How to identify your unique skills | Benita Nkechi Agbara posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Benita Nkechi Agbara

Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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8 steps to help you identify your unique skills…Identifying your unique skills involves self-reflection, introspection, and a thorough understanding of your strengths, experiences, and attributes.✅Self-Assessment: Take the time to reflect on your experiences, achievements, and personal qualities. Consider the tasks and activities that you enjoy and excel at. Reflect on the feedback you have received from others regarding your strengths and areas of expertise.✅Identify Transferable Skills: Transferable skills are those that can be applied across various domains or industries. Assess your skills in areas such as communication, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, organization, creativity, and adaptability. Consider how these skills have been valuable in different contexts.✅Review Past Experiences: Look back at your educational, professional, and personal experiences. Identify tasks, projects, or responsibilities where you felt particularly effective or received positive feedback. Reflect on the skills you utilized and developed during those experiences.✅Seek Feedback: Reach out to trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends who can provide objective insights about your strengths and unique abilities. Ask them to share their observations and perspectives on what sets you apart.✅Identify Your Passion and Values: Consider the activities or subjects that you feel deeply passionate about. Passion often aligns with our unique skills and strengths. Additionally, identify your core values and how they shape your approach to work and life. Your unique skills may be closely tied to your values.✅Take Assessments: There are various assessments and tests available that can help identify your unique skills and strengths. Examples include personality assessments (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) or skill assessment tools (e.g., CliftonStrengths). While these assessments provide insights, remember that they are just one part of the process and should be considered in conjunction with self-reflection.✅Experiment and Explore: Try new activities, take on different roles, or pursue projects outside of your comfort zone. Engage in activities that allow you to discover and develop new skills. Pay attention to the tasks and projects that excite you and bring out your best.✅Reflect on Feedback and Successes: Consider the feedback you have received throughout your life and career. Reflect on the accomplishments and successes you have achieved and analyze the skills and qualities that contributed to those achievements.Did you learn something today?Follow me for more valuable Content.🌺#skillsdevelopment #skillsofthefuture ##careerfulfillment

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  • Benita Nkechi Agbara

    Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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  • Benita Nkechi Agbara

    Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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    Love is the greatest Gift of all…Love for what you do…Love for the God you Serve…Love for your Assignment …Love for the people Around you…Love for Imapct…Love for your Purpose…Love for your Neighbours as yourself…Love for your Country…Love for your Parents…Love for LinkedIn ☺️Love to everyone you meet…Love for your Husband/WifeLove for Memories dear to your Heart…Love for the memories you hope to Create…Love for everything you hold dear…In All This, May Love never Depart from our hearts!!!I received the Most memorable present ever in 2024!!!🙂. Happy Valentines Day #linkedinfamily What ways have you decided to share love to all you care about today?#valentinesday2024 #loveandlight #linkedinconnection

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  • Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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    HOW TO CRAFT A PERFECT PITCH TO WIN CLIENTSCrafting a perfect pitch is essential to win clients and convince them to hire your freelance services. Tips to help you create an effective pitch:🟠Understand the client's needs: Before crafting your pitch, thoroughly research the client and their specific needs. Understand their industry, challenges, and goals. Tailor your pitch to address their pain points and demonstrate how your services can provide a solution.🔵Start with a strong introduction: Begin your pitch with a compelling and personalized introduction. Grab the client's attention by highlighting a common problem or sharing a relevant success story that resonates with their situation. Show that you understand their unique situation and are invested in their success.🟢Showcase your expertise and value: Clearly communicate the unique value you bring to the table. Highlight your relevant experience, skills, and achievements that align with the client's needs. Demonstrate how your services can help them achieve their goals or overcome their challenges. Focus on the benefits they will receive by working with you.🟤Keep it concise and focused: Keep your pitch concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming the client with excessive information or jargon. Clearly articulate your main points and the key reasons why they should choose you as their freelancer.🟡Provide social proof: Include testimonials or case studies from satisfied clients to build credibility and trust. Share success stories or metrics that demonstrate the positive results you have achieved for previous clients. This social proof can reassure potential clients of your ability to deliver.🟢Customize your pitch: Avoid using a generic, one-size-fits-all pitch. Tailor your pitch to each client and their specific needs. Refer to their industry, challenges, or goals to show that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in their project.🔵Outline your proposed solution: Clearly outline your proposed solution or approach to the client's project. Explain how you will address their needs, overcome their challenges, or achieve their goals. Provide details on the process, timeline, and deliverables to give the client a clear understanding of what they can expect from working with you.🟢Showcase your professionalism: Present your pitch in a professional and polished manner. Use proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. Pay attention to the tone and language you use to ensure it aligns with the client's expectations and the nature of the project.🟡Include a call to action: Conclude your pitch with a strong call to action. Clearly state the next steps you want the client to take, such as scheduling a call, providing additional information, or moving forward with the project. Make it easy for the client to respond and engage with you.Have a Productive week!!!Follow me for more valuable content 🌺#mondaymindset #clients #pitchingskills

