers into the union. OFFICE, 118 SOUTH MAIN AVEN UE. OLD' PHONE 720-B Meeting of Mine urged ganization, to bend to which their the efforts members in the were fuEnthusiastic MEAT WAGON DRIVER FINED. William Shemlifsky, of South Keyser avenue, who drives a meat wagon, was arraigned in police court yesterday on the charge of violating a city ordinance by throwing waste paper into the streets. Complaints, had been made to the police that he was in the habit of throwing blood paper from his wagon the streets and he was placed under arrest.

At the hearing given him by Magistrate Charles yesterday afternoon several witnesses were sworn and he was adjudged guilty and fined $2, which paid. This ought to be a warning to others. BOARD OF TRADE MEETING. The next regular meeting of the West Side Board of Trade will be held in the parlors of the Electric City Wheelmen on Friday evening, December 13, when a number of topics of general interest will be discussed. Chief among them will be the proposed changes in the parcel post system, as recommended by the postmaster general.

Public improvements will also be discussed, such as the paving of streets, the opening and widening of certain streets other like matters of genteral interest to the public. The committee appointed at the last meeting to confer with officials of the street railway company relative to a number of needed improvements will also make its report. members of the committee are Messrs. Morgan Mason and Daniels. The garbage and water questions also come in for a share of the discussion as well as the proposed new l1c park and play grounds and these matters ought to interest property owners generally who are invited to attend meeting and take an acive part in the work of the board.

FUNERAL OF MISS SNYDER. funeral of the late Miss Maria Snyder There was a large attendance at the this afternoon. The service was conducted at the house on Washburn street, where Rev. 0. L.

Severson, pastor of the Simpson M. E. church, spoke of the long and useful life of deceased. Singers from the Simpson M. E.

church choir assisted in the services. Many beautiful floral offerings were in evidence. Interment was made in the Dunmore cemetery. SIDEWALK VICTIMS. John Haney, of 314 North Garfield avenue, slipped and fell on a slippery sidewalk on Monday night and sustained a fracture of his left arm at the wrist.

Six weeks ago he sprained his ankle, and has not yet recovered from that injury. George Carpenter, of North Rebecca avenue, while on his way to work yesterday morning at the car shops, slipped and fell on his dinner pail, and was so painfully injured that he was obliged to return home. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. There is a parcel at the West Scranton postoffice addressed to Mrs. Harriet Torey.

No. 8 Windsor terrace, Abernant, South Wales, which the sender can obtain by calling at the office. Pay your State and County and avoid penalty. John J. Loftus, sTages lector, Court House.

MWF-tf Midshipman Ezra Griffin Allen, who has been on shore leave short time, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Allen, of North Hyde Park avenue, returned to New York this morning. from which port he will sail on December 16 for a trip around the "Horn." William Anneman, Harry Craig, John Lewis.

Daniel Colan and Levi Lewis have returned home from a successful hunting trip in Lycoming county, where they bagged a lot of birds and rabbits. The social committee of the Simpson M. E. church has completed arrangeCity Union of the Epworth League toments for the entertainment of the morrow evening. The ladies of St.

Ann's church, Lincoln Heights, will conduct a progressive euchre party this evening at 8 o'clock in the interest of the building fund. Friends of the church are invited to attend and take part in the games. 3. Previous contests have been very enjoyable. Suitable prizes will be given.

A good sized audience greeted Rev. J. M. Buckley, editor of the Christian Advocate, at the Simpson M. E.

church last evening, where he delivered his lecture on the subject of "Money Mania." He is a very entertaining speaker, and gave a very fine discourse in which discussed the money question of today in its various phases. The lecture was well received. The members of the Colonial Club, a social auxiliary to Camp No. 178, P. 0.

S. of conducted a dance in Washington hall last evening, which was enjoyed by a large crowd of young people. Miles' orchestra furnished the music. The affair was in charge of a committee composed of Frank J. Miller, John Reynolds, John Smith, Peter Young and others.

The Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary have appointed a nominating committee composed of Mrs. J. M. Edwards, Mrs. John Hammond.

Mrs. W. A. Paine, Mrs. W.

C. Williams, Mrs. W. W. Davis and Miss Emma Lewis, to suggest a list of officers to be voted for at the next meeting.

Stephen Meyers, of South Bromley avenue, employed as a miner in the Hyde Park shaft, is suffering from injuries received by an explosion in the mines Monday, after he had making for place of safety when he charged a hole with yo powder. He was was caught by the flying debris and rendered unconscious. His hands and face are quite badly bruised. Rev. H.

Barrow Williams, of Wales, will deliver a lecture at the South Main Avenue Welsh C. M. church tomorrow evening on the subject, "Keep to the Right." Prof. Edward late of London, will give a piano selection. An entertainment will be held in Red Substantial Xmas Gifts that are praetical, useful and sensible.

