10 Yearbook Ideas: Themes, Pages, Covers & More (2024)

Since no school year is the same, no yearbook should be the same either! It can be tough to come up with fresh, fun, and creative yearbook ideas that best represent the graduating class. But never fear—we’ve got you covered!

There are hundreds of yearbook ideas and themes to choose from, ranging from nostalgic, to future-focused, to pop culture. Your yearbook might feature a combination of topics, or you may choose one theme for your entire book. Starting with the cover, think about ways to incorporate your theme(s) into your yearbook page spreads, from the table of contents to class photo pages and social pages. Try using the same colors, graphics, and typefaces throughout the book to create a cohesive story from all your various sections about the year’s events.

10 Yearbook Ideas

Whether you are designing a yearbook for elementary school, middle school, or high school, these yearbook ideas will help you create a masterpiece that students will treasure for many years to come.

1. Add a section for school trips & travel

So much happens over the course of a school year that it really is an adventure. Celebrate the journey that your students have taken together with highlights from school trips or travel-themed content. Include fun maps, images of far-off places, and inspirational quotes that remind them of how far they have come and how far they will go.

10 Yearbook Ideas: Themes, Pages, Covers & More (1)

2. Make a collection of quotes

This is one of the most popular yearbook themes. Collect quotes from the student body and teachers to use throughout your yearbook. You could ask them specific questions, such as what their favorite memory was from the year, or their funniest moment. Students will love having the chance to contribute a personal message to the yearbook!

3. Design your own emojis

Your students will love a yearbook filled with customized emojis. Use them as captions for pictures, on the cover page, and around action shots. Let your imagination run wild and have some fun creating personalized emojis for your yearbook based on your school mascot.

4. Celebrate your favorite games

Create a yearbook dedicated to the games that your students love to play, whether it’s board games or video games. The cover could be a play on the board game Life or based on a Monopoly board. Or you could gamify the student body, turning them into video game characters and superheroes.

10 Yearbook Ideas: Themes, Pages, Covers & More (2)

5. Include storybook characters

We all have favorite books and fictional characters that teach us about growing up, getting along, and going on adventures. Fill your yearbook pages with colorful designs, inspirational quotes, and whimsical characters from stories you’ve read together.

Side note:It is illegal to use copyrighted art without permission. As an alternative, invite your students to create drawings and stories inspired by the books they love. This idea can work with any set of popular characters, as long as you only include artwork created by your students. For essential illustration tools, make sure to check out our blog.

6. Make a list or photo collage of best moments

Poll the students for their favorite highlights from the school year and then create yearbook pages around those school day memories. Perhaps it was the winning touchdown at the homecoming game or the senior prank that left everyone laughing. Fill your book with plenty of memories and include quotes from the student body.

7. Create a book of student artwork

Show off the incredible talents of your student body in a yearbook filled with their art. For added fun, have a contest among your students to design the cover art of the yearbook. The other submissions can then be used throughout the inside pages. It’s a creative way to get everyone involved.

10 Yearbook Ideas: Themes, Pages, Covers & More (3)

8. Show the year in reverse

Start from the end and move back in time, capturing every memorable moment from the school year. Include dances, sports events, science fairs, etc. You could also incorporate elements of pop culture from the year, such as popular songs, movies, and books. The last page of the book can be filled with pictures from the very first day of the school year.

9. Highlight sports, clubs & special activities

Most yearbooks include a section dedicated to the school’s sports teams, special clubs, and musical groups. Take it one step further by making sports, music, and creative activities the overall theme of your yearbook. Have fun weaving team colors, on-stage highlights, and song lyrics into your yearbook design.

10. Dedicate a section to the graduates

Show the new grads how proud you are by creating several pages to celebrate their achievements, talents, and unique personalities. This could be a space where students can celebrate a goal they achieved, include a fun fact about themselves, or note one of their favorite things. Make it extra special by leaving room for student autographs.

Site note: If you’re interested in creating a graduation photo book, check out our blog for ideas.

So there you have it. 10 creative yearbook ideas and themes to inspire your own tribute to a year of school life. Get started on your yearbook today with Blurb’s free tool Bookwright!

10 Yearbook Ideas: Themes, Pages, Covers & More (2024)


What are some good yearbook questions? ›

  • What is the most challenging task as a senior?
  • What is the most creative excuse you've ever used to get out of a homework assignment?
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?
  • Describe senioritis.
  • What has been the highlight of your senior year?
  • Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?