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  • Benita Nkechi Agbara

    Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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    DO THIS 8 THINGS IF YOU'RE STUGGLING TO FIND CLIENTS AS A NEWBIE IN FREELANCINGFinding clients as a newbie in freelancing can be challenging, but with the right strategies and persistence, you can start building your client base. ✅Define your target audience: Identify the specific types of clients you want to work with. Consider factors such as industry, company size, location, and budget. Understanding your target audience will help you tailor your marketing efforts and focus on the right client prospects.✅Utilize freelancing platforms: Sign up for reputable freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, or Guru. These platforms connect freelancers with clients looking for services. Create a compelling profile that highlights your skills, expertise, and previous work. Bid on relevant projects and start building your portfolio and reputation through these platforms.✅Leverage your network: Tap into your existing personal and professional network. Let friends, family, former colleagues, and acquaintances know about your freelance services. They may have connections or know someone who could benefit from your expertise. Word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful way to find clients.✅Utilize social media: Establish a professional presence on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Share valuable content related to your niche, engage with your target audience, and actively participate in relevant groups or communities. Leverage social media to showcase your expertise and connect ✅Guest blogging and content marketing: Offer to write guest blog posts or contribute articles to reputable websites or industry publications. This allows you to demonstrate your knowledge, reach a wider audience, and potentially attract clients who are interested in your expertise.✅Cold emailing or cold calling: Identify potential clients that align with your target audience and reach out to them directly. Craft personalized and compelling emails or make phone calls to introduce yourself, explain how your services can benefit them, and offer to discuss their needs further. Personalization and demonstrating an understanding of their specific challenges can increase your chances of getting a response.✅Attend industry events: Attend conferences, workshops, seminars, or networking events related to your industry or niche. These events provide opportunities to meet potential clients, build relationships, and showcase your expertise. Be proactive in networking and sharing your freelance services with attendees.✅Offer pro bono or discounted work: As a newcomer, consider offering your services at a discounted rate or even for free to a limited number of clients. This can help you build your portfolio, gain testimonials, and establish credibility.Did you find this helpful? Follow me for more valuable tips🌺#freelancingsuccess #clientsfirst #freelancingtips

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  • Benita Nkechi Agbara

    Executive Personal Assistant // I Coach, I Teach,I Speak, I Inspire// Public Speaking// High Income Skills Coach

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    The Extra Mile that Landed her The Job…On this faithful day I had worked all through the night and I had been indoors trying to meet targets, solve my clients problems and meet my deadlines. Seeing that I had sat in front of my computer for so long and I was hungry and tired I went to the kitchen to make some food and as I stepped out of my house to buy some groceries in the nearby store, a neighbour who already knew me, called me and asked that I help her through a job application process as she was struggling to find her way… At this point I was so hungry that I could not stand for long neither could I talk for long as I had already done that for 9 hours straight 😭 at this point the only thing I could tell her was, please let’s do this later when I’m chanced to, but on a second thought I knew she needed my help urgently and seeing that one of my passions is helping people secure jobs and seeing them earn, especially if I’ve been through that process before and scaled through, I am always happy to help. I had this inner strength stem up from my inside and I told her let’s go seat somewhere and I’d show you. We got to a coffee shop and I patiently put her through because I’ve been there. We finished the long application process, I told her to chat me up if she needs anything and I left the coffee shop picked up my groceries from the nearby store and went back home.Two days later she called me, the excitement from her end of the phone, the Joy she felt, I kept mute waiting to hear the good news and she said to be “I got the Job” “I passed the Interview “ I was more excited than she was ☺️ I was so proud of her and the Joy that she will start earning just immediately!!! 💯Sometimes that Extra mile, Extra Act of Kindness, Extra Time, Extra Grace we extend to others to help them makes a great difference. Some days you just want to be alone and feel no one should disturb you, you need your peace and I totally understand. when you get the chance to go the extra mile to make a difference in the lives of others please do. What have you Chosen to do differently to put a smile on the faces of those around you in 2024? Follow me for more valuable insights 🌺#jobsuccess #linkedin #helpingothers

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How to identify your unique skills | Benita Nkechi Agbara posted on the topic | LinkedIn (19)

How to identify your unique skills | Benita Nkechi Agbara posted on the topic | LinkedIn (20)


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How to identify your unique skills | Benita Nkechi Agbara posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.