Our great stock is brimful of such tokens- -gifts for a lifetime, always recalling pleasant thoughts of the giver. Never before has this store's holiday equipment been so complete- never before were we so well qualified to serve you satisfactorily. A FEW HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS WORTHY OF YOUR NOTEServing Trays Nut Cracks and Chafing Dishes and Coffee Machine Sets Crumb Trays Picks in sets. in copper and nickel Toast Racks Flasks Pocket Knives 5 O'clock Teas Bath Room -celebrated in copper, nickel and brass. "Tree" brand.

Baking Dishes Cabinets. All warranted. 69 Varieties of Tea Sets Over 1000 from which to choose Carving Sets, Sets -pearl and Game Sets and Coffee Percolators stag handles. Bird Sets with Coffee Serving Sets Combination stag or pearl Knives handles. Game Shears Tools (singly or Scissor Sets in sets) for GAS LAMPS Library Sets man and boy.

with plain and fancy art glass Manicure Sets shades. Silver Plated Tool Chests ELECTRIC LAMPS Knives in very beautiful designs. Forks priced from $1 HANGING DOMES Tea Spoons to $25.00. Very for gas or electric lamps. Table Spoons large assortAn elegant present.

Very large assortment. Fruit Knives ment. Lansing Hardware Co. 140-142 Washington Ave. Men's hall tomorrow evening under the auspices of Lincoln lodge, of the Modern Protective Association.

Grand officers John W. Houser, of Army Wilkes-Barre, and Prof. Maurer, of Schuylkill county, will deliver addresses. William H. Evans, of Twelfth avenue, was caught beneath a fall of roof in the mines yesterday and had his back and legs injured.

The West Scranton Choral society, led bv William J. Davis, will meet in the Welsh Congregational church tomorrow evening. There will be a meeting of the Boys' Civic League in the Washburn Street Presbyterian church on Saturday evening. William Moffat, of 332 Hampton street, Wilkes-Barre, won the $5 in gold chanced off for the benefit of Charles McCarty, of 137 Van Buren avenue. PERSONAL MENTION.

Miss Myrtle Frounfelker, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home after spending the past two months at Mt. Pocono. William H. Bruning, of North Hyde Park avenue, and his chum, Mr. Havens, of Long Island, have resumed their studies at Wyoming Seminary after brief visit with the former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Bruning. Mrs.

J. B. Knight, of South Sumner has returned home from a avenue, visit with relatives and friends in Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs.

William Scheuer, who were recently married, have returned home from their wedding trip, and will reside on North Main avenue. Massey Truscott, of North Hyde Park who has been visiting in avenue, Honesdale, has returned home. Miss Thelma Skilding, of South Hyde is seriously ill at her Park avenue, home with an attack of typhoid fever. Ruth and Alice Finch, of Misses Wilkes-Barre, have returned home after a visit with West Scranton friends. E.

B. Houser, of South Hyde Park avenue, is confined to his home by illness. has returned to her Miss Muriel Jones, of Wilkes Barre: iting friends here. David Stetter, of North Main aveis suffering from an attack of nue, the grip. Mr.

and Mrs. George W. Chase, of North Main avenue, have returned home from a visit in New York and New Jersey. Mrs. LaBar, of New Jersey, who has been the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. F. P. Bryant, of Academy street, returned home. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Glover of Stroudsburg, who were recently married. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.

R. Castner, of North Lincoln avenue. Miss Freda Baker, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home from a visit with relatives in Nicholson. Miss Ella Haag, of Jackson street, has home from a visit in Elmira, returned. Miss Virginia DePuy, of North Lincoln avenue, who has been visiting in Elmira, has returned to her home.

Miss Jennie Flemming, of Stroudsburg, who has been visiting at the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh, of North Main avenue, has returned home. Mrs. G.

F. Eynon, of South Bromley avenue, has just returned from Chambersburg, where she was visiting her daughter, who is at Wilson College. Homer Kresge, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned to Bucknell University for the winter term. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Barnum, of Hallstead, were West Scranton visitors vesterday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, of North Decker's court. The "Quick." The "Quick." Use the "Blue Line" for your deliveries up the valley.

Excellent facilities for handling your Holiday goods. "Get the habit." Inquire to our rates. Both phones, 1539. Office Linden Street Car Barn. Quick Delivery, Express Co.

LATEST DOINGS IN HURLERS ROW There was some spirited rolling of the big round balls on the Gallagher's alleys in Minooka last night when the What a Difference There Is In HAND IRONING The contrast between the sort of work "ordinary" ironers do and the kind that passes the eyes of our ever-critical inspectors is striking. If you want something above "ordinary" work, rely on ACK A WANNA "THE" LAUNDRY 308, 310, 312 PENN AVENUE. Gibbons and Mullen team met the Gallagher's bunch. The first game went to the Gallaghers. The men of Gibbons and Mullen got the second and the Gallaghers came back strong in the final and grabbed the series.

The scores. GALLAGHER'S. Burns ..140 164 168 King .168 148 127 Lavelle .136 117 172 Ketrick .200 188 156 Gallagher .174 163 201 825 780 824 GIBBONS AND MULLEN. Hahn 115 159 158 Burns .160 209 174 Barton 118 152 170 Coons 146 482 147 Gobbins 121 156 143 660 858 792 Great bowling on the part of Hopkins helped the Demuths grab the series from the Huesters last night. He ran up a total of 603 points in the three games and in the third he rea the Hugh water mark of 215.

