Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (2024)

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By Courtney ODell

4.75 from 16 votes

Jun 19, 2023, Updated Mar 23, 2024

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Easy German Spaetzle Recipe – delicious easy German dumplings for an authentic biergarten comfort food side dish!

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (2)

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Table of contents

  • Homemade German Spaetzle
  • How To Make Spaetzle
    • Recipe FAQs
  • What To Serve With Spaetzle
  • Easy German Spaetzle Recipe
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (3)

Homemade German Spaetzle

This spaetzle is one of our favorite easy side dishes – my kids love it and ask for it all the time. Spaetzle has two steps – parboiling and pan frying, but is incredibly easy to make – anyone can do it! There are only a few basic ingredients, it comes together quickly, and has a rich, buttery flavor – like little tiny dumplings pan fried in butter. Perfect alongside our easy chicken schnitzel recipe!

To see our web story for this recipe, please click here.

One of our favorite dishes to grab when traveling in Germany (before this we’d try to go once or twice a year to visit my brother and sister in law and my niece who live near Heidelberg) is always schnitzel and spaetzle!

There is a biergarten right down the street from my brother in law’s apartment that makes the best schnitzel and has a really fun outdoor dining area – it’s always our first stop when we land in Germany. We make this recipe a lot at home, it brings back so many amazing memories of traveling through Germany!

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (4)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (5)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (6)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (7)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (8)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (9)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (10)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (11)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (12)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (13)

For more of our posts about traveling through Germany, please visit some of our favorites below:

Marksburg Castle, Germany

Heidelberg at Christmas

Heidelberg Castle

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (18)

How To Make Spaetzle

To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • All-purpose flour (1 cup): This is the primary ingredient in spaetzle. It provides the structure and body to the dumplings. All-purpose flour has a medium level of protein, perfect for yielding a soft yet sturdy texture.
  • Milk (¼ cup): The milk helps to tenderize the dough and gives the spaetzle a richer flavor. The fats in milk contribute to a softer, more tender texture.
  • Eggs (2): Eggs act as the binding agent in this recipe. The proteins in eggs set as they cook, helping the spaetzle hold their shape. They also add flavor and richness.
  • Ground nutmeg (½ teaspoon): Nutmeg adds a warm, sweet, and slightly nutty flavor that complements the rich, eggy spaetzle. It’s a traditional spice used in many German dishes, including spaetzle.
  • Freshly ground white pepper (1 pinch): White pepper provides a subtle heat that underlines the other flavors in the spaetzle without overpowering them. It’s milder and less complex than black pepper.
  • Salt (½ teaspoon): Salt enhances the flavors of the other ingredients. It’s essential in most savory recipes, including this one, to season the dough.
  • Boiling hot water (1 gallon): The boiling water cooks the spaetzle, setting the proteins in the flour and eggs to create the noodle’s texture.
  • Butter (2 tablespoons): The butter is used to sauté the spaetzle after boiling, which gives them a slightly crispy exterior and adds a rich, buttery flavor.
  • Chopped fresh green onion (2 tablespoons): Green onions add a fresh, slightly sharp flavor that contrasts well with the rich, buttery spaetzle. They also add a pop of color, making the dish more visually appealing.
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (19)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (20)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (21)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (22)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (23)
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (24)

Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, we will use the following process:

There are two stages to making spaetzle – making the dough and boiling it – and then pan frying in butter.

  • Prep. To form your dough for spaetzle, you’ll mix together flour, pepper, and spices in a large mixing bowl. Form a little well in the flour and add egg and milk into the middle, gently mixing to incorporate. If your dough is very thick, add more milk a tablespoon at a time. Dough should be loose like thick pancake batter, but not so thin it’s runny – somewhere like pumpkin bread texture.
  • Boil noodles. Once your dumpling batter is ready, spoon into spaetzle maker (or use cheese grater or slotted spoon with holes) and “push” batter across to let it drop through the holes into the boiling water below. Boil for about 5 minutes, until dumplings float.
  • Pan fry. When cooked, remove from water with a strainer, and set aside in a large bowl. After parboiling dumplings, pan fry in butter in a nonstick pan, tossing occasionally, until lightly browned and crunchy. The amount of time will vary based on how much spaetzle you put in the pan and how big your pan is – it pan fries faster if using a large pan and cook in smaller batches so it can crisp and brown a bit.
  • Enjoy! Drizzle a little lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper or sliced green onions to serve!
Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (25)

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Homemade Spaetzle

Quality of ingredients: Start with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Use large eggs and unbleached all-purpose flour for the best taste and texture.