What is a theme page in a yearbook? ›

A theme is a central idea or concept that sets the tone for telling the story of the year. Repeated throughout the yearbook on cover and endsheets and in opening, closing and dividers, it unifies the storytelling message of the book and gives it personality.

What pages should be included in a yearbook? ›

If you're new to yearbook preparation, there are five categories you must include in the overall design. Class photos, class projects, athletics, extracurricular activities, and autograph pages are essential for a spectacular school yearbook.

What are good class questions? ›

Favorite thing questions
  • What is your favorite book? ...
  • What is your favorite movie? ...
  • What is your favorite subject? ...
  • What is your favorite flavor of chips? ...
  • What is your favorite genre of music? ...
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ...
  • Where is your favorite place in the world? ...
  • What is your favorite part of where you live?
Aug 15, 2022

What are some fun questions to ask students? ›

Interests and Hobbies
  • What are your favorite hobbies?
  • In your free time, what do you like to do?
  • Have you volunteered in your community?
  • What was the hardest part of the past week for you?
  • What is your favorite book?
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What is your favorite color?

What is page themes? ›

A website theme manages the front-end design, establishing the overall appearance and functionality by managing its front-end design. T. hemes determine all design components: page layouts, backgrounds, color palettes, headers and footers, positioning, sizing, and typography.

What are themes in a book? ›

The theme of a story is the underlying message or concept that the author is trying to convey to the reader. The theme of a story is generally an opinion the writer wants to convey through their storytelling.

How do you make a good yearbook page? ›

Yearbook Layout Design: Tips and Tricks for Creating a Beautiful and Cohesive Yearbook
  1. Plan with a Purpose. Before you start designing, have a clear plan in mind. ...
  2. Consistency is Key. ...
  3. Balance and Symmetry. ...
  4. Tell a Story. ...
  5. White Space Matters. ...
  6. Use High-Quality Images. ...
  7. Experiment with Page Elements. ...
  8. Test for Readability.
Sep 27, 2023

How do you determine a yearbook theme? ›

Pick something that resonates well with your audience, and run with it. Go beyond words. Once a verbal idea has been selected, students should look at social media pages, advertisem*nts and websites to gather elements that would help develop the theme concept throughout the entire yearbook.

What are end pages in a yearbook? ›

Endsheets are the thick paper that is attached to both the inside of the cover and the printed pages of the yearbook. You will notice that this hard paper is usually left blank in a choice of color or white for autographs from the student body, or it is designed in one or two inks or in full color.

What are unique themes? ›

Escape from Earth
  • #1 Life on Mars. By 2028, a Mars-themed party could have a very different meaning. ...
  • #2 Galaxy. ...
  • #3 Alien Invasion. ...
  • #4 NASA/Space. ...
  • #5 Night at the Oscars. ...
  • #6 Classic Hollywood. ...
  • #7 Space Jam. ...
  • #8 Alice in Wonderland.

How do you write a unique theme? ›

Look for Your Character's Theme. Theme is always rooted in character. Your characters, specifically your protagonist, will tell you what your theme is about. Even if you try to tack on another theme, what your story is really about is whatever is at the heart of your character's internal struggle.

Do yearbooks have themes? ›

A yearbook theme is the central concept or idea around which the coverage and design of the yearbook are built. It is a visual and verbal statement that helps highlight the memorable experiences throughout the school year, as well as the many students who contribute to the character of the school.

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Fun surveys with friends: Examples of funny survey questions
  • What's the best present you ever received?
  • If you could have only three things on your bucket list, what would they be?
  • What's a bad habit you're trying to break?
  • What's your favorite karaoke song?
Mar 16, 2022

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10 Questions to Ask a High School Graduate

Which teacher had the most impact on you, and what will you remember about them? What was your favorite extracurricular activity and why? What impact did the global COVID-19 pandemic have on your high school experience? What class did you find the most enjoyable and why?

What are some good this or that questions? ›

Funny This or That Questions

Would you rather not brush your teeth for a week or not shower for a month? Would you rather have a bad haircut or bad hair dye? Would you rather a speeding ticket or a parking ticket? Would you rather see babies dressed as animals or animals dressed as humans?


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.