The scores: HUESTERS. Fisen 154 152 125 Melville 132 129 199 Rader .138 160 124 Huester 153 147 Peckham ....152 171 165 Totals ...........706 765 700 DEMUTHS. O' Horo 156 165 167 Fallon .156 136 131 Johnson 149 132 122 Beebe 139 149 137 Hopkins ......178 410 215 Totals ..778 792 792 ODDS AND ENDS OF SPORTING NEWS Jem Roche, champion heavyweight of Ireland, is going to challenge Tommy lin. Richard Croker is said to be backBurns, a according to reports from Dubing him. Roche defeated Ted Wilson in Dublin in October and Wilson already had to his credit a victory over Gunner Moir in a battle at Newcastle in August.

English patrons of the ring say they believe the Irish champion can at least give Burns the fight of his life. Negotiations for an international featherweight squabble with Abe Attell and Owen Moran as principals have come to nothing and the chances are that Moran will start for his home in England within a couple of days, ESTABLISHED RAW FURS 1866 FURS, FURS, BOUGHT IF YOU ARE A JUDGE, THE FOLLOWING WILL BE INTERESTING FOR COMPARISON: Neck Pieces and Pelerines. Muffs. Mink, Eastern Natural $10.00 to $140.00 18.00 to $90.00 Russian Sable 60.00 0.00 up 120.001 up Baum Marten. 40.00 0.00 to 85.00 40.00 to 60.00 Ermine 12.00 to 75.00 25.00 to 75.00 White 18.00 to 40.00 17.00 to 25.00 Black 10.00 to 40.00 12.00 to 40.00 Blue 15.00 to 40.00 18.00 to 25.00 Cat Lynx.

6.00 to 8.00 6.00 to 9.00 Morie Persian. 23.00 to 40.00 20.00 to 30.00 Persian Lamb. 12.00 to 40.00 10.00 to 39.00 Persian 4.00 to 10.00 5.00 to 10.00 Caracal 3.00 to 10.00 7.00 to 9.00 Blended Squirrel. 3.50 to 20.00 7.00 to 20.00 Natural Squirrel. 3.50 to 20.00 5.00 to 15.00 Isabella 4.00 to 30.00 6.00 to 18.00 Sable 4.00 to 30.00 6.00 to 18.00 Brown Marten (Skunk).

5.00 to 30.00 10.00 to 15.00 Dyed Marten (Skunk) 4.00 to 10.00 3.00 to 7.00 Sable 3.00 to 18.00 7.00 to 9.00 Sable 8.50 to 8.00 3.00 to 4.50 Wite Coney. 3.00 to 6.00 3.00 to 3.00 Brown Coney 1.50 to 3.50 1.50 to 1.75 River Mink (Muskrat) 2.50 to 5.00 3.00 to 5.00 Marmot 5.00 to 10.00 4.50 to 7.50 FINE LINE OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS. The Only Exclusive Fur House in Scranton. We Carry Everything In Furs. F.

L. CR RANE 324 LACKAWANNA AVE. SECOND FLOOR. certainly not refuse to fight any man who challenges me if the public thinks enough of his chances to come and see the battle." "More than that. I announced publiely before I left New York that if I defeated Gunner Moir I would fight Johnson as soon as -I returned to America.

I also gave Johnson's manager that promise, and I was not joking. "If Johnson still wants to meet me he will have first call as soon as I set my feet on my native soil." The "Quick." Use the "Blue Line" liveries up the valley. cilities for handling goods. "Get the habit." our Both phones, Linden Street Car Barn. livery Express Co.

meeting of mine An held in St. David's hall enthusiastic workers was which was well attended. meeting was to enlast evening, The object the thuse the members the organization and to renewed activity in the of the officers who affairs to hear the reports are The engaged meeting in the was presided over by work. Davis, who delivered an address. John were Vice President Other speakers Board Member Adam Fallon, Organizer Martin MemoRyscavage, John Secretary-Treasurer John T.

Demplo, Stephen J. McDonald, of the sey and Central Labor union. of the addresses was orThe keynote Make NO Scranton Make Grow Scranton by buying at Grow by buying at Home Home -give some nice fellow, your father or brother, a house coat or bath robe for Xmas We show an immense line of robes and coats, half again as many as on any previous season. Select now from a complete stockdon't wait till Xmas week and take what's left. Prices range from $3.50 to $15 each.

Looking encouraged. IF NOT A HOUSE COAT, WHY NOT gloves, handkerchiefs, fur cap, slippers, neckwear, suspenders, umbrella, cane, suit case, hand bag, hosiery, pajamas, shirts, fancy vest, dress suit, tuxedo, raincoat, fur overcoat or some other useful article? OUR BOYS' SHOP running over with suggestions. Semite Pros Make Make Scranton Quality Corner. Scranton Grow Grow by buying by buying Home Home NO for your deExcellent fayour Holiday Inquire as to 1539. Office Quick.

The Scranton Truth from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.