Right consistency: The dough should be somewhat elastic and sticky. It should not be as hard as pasta dough, nor as thin as pancake batter. If your dough is too thick, add a little more water or milk. If it’s too thin, add a bit more flour.

Resting the dough: Allow your dough to rest for about 15-30 minutes before you start making the spaetzle. This will allow the flour to fully absorb the liquid, leading to a better texture.

Using a spaetzle maker or colander: Traditional spaetzle is made with a spaetzle maker or a large-holed grater or colander. The dough is pushed through the holes directly into boiling water to create small, irregular dumplings. If you don’t have a spaetzle maker, a large-holed colander or grater can do the trick, but it can be a bit more work.

Boiling and stirring: Make sure the water is boiling before you add the spaetzle, and stir gently after adding the dough to prevent it from sticking together. Spaetzle is done when it floats to the top of the pot.

Rinsing and draining: After boiling, immediately rinse your spaetzle in cold water to stop the cooking process and remove any excess starch. This will help to firm up the noodles and prevent them from sticking together.

Sauteing: For added flavor, saute the cooked spaetzle in a bit of butter until slightly browned. You can also add onions or garlic for extra taste.

Seasoning: Don’t forget to season your spaetzle. While the dough itself usually only contains a small amount of salt, adding more seasoning after cooking will greatly enhance the taste. Try tossing your spaetzle in fresh herbs, cheese, or serving it with a flavorful sauce.

Practice makes perfect: Making spaetzle can be a bit tricky at first, but don’t be discouraged. With a bit of practice, you’ll soon be able to make perfect spaetzle every time.

Recipe FAQs

How Long Does Spaetzle Last?

This spaetzle recipe can last in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to four days.
To reheat, pan fry in a little melted butter until hot and slightly crispy.

What can I use to shape spaetzle?

If you don’t have a spaetzle maker, a slotted spoon or cheese grater works just fine – simply hold above boiling water and push dough across the holes to drop into the boiling water below!
We find long, flat wide-hole cheese graters to work the best.

What is the best flour to use for spaetzle?

The most commonly used flour for spaetzle is all-purpose flour. However, you can also use bread flour for a more chewy texture or substitute a portion of the all-purpose flour with semolina for a firmer result.

Can you make spaetzle without a spaetzle maker?

Yes, you can. You can use a colander or a cheese grater with larger holes. Just press the dough through the holes straight into boiling water.

Can I freeze spaetzle?

Yes, you can freeze spaetzle. After cooking, rinse, drain, and let it cool completely. Then spread it out on a baking sheet and freeze it. Once frozen, you can transfer it to a freezer-safe bag. It can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Can I make spaetzle gluten free?

Yes, you can use a gluten-free flour blend to make spaetzle. The texture might be a bit different, but it should still be delicious. You might also need to adjust the amount of liquid in the recipe, as different flours absorb liquid at different rates.

What should I serve with spaetzle?

Spaetzle is very versatile and can be served with a variety of dishes. It goes well with stews, roasts, and sauces. You can also sauté it with a bit of butter and herbs for a simple side dish, or add cheese to make Käsespätzle, a German version of mac and cheese.

What To Serve With Spaetzle

We often make schnitzel when making spaetzle, but spaetzle goes with all sorts of delicious main dishes. Spaetzle goes perfectly with pork dishes- pork is insanely popular in Germany – pork chops, pork tenderloin, and even pork steaks are fantastic alongside spaetzle.

