Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (2024)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (1)

Here’s a recipe we enjoy every single time we make it! It’s ourEasy “No Peek” Chicken Casserole Recipe! The hubby is a meat and potatoes kinda guy and he requests this dish often. He’s even gone as far as asking for me to tell him how I make it just in case he makes dinner that night. No peek chicken is easy, and delicious.

No Peek Chicken

I also have a crockpot version of this recipe and I plan to write that recipe up in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

There are a couple of different ways to make thisEasy “No Peek” Chicken Casserole Recipe so I will give you all the different variations we’ve tried. We love them all so it’s hard to say which one is a favorite. It all depends on your tastes and if you like bacon or not! We list bacon as an optional ingredient but to us, bacon is never just an option. It’s a MUST!

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Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (2)

  • Easy “No Peek” Chicken Casserole Recipe Ingredients:
  • Chicken (servings for 4)
  • 1 box Uncle Ben’s Long Grain Wild Rice (original recipe)
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can cream of celery soup
  • 2cans water (I use the soup cans to measure the water)
  • Optional: 8 to 10 strips of Bacon
  • Optional: Onion Soup Mix

Easy “No Peek” Chicken Casserole Recipe Instructions:

There are two optional ingredients for this recipe. It’s the Onion Soup Mix and the bacon. You don’t have to make this recipe with either. We love the different varieties so we make it with one or the other at different times. Both ingredients add extra flavor!

In a greased 9 x 13 pan, layer the bacon.

Next, pour the box of Uncle Ben’s Long Grain Wild rice with the season packet first over the bacon.

In a small bowl, combine the cans of cream of celery soup, cream of mushroom soup and water. Whisk it so all the ingredients come together.

NOTE: If you decided to double this recipe cut back on the water and only use 3 cans of water with the doubled ingredients instead of 4 cans of water.

Arrange the raw chicken on top of the rice.

Pour the soup mixture over the chicken.

Sprinkle the onion soup dry mix over the top of the chicken.

Cover the casserole with foil and bake it.

If you are making this dish with big chicken breasts, then bake it at 350 degrees for about 1 1/2 hours and “Don’t Peek!” If you are making this with chicken tenders, then you only need to bake it about 45 minutes to 1hour. Each oven baking times tend to vary so just make sure the chicken is done in the center and the rice is soft when you pull it out of the oven.

Your house will smell amazing!! Seriously, the kids will come out and ask you when dinner is ready! They will learn the smell of this recipe.


If you use bacon, this recipe will not come out greasy as you might expect. But if you use chicken with the skin on it, it may come out a bit greasy. I like to make this recipe with chicken thighs but I remove the skin or buy the skinless chicken thighs for this recipe.

I rarely make this recipe with the onion soup and the bacon at the same time. It borders as a bit too much salt for my taste. I don’t like a lot of salt. I often do just one or the other is my preference.

I’ve also been known to add some mushrooms into this dish too! I might chop up a small onion if I am not using the onion soup mix. It all depends on what I have on hand and if I feel like adding these extra optional ingredients.

I’ve wrapped the bacon around the chicken breasts instead of layering it on the bottom of the pan too. Both ways come out the same as far as the taste of the dish. Layering the bacon on the bottom is easiest for me.

No Peek Chicken Recipe

Here are a few photos I took when I made it:

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (3)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (4)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (5)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (6)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (7)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (8)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (9)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (10)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (11)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (12)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (13)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (14)

We hope you enjoy this Easy “No Peek” Chicken Casserole recipe as much as our family enjoys it!

Feel free to Pin It on Pinterest for later:

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (15)

Easy "No Peek" Chicken Casserole Recipe (2024)


How do you keep chicken from drying out in a casserole? ›

Brine. Like a marinade, a brine helps chicken breast soak up as much moisture as possible before cooking. It only requires three ingredients: water, salt, and a pinch of sugar.

How do you cook boneless skinless chicken breast without drying it out? ›

If you're baking it, keep it covered with a baking sheet or with the pan-top for about 80% of the total baking time, uncover it only when the breast is cooked and tender but there's juices in the pan. Once uncovered, the juices will evaporate quickly in the oven, and you'll have a juicy chicken breast to eat.

How do you keep chicken breast moist when baking? ›

Cooking them at high heat ensures crispy, caramelised edges while retaining a moist, tender consistency on the inside. Once the chicken is golden and caramelised, it's cooked! Let it rest for about 5 minutes to recirculate all of those natural juices through the meat.

