Freezer Meals Recipes - Sweetphi (2024)


I’m a huge fan of freezer meals recipes, but there is definitely an art with freezer meals. Not everything freezes/thaws well or tastes good out of the freezer, and you want to make sure you have things with different textures so that not everything has the same texture because that can get boring.

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You want a mix of freezer meals that are: things that are made/cooked and all you have to do is heat it up (things like waffles oregg cupsor lasagna), things that are freezer to slow cooker (like freezer to slow cooker jambalaya) and things that are freezer to oven (like make ahead quiche). You want to have a mixture of cooking methods so that nothing gets boring (and don’t forget cookies – one of my favorite things is to make ahead and have in the freezer).

When you have babies, freezer meals are one thing that are a total lifesaver. You’re so tired you don’t remember to cook, and it’s nice to have something ready to go. Freezer meals are also a total lifesaver for crazy busy nights when you’re just too tired to cook.

Hope you enjoy this list of freezer meals recipes!

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Freezer Meal Breakfasts:

  • The best eggless waffles – I love having a batch of these in the freezer for mornings. When I’m tired from sleepless nights, I can pop these waffles in the toaster and still have a super fun waffle morning with Ben! (Something we used to do all the time before the twins). These waffles are Ben’s favorite breakfast food, he has them ALL the time!
  • Egg cups – these egg cups are so versatile and easy to quickly reheat for a quick dish, full of protein. I personally love to put bits of bacon, green pepper and broccoli in mine.
  • Make ahead quiche – I’ll eat this quiche morning, noon and night so it’s great to always keep in the freezer.
  • Smoothie bags – I love putting together freezer bags with smoothie ingredients, it makes enjoying a smoothie in the morning such a breeze. I love these Vitamin C Boost smoothies, these green smoothies that actually taste good, or these cherry chocolate smoothies.
  • Freezer frittata recipe (with salsa and sausage) – this packs so many flavors and is great for a make ahead family breakfast meal prep recipe!

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Freezer Meals Recipes for Dinners (freezer meal mains)

  • Freezer to crock pot jambalaya – this one is a double whammy of easy; freezer meal and crock pot! It requires almost no work to have a delicious dinner on the table any night of the week.
  • Chicken enchilada casserole – You can’t go wrong with Mexican food and this one is a favorite recipe of ours.
  • 5 Ingredient vegetarian freezer burritos – so easy and only 5 ingredients, perfect for a work lunch from the freezer (I microwave them for a minute and then toaster oven for a crispy outside).
  • Summer roasted vegetable lasagna – a new fave of mine! I’ve already eaten it twice since having the twins and could literally eat it everyday. It freezes and re-heats so well
  • Three ingredient pulled pork – this recipe is the best because it’s so versatile. Use the pork for a simple delicious sandwich, tacos or for something as tasty as these pork nachos
  • Turkey meatloaf with roasted vegetables – for a hearty, wholesome meal, I like to turn to meatloaf, but can’t imagine having the time to cook it these days, so this freezer-friendly recipe is perfection.
  • Slow cooker cranberry chicken – a great family meal that can be made for a delicious dinner or made as a freezer to slow cooker meal!
  • Meal prep beef burritos with zucchini – a perfect make-ahead freezer meal that can be re-heated for a quick, easy and hearty dinner.
  • Chicken broccoli alfredo – one of my new favorites to have on hand at all times, it’s easy prep and is super delicious, the whole family will love it!
  • Slow cooker cranberry chicken – this recipe can be made for a delicious dinner or made as a freezer to slow cooker meal with fresh apples, cranberries and rosemary.
  • 5 ingredient freezer to slow cooker honey mustard chicken – this is a great 5 ingredient dinner that can be prepped ahead of time, kept in the freezer and made in the slow cooker!

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Freezer Meal Desserts andSnacks

  • Chocolate chip cookies – I like making the dough, and then scooping the dough into balls and putting the dough balls into a freezer bag, I put wax paper between the layers. My favorite cookie recipes to make a freeze are:
    • Salted caramel chocolate chip cookies
    • Vanilla bean chocolate chunk cookies
    • The best freezer chocolate chip cookies
    • Pumpkin spice latte chocolate chip cookies.

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  • Coconut date energy bites – perfect for when there is not one spare minute in the day (which is pretty much everyday for me!). These little bites keep me full while I’m on the go.
  • Nutty Buddy freezer peanut butter pie – the freezer isn’t just for main meals – I like to keep yummy treats stocked too!
  • Freezer peach crumble – enjoy summertime flavors all year long with this freezer peach crumble – it’s definitely a favorite freezer dessert recipe

Let me know what your favorite frezzer meals recipes are!

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Freezer Meals Recipes - Sweetphi (7)

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  1. […] I also included some freezer meals. […]


  2. […] Freezer Meals Recipes […]


  3. […] Freezer meal recipes roundup with more recipe ideas! […]


  4. […] Freezer Meals Recipes […]


  5. […] lot of great ideas are in the post for freezer meals too because any meal you can prep and freeze works great to grab for work! But I’m more […]


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Freezer Meals Recipes - Sweetphi (2024)


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