Meat dishes: Spaetzle is traditionally served with dishes like Sauerbraten (a pot roast, usually of beef, marinated before it’s slow-cooked), Wiener Schnitzel, or bratwurst. It’s also great with roasted pork or beef, or with meaty stews or goulash.

Sauces: The small, dumpling-like noodles are great at soaking up flavors, so they go very well with sauces. Try them with a hearty brown gravy, a creamy mushroom sauce, or even a tomato-based sauce.

Cheese: Spaetzle is delicious when mixed with cheese, such as Emmentaler or Gruyere, in a dish called Käsespätzle. It’s often described as the German version of mac and cheese.

Vegetables: Serve spaetzle alongside roasted or sautéed vegetables. Red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and carrots are traditional choices, but feel free to experiment with your favorites.

Seafood: While not as traditional, spaetzle can also be served with seafood dishes. Try it with pan-seared salmon or shrimp.

In soups: You can add spaetzle to soups just like you would with other types of pasta or noodles. They’re particularly good in hearty, meat-based soups.

For more of our favorite main dishes, visit recent posts below:

Easy Chicken Schnitzel Recipe

German Potato Salad

Alsace Choucroute Garnie Braised Pork Meat Pot

The Best Baked Pork Tenderloin Recipe

To see the rest of our pork recipes, click here. For our chicken dishes, click here!

You can also find our complete main dish recipe archive here.

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (30)

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe

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Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (32)


Easy German Spaetzle Recipe

Easy German Spaetzle Recipe – delicious easy German dumplings for an authentic biergarten comfort food side dish!

Course Side dishes

Cuisine German

Keyword dumplings, german food, side dish

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes minutes

Total Time 20 minutes minutes

Servings 8 servings

Calories 211kcal

Author Courtney O’Dell


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 pinch freshly ground white pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 gallon boiling hot water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh green onion


  • To form your dough for spaetzle, you'll mix together flour, pepper, and spices in a large mixing bowl.

  • Form a little well in the flour and add egg and milk into the middle, gently mixing to incorporate.

  • If your dough is very thick, add more milk a tablespoon at a time.

  • Dough should be loose like thick pancake batter, but not so thin it's runny – somewhere like pumpkin bread texture.

  • Once your dumpling batter is ready, spoon into spaetzle maker (or use cheese grater or slotted spoon with holes) and "push" batter across to let it drop through the holes into the boiling water below.

  • Boil for about 5 minutes, until dumplings float.

  • When cooked, remove from water with a strainer, and set aside in a large bowl.

  • After parboiling dumplings, pan fry in butter in a nonstick pan, tossing occasionally, until lightly browned and crunchy.

  • The amount of time will vary based on how much spaetzle you put in the pan and how big your pan is – it pan fries faster if using a large pan and cook in smaller batches so it can crisp and brown a bit.

  • Drizzle a little lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper or sliced green onions to serve!


Serving: 1g | Calories: 211kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 109mg | Sodium: 393mg | Fiber: 1g

Categorized as:
Pasta, Recipes, Side Dishes, Travel Recipes

About Courtney

Courtney loves to share great wine, good food, and loves to explore far flung places- all while masting an everyday elegant and easy style at lifestyle blog Sweet C’s Designs. Sweet C's devoted to finding the best food and drinks you'll want to make or find, around the world!

Read More About Me

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Easy German Spaetzle Recipe (2024)


What do Germans eat with spaetzle? ›

Spaetzle—also spelled spätzle—originates from Swabia, a region of southwest Germany, and served with hearty dishes like schnitzel and goulash.

What to put on top of spaetzle? ›

I've served the dumplings plain with melted butter and chopped chives. I've crisped them in a pan of brown butter and almonds. I've topped them with hearty beef stew. But layered with cheese and caramelized onions is still my favorite variation.

Can you make spaetzle without a spaetzle maker? ›

If you don't have a spaetzle maker, the batter can be pressed through the holes of a colander with a spatula (just make sure to lift the colander above the boiling water so it doesn't get clogged with cooked dough). I've heard a potato ricer works well, too.