What is the secret to tender chicken? ›

The best tenderizer though, is a salted yogurt marinade. The salt has the same effect as in a regular brine, but the lactic acid in the yogurt further tenderizes the meat. A 15-minute marinade with one cup of yogurt and one teaspoon of salt makes for the most tender chicken breasts imaginable.

How to keep chicken moist in the oven without drying? ›

Using a method called “dry-poaching” is best. It involves covering the breasts with a piece of parchment paper before they go in the oven. This allows them to baste in their own juices so they cook up to be tender and juicy.

What can I add to chicken to make it less dry? ›

One simple ingredient will add flavor and keep them from drying out every time: mayo. You read that correctly, mayonnaise isn't just for sandwiches and macaroni salads. Oh no, it's great for ensuring juicy, tender chicken too. Mayonnaise is a flavorful emulsion of eggs, oil, vinegar, and seasonings.

Is it better to bake chicken at 350 or 400? ›

Given the fact that drumsticks and thighs are dark meat and won't dry out as easily as breasts, the range from 350 to 450 degrees is okay for baking them. 350 to 375 is generally best for breasts. The best answer to these questions? Simply check the chicken for doneness using an instant read thermometer.

Should I cover chicken breast with foil when baking? ›

When chicken is covered while baking, it traps steam and moisture within the dish, resulting in juicier results. The covering helps prevent excessive evaporation and keeps the chicken moist throughout the cooking process. Preventing dryness. Chicken tends to dry out more quickly when exposed to direct heat.

What dries out chicken when cooking? ›

6 Chicken Breast Mistakes That Can Easily Leave You With a Dry, Flavorless Meal
  1. You Didn't Thaw Them Soon Enough.
  2. You're Not Using Skin-on, Bone-In.
  3. You're Not Marinating Them.
  4. You're Not Adequately Seasoning Them.
  5. You're Overcooking Them.
  6. You're Not Letting Them Rest.
Jan 4, 2023

Should you cover chicken when baking in the oven? ›

You never have to worry about covering chicken while baking, as it's OK to bake it uncovered. Once your chicken is in the oven, it's hands-free until you need to check the temperature. Then, you can whip up a no-cook appetizer, vegetable or potato side dish, or dessert if you're feeling ambitious.

How to cook chicken breasts so they are tender and juicy? ›

  1. Flatten the chicken breasts. ...
  2. Season the chicken breasts. ...
  3. Heat the pan. ...
  4. Cook the chicken breasts over medium heat for 1 minute without moving. ...
  5. Flip the chicken breasts. ...
  6. Turn the heat down to low. ...
  7. Cover the pan and cook on low for 10 minutes. ...
  8. Turn off the heat and let sit for an additional 10 minutes.

How long to cook chicken breast in oven at 350 without? ›

Cooking tips

Bake a 4-oz. chicken breast at 350°F (177˚C) for 25 to 30 minutes. Use a meat thermometer to check that the internal temperature is 165˚F (74˚C).

What liquid tenderizes chicken? ›

You might have wondered why most chefs or cooks prefer to soak their chicken in buttermilk or yogurt overnight. Well, the answer is simple: they are tenderizing the chicken for cooking later, and that's the secret behind their super delicious, juicy chicken.

What is the best ingredient to tenderize chicken? ›

We recommend marinating your chicken in buttermilk or yogurt overnight, but if it's urgent, then an hour will do. However, the texture of the chicken won't be as even as chicken marinated overnight. The process is simple: you only have to immerse the chicken in a container with enough yogurt or buttermilk and seal it.

How did the Chinese make their chicken so tender? ›

In Chinese cooking, proteins like beef, pork or chicken are velveted first before stir-frying them. There are several ways to velvet, but at its most basic level, it involves marinating meat with at least one ingredient that will make it alkaline. This is what tenderizes the meat, especially cheaper, tougher cuts.

How do you keep meat from drying out in a casserole? ›

Another tip is to make sure the liquid doesn't boil. Cook at a very gentle simmer so that the liquid breaks lazily on the surface. The temperature of the surrounding liquid should be about 180ºF (82ºC). Meat that cooks at too high a temperature, even if it's in liquid, can still become tough and dry.

How to stop chicken drying in the oven? ›

  1. Use thighs. As stated before, the higher fat content will help keep the meat moist.
  2. If you can, salt the meat well before you cook it. Even salting a half an hour before you cook it will get some salt into the muscle. ...
  3. Even a thin layer of mayo on the chicken will help buffer the drying effects of the heat.
Jul 13, 2023

What keeps chicken moist when cooking? ›

Use Baking Soda

That prevents proteins from squeezing together as tightly during cooking, leading to really tender, moist chicken.


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