What is German spaetzle made of? ›

Spätzle is a type of pasta or dumpling or noodles. Spätzle dough typically consists of few ingredients, principally eggs, flour, and salt.

What are the top 3 German dishes? ›

These are considered to be national dishes. Of all these regional and national dishes, Germany is most famous for Currywurst, sausages, pretzels and Black Forest Gateau, but as you can see, there is plenty more to German cuisine than just these.

What is the best flour for spaetzle? ›

wheat flour. Type 405 wheat flour is probably the most widely used today for spätzle. Type 405 indicates how high the degree of milling and the content of minerals such as magnesium or potassium. 405 indicates that approximately 405 milligrams of minerals are contained in 100 grams of flour.

How is spaetzle different from pasta? ›

While the ingredients to make the two are quite similar, the processes aren't so much. To make pasta, you form a firm dough that is kneaded, rested, rolled and shaped however you like. On the other hand, spaetzle is a sort of sticky, wet batter that doesn't hold it's shape like a ball of pasta dough would.

How far ahead can you make spaetzle? ›

Make Ahead and Freezing Instructions:

To Make Ahead: Cooked German Spaetzle reheats very well and will keep for several days, stored in a container in the refrigerator. To Freeze: Homemade spaetzle freezes well for 3 or 4 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before rewarming.

Can I use a grater to make spaetzle? ›

They're handy and easy to use. That being said, they're a single-use kitchen tool that isn't 100% necessary for making homemade spaetzle. Flat cheese grater: In my opinion, the easiest tool is one you may already have at home: a flat stainless steel cheese grater with large holes (about 1/4 inch).

Why are my spaetzle tough? ›

If you mix the batter too little it does have a similar consistency to dumplings. If you mix the batter sufficiently and to the right consistency the end product will be “rubbery”. Spaetzle is meant to have a somewhat rubbery consistency once cooked, not soft and squishy.

What is the English name for spaetzle? ›

What is Spaetzle? Spätzle -- or Spaetzle written without the umlaut -- is the German name for a tiny egg noodle. It's technically an egg dumpling since it's cooked in boiling water. It cooks quickly, is very soft, and can be extremely filling if you eat a lot of them!

What do you eat with spaetzle? ›

What to Serve with Spaetzle: A Versatile List to Bring Your Meal...
  1. Meat. • 1 Duck confit. • 1 Sausage.
  2. Produce. • 1 Portobello paprikash.
  3. Canned Goods. • 1 Chicken soup. • 1 Goulash.
  4. Dairy. • 1 Butter style. • 1 Cheese spaetzle.
  5. Frozen. • 1 Roulades. • 1 Swedish meatballs.
  6. Other. • Sauerbraten. • Schnitzel.

What does Spätzle mean in German? ›

German Spätzle, from German dialect, diminutive of Spatz sparrow, dumpling.

What is the difference between spaetzle and knöpfle? ›

The difference lies in their shape. Whereas spaetzle noodles are usually longer and thinner, knoepfle means 'little knot/ button. ' It refers to a shorter, rounder variety of the noodle, often made using a sliding spaetzle maker, which transfers 'droplets' of dough rather than long noodles into the boiling water.

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Top 5 German Side Dishes for Bratwurst
  1. Sauerkraut. ...
  2. Authentic German Potato Salad (Kartoffelsalat) ...
  3. Sweet & Sour Red Cabbage (Rotkohl) ...
  4. Potato Pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer) ...
  5. Our 'Smokehouse Republic' Range of Bratwurst.
Oct 6, 2017

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A German breakfast consists of hearty Brot (breads) and Brötchen (rolls), decorated with butter, sweet jams and local honey, thinly sliced meats, cheese and even some Leberwurst.

What hand do Germans eat with? ›

When dining with Germans, be especially mindful of proper manners. They eat continentally—with the fork in the left hand (tines down) and knife in the right hand throughout. Do not pass the fork back and forth between hands. Don't set down your knife to use the fork alone.


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